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AIM: To document the efficacy of five commercially available mydriatics for their potential for diagnostic and therapeutic use in Angora goats.

METHODS: Over 8 weeks, the mydriatic effects of 1% tropicamide, 2% homatropine, 1% cyclopentolate, 1% atropine and 0.25% hyoscine were evaluated. Given as block treatments, drugs were applied randomly to one eye of 10 Angora goats, and the contralateral eye served as a control. Vertical and horizontal pupil diameters were measured to document onset ofeffect, time to reach a difference of 5 mm in the vertical/horizontal pupil diameter between eyes, time to maximum pupillary dilation, and duration of mydriatic action.

RESULTS: Onset of mydriasis for all drugs occurred within 15 minutes. Time to reach a difference of 5 mm in the vertical pupil diameter between eyes was shortest for 1% tropicamide and 0.25% hyoscine (0.5 h), then 2% homatropine and 1% atropine (0.75 h), and longest for 1% cyclopentolate (1.5 h). The maximum vertical pupillary dilation occurred earliest with 1% tropicamide and 1% atropine (2 h), followed by 0.25% hyoscine (3 h), 2% homatropine (4 h), and latest with 1% cyclopentolate (8 h). The duration of vertical dilation of the pupil was shortest with 1% tropicamide (6 h), then 2% homatropine (12 h), 1% cyclopentolate (12 h), 1% atropine (24 h), and longest for 0.25% hyoscine (96 h).

The time to reach maximum horizontal dilation of the pupil in treated eyes was shortest with 1% cyclopentolate (1 h), followed by 1% tropicamide (1.5 h), 0.25% hyoscine (3 h), 2% homatropine (3.5 h), and 1% atropine (4 h). The duration of horizontal pupil dilation was shortest with 1% tropicamide (4.5 h), and longest with 0.25% hyoscine (48 h).

CONCLUSION: All five mydriatics induced clinical dilation. Tropicamide (1%) had the shortest duration of effect, but gave incomplete dilation. Good dilation was achieved with 1% cyclopentolate and 2% homatropine, but took too long to reach maximum dilation for routine mydriasis. The largest vertical dilation of the pupil was achieved with 1% atropine and 0.25% hyoscine, but pupils remained dilated for more than 24 h.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For routine mydriasis in goats, it is recommended that 1% tropicamide be used, though there may be incomplete dilation. For a longer duration of mydriasis, such as in the treatment of anterior uveitis, 1% atropine or 0.25% hyoscine would be the drugs of choice.  相似文献   
A 7-year-old male neutered domestic shorthair cat was referred for worsening gastrointestinal and haematologic abnormalities. Physical status deteriorated further despite intravenous crystalloids, blood transfusion and nutritional support. Cardiorespiratory signs developed and the cat died suddenly while straining to defaecate. Diffuse thrombosis, pulmonary thromboembolism, metastatic pancreatic carcinoma and histologic evidence of cardiomyopathy were present at necropsy. This is the first reported case of feline pulmonary thromboembolism associated with defaecation syncope. Predisposing factors for thrombotic disease in this case and aspects of human defaecation syncope are discussed. The risk of clot dislodgement by the Valsalva manoeuvre in patients with a thrombotic tendency is highlighted.  相似文献   
Normal drainage of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the equine eye occurred through conventional and unconventional routes. To determine the degree of uveoscleral outflow in the pony, 1- and 3-microns (diam) microspheres were perfused through the anterior chamber for 60 and 90 minutes. Two eyes were treated with pilocarpine before perfusion of spheres to observe any effect on outflow. Presence of spheres was detected by scanning electron microscopy and verified by light microscopy. By 60 minutes of the perfusion, 1- and 3-microns spheres thoroughly infiltrated the anterior uveal trabecular meshwork. The 3-microns spheres were notably excluded from the corneoscleral trabecular meshwork, whereas the 1-micron spheres packed into the corneoscleral trabecular meshwork and mixed with the angular aqueous plexus and intrascleral plexus vessels. After 90 minutes, 1- and 3-microns spheres penetrated the prominent supraciliary space and mixed with the suprachoroidea of the midchoroid. The 1-micron spheres infiltrated tissues more extensively than did the 3-microns spheres, packing into the anterior meshwork and supraciliary space and also moving as far posterior as the suprachoroidea of the peripapillary retina. Spheres also entered the iris, mostly at the root. Several 3-microns spheres moved into the interstitial spaces around axon bundles and vessels in the iris. The 1-micron spheres packed into these spaces in the iris root and were observed in the lumens of iris vessels. Single 1-micron spheres were observed in the lumens of choroidal vessels posteriorly. The present study supported evidence for uveoscleral and uveovortex flow in the horse and indicated that it may be more extensive than that in other species investigated (ie, the dog).  相似文献   
Leptin is an adipocyte-derived hormone that suppresses feed intake and increases energy expenditure. Leptin is also involved in regulating body temperature. Thus, the presence of leptin in milk, which can be absorbed through the gut of neonates immediately after birth, may aid in the survival of neonates born in cold weather. Our objectives were to determine the temporal relationship between concentrations of leptin in postpartum ewe blood serum and ewe milk serum, and to determine whether ewe blood and milk serum leptin concentrations were correlated with concentrations of leptin in lamb blood serum in their off-spring. Approximately 1 wk before the expected date of lambing, blood samples, weights, and body condition scores (BCS; 0 to 5 scale) were collected from 27 mixed-parity ewes. Following parturition, ewe blood and milk samples were collected within 2 h of parturition (d 0), 12 h (d 0.5) and 24 h (d 1) after parturition, again on d 5, and weekly thereafter until d 47. Lambs were blood-sampled and weighed within 2 h of parturition (d 0), bled daily until d 5, and bled and weighed weekly thereafter to d 47. Prior to lambing, ewe blood serum leptin was positively correlated with congruent BCS (r2 = 0, 10, P = 0.06), but not weight (P = 0.14). Following parturition, ewe blood serum leptin was positively correlated with BCS, weight, and milk serum leptin (r2 = 0.14, P < 0.0001, r2 = 0.12, P < 0.0001, and r2 = 0.028, P = 0.04). Leptin in milk serum was correlated with ewe weight (r2=0.05, P = 0.007) but not ewe BCS (P = 0.7); however, concentrations of leptin in both ewe blood and milk serum varied with day of lactation (P = 0.0001), being maximal within 24 h of parturition and declining to nadir concentrations by d 5. Leptin in lamb serum was correlated with milk serum leptin, (r2 = -0.05; P = 0.001), but not ewe blood serum leptin (P = 0.5). Concentrations of leptin in lamb serum increased from birth to d 5 and declined thereafter to nadir concentrations by d 19. Elevated concentrations of leptin in milk during the early stages of lactation may provide a mechanism for thermoregulation, satiation, and homeostatic endocrine control in the neonate.  相似文献   
Malignant neoplasia in 4 alpacas was characterized by acute onset of clinical signs and rapidly deteriorating condition. Postmortem examination revealed metastatic or multicentric neoplasia in the abdominal organs of alpacas 1, 3, and 4 and an extensive thoracic mass in alpaca 2. Immunohistochemical stains supported a diagnosis of B-cell lymphosarcoma in alpacas 1-3 and a neuroendocrine neoplasm in alpaca 4.  相似文献   
Drought is becoming a major threat to rice farming across the globe owing to the depletion of water tables in rice-growing belts. Drought affects rice plants at multiple stages, causing damage at morphological and physio-biochemical levels, leading to severe losses that exceed losses from all other stresses. The amalgamation of conventional breeding methods with modern molecular biology tools and biometrical methods could help accelerate the genetic gain for drought tolerance in rice. Many drought-tolerance traits with genetic determinants have been identified and exploited for tolerance rice variety breeding. The integration of genome-wide association study and genomic selection tools with speed breeding shortened the breeding cycle and aided in rapid improvement of genetic gain. In this review, we emphasized the progress made through classical breeding as well as the limitations and usefulness of current genomic methods in improving drought tolerance. We briefly addressed methods for identifying genetic determinants for drought tolerance and deploying them through genomics-assisted breeding programmes to develop high-yielding drought-tolerant rice cultivars.  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the exogenous recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on plasma concentrations of insulin‐like growth factor I (IGF‐I), insulin and semen quality of bulls. Twenty bulls (Aberdeen Angus and Brangus) were divided by breed into two groups. Placebo group was injected with NaCl 0.9% (s.c.) and treatment group with rbST (s.c., 500 mg) at days 0 and 14 of the experiment. Immediately after semen collection, blood samples were taken on days 0, 14, 28, 42 and 56 of the experiment. Semen was also collected on day 70 of the experiment. Evaluation of sperm motility was performed at pre‐freezing and post‐thawing stage, whereas assessment of sperm membrane integrity was performed after freezing and thawing. Analysis of data revealed that the effect of treatment and treatment‐by‐collection day on plasma concentrations of IGF‐I and insulin was not significant. However, mean plasma concentrations of IGF‐I and insulin were affected (p < 0.0001) by days of blood sampling. Effect of treatment and treatment‐by‐collection day on motility of spermatozoa was similar (p > 0.05) at pre‐freezing and post‐thawing stage. Intactness of plasmalemma and tail membrane of spermatozoa at post‐thawing stage was higher (p < 0.05) in rbST‐treated group than in control. In conclusion, rbST did not affect plasma concentrations of IGF‐I and insulin, however, it did improve post‐thaw sperm membrane integrity.  相似文献   
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