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Effects of small population size and reduced genetic variation on the viability of wild animal populations remain controversial. During a 35-year study of a remnant population of greater prairie chickens, population size decreased from 2000 individuals in 1962 to fewer than 50 by 1994. Concurrently, both fitness, as measured by fertility and hatching rates of eggs, and genetic diversity declined significantly. Conservation measures initiated in 1992 with translocations of birds from large, genetically diverse populations restored egg viability. Thus, sufficient genetic resources appear to be critical for maintaining populations of greater prairie chickens.  相似文献   
The safety of heartworm preventives in heartworm-positive cats has traditionally been evaluated using adult Dirofilaria immitis removed from infected dogs and surgically implanted into the cats. An alternate study model uses infective larvae to establish adult infections in cats. Unfortunately, the number of adult worms resulting from the latter method varies widely from none to more than 30, both unacceptable for studies of natural heartworm infection and for studies evaluating product safety in heartworm-infected cats. We sought to determine infection severity in experimental infections via echocardiography to reduce the chances of enrolling uninfected and heavily infected cats into a study. Eighty adult cats were each inoculated with 60 infective D. immitis larvae and maintained for 8 months to allow for the development of adult worms. Antigen and antibody testing, as well as echocardiographic imaging, were performed to confirm and estimate adult worm burdens. Approximately 8 and 12 months post-infection, echocardiographic examination was performed to confirm and enumerate adult D. immitis populations in the cardiovascular system. Worm burdens were stratified as 0, 1-3, 4-11, and > 11 adults, with 0 being considered uninfected and more than 11 considered too heavily infected to be relevant for anthelmintic studies. Cats with clinically relevant infections (1-10 adults) subsequently received multiple treatments with the investigational drug, and worm burdens were confirmed by necropsy 30 days following the final treatment. Worm burden estimated with echocardiography correlated well, but not precisely, with post-mortem counts (p < 0.001, r2 = 0.67). Echocardiography under-, over-, and exactly estimated heartworm burden 53%, 27%, and 22% of the time, respectively. Although the correct category (0-4) was determined by echocardiography in only 54% of cats, positive cats were distinguished from negative cats 88% of the time and the heaviest infections (> 11) were correctly categorized 95% of the time. Both false negative and false positive results were observed. We conclude that echocardiography is useful for detecting mature experimental heartworm infections, identifying cats that have rejected mature infection, and detecting very heavy heartworm burdens, but it is only moderately accurate in classifying lesser burdens. While echocardiography cannot be relied upon to consistently determine the exact heartworm burden in experimentally infected cats, it is useful in stratifying worm burdens for anthelmintic safety studies.  相似文献   
A single dose of 5 x 10(8) bacilli of Pseudomonas pseudomallei by intratracheal injection resulted in acute (21 cases) or chronic (19 cases) melioidosis in 40 of 48 pigs. Fifteen (10 acute and 5 chronic) had been immunosuppressed by cyclophosphamide before inoculation. The major clinical signs were initial fever, marked neutrophilia and, in the acute cases, respiratory distress. There were no signs of the nasal and ocular discharge, paresis or diarrhoea seen in acute cases in south-east Asia. The cyclophosphamide treatment caused a significant decrease in the neutrophil count by 7 d after inoculation in all 15 immunosuppressed pigs, and all were culture positive at necropsy. Eight of the 33 non-treated pigs were culture negative at necropsy. Pigs overcoming the initial phase of infection had more abscess-like nodules that were bacteriologically sterile at necropsy than the pigs with acute cases of melioidosis. P. pseudomallei was isolated predominantly from the spleen, lungs and the injection site. Although only one strain was used in this study, it is likely that Australian strains of P. pseudomallei are not as virulent as the south-east Asian isolates.  相似文献   
Sixteen controlled laboratory studies, involving 420 kittens and cats, were conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of topically applied formulations of imidacloprid and moxidectin for the prevention of feline heartworm disease, treatment of flea infestations and treatment and control of intestinal nematodes. Unit-dose applicators and the dosing schedule used in these studies were designed to provide a minimum of 10mg imidacloprid and 1mg moxidectin/kg. Treatments were applied topically by parting the hair at the base of the skull and applying the solution on the skin. Imidacloprid treatment alone did not display activity against Dirofilaria immitis or intestinal nematodes and moxidectin treatment alone provided little or no activity against adult Ctenocephalides felis infestations. The formulation containing 10% imidacloprid and 1% moxidectin was 100% efficacious against the development of adult D. immitis infections when cats were treated 30 days after inoculation with third-stage larvae. A single treatment with this formulation also provided 88.4-100% control of adult C. felis for 35 days. Imidacloprid/moxidectin was 100% efficacious against adult Toxocara cati and 91.0-98.3% efficacious against immature adults and fourth-stage T. cati larvae. The formulation provided 98.8-100% efficacy against adult Ancylostoma and immature adults and third-stage A. tubaeforme larvae. Monthly topical application with 10% imidacloprid/1% moxidectin is convenient, efficacious and safe for the prevention of feline heartworm disease, treatment of flea infestation and for the treatment and control of intestinal nematode infections of cats.  相似文献   
Local control of the domain orientation in diblock copolymer thin films can be obtained by the application of electric fields on micrometer-length scales. Thin films of an asymmetric polystyrene-polymethylmethacrylate diblock copolymer, with cylindrical polymethylmethacrylate microdomains, were spin-coated onto substrates previously patterned with planar electrodes. The substrates, 100-nanometer-thick silicon nitride membranes, allow direct observation of the electrodes and the copolymer domain structure by transmission electron microscopy. The cylinders aligned parallel to the electric field lines for fields exceeding 30 kilovolts per centimeter, after annealing at 250°C in an inert atmosphere for 24 hours. This technique could find application in nanostructure fabrication.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to determine effects of cyfluthrin and pyrethrin spray products, used in combination with cyfluthrin topical and ear tag applications, on bull reproductive parameters over 18 weeks. Angus or Angus x Simmental bulls were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: (i) no exposure to pyrethrins/cyfluthrin (CONT; n = 10), (ii) cyfluthrin ear tag and topical applications (ET; n = 10), or (iii) cyfluthrin ear tag, topical, premise spray and pyrethrin fog spray applications (ET+S; n = 8). Bull body weight was measured every 3 week, and body condition score and scrotal circumference were recorded on weeks 0, 9 and 18. Semen and serum were collected every 3 weeks for sperm evaluation and testosterone measurement, respectively. There was a treatment × week interaction (p < 0.01) for sperm with primary defects; bulls in CONT group had a greater (p = 0.01) percentage of sperm with primary defects than bulls treated with insecticides at week 18. Overall and progressive sperm motility, normal sperm morphology, secondary sperm defects and serum testosterone concentrations changed (p < 0.01) over time in all bulls; however, treatment did not affect (p ≥ 0.13) any of these parameters. There were also no treatment effects (p ≥ 0.08) on bull body weight, body condition score or scrotal circumference. The use of pyrethrin‐ and cyfluthrin‐based insecticides, regardless of application, did not negatively affect reproductive parameters in beef bulls when administered over 18 weeks.  相似文献   
On the basis of synchronization of three carbon-14 (14C)-dated lacustrine sequences from Sweden with tree ring and ice core records, the absolute age of the Younger Dryas-Preboreal climatic shift was determined to be 11,450 to 11,390 +/- 80 years before the present. A 150-year-long cooling in the early Preboreal, associated with rising Delta14C values, is evident in all records and indicates an ocean ventilation change. This cooling is similar to earlier deglacial coolings, and box-model calculations suggest that they all may have been the result of increased freshwater forcing that inhibited the strength of the North Atlantic heat conveyor, although the Younger Dryas may have begun as an anomalous meltwater event.  相似文献   
AIM: To identify if there was a significant difference in the average daily liveweight gain (ADG) between Thoroughbred foals weaned using two weaning protocols commonly used in New Zealand.

METHODS: Sixteen Thoroughbred foals were blocked for sex and age, randomly allocated into progressive (187, SD 33 days; three colts, five fillies) or abrupt (182, SD 28 days; four colts, four fillies) weaning groups, and weighed every second day for 2 weeks either side of weaning, then fortnightly from birth to 480 (SD 31) days old. ADG was calculated to examine the short-term (10 days before weaning, 5 and 10 days post weaning) and long-term (0–6 and 6–16 months of age) effect of the two weaning treatments.

RESULTS: ADG was 1.10 (SD 0.091) kg/day before weaning (0–6 months of age) and 0.59 (SD 0.06) kg/day from weaning to 480 (SD 31) days old. At the start of weaning, liveweights of the progressive and abrupt weaning groups were 276.5 (SD 40.3) kg and 257 (SD 15) kg, respectively (p=0.23). For the 5-day period during weaning, irrespective of treatment, there was a significant decrease in ADG of –0.29 (SD 0.49) kg/day and –0.15 (SD 0.30) kg/day for progressive and abrupt weaning, respectively. There was no significant difference in ADG between weaning methods at any measurement period (short or long term) during and after weaning. However, there was large variation between foals in ADG in the 10 days after the weaning process, which may indicate variation in individual foals' responses to being weaned, rather than the weaning treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: Weaning, irrespective of method, was associated with a decrease in ADG in the first week after weaning. The method of weaning had no effect on post-weaning ADG either short term, 10 days after weaning, or long term up to 480 days of age. Practically, it may be more important to consider maturity and liveweight as criteria for weaning foals rather than age alone.  相似文献   
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