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Wildland fuels are important to fire managers because they can be manipulated to achieve management goals, such as restoring ecosystems, decreasing fire intensity, minimizing plant mortality, and reducing erosion. However, it is difficult to accurately measure, describe, and map wildland fuels because of the great variability of wildland fuelbed properties over space and time. Few have quantified the scale of this variability across space to understand its effect on fire spread, burning intensity, and ecological effects. This study investigated the spatial variability of loading (biomass) across major surface and canopy fuel components in low elevation northern Rocky Mountain forest and rangeland ecosystems to determine the inherent scale of surface fuel and canopy fuel distributions. Biomass loadings (kg?m?2) were measured for seven surface fuel components??four downed dead woody fuel size classes (0?C6?mm, 6?C25?mm, 25?C75?mm, and 75?+?mm), duff plus litter, shrub, and herb??using a spatially nested plot sampling design within a 1?km2 square sampling grid installed at six sites in the northern US Rocky Mountains. Bulk density, biomass, and cover of the forest canopy were also measured for each plot in the grid. Surface fuel loadings were estimated using a combination of photoload and destructive collection methods at many distances within the grid. We quantified spatial variability of fuel component loading using spatial variograms, and found that each fuel component had its own inherent scale with fine fuels varying at scales of 1?C5?m, coarse fuels at 10?C150?m, and canopy fuels from 100 to 500?m. Using regression analyses, we computed a scaling factor of 4.6?m for fuel particle diameter (4.6?m increase in scale with each cm increase in particle diameter). Findings from this study can be used to design fuel sampling projects, classify fuelbeds, and map fuel characteristics, such as loading, to account for the inherent scale of fuel distributions to get more accurate fuel loading estimations.  相似文献   
Lectin from the bivalve Glycymeris yessoensis (GYL) was purified by affinity chromatography on porcine stomach mucin–Sepharose. GYL is a dimeric protein with a molecular mass of 36 kDa, as established by SDS-PAGE and MALDI-TOF analysis, consisting of 18 kDa subunits linked by a disulfide bridge. According to circular dichroism data, GYL is a β/α-protein with the predominance of β-structure. GYL preferentially agglutinates enzyme-treated rabbit erythrocytes and recognizes glycoproteins containing O-glycosidically linked glycans, such as porcine stomach mucin (PSM), fetuin, thyroglobulin, and ovalbumin. The amino acid sequences of five segments of GYL were acquired via mass spectrometry. The sequences have no homology with other known lectins. GYL is Ca2+-dependent and stable over a range above a pH of 8 and temperatures up to 20 °C for 30 min. GYL is a pattern recognition receptor, as it binds common pathogen-associated molecular patterns, such as peptidoglycan, LPS, β-1,3-glucan and mannan. GYL possesses a broad microbial-binding spectrum, including Gram-positive (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Vibrio proteolyticus), but not the fungus Candida albicans. Expression levels of GYL in the hemolymph were significantly upregulated after bacterial challenge by V. proteolyticus plus environmental stress (diesel fuel). Results indicate that GYL is probably a new member of the C-type lectin family, and may be involved in the immune response of G. yessoensis to bacterial attack.  相似文献   
Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a non‐native annual winter grass that has seriously infested rice paddy levees and wheat fields in Japan. Recently, glyphosate‐resistant Italian ryegrass was found on paddy levees in central Japan, thereby making control of the grass by using glyphosate less effective. In this study, physical control methods were tested that combined the timing and frequency of mowing in order to more effectively control glyphosate‐resistant Italian ryegrass on rice paddy levees. A 3 year field experiment was conducted from 2012 to 2014 in a western region of Shizuoka Prefecture, where glyphosate‐resistant Italian ryegrass has become dominant. Five treatments were tested: (i) mowing once before the flowering of the grass (i.e. conventional mowing measure); (ii) mowing once during flowering; (iii) mowing twice during flowering; (iv) glyphosate application before flowering (i.e. one of the conventional mowing measures); and (v) no treatment. The above‐ground biomass, seed production, soil seed bank and seedling occurrence of Italian ryegrass were measured to determine the effectiveness of these treatments. Mowing during the flowering period resulted in reduced above‐ground biomass, seed production and soil seed bank when compared with the other treatments. Additionally, mowing twice during the flowering period resulted in a lower seedling density than mowing once. The results suggest that, in this region, physical control by mowing during the flowering period would be more effective than conventional measures for controlling glyphosate‐resistant Italian ryegrass.  相似文献   


To record the cardiopulmonary effects of pleural CO2 positive pressure insufflation in anesthetized horses.

Study design

Prospective study.


Seven horses (mean ± standard deviation, 530.9 ± 68.1 kg) undergoing terminal surgery.


Horses were sedated with xylazine. Anesthesia was induced with ketamine–propofol and maintained with isoflurane, positive pressure ventilation, detomidine infusion, and butorphanol with the horses in dorsal recumbency. Baseline measurements were cardiac output, heart rate, pulmonary and systemic arterial and right atrial blood pressures, body temperature, expired and inspired gas concentrations, and arterial and mixed venous blood gases, electrolytes, glucose, and lactate concentrations. An 18 gauge 6.6 cm needle was inserted into the right pleural cavity midway between the sternum and dorsal midline in the sixth or seventh intercostal space for pleural pressure (PP) measurement. A 14 gauge 18 cm needle placed 5 cm below the previous needle allowed CO2 insufflation into the pleural cavity. All measurements were repeated after: needle insertion, at 2, 5, and 8 mmHg PPs, and after pleural gas removal (GR). Data were compared with baseline using one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures. p < 0.05 was considered significant.


Actual PPs were within 1.1 mmHg of the targeted PP. Pulmonary systolic and mean arterial pressures, alveolar dead space to tidal volume ratio, and isoflurane requirements increased at 8 mmHg PP and GR. Cardiac index decreased at 5 mmHg PP. Stroke index decreased at 2 mmHg PP to GR. PaO2 decreased at 5 mmHg PP to GR. PaCO2 increased at 8 mmHg PP and GR. Oxygen delivery decreased at 5 and 8 mmHg PP. Intrapulmonary shunt fraction and lactate concentration increased with GR.

Conclusions and clinical relevance:

Severe adverse cardiopulmonary effects arise from CO2 positive pressure insufflation into the right hemithorax in dorsally recumbent isoflurane-anesthetized horses. PP should be ≤2 mmHg.  相似文献   
Hydrophilic carbonaceous nanoparticles (HNPs) of uniform sizes with a good degree of dispersion in water were produced from a commercial carbon black by nitric acid treatment. The surface treatment, performed at different reaction times, generates a variable number of oxygen functional groups, mainly carboxylic, which enhance the nanoparticles hydrophilicity and heavy metal adsorption capability. The HNPs were characterized by a number of analytical techniques, including FTIR spectroscopy, thermal and elemental analysis, N2 adsorption, dynamic light scattering, and zeta-potential measurements. The acid–base properties of the functional groups on the HNPs surface were also investigated by coulometric–potentiometric titrations. Cadmium adsorption tests were carried out in stirred reactors containing colloidal aqueous suspensions of HNPs and HNPs supported over silica. The effects of several parameters, such as the cadmium concentration, the temperature, and the solution pH, were studied. Sorbents showed an appreciable cadmium adsorption capability at different temperatures and in a wide range of pH values comparable or superior to several carbon-based sorbents, indicating a feasible use in commercial units.  相似文献   
Twenty-four farinograms and accompanying flour characteristics obtained from a bakery were used to get additional information for baking characteristics of flours. Farinograms were digitized and four novel parameters were included for comparison: a and b were extracted from an equation of the form y = aebt; the height of the upper curve and the width of the farinograph curve at a time value equal to the dough development time. Stepwise multiple regressions were carried out relating bread volume to novel and existing parameters (water absorption, development time, arrival time, departure time, stability and degree of softening). Results indicated that four farinogram parameters, resistance, water absorption, a and b were related to bake height with an overall value of 61%. A relatively weak correlation (R = 0.44, P < 0.05) was detected between specific loaf volume and bake height.  相似文献   
To support a voluntary disease control program, this study aimed to develop an integrated scoring system for the risk assessment of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infection in dairy herds in Northern Italy. Sixty-two dairy herds were classified according to their BVDV serological status. Farmers were interviewed using a questionnaire on potential BVDV risk factors. Scores were used to define risk levels for factors related to (1) BVDV introduction (through livestock trade, attendance of animals at shows/exhibitions and grazing common pasture), (2) within-herd spread of BVDV and (3) the results of initial serological testing. The calculated odds ratios were significant for all categories, except for livestock trade. The application of the screening test, the questionnaire and the related risk assessment showed this to be a practical approach to predicting BVDV herd status.  相似文献   


To compare time to desaturation after induction of anesthesia following administration of oxygen via face mask or flow-by for 3 minutes.

Study design

Randomized crossover study.


A group of six healthy adult dogs weighing 15.0 ± 3.4 kg.


Dogs were anesthetized twice separated by 14 days. Intramuscular administration of dexmedetomidine (4 μg kg?1), acepromazine (0.01 mg kg?1) and butorphanol (0.2 mg kg?1) provided sedation for percutaneous insertion of a catheter into the tracheal lumen. The tip was advanced to the thoracic inlet and position confirmed using fluoroscopy. Using a sample aspiration rate 200 mL minute?1, inspired (FIO2) and end-tidal oxygen (Fe′O2) were measured. Oxygen (100 mL kg?1 minute?1) was delivered into a circle delivery system and administered to the dog for 3 minutes via face mask or flow-by from the circle Y-piece 2.5 cm from the nares. Then, propofol was administered to induce anesthesia and apnea. A pulse oximeter (lingual probe) measured hemoglobin saturation (SpO2). At SpO2 90% (desaturation point), an endotracheal tube was inserted to allow administration of oxygen and artificial ventilation. Arterial blood and data were collected at baseline (before oxygen administration), 5 seconds after induction of anesthesia, and every 30 seconds until the desaturation point was reached. Data were analyzed using an unpaired and paired t test with (p < 0.05).


FIO2, Fe′O2 and PaO2 (mean ± standard deviation) were significantly higher after mask preoxygenation [89.7 ± 5.5%, 83.0 ± 7.6% and 394 ± 112 mmHg (52.4 ± 14.9 kPa)] compared with flow-by [30.0 ± 5.4%, 22.7 ± 3.8% and 133 ± 22 mmHg (17.7 ± 2.9 kPa)], respectively. Time to desaturation was significantly longer after mask treatment compared with flow-by (187 ± 67 versus 66 ± 17 seconds).

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Mask preoxygenation provided longer time to desaturation compared with the flow-by technique tested.  相似文献   


To determine the pharmacokinetics and effects on thermal thresholds (TT) of two fentanyl constant rate infusions in awake cats.

Study design

A blinded, randomized crossover study.


A group of six healthy female cats, aged 3 ± 1 years, weighing 4.1 ± 0.7 kg.


Skin temperature (TSKIN) and TT were evaluated using a wireless TT device. TSKIN, TT, sedation score (SS) and blood samples were collected before an intravenous loading dose (LD; over 5 seconds) and at specific time points during (360 minutes) and after infusion. Each cat was administered two treatments: fentanyl (LD 3 μg kg?1, infusion 3 μg kg?1 hour?1; treatment F3) or fentanyl (LD 5 μg kg?1, infusion 5 μg kg?1 hour?1; treatment F5). SS between treatments was analyzed using a Kruskal–Wallis test. Statistical analysis of TT and TSKIN was performed using analysis of variance with appropriate post hoc test (p < 0.05).


TSKIN did not vary over time for each treatment. SS did not differ between treatments. TTs were significantly higher than baseline at 15 minutes after LD for F3 and F5. TT was significantly increased at 30, 90, 120, 180 and 300 minutes in treatment F5 but not in F3. Plasma fentanyl concentrations decreased rapidly in both treatments over the first 30 minutes after infusion. The terminal half-life was 3.31 (2.93–4.41) hours for F3 and 3.67 (3.39–4.32) hours for F5 (median, range). Systemic clearance for treatments F3 and F5 was 1.95 (1.46–2.44) and 2.25 (1.98–2.47) L hour?1 kg?1 (median, range), respectively. Plasma concentrations <1.84 ng mL?1 were not associated with a significant increase in TT.


and clinical relevance A fentanyl infusion rate of 5 μg kg?1 hour?1 increased TT during the infusion period. Effects on TT were lost rapidly with cessation of the infusion.  相似文献   
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