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The carotenoid astaxanthin (Axn) plays a vital role in shrimp pigmentation, with direct influence on product quality, and forms a significant cost component of shrimp aquaculture feeds. However, the effects of dietary Axn on other measures of shrimp physiological performance are varied, and the efficiency of carotenoid uptake from the diet and deposition in shrimp tissues is poorly defined. This study fed juvenile shrimp (Penaeus monodon) diets that contained 0, 25, 50 or 100 mg kg?1 Axn for 6 weeks. Shrimp fed carotenoid‐free diets had significantly reduced colour and growth than those fed carotenoids, but survival was unaffected. Carotenoid digestibility improved as dietary carotenoid levels increased, and was 98.5% in shrimp fed 100 mg kg?1 Axn. After 6 weeks, whole body carotenoid levels were significantly depleted in 0 or 25 mg kg?1 fed shrimp, compared with those fed 50 or 100 mg kg?1 or compared with initial shrimp. This study also showed that Axn monoesters were enriched with saturated fatty acids, whereas Axn diesters were enriched with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Combined, these studies demonstrate that a total dietary carotenoid intake of between 25 and 50 mg kg?1 Axn is required for normal shrimp growth and health in P. monodon. Evidence suggests that there is a functional role for the accumulation of carotenoids and the formation of specific Axn fatty acid esters, and these may be linked to the metabolism, storage, mobilization or deposition of Axn within various tissues.  相似文献   


Wildlife conservation requires understanding how landscape context influences habitat selection at spatial scales broader than the territory or habitat patch.


We assessed how landscape composition, fragmentation, and disturbance affected occurrence and within-season site-fidelity of a declining grassland songbird species (Henslow’s Sparrow, Ammodramus henslowii).


Our study area encompassed eastern Kansas (USA) and North America’s largest remaining tracts of tallgrass prairie. We conducted 10,292 breeding-season point-count surveys over 2 years, and related occurrence and within-season site-occupancy dynamics of sparrows to landscape attributes within 400-, 800-, and 1600-m radii.


Sparrows inhabited < 1% of sites, appearing and disappearing locally within and between breeding seasons. Early in spring, sparrows responded to landscape attributes most strongly within 400-m radii, settling in areas containing > 50% unburned prairie. Later in summer, sparrows responded to landscape attributes most strongly within 800-m radii, settling in areas containing > 50% unfragmented prairie, including sites burned earlier the same year. Sparrows avoided landscapes containing woody vegetation, disappeared from hayfields after mowing, and were most likely to inhabit landscapes containing Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields embedded within rangeland.


Landscape context influenced habitat selection at spatial scales broader than both the territory and habitat patch. Protecting contiguous prairies from agricultural conversion and woody encroachment, promoting CRP enrollment, and maintaining portions of undisturbed prairie in working rangelands each year are critical to reversing the conservation crisis in North America’s remaining grasslands. As landscape change alters natural areas worldwide, effective conservation requires suitable conditions for threatened species at multiple spatial scales.
Patterns in larval transport of coastal species have important implications for species connectivity, conservation, and fisheries, especially in the vicinity of a strengthening boundary current. An Ocean General Circulation Model for the Earth Simulator particle tracking model was used to assess the potential dispersal of Eastern King Prawn (EKP) larvae Melicertus (Penaeus) plebejus, an important commercial and recreational species in Eastern Australia. Particles were exposed to a constant natural mortality rate, and temperature‐dependent growth (degree‐days) was used to determine the time of settlement. Forward and backward simulations were used to identify the extent of larval dispersal from key source locations, and to determine the putative spawning regions for four settlement sites. The mean dispersal distance for larvae was extensive (~750–1,000 km before settlement), yet the northern spawning locations were unlikely to contribute larvae to the most southern extent of the EKP range. There was generally great offshore dispersal of larvae, with only 2%–5% of larvae on the continental shelf at the time of settlement. Our particle tracking results were combined with existing site‐specific reproductive potentials to identify the relative contributions of larvae from key source locations. Although mid‐latitude sites had only moderate reproductive potential, they delivered the most particles to the southern coast and are probably the most important sources of larval EKP for the two southern estuaries. Our modelling suggests that mesoscale oceanography is a strong determinant of recruitment success of the EKP, and highlights the importance of both larval dispersal and reproductive potential for understanding connectivity across a species’ range.  相似文献   
Phytophthora ramorum, cause of sudden oak death, has been distributed widely across the United States in horticultural situations, but is not established in forests outside of California and Oregon. Here, it has triggered widespread concern and, especially in Oregon, an intensive disease management programme. Now, we provide the first systematic evaluation of the efficacy of that effort. This paper evaluates four measures of the efficacy of Sudden Oak Death (SOD) local eradication treatments: inoculum availability; inoculum from tree species other than tanoak; disease spread from treated areas; and cumulative infested area with and without treatment. We conclude that local treatments demonstrably reduce local inoculum levels. Eradication of SOD from infested sites is difficult but not impossible. The disease usually does not persist after cutting infected trees but spread on the landscape continues because the pathogen may be present on undetected new infections for a year or two before whole tree symptoms are visible. This limits early detection and coupled with delays in completing eradication treatments, prolongs the chances for long‐distance aerial dispersal.  相似文献   
Several published polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers to identify Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, the causal organism of bacterial canker of kiwifruit, were found not to be specific. Two new sets of PCR primers, PsaF1/R2 and PsaF3/R4, were designed to be complementary to a portion of the 16S–23S rDNA intertranscribed spacer (ITS) regions. These primers amplified a DNA fragment from strains of P. syringae pv. actinidiae, but not from 56 strains of bacteria from six genera and 17 species, except for a strain of the tea pathogen, P. syringae pv. theae. When tested against DNA extracted from a further 20 strains from Japan, Korea, Italy and the USA deposited in culture collections as P. syringae pv. actinidiae, all except six cultures produced the expected product of 280 bp with PsaF1/R2 and 175 bp with PsaF3/R4. Results of multilocus sequence analysis using five housekeeping genes (gyrB, acnB, rpoD, pgi and cts) showed that none of these six strains was phylogenetically similar to P. syringae pv. actinidiae. In contrast to the P. syringae pv. actinidiae type strain, these strains were positive in the determinative tests for ice nucleation and syringomycin production. It is suggested that these six strains were incorrectly identified as P. syringae pv. actinidiae. It was not possible to distinguish P. syringae pv. actinidiae from the phylogenetically similar P. syringae pv. theae using the ITS, gyrB, acnB, rpoD, pgi or cts gene regions to design PCR primers. Because P. syringae pv. theae is unlikely to be found on kiwifruit, primers PsaF1/R2 and PsaF3/R4 are recommended for screening bacteria isolated from kiwifruit tissue.  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of a study that explores the relationship between farm woodland owners’ stated intentions for owning woodland, and the structure and composition of these woodlands in the states of Illinois, Indiana and Iowa in the upper Midwest of the United States. Data from two sample-based inventories conducted by the USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program were combined for this analysis—the FIA forest resources inventory and the National Woodland Owner Survey (NWOS). We looked for relationships between product value and investment in woodlands, as reflected in volumes and tree quality. We also examined whether measures of diversity reflected specific management focus. Our results partially supported our hypotheses. Woodland-focused ownership reasons were found to have larger volumes and individual tree sizes. We found that a passive woodland ownership reason—that woods were “part of the farm”—generally had lower volumes per hectare. Although we were not able to differentiate between different forest product classes and measures of volume, we did find that those landowners who harvested veneer had more volume than those who harvested for firewood. Woodland owners who salvage-harvested their woodlands—a harvesting reason that is more reactive than proactive—exhibited lower volumes per hectare than those who harvested for more proactive, product-focused reasons. Biodiversity was also found to be related to the ownership focus and harvest intent. Generally, there was lower diversity in overstory species when the woodland was viewed merely as “part of the farm,” when the product harvested was fence posts and when timber was harvested for salvage or land clearing. The small sample size limits our analysis, but we can conclude that focusing the woodland owners on management of their woodlands—regardless of what the specific management goals might be—should increase productivity and biodiversity of those woodlands.
W. Keith MoserEmail:
Tropical savannas cover approximately 20% of the earth’s land area, and therefore represent an important carbon store. Under scenarios of future climate change it is thus important to understand the demographic processes determining tree cover, namely tree recruitment, growth and mortality. This study measured tree recruitment and mortality in 123 (0.08 h) plots in Kakadu, Nitmiluk and Litchfield National Parks, in the Australian monsoonal tropics, over two consecutive 5-year intervals. Plots were located in two important habitats, both dominated by eucalyptus—lowland savanna and savanna growing on sandstone plateaux. All trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥5 cm were tagged and identified. Recruitment was calculated as the proportion of tagged trees present at the end of an interval that were not present at the beginning. There were a total of 6666 and 6571 tree-intervals for mortality and recruitment, respectively. We used Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)-based model selection and multi-model inference to relate tree mortality and recruitment to fire frequency, mean annual rainfall (MAR), stand basal area, tree density and eco-taxonomic group. Recruitment decreased with tree density in both savanna types, and in lowland savanna, with the frequency of fires. In sandstone savanna, recruitment increased with MAR. Effects of fire on recruitment were better explained by season than severity of fire, while fire severity had a stronger influence on mortality. Mortality decreased with tree size up to about 25 cm DBH, but increased sharply when DBH exceeded 50 cm. Mortality increased with stand basal area, and increased with the frequency of late dry season fires in lowland savanna only. There was little evidence that mortality was affected by the frequency of early dry season fires or MAR. Both recruitment and mortality rates were higher for Acacia and Proteaceae species than for pantropical or Myrtaceae (including Eucalyptus) species. We identified several negative feedbacks, mediated by changes in tree density and stand basal area that help confer long-term stability to savanna tree cover. Nonetheless, changes such as a long-term increase in MAR or an increase in frequency or severity of fires are likely to result in changes in tree density, stand basal area and therefore carbon storage potential of savannas.  相似文献   
土壤在作物的生长过程中起到了重要的作用,所以对于基于决策的作物生产管理,土壤信息是必需的。传统的土壤取样获取土壤信息技术耗时且成本高,尤其是对于大规模农田土壤信息测量。目前一些近地面的可连续测量的土壤信息传感器技术能够提供高精度的数字土壤信息地图,然而这些商业化的技术成熟的传感器通常需要单独使用。该文提出了将γ射线光谱仪GR320、利用电磁感应原理的EM38和EM31以及Veris 3100和Veris pH这些可在农田近地面连续测量的土壤特性测试传感仪器集成在一起同时使用的方案,介绍了此集成系统的硬件设备和相关特性参数以及今后需要继续研究解决的问题。利用该系统可一次获得不同的土壤特性参数数据,如土壤矿物质含量,不同深度的土壤电导率值和土壤pH值等,可避免多次测量车辆行走对土壤的压实。多传感器数据之间的互相补充可以进一步提高且更有利于精确农业中基于土壤信息的决策规划。该系统适用于大面积农田土壤特性测量。  相似文献   
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