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The effect of a novel lairage environment on the ability of sheep to recover from 16 h of transport was investigated. Sheep were transported from grass paddocks to either novel outside paddocks or inside pens, and housed groups were transported to either familiar or novel inside pens. During transport, sheep from outside paddocks lay down less than those from inside pens. In sheep transported to inside pens, those from outside paddocks spent more time lying and spent less time eating; hay and water intakes during the first 12 h post-transport were lower than those previously kept inside. There was no obvious effect of a novel environment post-transport on blood biochemistry, suggesting that the lower post-transport feed and water intakes in a novel environment did not have a significant effect on the ability of the sheep to recover from the feed and water deprivation associated with transport.  相似文献   
Carbon kinetics of milk formation in Holstein cows in late lactation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Carbon transfer to milk in Holstein cows in late lactation was measured by introducing changes in the natural stable carbon isotope composition of the feed. Six Holstein cows in mid-lactation were placed on a diet naturally low in 13C (-25.0% vs Pee Dee belemnite [PDB] an international carbon isotope standard), based on alfalfa-barley, and six others were placed on a diet naturally enriched in 13C (-11.5% vs PDB), based on corn. After a 7-wk equilibration period on these diets, three cows were switched from alfalfa-barley to corn, and three were switched from corn to alfalfa-barley. The three other cows in each group served as controls. 13C/12C ratios were measured in daily morning milk samples during the week before and for 6 wk after the changes in diet. After the diets had been switched, milk isotope ratios rapidly approached the isotopic composition of the new diet, indicating rapid transfer of dietary carbon into milk. The data were consistent with a model whereby milk was synthesized from a single precursor pool that responded rapidly to dietary perturbation. The milk precursor pool had a half-life of approximately .9 d and had a mass of approximately 7 kg of carbon, which was renewed daily by the entry of 5 kg of digestible dietary carbon.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Production of cacao in tropical America has been severely affected by fungal pathogens causing diseases known as witches' broom (WB, caused by Moniliophthora perniciosa), frosty pod (FP, caused by M. roreri) and black pod (BP, caused by Phytophthora spp.). BP is pan-tropical and causes losses in all producing areas. WB is found in South America and parts of the Caribbean, while FP is found in Central America and parts of South America. Together, these diseases were responsible for over 700 million US dollars in losses in 2001 (4). Commercial cacao production in West Africa and South Asia are not yet affected by WB and FP, but cacao grown in these regions is susceptible to both. With the goal of providing new disease resistant cultivars the USDA-ARS and Mars, Inc. have developed a marker assisted selection (MAS) program. Quantitative trait loci have been identified for resistance to WB, FP, and BP. The potential usefulness of these markers in identifying resistant individuals has been confirmed in an experimental F(1) family in Ecuador.  相似文献   
Abstract. Incidental observations of Atlantic tomcod during routine laboratory processing revealed that a portion of the adult population collected during the 1977–78 spawning season had enlarged livers containing dark coloured tumours and other abnormalities. Of the total of 264 livers collected between 16 January and 27 February 1978 and grossly examined for prevalence of abnormalities, 25% appeared to contain neoplastic nodules and hepatocellular carcinoma. One liver contained a massive tumour (7 × 12 mm) that involved approximately 60% of the liver. The exact causes of the high prevalence of hepatocellular carcinoma are unknown but poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are suspected of having a possible role. The Hudson River is known to contain elevated concentrations of PCBs. Twelve tomcod livers from the 1977–78 spawning population representing both normal and hepatoma conditions contained concentrations of PCBs ranging from 10–9 to 98–2 ppm (mean of 37–5 ppm).  相似文献   
Experimentally altered ability of transferred spleen cells to generate hemolytic plaque-forming cells provided evidence that antigens compete for a type of multipotential cell that contributes to the formation of immunologically competent units. De'ay of exposure of transferred spleen cells to antigen provided results which suggest that different types of cells interact to form competent, antigen-reactive units even in the absence of antigen.  相似文献   
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