Procaine penicillin is a commonly used antibiotic in equine medicine but its use is associated with a substantial incidence of adverse reactions. Soluble procaine concentrations were determined by HPLC in several commercially available procaine penicillin preparations, including some that were involved in adverse reactions. The mean (+/- SEM) soluble procaine concentrations in the veterinary preparations was 20.18 +/- 5.07 mg/ml, which was higher than the concentration in the only procaine penicillin preparation for use in humans in Australia of 7.3 mg/ml. Heating the veterinary procaine penicillin preparations to 50 degrees C for 1 day led to a significant (P less than 0.01) increase in the amount of soluble procaine. Heating to 50 degrees C for 7 days also produced a significant (P less than 0.02) increase. Soluble procaine tended to return to baseline concentrations when veterinary procaine penicillin preparations were heated to 50 degrees C for 2 days then stored for 7 days at room temperature. Administration of procaine HCl intravenously (IV) at 2, 5, and 10 mg/kg produced behavioural, locomotor and vascular reactions, which were clinically similar to those reported in adverse reactions to procaine penicillin. The more severe reactions occurred at higher doses, although different horses responded variably at the same dose. Some adverse reactions lead to recumbency but none were fatal. The blood procaine concentrations 1 min after IV administration averaged 19.0 +/- 12.6 and 25.3 +/- 16 micrograms/ml at 2.5 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg, respectively. Ten min after administration, blood procaine concentrations were significantly higher (P less than 0.001) in the 5 mg/kg group than in the 2.5 mg/kg group. Intramuscular (IM) procaine HCl at 5 mg/kg produced significantly lower (P less than 0.001) blood concentrations than similar IV doses, and, in contrast to the IV doses, the amount of procaine in the blood was significantly higher 5 and 10 min after administration than it was after 1 min. Mild excitatory reactions in 4/5 horses were noted 5 to 10 min after IM administration. Administration of diazepam 20 s before procaine HCl prevented the excitatory adverse reaction in 2/2 horses, but administration after the procaine did not influence the outcome. 相似文献
Atmospheric general circulation models used for climate simulation and weather forecasting require the fluxes of radiation, heat, water vapor, and momentum across the land-atmosphere interface to be specified. These fluxes are calculated by submodels called land surface parameterizations. Over the last 20 years, these parameterizations have evolved from simple, unrealistic schemes into credible representations of the global soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer system as advances in plant physiological and hydrological research, advances in satellite data interpretation, and the results of large-scale field experiments have been exploited. Some modern schemes incorporate biogeochemical and ecological knowledge and, when coupled with advanced climate and ocean models, will be capable of modeling the biological and physical responses of the Earth system to global change, for example, increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. 相似文献
Bilateral hypoplasia of the soft palate and aspiration pneumonia occurred in a Standardbred foal. The filly was presented with a history of illthrift, dyspnoea, coughing and bilateral nasal discharge. Abnormal sounds (crackels and wheezes) were auscultated over all lung fields and the cervical trachea. Endoscopy revealed a shortened soft palate with a uvula-like mass protruding from the free border into the nasopharynx. Mucopurulent material was present in the trachea. Samples obtained by tracheal wash were submitted for cytology, culture and sensitivity testing. Results indicated a septic inflammatory process. On lateral radiographs of the thorax there were patchy areas of consolidation and air bronchograms. The foal was euthanased. Necropsy confirmed the presence of a palatal defect and aspiration pneumonia of moderate severity. No other congenital abnormalities were present. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to determine effects of processing method, dry-rolled (DR) vs steam-flaked (SF), and degree of processing (flake density, FD) of SF sorghum grain on splanchnic (gut and liver) N metabolism by growing steers. Diets contained 77% sorghum grain either DR or SF at densities of 437, 360, and 283 g/L (SF34, SF28, and SF22, respectively). Eight crossbred steers (340 kg initial BW), implanted with indwelling catheters into portal, hepatic, and mesenteric veins and the mesenteric artery, were used in a randomized complete block design. Blood flows and net output or uptake of ammonia N, urea N (UN), and alpha-amino N (AAN) were measured across portal-drained viscera, hepatic, and splanchnic tissues. Plasma arterial, portal, and hepatic concentrations of individual amino acids were also measured. Decreasing FD linearly increased (P = .04) net absorption of AAN (51, 73, and 78 g/d for SF34, SF28, and SF22, respectively) and transfer (cycling) of blood UN to the gut (49, 48 and 64 g/d; P = .02). Net UN cycling averaged 38% of N intake across all diets. Hepatic uptake of AAN or UN synthesis, and splanchnic output of AAN and UN, were not altered by FD. Lowering FD linearly increased (P < or = .02) portal-arterial concentration differences for blood AAN and UN and plasma arterial concentrations for alanine. Steers fed SF compared to DR tended to have greater (P = .11) blood UN cycling (percentage of hepatic synthesis; 64 vs 50%) and decreased (P = .03) net splanchnic UN output (30 vs 50 g/d), but other net fluxes of N were not altered across splanchnic tissues. Steam-flaking compared to dry-rolling tended to decrease (P = .12) portal, but not hepatic, blood flow and increased (P < .01) hepatic-arterial concentration differences for blood UN. Except for a decrease (P = .01) in hepatic-arterial concentration differences of glutamine, plasma amino acid concentrations were not altered by feeding SF vs DR sorghum. Processing method (steam-flaking vs dry-rolling) or increasing the degree of processing (by decreasing FD) of SF sorghum grain resulted in greater transfer of blood UN to the gut. Reducing FD also linearly increased the absorption of AAN by growing steers, which explains (in part) published responses of superior performance by steers fed SF grains. 相似文献
AbstractAIMS: To measure the magnitude and variability in production responses to anthelmintic treatments administered to adult ewes around lambing.METHODS: Ewes carrying twin lambs, from sheep and beef farms (eight in Year 1 and six in Year 2) in the Wairarapa region of New Zealand, were enrolled in 14 trials (part of an experiment carried out on one farm in one year). Experiment 1 compared ewes treated 2–4?weeks pre-lambing with a controlled release capsule (CRC) containing abamectin, albendazole, Se and Co, to ewes injected pre-lambing with a long-acting Se plus vitamin B12 product, and to untreated ewes. Experiment 2 included these treatments, plus a CRC administered at pregnancy scanning. Experiment 3 included the same treatments as Experiment 1, plus administration of a CRC containing albendazole, Se and Co, injectable moxidectin or oral derquantel plus abamectin, all administered pre-lambing, or oral derquantel plus abamectin administered 4–6?weeks after lambing. Variables compared were ewe liveweight at weaning and pre-mating, lamb liveweight at weaning, total weight of lamb weaned per ewe and ewe dag score at weaning.RESULTS: Ewes treated with a CRC pre-lambing were heavier than untreated ewes (mean 3.2?kg) at weaning in 12/14 trials, and pre-mating (mean 2.8?kg) in 9/14 trials (p<0.001). Compared with mineral-treated ewes the mean difference was 2.8?kg pre-lambing (9/14 trials) and 1.7?kg pre-weaning (6/14 trials). Lambs reared by treated ewes were heavier (mean 1.55?kg) at weaning in 6/14 trials (p<0.001), but there was no effect of CRC treatment on total weight of lambs weaned per ewe (p=0.507). Variation in weight of lamb weaned per ewe was largely explained by differences in lamb survival from birth to weaning (p<0.001), with no effect of CRC treatment (p>0.65).Treatment of ewes with a CRC at pregnancy scanning was neither better nor worse than a pre-lambing treatment (p=0.065).There was no difference in the response from treatment with either of the two CRC or moxidectin. Treatment with short-acting oral anthelmintics resulted in no consistent benefit.CONCLUSIONS: Anthelmintic treatments administered to ewes around lambing resulted in variable responses between farms and years, which in some trials were negative for some variables, and some of the variability was due to the mineral component of the CRC. The widespread perception amongst farmers and veterinarians that anthelmintic treatment of ewes around lambing will always result in positive benefits is not supported. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of flunixin meglumine or meloxicam on behavioral response and performance characteristics associated with surgical castration in crossbred bulls. Intact male Bos taurus calves (n = 252; averaging 176 kg) were randomly allocated into one of three treatment groups within pen: control (CON), flunixin meglumine (FLU; 2.2 mg/kg intravenous injection), or meloxicam (MEL; 2.0 mg/kg per os). The individual animal was the experimental unit. Calves were individually weighed on days 0 and 14 of the trial to evaluate performance outcomes. On study day 0, treatments were administered, according to their random allocation, immediately prior to surgical castration using the Henderson tool method. Visual analog scale (VAS) assessment and categorical attitude score (CAS) were collected on days −1, 0 (6 h post-castration), 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the study. The VAS was assigned using a 100 mm horizontal line with “normal” labeled at one end of the line and “moribund” at the other end of the horizontal line. The masked observer assigned a mark on the horizontal line based upon the observed severity of pain exhibited by that individual animal. The CAS was assigned by the same observer using five different categories with a score of 0 being “normal”. Average daily gain tended (P = 0.09) to be associated with the treatment group, and MEL had a greater (P = 0.04) average daily gain through day 14 compared with CON. A significant (P < 0.01) treatment by day interaction was indicated for VAS score, and MEL had lower VAS scores on days 0, 1, 2, and 3 post-castration compared with CON; FLU had lower VAS scores on days 0 and 1 compared with CON. A significant treatment by day interaction was not present (P = 0.25) for CAS. The FLU had lesser percent CAS ≥1 (17.5%; P = 0.05) compared with CON (29.4%); MEL has lesser percent CAS ≥1 observations (14.9%; P = 0.01) compared with CON. The median VAS increased as CAS was more severe. Results indicated MEL and FLU calves temporally improved behavioral responses following surgical castration with positive numerical trends for a 14 d average daily gain (ADG). The VAS system appeared to be an effective method of subjective evaluation of pain in beef calves in this study. Route of administration, duration of therapy, and low relative cost make oral meloxicam a reasonable analgesic treatment in calves when administered at the time of surgical castration. 相似文献
AIM: To determine the frequency and type of skin wounds encountered by New Zealand veterinarians in their equine patients, the duration and estimated costs of treatment as well as the expected outcomes for these wounds.
METHODS: An online survey was sent to all veterinarians registered with the New Zealand Equine Veterinary Association. The survey comprised questions on the location and experience of respondents, the number of wound-related cases in relation to the total equine caseload, the type and anatomical location of wounds treated, the frequency, duration and costs of treatments, the outcome of wound treatment and an estimate of the most common causes of death or euthanasia in their equine patients.
RESULTS: The survey response rate was 110/262 (41.9%). The median number of equine cases seen by respondents was 20 (interquartile range (IQR) 6–60) per month; of these, five (IQR 2–10) were wound related. Wounds ranked third after lameness and respiratory disease for the relative frequency with which respondents encountered them. Of 102 respondents 59 (58%) reported that their clients frequently treated wounds incurred by their horse without consulting a veterinarian. Wounds on the distal limb, whether involving only the skin or also deeper structures, were reported by 86/101 (85%) respondents as the most frequently encountered. Wounds in this location also incurred the longest treatment period and were the most prone to develop complications. Finally, wounds ranked second, after colic, as the most common cause of death/euthanasia in the veterinary respondents’ equine patients.
CONCLUSIONS: The data obtained via the survey indicate that skin wounds, particularly on the distal limb, are a common occurrence in horses in New Zealand and, when they involve structures underlying the skin, are costly and time-consuming to manage and may lead to decreased performance, retirement or euthanasia. Consequently, we recommend that more effort be devoted to the education of equine veterinarians and owners, and that appropriate research funds be allocated to help improve patient outcomes. 相似文献
As a result of anatomic and physiologic differences, draft breeds may be at greater risk of developing anesthetic complications. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare anesthetic management of draft (DR) and light (LT) horses. A case‐matched retrospective study of 371 clinical case records of DR (124 cases) and LT (247 cases) horses presented for general anesthesia between 1991 and 1998 was performed. Data were tabulated and comparisons were made using Student's t‐test (significance p < 0.05). Prior to induction, there were significant differences in mean body weight, rectal temperature, PCV, RBC, and serum TP concentration between DR and LT breeds. There were differences in mean doses of pre‐operative butorphanol (LT 21 µg kg?1; DR 17 µg kg?1), induction guaifenesin (LT 99 mg kg?1; DR 88 mg kg?1), and intraoperative ketamine (LT 0.35 mg kg?1; DR 0.56 mg kg?1) required. There were no significant differences in the mean doses of pre‐operative xylazine, detomidine, or induction barbiturate administered. The mean, average, and maximum concentrations of inspired halothane were significantly higher for DR than for LT horses. Draft horses received 33% less intraoperative IV fluids (8.2 mL kg?1 hour?1) than LT horses. Mean anesthetic duration, time to extubation, and standing recovery were not significantly different. Induction complications were not reported for either group. Rates of occurrence of intraoperative bradycardia, hypercarbia, hypoxemia, and metabolic acidosis (SBE, TCO2, and bicarbonate concentration) did not differ significantly. Average MAP was greater in DR horses, but neither the degree nor the mean duration of hypotension differed between DR and LT horses. Mean PaO2 was significantly lower in DR (246 mm Hg, 32.8 kPa) than in LT (305 mm Hg, 40.7 kPa) breeds. Draft horses were at greater relative risk of hypoventilation than LT horses. The greater MAP and requirement for halothane and intraoperative ketamine may indicate problems in achieving and maintaining a surgical plane of anesthesia. Draft horses may be at a greater risk of ventilation–perfusion mismatching. 相似文献
Crossbred steers (n = 7; 400 kg BW), fitted with T-type cannulas in the duodenum and ileum, were used to examine the effects of processing method, dry-rolled (DR) vs. steam-flaked (SF) sorghum grain, and degree of processing (flake density; FD) of SF corn (SFC) and SF sorghum (SFS) grain on site and extent of DM, starch, and N digestibilities and to measure extent of microbial N flow to the duodenum. In Exp. 1, diets contained 77% DRS or 77% SFS with FD of 437, 360, and 283 g/L (SF34, SF28, and SF22). In Exp. 2, diets contained 77% SFC with FD of SF34 or SF22. For sorghum and corn diets, respective average daily intakes were as follows: DM, 6.7 and 8.1 kg; starch, 3.8 and 4.7 kg; N, 136 and 149 g. Steers fed SFS vs. DRS increased (P = .01) starch digestibilities (percentage of intake) in the rumen (82 vs. 67%) and total tract (98.9 vs. 96.5%) and decreased digestibilities in the small intestine (16 vs. 28%; P = .01) and large intestine (.5 vs 1.2%; P = .05). As a percentage of starch entering the segment, digestibility was increased (P = .01) within the small intestine (91 vs. 85%) but was not altered within the large intestine by steers fed SFS vs. DRS. Decreasing FD of SFS and of SFC, respectively, linearly increased starch digestibilities (percentage of intake) in the rumen (P = .03, .02) and total tract (P = .03, .09) and linearly diminished starch digestibilities in the small intestine (P = .04, .09). Starch digestibilities (percentage of entry) within the small or large intestine were not changed by FD. The percentage of dietary corn or sorghum starch digested in the large intestine was very small, less than 2% of intake. Microbial N flow to the duodenum was not altered by SFS compared to DRS, or by decreasing FD of SFS and SFC. Reducing FD of SFS, but not of SFC, tended to decrease (P = .07) microbial efficiency linearly and tended to increase (P = .06) total tract N digestibilities linearly. Steam flaking compared to dry rolling of sorghum grain and decreasing FD of SFC and SFS grain consistently increased starch digestibility in the rumen and total tract of growing steers. The greatest total digestibility of dietary starch occurred when the proportion digested in the rumen was maximized and the fraction digested in the small intestine was minimized. These changes in sites of digestion account, in part, for the improved N conservation and greater hepatic output of glucose by steers fed lower FD of SFS reported in our companion papers. 相似文献