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Field studies were conducted during 1993 and 1994 in the Imperial Valley, California and Maricopa, Arizona to examine relationships between densities of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) populations and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yields, and to estimate economic injury levels (EILs) for pest management application. Populations of B. tabaci were manipulated by applying different numbers of insecticide applications in replicated plots. Resulting insect populations and cotton lint yields were used to develop damage functions and to estimate EILs for all life stages in relation to variable cotton prices, insecticide costs, and pest control efficacy. Economic injury levels declined with increasing cotton prices and increased as the cost of control increased, however, these changes were relatively small, based on typical ranges in price and control costs. In contrast, the efficacy of control provided by insecticide applications had a large influence on EILs, with lower efficacies being associated with higher injury levels. We developed a multiple regression model that accounted for the dynamic changes in the EIL in relation to crop price, control costs, control efficacy, and potential yield. Based on average prices and reasonable control costs and efficacy, EILs ranged from 5.9–15.2 adults/leaf, 6.1–19.8 eggs cm−2, and 1.7–4.7 nymphs cm−2 of leaf area. Additional research is needed to more closely relate the costs of control to the suppression of insect populations, and to define economic thresholds that will enable pest managers to maintain pest populations below EILs.  相似文献   
P. Thomas 《Potato Research》1982,25(2):155-164
Summary Histochemical evaluation of the wound-induced suberization and periderm formation, the processes of wound healing, in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) showed that both the processes occur most rapidly at 25°C. Wound-healing is delayed at 10 or 15°C while a temperature of 35°C prevented periderm formation and retarded suberization. Gamma irradiation up to 100 Gy, the optimal dose for sprout inhibition, did not affect suberization, which suggests that the DNA-replicating mechanism is more radiation-sensitive than suberin biosynthesis. A dose of 20 to 30 Gy, which had no effect on sprouting inhibited wound periderm formation indicating that meristems in resting buds are apparently less sensitive to irradiation than nuclei of the potential periderm cells. It seems probable that a major cause for the bacterial soft rot occurring in tubers when stored under high tropical ambient temperatures or when irradiated for sprout inhibition is due to an impairment of the wound periderm formation.
Zusammenfassung Um die m?glichen Gründe für den gesteigerten mikrobiellen Abbau von Kartoffeln w?hrend der Lagerung unter tropischen Umweltbedingungen oder nach der Bestrahlung mit R?ntgenstrahlen zur Keimhemmung aufzukl?ren, wurde der Einfluss von Temperatur und Bestrahlung auf die durch Verletzung induzierte Suberin-und Peridermentwicklung untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass sowohl die Suberinisierung als auch die Peridermentwicklung bei 25°C schneller verlaufen, w?hrend sie bei 10–15°C verlangsamt sind. Temperaturen über 35°C verhindern die Peridermbildung und verz?gern die Suberinisierung (Tabelle 1). Das Ausmass der Polyphenolbildung war im 1 mm unter der Verletzung bei 20, 25 und 28–30°C ?hnlich der bei 10°C und 15°C w?hrend es bei 35°C verringert war (Abb. 2). Histochemische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die Suberinisierung in unbestrahlten Knollen und in Knollen, die bis zu 100 Gy erhalten hatten, der optimalen Dosis für die Keimhemmung, im gleichen Ausmass erfolgte (Tabelle 2). Aus diesen Ergebnissen wird geschlossen, dass der Verdopplungsmechanismus der DNS auf Bestrahlung empfindlicher reagiert als die Suberinsynthese. Der Gehalt an Polyphenolen in den suberinisierten Zellschichten war in bestrahlten Knollen vergleichsweise h?her (Tabelle 3). 20–30 Gy an R?ntgenstrahlen reichten aus, um die Wundperidermbildung zu unterbinden (Tabelle 2 und Abb. 1), w?hrend für die Keimhemmung eine Minimaldosis von 50 Gy ben?tigt wurde. Das bedeutet, dass die Meristeme in den ruhenden Knospen auf die Bestrahlung weniger empfindlich reagieren als die Kerne in den potentiellen Peridermzellen. Die suberinisierten Zellschichten k?nnen von der Wundoberfl?che unbestrahlter Knollenh?lften leicht abgeschoben werden, w?hrend das bei Knollen, die einer Bestrahlung von 20 Gy und mehr ausgesetzt waren, nicht m?glich ist. Dieser Unterschied k?nnte als Methode zur Identifizierung bestrahlter Knollen verwendet werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Sch?digung der Wundperidermentwicklung ein Hauptgrund für die gesteigerte mikrobielle F?ule von Kartoffelknollen w?hrend der Lagerung bei tropischen Temperaturen oder nach Bestrahlung zur Keimhemmung ist.

Résumé L'influence de la température et de l'irradiation sur la subérisation d'une blessure occasionnée et sur le développement du périderme a été étudiée, dans le but d'expliquer les déchets de pourritures microbiennes sur des tubercules mis en conservation sous des conditions de climat tropical ou à la suite d'une exposition aux rayons gamma en vue de l'inhibition de la germination. Le développement du périderme et la subérisation se sont effectués rapidement à 25°C mais les réactions ont été retardées à 10 ou 15°C. Une température de 35°C a empêché la formation de périderme et retardé la subérisation (tableau 1). Le taux de polyphénol dans la 1ère couche d'1 mm sous la blessure était sensiblement le même à 10, 15, 20, 25 et 28–30°C mais il avait diminué à 35°C (figure 2). Les résultats de l'analyse hystochimique ont montré que la subérisation avait progressé à vitesse égale pour des tubercules non-irradiés et des tubercules irradiés à plus de 100 Gy, dose optimale correspondant à l'inhibition de la germination. Ces résultats suggèrent que le mécanisme de réplication de l'ADN est plus sensible à la radiation que la biosynthèse de la subérine. Le niveau de polyphénols dans les couches cellulaires en voie de subérisation était plus élevé dans les tubercules irradiés que dans les tubercules non irradiés (tableau 3). 20 à 30 Gy de rayons gamma ont suffi pour empêcher la formation du périderme de cicatrisation (tableau 2 et figure 1) tandis que la dose minimale nécessaire à l'inhibition de la germination était de 50 Gy. Les méristèmes de germes en dormance seraient donc moins sensibles à l'irradiation que les noyaux des cellules du périderme potentiel. Les couches cellulaires subérisées peuvent facilement se détacher de la surface endommagée lorsqu'il s'agit de tubercules non irradiés, tandis qu'elles sont difficilement séparables dans le cas de tubercules exposés à 20 Gy ou plus. Cette différence peut conduire à une méthode d'identification des tubercules irradiés. La recrudescence des pourritures microbiennes sur tubercules mis en conservation à des températures tropicales ou exposés aux rayons gamma en vue d'inhibition de la germination, semble liée principalement au ralentisement du développement d'un périderme de cicatrisation.
The variability of some chalk pastures above the Pewsey Vale in Wiltshire was studied by recording point-quadrats two inches apart on strips across sheep paths; the results are shown diagrammatically. There were usually lines of tall grasses at the edges of the paths, with belts of shorter grass, richer in forbs, between the paths. Some species of grasses and forbs were most common on or near the paths; others were more common in the short turf. The theoretical and practical implications of this variability are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Cyclic β-helical peptides have been developed as model structured biomolecules for examining peptide adsorption and conformation on surfaces. As a key prerequisite to circular-dichroism (CD) analysis of these model peptides on surfaces, their conformations and the corresponding vibrational spectra in the 1400-1800 cm?1 range were analyzed by vibrational circular-dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy in solution. The two model peptides ("β Leu and β Val") were examined in chloroform, where they each fold into a homogeneous well-defined antiparallel double-stranded β-helical species, as determined previously by NMR and electronic CD spectroscopy. Because the β-helical conformations of β Leu and β Val are well characterized, the VCD spectra of these peptides can be unambiguously correlated with their structures. In addition, these two β-helical peptides differ from one another in two key respects that make them uniquely advantageous for CD analysis--first, while their backbone conformations are topologically similar, β Leu and β Val form helices of opposite chiralities; second, the two peptides differ in their sequences, i.e., composition of the side chains attached to the backbone. The observed VCD spectra for β Leu and β Val are roughly mirror images of each other, indicating that the VCD features are dominated by the chirality and conformation of the peptide backbone rather than by the peptide sequence. Accordingly, spectra similarly characteristic of peptide secondary structure can be expected for peptides designed to be structural analogs of β Leu and β Val while incorporating a variety of side chains for studies of surface adsorption from organic and aqueous solvents.  相似文献   
The Medical Sciences Library at Texas A&M University (MSL) participates in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) National Network of Libraries of Medicine South Central Region (NN/LM) Regional Resource Library outreach initiative. This program generally funds regional outreach activities promoting NLM information resources. The MSL and veterinary library community recognized practicing clinical veterinarians as an underserved population. The 2013–2014 MSL outreach proposal combined traditional activities with the development of materials to assist veterinarians with NLM resources, and exhibit to a national audience. This article provides an overview of the NN/LM SCR Resource Library Outreach Awards, an overview of MSL outreach activities for the year, and lessons learned.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Susceptibility to scrapie, a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in sheep, is modulated by the genetic make-up of the sheep. Scrapie control policies, based on selecting animals of resistant genotype for breeding, have recently been adopted by the Netherlands and other European countries. Here we assess the effectiveness of a breeding programme based on selecting rams of resistant genotype to obtain outbreak control in classical scrapie-affected sheep flocks under field conditions. In six commercially-run flocks following this breeding strategy, we used genotyping to monitor the genotype distribution, and tonsil biopsies and post-mortem analyses to monitor the occurrence of scrapie infection. The farmers were not informed about the monitoring results until the end of the study period of six years. We used a mathematical model of scrapie transmission to analyze the monitoring data and found that where the breeding scheme was consistently applied, outbreak control was obtained after at most four years. Our results also show that classical scrapie control can be obtained before the frequency of non-resistant animals is reduced to zero in the flock. This suggests that control at the national scale can be obtained without a loss of genetic polymorphisms from any of the sheep breeds.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Blood samples were obtained from 38 wild red deer (Cervus elaphus) at two sites in Ireland and subjected to PCR analysis of the 18S rRNA gene followed by sequencing. Two fragments of the 18S rRNA gene were generated by two different PCR protocols and subsequent sequencing suggested that at least six of the deer were infected by a babesia that, in those loci, is indistinguishable from Babesia divergens, an important tick-borne pathogen of cattle and of zoonotic significance. Additionally, a B. odocoilei-like parasite was detected in three samples and a babesia that did not match any sequences in the GenBank database was found in five samples. Neither B. capreoli nor B. venatorum (EU1) were found. There have been several reports of B. divergens occurring in deer species, including red deer, roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). However, in view of recent re-sequencing of bovine-origin samples deposited previously in GenBank, it is unlikely that any of these sequences from deer are B. divergens. The present study describes the only deer piroplasm detected so far that shows complete identity with B. divergens, in just over half of the 18S rRNA gene. The entire gene of this deer parasite should be analysed and transmission experiments undertaken before the infectivity of B. divergens for red deer can be confirmed.  相似文献   
Nontargeted 400 MHz (13)C and (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used in the context of food surveillance to reveal Pinus species whose nuts cause taste disturbance following their consumption, the so-called pine nut syndrome (PNS). Using principal component analysis, three groups of pine nuts were distinguished. PNS-causing products were found in only one of the groups, which however also included some normal products. Sensory analysis was still required to confirm PNS, but NMR allowed the sorting of 53% of 57 samples, which belong to the two groups not containing PNS species. Furthermore, soft independent modeling of class analogy was able to classify the samples between the three groups. NMR spectroscopy was judged as suitable for the screening of pine nuts for PNS. This process may be advantageous as a means of importation control that will allow the identification of samples suitable for direct clearance and those that require further sensory analysis.  相似文献   
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