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Sanchez  A. L.  Horrill  A. D.  Howard  B. J.  Singleton  D.  Mondon  K. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1998,106(3-4):403-424
The activity concentrations of 137Cs,238 Pu, 239,240Pu and 241Am were measured in root mat and vegetation samples collected from tide washed pastures in 17 estuaries spanning the eastern seaboard of the Irish Sea, extending from the Solway in north-west England to St. David's Head in south Wales. Some of these estuaries had been investigated in previous surveys, but this study is unique in that it covered a wide geographic range using the same sampling and analytical methodology and within a comparatively short time scale. This allows for a valid comparison within the data set of the contamination levels at the different areas. Spatial distributions of the radionuclides were consistent with transport of radionuclides discharged to the Irish Sea from the Sellafield Nuclear Reprocessing Plant, with the highest activities occurring in the Esk estuary (closest to Sellafield) and lowest at the Welsh sites. Measurable activity concentrations of238 Pu and 239,240Pu were found in root mat samples from the Solway estuary to as far south as the Gwyrfai in Wales and showed an average238 Pu/239,240Pu ratio of 0.2, consistent with Sellafield-derived Pu. The ratios of137 Cs/241Am increased with distance from the source, with values of 1:1 in estuaries near Sellafield to ratios between 2 and 5 in estuaries further south and in excess of 10:1 in Wales. This is probably due to the more rapid movement of dissolved137 Cs in Irish Sea waters compared with the actinides. In contrast, 241Am and 239,240Pu behave similarly with consistent ratios of between 2:1 and 3:1, as both are associated with particulates. Dose assessment calculations suggest that external exposure would be a maximum of 530 µSv at the most contaminated spot at the Esk estuary. Relatively lower doses arise from the ingestion of animal products (along the soil-vegetation-grazing animal pathway) due to the low availability of sediment-associated radionuclides for gut transfer. The dose assessment calculations highlight the importance of using the appropriate transfer parameters that take into account this low bioavailability.  相似文献   
A need to improve larval rearing techniques led to the development of protocols for catecholamine‐induced settlement of flat oyster, Ostrea angasi, larvae. To further refine these techniques and optimize settlement percentages, the influence of salinity or temperature on development of O. angasi larvae was assessed using epinephrine‐induced metamorphosis. Larvae were reared between salinities of 15–35 and temperatures between 14.5 and 31°C. The greatest percentage survival, growth, development occurred when larvae were reared between 26 and 29°C and between salinities of 30 and 35. Larvae reared outside this salinity and temperature range exhibited reduced growth, survival and/or delayed development. Short‐term (1 h) reduction in larval rearing temperature from 26°C to 23.5°C significantly increased larval metamorphosis without affecting larval survival. Short‐term (1 h) increase in larval rearing temperature from 26°C to 29 and 31°C decreased larval survival and metamorphosis. To ensure repeatability in outcomes, tests showed that larvae sourced from different estuaries did not vary significantly in their metamorphic response to short‐term temperature manipulation and epinephrine‐induced metamorphosis.  相似文献   
Movement and migration of fish are critical for sustaining riverine fish populations. Water resource development alters natural flow regimes and can disconnect habitats and interfere with hydrological cues for fish movement. Environmental flow releases can counter these impacts, but to be effective they must be based on quantitative flow–biota relationships. We used radio‐telemetry to investigate the association between flow and movement of Tandanus bostocki, a plotosid fish endemic to south‐western Australia. Movement was assessed for 15 adult fish at three temporal scales: weekly, daily and bihourly to reveal seasonal patterns in movement, movement around individual flow pulses, and to describe changes in home range respectively. We used a predictive modelling approach to assess the importance of discharge and other covariates on the directional distance travelled or linear home range size. Our seasonal and flow pulse study revealed that T. bostocki undertook larger downstream movements during higher flows and smaller upstream movements during lower flows. Daily movements tended to be downstream on the ascending limb of flow pulses and upstream on the descending limb. Flow‐dependent movements at weekly or daily time scales were relatively modest (typically hundreds of metres) and were moderated by time of year and gender; however, fish underwent a synchronised 1‐km movement upstream during the known reproductive period in October. The home range study revealed that T. bostocki had larger home ranges (night‐time foraging) when baseflow was elevated. These results can assist the design of customised environmental flows in the study river and other flow‐regulated rivers.  相似文献   
Traits that promote rapid growth and seedling recruitment when water is plentiful may become a liability when seedlings encounter drought. We tested the hypothesis that CO2 enrichment reinforces any tradeoff between growth rate and drought tolerance by exaggerating interspecific differences in maximum relative growth rate (RGR) and survivorship of drought among seedlings of five woody legumes. We studied invasive species of grasslands that differ in distribution along a rainfall gradient. Survivorship of drought at ambient CO2 concentration ([CO2]) was negatively related to RGR in well-watered seedlings in one of two experiments, but the relationship was weak because interspecific differences in RGR were small. Contrary to our hypothesis, there was no significant relationship among well-watered seedlings between RGR at ambient [CO2] and either the relative or absolute increase in RGR at elevated [CO2]. As predicted, however, CO2 enrichment reinforced interspecific differences in survivorship of seedlings exposed to similar rates of soil water depletion. Doubling [CO2] improved seedling survivorship of the most drought-tolerant species throughout the period of soil water depletion, but did not consistently affect survivorship of more drought-sensitive species. Midday xylem pressure potentials of drought-treated seedlings were less negative at elevated [CO2] than at ambient [CO2], but no other measured trait was consistently correlated with improved survivorship at high [CO2]. Carbon dioxide enrichment may not reinforce species differences in RGR, but could exaggerate interspecific differences in drought tolerance. To the extent that seedling persistence in grasslands correlates with drought survivorship, our results indicate a positive effect of CO2 enrichment on recruitment of woody legumes that are currently tolerant of drought.  相似文献   
Summary Use of UV-laser excitation to produce fluorescence spectra for heartwood and sapwood from jack pine (Pinus banksiana), white spruce (Picea glauca) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea) was examined. Spectra were fairly broad without sharp spectral features and overlap of spectra between species was common. Sample to sample and in-sample variation of the recorded fluorescence spectra was observed. The fluorescence spectra obtained from heartwood samples of jack pine showed evidence of photochemical bleaching as a result of the multiple laser pulses needed to produce a complete spectrum. Bleaching may have obscured differences between species. For the mix of species examined no sapwood nor heartwood samples were distinguishable by this technique with the detector used. Use of an optical multichannel analyzer (OMA) could reduce the number of laser pulses needed to obtain an entire spectrum. Under these conditions it would be possible to determine whether the minor differences in spectral features observed for the different species are more pronounced in the first few laser pulses and if they are characteristic of species. Certain aspects of the data suggest that with improved analytical equipment UV-fluorescence might prove to be a useful technique for the identification of certain species.  相似文献   
Gene flow between introduced and native Eucalyptus species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The first evidence of in situ F1 hybridisation between an introduced eucalypt plantation species, Eucalyptus nitens, and a native eucalypt species is presented. Open-pollinated seed was collected from a mature E. nitens trial and from the adjacent native species, E. ovata and E. viminalis on the island of Tasmania. Nearly 70 000 seedlings were grown to a size at which hybrids could be clearly distinguished from pure species seedlings on the basis of morphology and a nearly species-specific isozyme allele. Hybridisation was observed between E. nitens and E. ovata, but no hybrids involving E. viminalis were found. This pattern of hybridisation was consistent with the flowering time overlap between the E. ovata and E. nitens. Eucalyptus nitens progenies displayed a low and relatively homogeneous level of hybridisation, averaging 0.15% per tree. In comparison, the proportion of hybrids obtained from the adjacent E. ovata trees varied from 0.04 to 16% per tree. Whether progeny arising from such hybridisation will survive and grow in nature to allow for backcrossing and introgression of the exotic genes into the native population is not yet known.  相似文献   
Coastal baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) forests are being killed in the southern United States as a result of saltwater intrusion. Tank studies have indicated substantial intraspecific variation in salt tolerance within baldcypress populations, but only one field study has been conducted and it used a limited seed source. The major objective of this project was to expand the collection range of baldcypress across the southeastern United States and determine if there are baldcypress populations that can survive and grow in saltwater damaged areas. Seeds were collected in 1996 from eight estuarine areas (James River = VA; Cape Fear River = NC; Winyah Bay = SC; Ogeechee River = GA; Ochlockonee River = FL; Mobile Bay = AL; Biloxi River=MS; Chalmette = LA). Seeds were stratified and planted, and seedlings were grown for 2 years before planting in two abandoned ricefields on Hobcaw Barony near Georgetown, South Carolina in 1999. Salinity levels reached 18.5ppt during 2001 at the peak of the worst drought on record. By 2002, the only seedlings surviving were those from LA, AL, and FL. After 5 years in the field, LA seedlings were the best performers with a mortality rate of only 27%. More detailed analyses of the biologic and genetic characteristics of trees growing in the LA site need to be completed to determine if they represent a source of baldcypress seed possessing greater tolerance to saline conditions. If so, seeds need to be collected and nurseries established to grow seedlings to help restore degraded wetland swamp areas along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts.  相似文献   
We investigated variation in concentration of the secondary metabolite, camptothecin (CPT), in relation to leaf, branch and tree age, season, and leaf drying method in Camptotheca acuminata Decaisne saplings. Younger leaves contained higher CPT concentrations than older leaves. Within a branch, there was a linear decline in CPT concentration from leaves at the apex of the branch down to Leaf 7. Comparing leaves of similar age, those from younger trees had higher CPT concentrations than those from older trees. Over the course of the growing season, there was a steady decline of 11% per month in leaf CPT concentration. Branches showed a similar seasonal decline in CPT concentration to leaves; however, the rate of decline was threefold greater in leaves than in branches. Freeze-dried tissues had a 27% higher CPT concentration than oven- or air-dried tissues, suggesting that oven- and air-drying caused degradation of CPT. The decline in CPT concentration with tissue aging may reflect a genetically determined mechanism whereby, in young trees, chemicals serve as a first line of defense against attacks by herbivores and pathogenic microorganisms until other mechanisms are developed and deployed. We hypothesize that chemical defense mechanisms are programmed for early ontogenic stages, whereas they are induced by biotic and abiotic factors during later ontogenic stages.  相似文献   
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recommends the measurement of specific plant components for compositional assessments of new biotechnology-derived crops. These components include proximates, nutrients, antinutrients, and certain crop-specific secondary metabolites. A considerable literature on the natural variability of these components in conventional and biotechnology-derived crops now exists. Yet the OECD consensus also suggests measurements of any metabolites that may be directly associated with a newly introduced trait. Therefore, steps have been initiated to assess natural variation in metabolites not typically included in the OECD consensus but which might reasonably be expected to be affected by new traits addressing, for example, nutritional enhancement or improved stress tolerance. The compositional study reported here extended across a diverse genetic range of maize hybrids derived from 48 inbreds crossed against two different testers. These were grown at three different, but geographically similar, locations in the United States. In addition to OECD analytes such as proximates, total amino acids and free fatty acids, the levels of free amino acids, sugars, organic acids, and selected stress metabolites in harvested grain were assessed. The major free amino acids identified were asparagine, aspartate, glutamate, and proline. The major sugars were sucrose, glucose, and fructose. The most predominant organic acid was citric acid, with only minor amounts of other organic acids detected. The impact of genetic background and location was assessed for all components. Overall, natural variation in free amino acids, sugars, and organic acids appeared to be markedly higher than that observed for the OECD analytes.  相似文献   
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