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MG Kivelson KK Khurana RJ Walker CT Russell JA Linker DJ Southwood C Polanskey 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1996,273(5273):337-340
During the inbound pass of the Galileo spacecraft, the magnetometer acquired 1 minute averaged measurements of the magnetic field along the trajectory as the spacecraft flew by Io. A field decrease, of nearly 40 percent of the background jovian field at closest approach to Io, was recorded. Plasma sources alone appear incapable of generating perturbations as large as those observed and an induced source for the observed moment implies an amount of free iron in the mantle much greater than expected. On the other hand, an intrinsic magnetic field of amplitude consistent with dynamo action at Io would explain the observations. It seems plausible that Io, like Earth and Mercury, is a magnetized solid planet. 相似文献
PV Hobbs JS Reid RA Kotchenruther RJ Ferek R Weiss 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1997,275(5307):1776-1778
Airborne measurements in smoke from biomass burning in Brazil have yielded optical parameters that permit an improved assessment of the effects of smoke on Earth's radiation balance. The global-mean direct radiative forcing due to smoke from biomass burning worldwide is estimated to be no more than about -0.3 watt per square meter (cooling), compared with +2.45 watts per square meter (warming) due to anthropogenic greenhouse gases. On regional scales, direct radiative forcing due to smoke can be large and might indirectly affect global climate. 相似文献
The herbicidal action of clove oil on cucumber seedlings was characterized under light and dark conditions. Paraquat showed herbicidal activity only under the light condition, whereas the clove oil displayed herbicidal activity in both the light and the dark condition. Specifically, wilting and water content reduction progressed rapidly under both the light and the dark condition 1 h after the clove oil treatment, whereas the paraquat damage occurred only under the light condition 5 h after treatment. The malondialdehyde concentration increased more with the clove oil treatment than with the paraquat treatment under the light and dark conditions. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was stimulated, but the catalase activity decreased in the clove oil treatment. In contrast, both the SOD and catalase activity decreased in the paraquat treatment. These results suggest that clove oil exerts herbicidal effects through a mechanism that is different from that of paraquat. 相似文献
Eleven different hardwood species were injected using a hypo-hatchet with eight different lierbicides during the spring, summer, fall and winter seasons. Late spring to fall injections gave maximum efficacy. All the herbicides were effective at the given concentrations and injection of I ml/2.5 cm of stem diameter, Least effect followed winter injections probably due to poor translocation, little active tree metabolism, and high viscosity of some formulations when air temperatures were near freezing. Spring injection tended to allow revegetation by release of lateral buds after apical meristems and leaves had been killed. Multiple clumps of red maple stems were not well controlled by single stem injection. Quatre saisons de traitement herbicide par injection de ligneux à bois dur Onze espéces ligneuses à bois dur ont été traitées par injection en utilisant une hachette spéciale, avec 8 herbicides, au printemps, en été. en automne et en hiver. Les traitements faits de la fin du printemps à l'automne ont donné le maximum d'efficacité. Tous les herbicides ont été actifs aux concentrations données et pour un volume d'injection de 1 ml pour 2,5 cm de diamétre de tige. L'effet plus faible des injections faites en hiver est probablement du à une faible migration, au métabolisme peu actif dans les arbres et à la viscositéélevée de certaines formulations lorsque les températures de I'air avoisinaient le gel. Les injections de printemps ont montré une tendance à un nouveau départ de la végétation par libération de bourgeons latéraux aprés la mort des méristémes apicaux et des feuilles. De nombreux rejets de tiges d'érable n'ont pas été détruits par une injection unique dans la tige. Herbizid-Injektionen bei Laubbdämen in vier Jahreszeiten Mit Hilfe eines Spezialbeils wurden im Frühjahr, Sommer, Herbst’ und Winter Laubbäumen 11 verschiedener Arten acht verschiedene Herbizide injiziert. Injektionen vom späten Frühjahr bis zum Herbst zeigten die beste Wirkung. Mit einer Injektion von 1 ml je 2.5 cm Stammdurchmesser waren alle Herbizide in den gewählten Konzentrationen wirkungsvoll. Den geringsten Effekt zeigten Injektionen im Winter, was wahrschein- lich auf ungenügende Translokation, geringe Stoffwechselaktivität der Bäume im Winter und hohe Viskosität einiger Formulierungen bei Lufttemperaturen in der Nähe des Gefrierpunktes zurückzuführen ist. Injektionen im Frühjajr konnten nach Abtötung von apikalen Meristemen und Blattwerk durch Entwieklung von Seitenknospen zu einem gewissen Austrieb führen. Baumgruppen von Rotahorn liessen sich durch eine einzelne Stamminjektion mit nur mässigem Erfolg bekämpfen. 相似文献
CM Volk JW Elkins DW Fahey RJ Salawitch GS Dutton JM Gilligan MH Proffitt M Loewenstein JR Podolske K Minschwaner JJ Margitan KR Chan 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1996,272(5269):1763-1768
Airborne in situ observations of molecules with a wide range of lifetimes (methane, nitrous oxide, reactive nitrogen, ozone, chlorinated halocarbons, and halon-1211), used in a tropical tracer model, show that mid-latitude air is entrained into the tropical lower stratosphere within about 13.5 months; transport is faster in the reverse direction. Because exchange with the tropics is slower than global photochemical models generally assume, ozone at mid-latitudes appears to be more sensitive to elevated levels of industrial chlorine than is currently predicted. Nevertheless, about 45 percent of air in the tropical ascent region at 21 kilometers is of mid-latitude origin, implying that emissions from supersonic aircraft could reach the middle stratosphere. 相似文献
Females of the Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina, exploit sheep dung as a source of protein for egg development. Flies fed on dung collected from sheep 1 to 6 days after being drenched with the broad-spectrum antiparasitic drug ivermectin showed delayed reproductive development and reduced fecundity. Male and female survival was also reduced. Despite these effects, except where the recommended frequency of drenching (1 to 4 times per annum) is greatly exceeded, it is unlikely that ivermectin residues will affect any useful reduction in blowfly populations. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To determine the cause of an epidemic of blindness in kangaroos. DESIGN AND PROCEDURES: Laboratory examinations were made of eyes and brains of a large number of kangaroos using serological, virological, histopathological, electron microscopical, immunohistochemical methods, and PCR with cDNA sequencing. In addition, potential insect viral vectors identified during the disease outbreak were examined for specific viral genomic sequences. SAMPLE POPULATION: For histopathological analysis, 55 apparently blind and 18 apparently normal wild kangaroos and wallabies were obtained from New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia. A total of 437 wild kangaroos and wallabies (including 23 animals with apparent blindness) were examined serologically. RESULTS: Orbiviruses of the Wallal and Warrego serogroups were isolated from kangaroos affected with blindness in a major epidemic in south-eastern Australia in 1994 and 1995 and extending to Western Australia in 1995/96. Histopathological examinations showed severe degeneration and inflammation in the eyes, and mild inflammation in the brains. In affected retinas, Wallal virus antigen was detected by immunohistochemical analysis and orbiviruses were seen in electron microscopy. There was serological variation in the newly isolated Wallal virus from archival Wallal virus that had been isolated in northern Australia. There were also variations of up to 20% in genotype sequence from the reference archival virus. Polymerase chain reactions showed that Wallal virus was present during the epidemic in three species of midges, Culicoides austropalpalis, C dycei and C marksi. Wallal virus nucleic acid was also detected by PCR in a paraffin-embedded retina taken from a blind kangaroo in 1975. CONCLUSION: Wallal virus and perhaps also Warrego virus are the cause of the outbreak of blindness in kangaroos. Other viruses may also be involved, but the evidence in this paper indicates a variant of Wallal virus, an orbivirus transmitted by midges, has the strongest aetiological association, and immunohistochemical analysis implicates it as the most damaging factor in the affected eyes. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: The auditory characteristics of pelagic fish have received lessattention compared to those of benthic or freshwater fish species,even though underwater sounds are considered to affect their behavior.Audiograms of five spotlined sardines were obtained using the auditorybrainstem response technique in which the evoked potential on theskin covering the head of the fish was measured. The auditory brainstemresponse is a non-invasive electrophysiological method that enablesthe auditory threshold level of fragile species, such as spotlinedsardines, to be measured. The gas bladder of the spotlined sardinehas been considered as possibly contributing to an enhancement intheir hearing. In the test, the sound absorption profile of sardineswas also measured. The frequency at the lowest auditory thresholdlevel (i.e. the most sensitive frequency) and absorption were foundat 1024 Hz and 1040 Hz, respectively. The spotlinedsardine was found to be sensitive to sounds at relatively higherfrequency ranges compared to other seawater fishes and the gas bladderis seen to play a significant role in detecting sound. 相似文献
Results of immunochemical analysis of sera from 335 offspring of 81 litters of rabbits are consistent with the hypothesis that the isoantigenic sites, RGG-I and RGG-II, of the gamma-globulins are controlled by a single allelic pair of autosomal genes with both specificities exhibited by the heterozygote. The three genotypes may be designated gamma(I)/gamma(I), gamma(II)/gamma(II), and gamma(I)/gamma(II). 相似文献