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Cheyletiellosis and scabies can cause pruritus in dogs and cats. Cheyletiellosis is variably pruritic, whereas scabies is usually intensely pruritic. Hypersensitivity reactions are described in both of these parasitic dermatoses and probably contribute to the development of lesions and pruritus. Both parasites are readily eradicated with insecticides.  相似文献   
Sedatives and anaesthetics are known to cause changes in the regional cerebral blood flow. In dogs intramuscular sedation with medetomidine, a potent sedative frequently used in veterinary medicine, is sometimes indicated prior to intravenous injection of 99mTechnetium-Ethyl Cysteinate Dimer (99mTc-ECD) in brain perfusion studies using Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT). Based on the knowledge of the distribution of alpha2-receptors in the brain, we hypothesized altered regional brain perfusion in dogs receiving medetomidine prior to 99mTc-ECD. Two conditions were compared in 10 dogs; tracer injection before and after intramuscular sedation with medetomidine. In our study, medetomidine caused a significantly higher tracer uptake in all brain regions. Semi-quantification of brain perfusion rendered a lower perfusion index in the subcortical region and an imbalance between left and right cortical perfusion induced by medetomidine. This study shows that caution is needed when quantifying the brain perfusion indices under medetomidine sedation.  相似文献   
One hundred sixty beef cows (631 +/- 78 kg) were used to evaluate the quantity of hay loss and feeding behaviors from different round bale feeders. Twenty cows were allotted by weight and body condition score to one of eight pens with four feeder designs: cone, ring, trailer, or cradle. All feeder types provided approximately 37 cm of linear feeder space per animal. Alfalfa and orchardgrass round bales were weighed and sampled before feeding. Hay that fell onto the concrete surrounding the feeder was considered waste and was collected and sampled daily. At the end of a 7-d period, each feeder type was assigned to a different pen for a second 7-d period. On four consecutive days in each period, animal behavior was recorded using a time-lapse video system. Data were collected from 5-min observational intervals from the video tapes every 0.5 h each day. Feeder access, occupancy rate, and occurrence of agonistic interactions were recorded. Dry matter hay waste was 3.5, 6.1, 11.4, and 14.6% for the cone, ring, trailer, and cradle feeders, respectively. Calculated dry matter intake of hay ranged from 1.8 to 2.0% of body weight and was not different among feeder type (P < 0.05). Percentage of organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and crude protein were all lower and acid detergent lignin was higher in the recovered waste compared to the hay fed (P < 0.05). Cows feeding from the cradle feeder had nearly three times the agonistic interactions and four times the frequency of entrances compared to cows feeding from the other feeder types (P < 0.05). Feed losses were positively correlated with agonistic interactions, frequency of regular and irregular entrances, and feeder occupancy rate (P < 0.05). Agonistic interactions by cows and frequency of feeder entrances differed among feeders and were correlated to feeder design induced feed losses.  相似文献   
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