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以柚木加工剩余物纤维为原料,通过初步粉碎后用胶体磨机械胶磨,无胶热压得到高机械性能生物质材料。结果表明:柚木废弃物原料通过机械热胶磨后,木纤维会分层分支且无胶热压后呈层状结构;木质纤维素之间由于羟基能够有效的交联在一起,增加其表面羟基的接触面积;生物质材料的剖面密度中间分布均匀且峰值和谷值之比约为1.16∶1;其静曲强度、弹性模量、内结合强度分别为115.27、10797.43、0.973 MPa,分别是素材纤维材料的5.1、2.5、4.5倍;同时还表现出一定的尺寸稳定性,及吸水厚度膨胀率仅为5.77%,比柚木废弃物原木质纤维材料降低了76.88%。生物质材料的剖面密度、静曲强度、弹性模量、内结合强度以及吸水厚度膨胀率均优于柚木废弃物原木质纤维材料。  相似文献   
To examine the effects of plastic film removal on grain yield and soil organic matter (SOM), a spring maize (Zea may L.) field experiment was conducted for 5 yr at Changwu Agricultural and Ecological Experimental Station of Northwest China. Compared with traditional plastic film mulching during entire growing stages (FM), plastic film removal at the silking stage (RM) resulted in a 6.3% higher average maize yield. Under the RM treatment, soil organic carbon and total nitrogen significantly increased after the 5‐yr cultivation in the 0‐ to 20‐cm layer. Significant increases in extractable organic C (EOC), KMnO4‐oxidizable C (KMnO4‐C) and C management index (CMI) in the 0‐ to 20‐cm layer, and light fraction organic C and EOC in the 20‐ to 40‐cm layer were observed in response to plastic film removal after the 1‐yr treatment; the responses were more significant after 5 yr. Under the RM treatment, significant increases in microbial biomass C, light fraction organic N, extractable organic N, KMnO4‐C and CMI were also observed after five years in the 20‐ to 40‐cm layer. Moreover, KMnO4‐C and EOC were much more sensitive than other labile SOM fractions to the application of RM, even after only 1 yr of cultivation. Therefore, compared with mulching for the whole growing season, plastic film removal at the maize silking stage is an effective option for increasing yields and enhancing SOM concentration and soil sustainability in the regions with semiarid monsoon climates that have sufficient rainfall during maize reproductive stages.  相似文献   
沈晓明  赵晓露 《安徽农学通报》2011,17(7):139-140,157
在分析昌吉市土地利用现状特点和动态变化的基础上,讨论土地利用对生态环境的影响,指出昌吉市相对脆弱的生态环境和突出的人地矛盾,并提出改善其对环境影响的对策建议。  相似文献   
沈舜禹 《农业工程》2016,6(4):113-118
休闲农业是将农业、农产品加工和服务业相结合的新型农业产业形态。随着国民经济的发展,国民休闲需求快速膨胀,休闲农业进入了高速发展时期。可持续性发展是现阶段休闲农业亟待解决的重要问题,提高满意度是国内外学者公认的促进休闲农业发展的有效途径。在已有的休闲农业园游客满意度测评模型基础上融入东北地区休闲农业发展特点,将模型中农园参与性活动、环境、服务、消费、农园声誉和出游便利性6个满意度影响因素调整为可达程度、可参与性活动、农园形象、游客预期和价格感知5个潜变量,构建符合东北地区特点的休闲农业园游客满意度测评模型,为休闲农业游客满意度的提升进行科学指导。   相似文献   
To assess changes in organic carbon pools, an incubation experiment was conducted under different temperatures and field moisture capacity (FMC) on a brown loam soil from three tillage practices used for 12 years: no‐till (NT), subsoiling (ST) and conventional tillage (CT). Total microbial respiration was measured for incubated soil with and without the input of straw. Results indicated that soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) under ST, NT and CT was higher in soil with straw input than that without, while the microbial quotient (MQ or MBC: SOC) and metabolic quotient (qCO2) content under CT followed the opposite trend. Lower temperature, lower moisture and with straw input contributed to the increases in SOC concentration, especially under NT and ST systems. The SOC concentrations under ST, with temperatures of 30 and 35°C after incubation at 55% FMC, were greater than those under CT by 28.4% and 30.6%, respectively. The increase in MBC was highest at 35°C for 55%, 65% and 75% FMC; in soil under ST, MBC was greater than that under CT by 199.3%, 50.7% and 23.8%, respectively. At 30°C, the lower qCO2 was obtained in soil incubated under NT and ST. The highest MQ among three tillage practices was measured under ST at 55% FMC, NT at 65% FMC and CT at 75% FMC with straw input. These data indicate the benefits of enhancing the MQ; the low FMC was beneficial to ST treatment. Under higher temperature and drought stress conditions, the adaptive capacity of ST and NT is better than that of CT.  相似文献   
采用问卷调查、数理统计、文献资料等方法对我国滑翔伞运动损伤的情况及原因进分析。结果表明,由于滑翔伞运动本身的特点及此项运动在我国开展逐年广泛,损伤率较高,达到75%。其影响因素主要有参与者技术不够娴熟、场地因素和天气因素三方面。并根据调查结果提出预防措施。  相似文献   
为分析我国生猪养殖、流通和屠宰等环节的生物安全水平,提升非洲猪瘟防控工作的针对性、科学性,采用问卷调查和现场调查相结合的方式,对湖南、河南、重庆、辽宁、安徽等5个省(直辖市)15个县(市、区)的196个生猪养殖场(户)、69个生猪经纪人和19个屠宰场进行调查。结果显示:截至2019年9月,调查县(市、区)养猪场(户)数较2017年减少了50%~80%;生猪饲养模式以自繁自养为主,小规模场生物安全措施实施率较低;生猪经纪人行为复杂,如经纪对象多样、活动范围广、兼营其他相关业务、同批次收购不同养殖场(户)生猪等,仍有47.8%的经纪人称还会进圈挑选猪;73.7%的屠宰场运猪车辆没有有效执行离场清洗消毒措施。结果表明,我国生猪价值链各环节的生物安全水平仍有较大上升空间。提议继续推进规范化养殖场建设,加强生猪经纪人管理,加强生猪运输车辆的清洗消毒,促进生猪产业一体化发展。  相似文献   
为尽快实现上海崇明奶牛布鲁氏菌病和牛结核病(以下简称"两病")区域净化示范区净化目标,通过建立奶牛场"两病"输入性风险评估和内部风险评估模型,结合奶牛场"两病"流行史,构建了上海市规模化奶牛场"两病"风险评估分级体系;应用该体系将奶牛场划分为高、中、低风险场,为实施分类管理策略奠定基础。运用该体系,对上海市崇明区奶牛场每年开展1次"两病"风险评估分级。经过连续3年的风险分级与管理,崇明区奶牛场的"两病"净化效率得到极大提高,并使崇明奶牛"两病"区域净化示范区顺利通过国家验收,表明该体系符合上海市奶牛"两病"净化工作实际。  相似文献   
“中国春”小麦不同缺体的RAPD分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用PCR-90A型DNA扩增仪,对7个中国春小麦缺体核DNA进行了扩增。结果显示,中国春小麦缺体核DNA的RAPD产物可分为二种类型:(1)所有供试材料均能扩增出的片段,代表了核DNA在进化上的保守性。有一个引物检测到这类片段。(2)全部供试材料间存在的差异片段,这类片段是用来基因定位的主要依据。另外,建立中国春小麦缺体系统的RAPD指纹图谱对研究小麦的系统进化也将有重要意义  相似文献   
畜禽防疫工作事关人们身体健康、畜禽行业健康稳定发展。该文分析农村畜禽疫病防控现存问题,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   
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