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通过采用不同施肥水平研究对全膜覆土穴播冬小麦中梁30号群体动态及产量的影响,结果表明,低肥(折合施N 50.60 kg/hm~2,P_2O_514.88 kg/hm~2,K_2O 10.20 kg/hm~2)、中肥(折合施N 101.20 kg/hm~2,P_2O_536.60 kg/hm~2,K_2O 25.50 kg/hm~2)、高肥(折合施N 151.8 kg/hm~2,P_2O_554.96 kg/hm~2,K_2O 40.80 kg/hm~2)处理下中梁30号的出苗期、分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗期均随施肥量的增加而提前1~2 d,而成熟期则推迟,说明施肥能促进冬小麦的前期生长。成穗数、结实小穗数和有效穗数均随施肥量的增加而增加,而穗均粒数和千粒重在中肥水平下为最高,高肥处理反而使穗均粒数和千粒重下降。氮磷钾配施高肥与中肥相比增产不显著,中肥施用量较适宜。  相似文献   
Antigenically similar chitin-binding lectins are present in the embryos of wheat, barley, and rye, members of the Triticeae tribe of the grass family (Gramineae). However, the lectins display different localization patterns in these embryos. Lectin is absent from the coleoptile of barley but is present in the outer surface cells of this organ in wheat and in both inner and outer surface cells of rye coleoptiles. All three cereals contain lectin at the periphery of embryonic roots. Similar lectins were not detected in oats and pearl millet, members of other tribes of the Gramineae. Rice, a species only distantty related to wheat, contains a lectin that is antigenically similar to the other cereal lectins and located at the periphery of embryonic roots and throughut the coleoptile.  相似文献   
The most abundant free fatty acids present in a sample of shale from the Green River Formation (Eocene, about 60 x 10(6) years) from Sulfur Creek are the acylic C(19) and C(20) isoprenoid acids. The dominance of these acids parallels the abundance of the corresponding hydrocarbons pristane and phytane.  相似文献   
以EV1、EV2、EV3、EV4、EV5、EV66个抗旱性不同的油菜品种为试验材料,通过不同浓度PEG-6000渗透溶液模拟干旱胁迫处理,研究油菜幼苗的抗旱指数、根长、苗高和根冠比等性状变化,探索在大田环境条件下的苗期生长特征。结果表明,水分胁迫下EV2的抗旱指数最大,EV6的抗旱指数最小;不同浓度PEG胁迫下,各品种差异显著, EV1、EV2、和EV3的根长、苗高和根冠比较大,而EV5和EV6的表现较差。在大田油菜五叶期时,EV2的冠层覆盖面积最大,与其它品种之间存在极显著性差异;总生物量以EV2、EV3和EV1较大,根系干重以EV2较大,而且三者之间存在显著相关性;与抗旱指数进行通径分析,冠层覆盖面积对抗旱性的直接通径系数最大,达到0.5975。冠层覆盖面积的大小反映了早期活力的强弱,早期活力强,相应的品种抗旱指数高,抗旱性强。  相似文献   
Four homoisoflavonoids, 4-O-methylsappanol (1), protosappanin A (2), brazilin (3) and caeasalpin J (4), isolated from Caesalpinia sappan, were tested for inhibitory activity against Beauveria bassiana. Compound 1 showed activity against this fungus.  相似文献   
摘要:宝禄富生是以粉果番茄品种FT7327为母本,以FT1602M为父本配制而成的粉果番茄一代杂种。其无限生长型,植株高且生长势旺盛,中熟,叶片绿,单支花居多;果实高圆形,4心室居多,果皮艳粉色;果实商品性好,价值高,硬度高,耐贮运;单果质量约270 g,产量高,平均667 m2产量高达10 370.1 kg;抗番茄花叶病毒病(TOMV)、烟草花叶病毒病(TMV)、番茄黄化曲叶病毒病(TYLCV)和镰刀菌根腐病。适宜在山东、河北、内蒙古、辽宁等地进行早春、秋延、越冬茬保护地种植及部分露地种植。  相似文献   
The Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has traversed a fairly flat, rock-strewn terrain whose surface is shaped primarily by impact events, although some of the landscape has been altered by eolian processes. Impacts ejected basaltic rocks that probably were part of locally formed lava flows from at least 10 meters depth. Some rocks have been textured and/or partially buried by windblown sediments less than 2 millimeters in diameter that concentrate within shallow, partially filled, circular impact depressions referred to as hollows. The terrain traversed during the 90-sol (martian solar day) nominal mission shows no evidence for an ancient lake in Gusev crater.  相似文献   
Soil compaction caused by random traffic or repetitive tillage has been shown to reduce water use efficiency, and thus crop yield due to reduced porosity, decreased water infiltration and availability of nutrients. Conservation tillage coupled with subsoiling in northern China is widely believed to reduce soil compaction, which was created after many years of no-till. However, limited research has been conducted on the most effective time interval for subsoiling, under conservation tillage. Data from conservation tillage demonstration sites operating for 10 years in northern China were used to conduct a comparative study of subsoiling interval under conservation tillage. Three modes of traditional tillage, subsoiling with soil cover and no-till with soil cover were compared using 10 years of soil bulk density, water content, yield and water use efficiency data. Cost benefit analysis was conducted on subsoiling time interval under conservation tillage. Yield and power consumption were assessed by based on the use of a single pass combine subsoiler and planter. Annual subsoiling was effective in reducing bulk density by only 4.9% compared with no-till treatments on the silty loam soils of the Loess plateau, but provided no extra benefit in terms of soil water loss, yield increase or water utilization. With the exception of bulk density, no-till and subsoiling with cover were vastly superior in increasing water use (+10.5%) efficiency and yield (+12.9%) compared to traditional tillage methods. Four years of no-till followed by one subsoiling reduced mechanical inputs by 62%, providing an economic benefit of 49% for maize and 209% for wheat production compared to traditional tillage. Annual subsoiling reduced inputs by 25% with an increased economic benefit of 23% for maize and 135% for wheat production. Yield and power consumption was improved by 5% and 20%, respectively, by combining subsoiling with the planting operation in one pass compared with multipass operations of subsoiling and planting. A key conclusion from this is that annual subsoiling in dryland areas of northern China is uneconomical and unwarranted. Four years of no-till operations followed by 1 year subsoiling provided some relief from accumulated soil compaction. However, minimum soil disturbance and maximum soil cover are key elements of no-till for saving water and improving yields. Improved yields and reduced farm power consumption could provide a significant base on which to promote combined planter and subsoiling operations throughout northern China. Further research is required to develop a better understanding of the linkages between conservation tillage, soil quality and yield, aimed at designing most appropriate conservation tillage schemes.  相似文献   
A high-molecular-weight protein with beta-endorphin- and adrenocorticotropin-immunoreactivities was isolated from extracts of human placenta after several purification steps, including immunoadsorption with a well-characterized antiserum raised to beta-endorphin. This protein was identified as the heavy chain of the human immunoglobulin class IgG1. These results have led to the recognition of homologies in the amino acid sequences of these physiologically unrelated molecules. They also suggest caution in accepting immunological competence as the sole criterion of the chemical identity of a ligand.  相似文献   
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