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Summary Virulent rinderpest virus was detected by immunoperoxidase staining of microtitre bovine kidney cell cultures within 24 to 48 hours of inoculation with prescapular lymph node and spleen homogenates from experimentally infected steers. Rinderpest virus specific cytopathic effects were evident from 48 hours in microtitre plates and from 72 hours in rolled tube cultures. Nasal and ocular secretions collected from cattle naturally infected with rinderpest and inoculated into bovine kidney cell cultures did not readily yield cytopathic virus in both tubes and microtitre plates, but immunoperoxidase staining of microtitre cultures on the fourth day of inoculation detected replication of virus in cultures inoculated with ocular and nasal secretions from seven of 17 cattle tested.
Resumen Se detectó el virus virulente de mediante la tinción con inmunoperoxidasa de cultivos de células de ri?ón bovino en bandejas de microtitulación, después de la inoculación de estos con suspensiones homogenizadas de ganglios linfáticos preescapulares y de bazo provenientes de novillos infectados experimentalmente. El efecto citopático del virus de la peste bovina fue evidente desde las 48 horas en bandejas de microtitulación y desde las 72 horas en tubos de cultivo giratorios. Secreciones oculares y nasales colectadas de ganado infectado en forma natural con la peste bovina e inoculadas en cultivos de células de ri?ón bovino, no mostraron efecto citopático fácilmente en tubos giratorios o bandejas de microtitulación, pero la tinción de las bandejas con inmunoperoxidasa reveló replicación del virus a partir del cuarto día de inoculación con secreciones oculares y nasales en siete de los 17 animales examinados.

Résumé Un virus bovipestique virulent a été décelé par le test de coloration à l'immunoperoxydase de cellules rénales bovines en culture dans des plaques de microtitrage et infectées 48 heures plus t?t avec des homogénats de ganglions lymphatiques et de rate provenant de bouvillons infectés expérimentalement. Les effets cytopathogènes du virus étaient évidents au bout de 48 h dans les plaques de microtitrage et 72 h dans les tubes en rollers. Les sécrétions nasales et oculaires prélevées sur du bétail infecté naturellement par la peste bovine et inoculées sur des cellules rénales bovines n'ont pas toujours montré d'effet cythopathogène aussi bien dans les tubes que dans les plaques de microtitrage. Cependant, la coloration à la peroxydase au jour 4 après l'inoculation a permis de déceler la présence de virus dans 7 cas sur 17.
This article reviews recent diagnostic procedures that have arisen over the last 10 years. Videoendoscopy of horses on a high-speed treadmill allows observation of some of the changes that take place in a horse's airway during exercise. Measurements of upper airway airflows and transupper airway pressure, the use of an esophageal balloon and a Ventigraph to measure changes in pleural pressure, and pulmonary function testing are new techniques that aid the researcher in understanding the mechanics and pathologic characteristics of airway diseases and help the practitioner in assessing the severity of a problem, measuring response to therapy, and accurately determining a prognosis.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of histamine-induced contraction and relaxation were investigated in rings isolated from a middle part of the left descending coronary arteries of horses. Intact and endothelium-denuded preparations were compared. Rings of horse coronary arteries contracted in response to histamine in a concentration dependent manner, but some of them relaxed with lower concentrations and contracted with higher concentrations. Removal of the endothelium abolished the relaxation and potentiated the contraction. The pD2 values were 4.70 +/- 0.08 in the rings with intact endothelium and 4.95 +/- 0.08 in endothelium-denuded rings. Histamine-induced contractions in intact and denuded preparations were not affected by an H2-antagonist, cimetidine, but were inhibited by an H1-antagonist, diphenhydramine in non-competitive manner in the rings with endothelium and in competitive manner in denuded rings. After precontraction with PGF2 alpha or norepinephrine, histamine relaxed preparations with intact endothelium (pD2 value, 7.80 +/- 0.11), although histamine-induced relaxations were not observed in denuded preparations. The relaxation was competitively inhibited by diphenhydramine. Relaxing response was significantly attenuated by methylene blue, quinacrine, L-nitro-arginine, gossypol and AA861 but not by indomethacin. These results suggest that the histamine-induced contraction and relaxation in horse coronary arteries are mediated mainly by H1-receptors in the smooth muscle and endothelium, respectively, and H1-receptor activation of endothelial cells may liberate vasodilator substances.  相似文献   
Modern biotechnology promises a number of new applications in animal breeding and production. Although conventional pig breeding has achieved a high level of efficiency and productivity numerous problems have been encountered with animal health and the loss of meat quality. Selection based on phenotypic performance data of individual animals does not take into account the importance of specific genes and their relevance within a complex regulatory system. In most cases it is therefore difficult to trace back the genetic origins of clinically important disorders. The application of genetic engineering techniques in pig production will facilitate diagnosis, improvement of productivity, and animal health by allowing direct genetic manipulation. Attention must be focussed on the physical and genetic analysis of the procine genome. The isolation and characterisation of genes, DNA-markers, polymorphic DNA-fragments, and their chromosomal assignment will be important prerequisites and tools for the elucidation of genetic disorders. Especially the detection of heterozygous carriers of recessive disorders and their elimination from the breeding stock will increase selection accuracy and decrease the generation intervals. But also the rapid and simple detection of infectious diseases, which is sometimes difficult if not impossible at present, will improve animal health and welfare. Although the production of transgenic animals either by DNA-microinjection into zygotes or the use of embryonal stem cells manipulated in vitro is less straightforward than DNA-based diagnosis it will play an important role in the direct manipulation of the porcine genome and genes. Breeding programmes including the use of transgenic livestock have already been developed. There is no doubt that genetic engineering has reached a degree of practical feasibility, allowing it to play an important role in pig breeding in particular and animal production in general.  相似文献   
Until recently, it was difficult to critically evaluate tendon healing in vivo. Superficial digital flexor tendon injuries were considered healed when the injured tendon was cold, non-painful, adequate time had passed for tendon healing to occur, and no recurrence of the injury was detected when the horse returned to athletic work. This article discusses how ultrasonography has revolutionized the diagnosis, treatment, and management of tendon injuries.  相似文献   
Deficiencies of vitamins A, D, K, E and thiamin can cause severe limitations in beef production. In particular, vitamin A and E can be common causes of lost profit, secondary to limitations of reproductive and growth potential. Prolonged dry periods will reduce available A and E in pasture forage, as can ensiling and prolonged storage of harvested feedstuffs. Polioencephalomalacia is a thiamin responsive disorder, associated with high concentrate feeding and lush pastures. Antimetabolites, such as amprolium, will cause thiamine deficiency when fed in excess. Recent information has shown improved performance with supplemental beta carotene and niacin. The positive responses in reproductive performance, noted with cattle fed supplemental beta carotene, was independent of vitamin A. Supplementation of vitamins above National Research Council recommendations can be justified. However, proper evaluation of feed and animal status, and documentation of a response to supplementation is necessary before diagnosing deficiencies of specific nutrients.  相似文献   
Cellular alterations in level of expression of mRNA encoding for prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase were quantified within ovarian tissues of sheep obtained before, during and after induction of the preovulatory surge of LH and ovulation with LHRH. This was accomplished by isotopic in situ hybridization using a selective cRNA probe to ovine prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase mRNA. A significant elevation in mRNA was detected within the theca interna of the preovulatory follicle at 8, 16 and 24 hr following administration of LHRH. Very close to the time of ovulation (ie., at 24 hr post-LHRH) a marked rise in mRNA was observed in association with epithelial cells covering the apical surface of the follicle. Ovarian cyclooxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid produced during the ovulatory process in the ewe originate within the thecal layer and germinal epithelium of the follicle destined to ovulate.  相似文献   
Summary Susceptible Ankole (Sanga:Bos indicus/Bos taurus) and crossbred Ankole x Jersey (B. taurus) and Ankole x Sahiwal (B. indicus) cattle derived from a farm in Rwanda with no recent history of theileriosis, were infected withTheileria parva stocks from Rwanda either by feeding infectedRhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks on the ears, inoculation of tick derived stabilate or natural exposure to tick challenge. The Ankole cattle originated from local stock born and bred in East Coast fever (ECF) endemic areas of Rwanda. Disease, followed by spontaneous recovery, was observed in 49 of the 72 Ankole cattle after infection withT. parva (68%); the other 23 animals (32%) died of ECF. In contrast 21 of the 33 infected crossbred cattle (64%) died of ECF. It is concluded that the partialTheileria tolerance of the Ankole is, to a great extent, genetic. The basis of this partial tolerance seems to be their ability to limit the explosive multiplication of macroschizonts during the acute phase of the disease.
Resumen Se infectó ganado Ankole susceptible (Sanga:Bos indicus/Bos taurus) y ganado cruzado Ankole x Jersey (Bos taurus) y Ankole x Sahiwal (Bos indicus) proveniente de una finca en Rwanda sin historia reciente de theileriosis, conTheileria parva procedente de Rwanda, mediante la adhesión en la oreja deRhipicephalus appendiculatus infectado, inoculación de estabilados derivados de garrapatas, o exposición natural a la enfermedad a través del vector. El ganado Ankole era originario de un área endémica de theileriosis en Rwanda. Se observó la enfermedad seguida de recuperación, en 49 de 72 animales Ankole infectados conT. parva (68%); los otros 23 animales murieron (32%). En contraste, 21 de los 33 animales cruzados infectados (64%), murieron. Se concluye, que la tolerancia parcial del ganado Ankole es de origen genético. Las bases de ésta tolerancia genética, parece debida a la habilidad para limitar en cierto modo la multiplicación explosiva de macroesquizontes, durante la fase aguda de la enfermedad.

Résumé On a infecté du bétail sensible, de race Ankolé (Sanga:Bos indicus/Bos taurus) et des croisés Ankolé x Jersey (B. taurus) et Ankolé x Sahiwal (B. indicus), provenant d'une ferme au Rwanda sans cas récents de theilériose, avec des souches deTheileria parva du Rwanda, par l'application de tiques (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus) infectées sur les oreilles, par inoculation de stabilat de tiques infectées ou par l'exposition à un challenge naturel de tiques. La souche d'Ankolé était originaire du cheptel local Rwandais, né et élevé dans les régions où la theilériose est endémique. La maladie suivie par la guérison spontanée fut observée dans 49 des 72 Ankolés (68%), les autres 23 animaux (32%) ont succombé à la theilériose. Par contre 21 des 33 croisées infectées (64%) ont succombé à la theilériose. Nous concluons que la tolérance partielle des Ankolés contre la theilériose, est génétique. La base de cette tolérance semble être leur capacité de limiter la multiplication explosive des macroschizonts pendant la phase aigu de la maladie.
Advances in diagnostic ultrasonography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A wide variety of ultrasonographic equipment currently is available for use in equine practice, but no one machine is optimal for every type of imaging. Image quality is the most important factor in equipment selection once the needs of the practitioner are ascertained. The transducer frequencies available, transducer footprints, depth of field displayed, frame rate, gray scale, simultaneous electrocardiography, Doppler, and functions to modify the image are all important considerations. The ability to make measurements off of videocassette recorder playback and future upgradability should be evaluated. Linear array and sector technology are the backbone of equine ultrasonography today. Linear array technology is most useful for a high-volume broodmare practice, whereas sector technology is ideal for a more general equine practice. The curved or convex linear scanner has more applications than the standard linear array and is equipped with the linear array rectal probe, which provides the equine practitioner with a more versatile unit for equine ultrasonographic evaluations. The annular array and phased array systems have improved image quality, but each has its own limitations. The new sector scanners still provide the most versatile affordable equipment for equine general practice.  相似文献   
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