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Disorders of Serum Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium and Chloride   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluid and electrolyte imbalances are frequently encountered in a variety of medical and surgical disorders therefore requiring the clinician's astute evaluation of his/her patient's fluid and electrolyte status. Disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and endocrine organs will frequently cause abnormalities in sodium, potassium, magnesium, and chloride balance. An accurate initial assessment of serum electrolyte concentrations and monitoring during the treatment is essential in order to maintain electrolyte homeostasis. Failure to do so can lead to severe clinical consequences for the patient and change a diagnostic triumph into a therapeutic failure. This presentation provides an overview of the etiologies, clinical signs, and therapeutic approaches to electrolyte disorders in the critically ill animal. (Vet. Emerg. & Crit. Care, 9:209–217, 1999)  相似文献   
The gastric emptying half-time of solid food in normal cats was determined using a scintigraphic technique. 99mTc-sulfur colloid was applied to dry food. Sequential images were acquired post prandial, and the gastric emptying half-time was determined for several different acquisition and processing parameters. Good correlation was found between different acquisition and processing methods, some of which made use of edge detection applications, while others used different views, or number of views from which the gastric emptying half-time was calculated. The mean ± standard deviation, (range) and median of the gastric emptying half-time determined using the geometric mean of total counts in hand-drawn regions of interest from the lateral and ventral images were 2.47 × 0.71, (1.42–3.61) and 2.37 hours respectably.  相似文献   
Objectives – The aim of this study is to describe the prevalence of postoperative laminitis in colic cases and to determine if low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) is effective in preventing this complication.
Design – Retrospective clinical study.
Animals – Client-owned horses.
Interventions – SC administration of enoxaparin during the postoperative period.
Measurements and Main Results – Medical records of 360 horses undergoing surgery for colic and surviving at least 3 days were evaluated. Fifty-six horses admitted before 1995 did not receive LMWH (control group) and 304 admitted after 1995 received LMWH as a prophylaxis for laminitis (treatment group). Three grades of severity were defined for laminitis. Prevalence and severity of laminitis were compared between the 2 groups. Several parameters recorded on admission (sex, age, breed, site and nature of the disease, heart rate, PCV, gravity score, and shock score) and the administration of LMWH were tested as risk factors in the development of laminitis in a logistic regression procedure. Prevalence and grade of laminitis were significantly lower in the treatment group. Only the absence of LMWH was recognized as a significant risk factor in the logistic regression model.
Conclusions – The administration of LMWH appears to be effective in the prophylaxis of laminitis following colic surgery and may be useful in the postoperative management of these horses.  相似文献   
A 7-year-old Selle français gelding was presented for a recurrent conjunctival tumour on the left eye. A previous histologic analysis revealed a conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma. As it was the third recurrence after surgical excision in a 1½-year period, we decided to perform interstitial radiotherapy combined with the surgical excision. Two Iridium-192 pins were implanted in the subcutaneous fascia of the lower eyelid over the tumor site and were removed 3 days later. No postoperative adverse reactions were observed. Twelve months postoperatively, there were no signs of local recurrence. Surgical excision combined with Iridium-192 therapy appeared to be an effective treatment in this case.  相似文献   
Technetium-99m methoxy-isobutyl-isonitrile (sestamibi) is a radiophartnaceutical used for the evaluation of myocardial perfusion. Increased uptake of sestamibi has also been documented in tumors. The objective of this study was to document the extracardiac biodistribution of 99mTc sestamibi in the normal dog. Nine normal beagles were given 0.35 mCi/kg 99mTc sestamibi intravenously, and 60 second images were made of the entire body at 1 hour post injection. A defined distribution pattern was recognized, with good visualization of the heart, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, kidneys, urinary bladder, popliteal lymph nodes, parotid salivary glands and zygomatic salivary glands. Splenic uptake was not seen.
Target to background ratios were calculated for all the regions listed, using background regions-of-interest with the smallest coefficient of variance for the denominator. The mean, range and standard deviation of these ratios are given.  相似文献   
The efficacy of partial carpal arthrodesis was evaluated retrospectively in 39 dogs (45 carpi) with severe sprains of the middle carpal joints, the carpometacarpal joints, or both. The carpometacarpal joint was the most frequently injured joint. Jumping or falling from heights was the cause of injury in 49% of these animals. Of the 25 owners who responded to a mailed questionnaire (mean follow-up, 32 months), all stated their animal had improved or greatly improved after partial carpal arthrodesis and all were pleased or very pleased with the final surgical result. Hyperextension persisted in 11% of the cases and degenerative joint disease of the antebrachiocarpal joint was present in 15.5% of the cases. No dogs with partial carpal arthrodesis required panarthrodesis at a later date.  相似文献   
The enteric function of four cats that had undergone subtotal colectomy for megacolon was compared with that of four normal cats. All cats were fed the same diet before and during the study. History, physical condition, body weight, blood chemistry panel, fasting and postprandial serum bile acids, serum cobalamin concentration, serum folate concentration, fecal weight, fecal water content, fecal fat content, fecal osmolality and electrolyte concentration, quantitative anaerobic fecal bacterial culture, partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time, breath hydrogen concentration, urinary calcium, phosphorus and electrolyte concentrations, and abdominal radiographic examination with air contrast studies (pneumocolon) were examined. The four cats treated surgically were healthy and thriving and, in general, enteric function was similar to the controls. Bowel movements occurred only slightly more frequently with no significant differences in fecal volume or water content. Serum cobalamin concentrations were significantly higher in cats treated surgically. Fecal sodium concentrations were high and fecal potassium concentrations were low. Results of this study did not show any significant subclinical evidence of abnormal bowel function in cats after subtotal colectomy.  相似文献   
The psittacine skull is a complex anatomic structure, frequently traumatized but difficult to adequately image with standard radiographic procedures. Multiple views including a ventrodorsal, a lateral, and complementary oblique projections are necessary to fully evaluate potential skull fractures in the avian patient. Magnification radiography is a relatively easy procedure that aids the review of small osseous structures. Familiarity with psittacine skull anatomy greatly facilitates radiographic interpretation of cranial trauma.  相似文献   
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