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The main objective of this study was to determine which biochemical blood parameters can serve as indicators of Zn or Zn/Cd burden and tapeworm infection. This study was performed on 44 Wistar male rats during a 6-week period, when rats were or were not fed a zinc/cadmium rich diet and were or were not infected with tapeworms (Hymenolepis diminuta). Total protein, albumin, urea, glucose, triacylglycerols, non-esterified fatty acids, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, uric acid, Mg, Ca, P and Zn levels were analysed. Control rats with tapeworm infection had significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) total protein, urea and phosphorus concentrations than did rats unaffected by any experimental factor. Rats given overdoses of zinc lactate exhibited significantly lower glucose levels than did the other rats, especially those infected with tapeworms. Low glucose level in uninfected rats indicate a Zn overdose; high doses of zinc lactate likely decrease levels of glucose via cortisol, which is released during stress. Rats fed the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulating plant Arabidopsis halleri and infected with tapeworms had significantly higher (p ≤ 0.01) cholesterol and urea levels but lower zinc, triacylglycerol, and alkaline phosphatase levels than did rats fed the same diet but free of tapeworms. The increase of alkaline phosphatase level in uninfected rats may indicate both Zn/Cd burden and rat liver damage. Overall, this study not only supports the theory that H. diminuta can serve as a promising model for helminth therapy of the host mammal but also confirmed that this tapeworm is capable to protect somehow the host organism from the harmful effects of heavy metals.  相似文献   
Modifications of humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acids in their solutions and in sterile soil by microfungal species and two well-known HA degraders were studied by measurement of total oxidizable carbon (OC), absorbances, enzyme activities and CO2 release. The effect of glucose on FA and HA, and also minerals on FA utilization was also observed. Microfungi affected HA more than FA. Common microfungal species decolorized HA and decreased their molecular size (evaluated in terms of A4/A6 ratio). Some of them decreased aromaticity of HA and FA as the only carbon sources. They did not affect OC, although released CO2 from FA. Under higher availability of mineral nutrients, the FA aromaticity increased and FA decolorization decreased. The molecular size of HA decreased in the presence of glucose. In the FA medium complemented by minerals, the known basidiomycete HA degrader, Trametes versicolor, decreased the amount of aromatic compounds in contrast to microfungal species Alternaria alternata, Clonostachys rosea, Exophiala cf. salmonis, Fusarium coeruleum, F. redolens, Penicillium canescens, Phoma sp. and another basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium. No microfungal species exhibited lignin peroxidase activity. On the other hand, activities of manganese peroxidase (MnP) were recorded for all species incubated in FA. Carbon dioxide produced from soil inoculated by microfungi negatively correlated with the decolorization, aromaticity and OC of/in FA reisolated from the soil. The results support the hypothesis that soil microfungi can attack both HA and FA and can represent an important factor in their transformations in arable soils. The enzyme involved in FA modifications is probably fungal MnP. We enriched a group of known HA and FA degraders and showed some abilities of a few frequent soil microfungal species. This can be one of the first but important step towards learning the functioning of carbon release from the big reservoir represented by humic substances in arable soils.  相似文献   
Beer, one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, has been shown to stimulate gastric acid secretion. Although organic acids, formed by fermentation of glucose, are known to be stimulants of gastric acid secretion, very little is known about the effects of different types of beer or the active constituents thereof. In the present study, we compared the effects of different beers on mechanisms of gastric acid secretion. To investigate compound-specific effects on mechanisms of gastric acid secretion, organic acids and bitter compounds were quantified by HPLC-DAD and UPLC-MS/MS and tested in human gastric cancer cells (HGT-1) by means of a pH-sensitive fluorescent dye which determines the intracellular pH as an indicator of proton secretion. The expression of relevant genes, coding the H(+)/K(+)-ATPase, ATP4A, the histamine receptor, HRH2, the acetylcholine receptor, CHRM3, and the somatostatin receptor, SSTR2, was determined by qPCR. Ethanol and the organic acids succinic acid, malic acid, and citric acid were demonstrated to contribute to some extent to the effect of beer. The bitter acids comprising α-, β-, and iso-α-acids were identified as potential key components promoting gastric acid secretion and up-regulation of CHRM3 gene expression by a maximum factor of 2.01 compared to that of untreated control cells with a correlation to their respective bitterness.  相似文献   


Agricultural soils often require organic amendments, which improve crop yield and ecosystem services. Biochar has been proven to increase nutrient availability and retention in fine-textured, tropical soils.


Here we determine how coarse-textured, temperate soils react to different biochar-application rates in different tillage systems.


We conducted a 6-month laboratory incubation experiment in microcosms filled with a coarse-textured, temperate agricultural soil to determine the effects of biochar-application rate (none, low, or high, i.e., 0, 20, or 40 t dw ha−1, respectively) and application method (mixed into the soil or applied to the soil surface) on microbial activity and biomass, and nutrient availability and leaching.


Microbial activity and biomass and contents of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in leachates were higher in biochar-addition treatments (by 134%, 37%, 372%, 28%, and 801%, respectively) than in the no-addition treatment. The effect was stronger with the low than with the high biochar-application rate. Biochar applied by both methods acted as a slow-release fertilizer, but this effect was stronger when biochar was mixed into the soil. Although available nutrient contents in the soil remained high, nutrient leaching decreased with incubation time. This effect was especially evident when biochar was mixed into the soil.


Biochar is an effective organic amendment in coarse-textured soils providing available nutrients. On the other hand, nutrient-retention mechanisms develop slowly after biochar application and may be greater when biochar is mixed into the soil than applied on the soil surface.  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to examine the effect of dried and ensiled sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) on established populations of Haemonchus contortus (abomasum) and Cooperia curticei (small intestine) in lambs under controlled conditions. Twenty-four parasite na?ve lambs were inoculated with a single dose of infective larvae of these parasites 28 days prior to the start of the feeding experiment. Twenty-four days post-infection, 4 days prior to the start of the feeding experiment, animals were allocated to four groups according to egg excretion, live weight and sex. Groups A and B received sainfoin hay and control hay, respectively, for 16 days. Groups C and D were fed on sainfoin silage or control silage for the same period. Feeds were offered ad libitum and on the basis of daily refusals were supplemented with concentrate in order to make them isoproteic and isoenergetic. Individual faecal egg counts on a dry matter basis (FECDM) were performed every 3-4 days and faecal cultures and packed cell volume (PCV) measurements were done weekly. After 16 days of experimental feeding, all animals were slaughtered and adult worm populations were determined. The consumption of conserved sainfoin was associated with a reduction of adult H. contortus (47% in the case of hay, P<0.05; 49% in the case of silage, P=0.075) but had little effect on adult C. curticei. Compared to the controls, H. contortus specific FECDM was reduced by 58% (P<0.01) in the sainfoin hay group and by 48% (P=0.075) in the sainfoin silage group. For both sainfoin feeds FECDM specific to C. curticei were significantly decreased when compared to the control feeds (hay 81% and silage 74%, both tests P<0.001). Our data suggest that different mechanisms were responsible for the reduction in FECDM in response to feeding tanniferous fodder. For H. contortus, the decrease seemed to be due to a nematocidal effect towards adult H. contortus. In contrast for C. curticei, the reduction in FECDM appeared to be a result of a reduced per capita fecundity. For both, hay and silage, an antiparasitic effect could be shown, offering promising perspectives for the use of conserved tanniferous fodder as a complementary control approach against GIN.  相似文献   
The effect of different doses of mannan-oligosaccharide (MOS) on specific and non-specific immune responses was studied in piglets, weaned at 28 days. A total of 58 piglets were used in six groups. Five groups were fed 0, 1, 2, 4 g MOS product per kg diet or with growth promoting antibiotics and immunized by inactivated Aujeszky’s disease virus (AyV) vaccine at week 1 and 3 of the experiment (35 and 49 days). A sixth group, receiving the same non-supplemented diets was not immunized. Blood samples for lymphocyte stimulation (LST) and AyV neutralization (VN) tests were taken from all pigs on the first day of the experiment and at weekly intervals for 5 weeks. At week 8, the immunized piglets were infected orally with transmissible gastroenteritis virus. All piglets were weighed and slaughtered at week 10, digesta from small intestine were collected and tested for the presence of secretory (s)IgA. Feeding MOS supplementation resulted in enhanced specific and non-specific immune responses, however, a regressive dose-response of MOS was observed. Both the specific cellular (LST) and humoral responses (VN) were enhanced after 2 weeks of feeding 1 g/kg MOS and significantly differed from the antibiotic positive control. The same tendency was detected in case of the non-specific LSTs, although these started some weeks later showing significant differences by the fifth week. Higher doses of MOS had no further beneficial effect on systemic immunity. In addition, 1 g/kg MOS supplementation group also showed some advantage in local immune responsiveness. Therefore, based on the studied immune variables, 1 g/kg MOS product is suggested in the diet of weaned piglets.  相似文献   
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