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A critical test of fungicidal activity against the wound pathogen Glomerella cingulata f.sp. camelliae on camellias involved the application of a conidial suspension to scratches on detached leaves, treated with fungicide 24 h previously. In this test, prochloraz at 250–500 μg/ml a.i. in both EC and manganese WP formulations was highly effective, inhibiting leaf rotting by 90–100% compared with 55% or less in some tests with benomyl, chlorothalonil and captafol at 500–1000 μg/ml and captan at 1200 μg/ml. Prochloraz gave similar protection to leaves when applied to whole plants. Protection was less, especially on older leaves, when wounding and inoculating were delayed by 7 or more days after treatment. Prochloraz did not prevent all infection through comparatively large wounds, e.g. leaf scars, made on stems 24 h after treatment.
Poor control of the disease in a nursery was not due to resistance of the pathogen to benomyl; in vitro tests failed to detect full resistance at this time. Under nursery conditions a statutory policy of destroying infected plants and spraying the remainder with prochloraz or prochloraz manganese (both at 500 μg/ml), alternating with benomyl (500 μg/ml) on a weekly basis apparently prevented spread of the disease to healthy plants.  相似文献   
The inherent resistance risk forMonilinia fructicola against sterol-biosynthesis inhibitors (SBIs) was estimated inin vitro andin vivo laboratory studies. Several mutant strains were selected on media amended with the triazole fungicides penconazole, etaconazole or the morpholine fungicide fenpropimorph.The potential forM. fructicola to develop resistance to the triazoles or to the morpholines was similar.The level of resistance attained did not differ for the two classes of fungicides after a single cycle of treatment with nitrosoguanidine (NTG). Attemps to select mutants with a higher level of resistance to penconazole after successive mutagenic treatments were successful. Most of the mutants were less fit than wild-type strains. Mutants with a low level of resistance had an almost normal mycelial growth rate, whereas growth of mutants with a higher level of resistance was significantly reduced. Spore production was highest in the wild-type strains, similar to the latter in a few resistant strains and less in most others. Only one mutant with an intermediate level of resistance could successfully compete in a mixed population with a wild type strain during successive infection cycles on peaches. Resistance was not stable in highly resistant mutants. Cross resistance to the inhibitors of 14-methylsterol demethylation (DMIs) tested was confirmedin vitro andin vivo for all mutant strains. One DMI-resistant mutant was also resistant to fenpropimorph and two fenpropimorph-resistant mutants were resistant to penconazole.  相似文献   
Winter cultivars of wheat, barley, triticale and rye were grown under two contrasting husbandry systems (low and high inputs) at two locations (Woburn and Rothamsted) known to be infested with the take-all fungus. The sandy loam at Woburn is less fertile than the silty clay loam at Rothamsted. Root infection in these crops was assessed in spring and summer.
Rye was least infected by the take-all fungus, wheat the most infected and barley and triticale had intermediate levels of infection. Barley yields were less affected by take-all than those of wheat or triticale, because barley was at a later growth stage by the time severe infection occurred. Yields of wheat and barley responded most to the high-input husbandry on the less fertile soil at Woburn. On the basis of quantity of grain, triticale would appear to be a good substitute for wheat on the less fertile soil when inputs are low, but not where they are high. At Rothamsted, yields of wheat and triticale were similar in both input systems. There was no strong support, at either site, for the contention that triticale could be a useful substitute for barley where low or high inputs are used. A total of 177 isolates of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (the causal fungus of take-all) were obtained from infected roots in these experiments and tested for their pathogenicity on wheat and rye seedlings. These tests revealed a range of pathotypes with varying pathogenicities to wheat and rye, but pathogenicities were not correlated with the host plant from which the fungi were isolated.  相似文献   
Bacterial wilt in cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton) was observed in Kerala state of India. Infected plants showed wilting wherein all leaves roll or curl upward towards the midrib centre, turn yellow, and the whole plant finally dies; the collar region shows water-soaked lesions initially and turns dark brown eventually; copious quantity of bacterial exudate is observed on the cut end of the pseudostem. The bacterium was identified as Ralstonia solanacearum based on a panel of phenotypic characters such as fluidal white colony on Kelman’s medium, biovar assay and biolog assay (BiologGN), and genotypic characters such as Multiplex-PCR based phylotyping, sequences of 16S rDNA, 16-23S intergenic region, and recN gene. Collectively these tests revealed that the R. solanacearum infecting cardamom belong to biovar 3 and phylotype 1 confirming its Asian origin. Upon soil inoculation, the bacterium caused typical wilting of the cardamom plants in three weeks and ginger plantlets in two weeks. Cross transmissibility of the bacterium was observed in cardamom and ginger wherein the plants succumbed to wilt when R. solanacearum from either of the host was inoculated. BOX-PCR fingerprinting revealed that the strain is identical (100%) to a ginger strain of R. solanacearum, which is widely prevalent in the Indian sub-continent. Furthermore, Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) based strain comparison confirmed that cardamom and ginger strain were identical to each other at 11 loci. Apart from striking phenotypic and genotypic (allelic) similarities, geographical origin, and cross transmissibility of the cardamom strain of R. solanacearum strongly suggest that the new occurrence of wilt of cardamom in India could have an origin in bacterial wilt of ginger. Perusal of records on Ralstonia-induced bacterial wilt in crop plants, particularly among the Zingiberaceae family, reveals that this is a new report of bacterial wilt disease in small cardamom.  相似文献   
The veA or velvet gene is necessary for biosynthesis of mycotoxins and other secondary metabolites in Aspergillus species. In addition, veA has also been demonstrated to be necessary for normal seed colonization in Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. The present study shows that veA homologues are broadly distributed in fungi, particularly in Ascomycetes. The Fusarium verticillioides veA orthologue, FvVE1, is also required for the synthesis of several secondary metabolites, including fumonisin and fusarins. This study also shows that maize plants grown from seeds inoculated with FvVE1 deletion mutants did not show disease symptoms, while plants grown from seeds inoculated with the F. verticillioides wildtype and complementation strains clearly showed disease symptoms under the same experimental conditions. In this latter case, the presence of lesions coincided with accumulation of fumonisins in the plant tissues, and only these plant tissues had elevated levels of sphingoid bases and their 1-phosphate derivatives, indicating inhibition of ceramide synthase and disruption of sphingolipid metabolism. The results strongly suggest that FvVE1 is necessary for pathogenicity by F. verticillioides against maize seedlings. The conservation of veA homologues among ascomycetes suggests that veA could play a pivotal role in regulating secondary metabolism and associated pathogenicity in other fungi.  相似文献   
In Germany, cultivation of lupines traditionally takes place only in few federal states at sites with light/sandy soil conditions. Due to this fact, there only exist a small number of field trials to close gaps in chemical weed control via herbicides. The existing pre-emergence herbicides are not able to control all of the most common weed species sufficiently-they all show efficiency gaps against single weed species. Not any of the pre-emergence herbicides tested could achieve high efficiencies against Polygonum convolvulus. The best efficiency against P. convolvulus can be achieved after a sequence of a pre-emergence spray of 0,8–1,0 l/ha Fenikan and a post-emergence spray of 0,2 l/ha Tacco. Since Fenikan and Tacco are not approved for lupine, after approval the application only in lupine stocks for seed production is possible. By taking into account only the currently legal permitted herbicides, Gardo Gold and the tank mix Boxer?+?Stomp Aqua show the best broad effects. Benefits resulting from Gardo Gold can be obtained against Chenopodium album, Viola arvensis, Centaurea cyanus, while the tank mixes Boxer?+?Stomp Aqua show advantages against Galium aparine. From the pre-emergence herbicides tested, Successor T could be applied as an addition to improve the broad effect. In tank mixes with Gardo Gold, the most common weed species can be controlled well. However, with permission also this tank mix can currently only be applied in lupine seed stock production. In the near future weed control will only be possible with the currently existing and approved herbicides, because there are no new herbicides to expect that are compatible with corn, grain and lupine. Under suboptimal application conditions of soil herbicides, weeded lupine stocks can only be harvested after siccation.  相似文献   
Maize rayado fino marafivirus (MRFV) was mechanically transmitted to kernels of three Costa Rican maize cultivars by the vascular puncture technique. A transmission rate of up to 43.2% was obtained for cultivar HC-57. The rate of MRFV transmission to maize was possibly affected by the morphology of the kernel, which may influence physical access to the vascular tissue after water imbibition. Transmission to maize was confirmed by western blot and immunosorbent electron microscopy. By slight modifications of the procedure, MRFV was also transmitted to barley. This is the first report of MRFV infecting a species outside the supertribe Andropogonodae. Virus infection and replication in barley were confirmed by RT-PCR detection of MRFV RNA and by detection of the virus by ELISA.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The presence of mulberry dwarf (MD) phytoplasmas in organs of the inoculative vector insects Hishimonoides sellatiformis and Hishimonus sellatus was determined by means of electron microscopy (EM) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. Many MD phytoplasmas were detected in genital organs as well as in the intestines, salivary glands, brains, fat bodies, and thoracic ganglia of Hishimonoides sellatiformis, but only in the intestine and salivary glands of Hishimonus sellatus. Many phytoplasmas with characteristic morphology were observed via EM in ovaries, seminal receptacles, and testes, and they were further identified by PCR assays with group I-specific primers. In addition, the organisms were detected by direct or nested PCR assays in eggs (head pigmentation stage of embryos) laid on mulberry shoots by inoculative leafhoppers and in the newly hatched nymphs from these eggs. These findings indicate that transovarial transmission of MD phytoplasmas occurs in Hishimonoides sellatiformis.  相似文献   
Brown leaf spot disease caused by Cylindrocladium was found on Howea belmoreana on Hachijojima Island, Tokyo, Japan, in December 2001. Typical symptoms were incited after artificial inoculation. A culture of white mycelia, isolated from leaf spot symptoms, produced reddish perithecia of a nectriaceous fungus. Based on morphological and molecular analyses, this fungus was identified as Calonectria ilicicola (anamorph: Cylindrocladium parasiticum). Pathogenicity of this fungus on five plants cultivated on Hachijojima Island was confirmed by artificial inoculation. This report is the first on Cylindrocladium brown leaf spot of H. belmoreana caused by C. ilicicola (anamorph: Cy. parasiticum).  相似文献   
The response of Cuscuta campestris Yuncker, a non‐specific above‐ground holoparasite, to amino acid biosynthesis inhibitor (AABI) herbicides, was compared with other resistant and sensitive plants in dose–response assays carried out in Petri dishes. Cuscuta campestris was found to be much more resistant to all AABI herbicides tested. The I50 value of C. campestris growth inhibition by glyphosate was eightfold higher than that of transgenic, glyphosate‐resistant cotton (RR‐cotton). The I50 value for C. campestris shoot growth inhibition by sulfometuron was above 500 μM, whereas that of sorghum roots was only 0.004 μM. Cuscuta campestris exposed to glyphosate gradually accumulated shikimate, confirming herbicide penetration into the parasite and interaction with an active form of the target enzyme of the herbicide, 5‐enolpyruvylshikimate‐3‐phosphate synthase. More than half of the C. campestris plants associated with transgenic, glyphosate‐resistant sugarbeet (RR‐sugarbeet) treated with glyphosate or with transgenic, sulfometuron‐resistant tomato (SuR‐tomato) treated with sulfometuron recovered and resumed regular growth 20–30 days after treatment. New healthy stems developed, followed by normal flowering and seed setting. The results of the current study demonstrate the unique capacity of C. campestris to tolerate high rates of AABI. The mechanism of this phenomenon is yet to be elucidated.  相似文献   
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