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国家公园解说系统规划探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍国家公园概念及其解说系统的解说对象、解说内容、解说方式、解说受众、解说组织等构成要素.分析国家公园解说系统的布局结构、规划步骤、规划方案等的内容及其要点.认为在进行国家公园解说系统规划时,应充分考虑解说系统的人性化问题,重视环境教育和资源保护,加强与学校、科研院所、社区及环保组织的联系,构建公众环境教育网,开展解说子系统适用性研究.  相似文献   
Soil moisture content (SMC) is a key hydrological parameter in agriculture,meteorology and climate change,and understanding of spatio-temporal distributions of SMC in farmlands is important to address the precise irrigation scheduling.However,the hybrid interaction of static and dynamic environmental parameters makes it particularly difficult to accurately and reliably model the distribution of SMC.At present,deep learning wins numerous contests in machine learning and hence deep belief network (DBN) ,a breakthrough in deep learning is trained to extract the transition functions for the simulation of the cell state changes.In this study,we used a novel macroscopic cellular automata (MCA) model by combining DBN to predict the SMC over an irrigated corn field (an area of 22 km~2) in the Zhangye oasis,Northwest China.Static and dynamic environmental variables were prepared with regard to the complex hydrological processes.The widely used neural network,multi-layer perceptron (MLP) ,was utilized for comparison to DBN.The hybrid models (MLP-MCA and DBN-MCA) were calibrated and validated on SMC data within four months,i.e.June to September 2012,which were automatically observed by a wireless sensor network (WSN) .Compared with MLP-MCA,the DBN-MCA model led to a decrease in root mean squared error (RMSE) by 18%.Thus,the differences of prediction errors increased due to the propagating errors of variables,difficulties of knowing soil properties and recording irrigation amount in practice.The sequential Gaussian simulation (s Gs) was performed to assess the uncertainty of soil moisture estimations.Calculated with a threshold of SMC for each grid cell,the local uncertainty of simulated results in the post processing suggested that the probability of SMC less than 25% will be difference in different areas at different time periods.The current results showed that the DBN-MCA model performs better than the MLP-MCA model,and the DBN-MCA model provides a powerful tool for predicting SMC in highly non-linear forms.Moreover,because modeling soil moisture by using environmental variables is gaining increasing popularity,DBN techniques could contribute a lot to enhancing the calibration of MCA-based SMC estimations and hence provide an alternative approach for SMC monitoring in irrigation systems on the basis of canals.  相似文献   
文章主要介绍中华鼢鼠在九梁洼林区的分布状况及生活特性,及其对樟子松的危害状况。应采取的相应防治措施,全面推广综合防治实用技术,持之以恒地开展防鼠灭鼠工作,对林业科学发展具有深远的现实意义,也是对绿化成果的有力保障。  相似文献   
文章围绕施工阶段质量控制工作,重点强调事先的主动控制,事中的过程控制和事后验收阶段的控制措施,从而保证工程质量。  相似文献   
大米是我国居民膳食的重要来源,其新陈度直接影响到大米的营养成分。为了探索大米新陈度的高效、安全、快速检测方法,利用近红外光谱技术对150份大米进行检测研究。结果表明,采用偏最小二乘法建立的定量分析模型对不同年际大米的正确鉴别率高达94.1%。因此,使用近红外光谱对大米进行快速新陈度鉴别可取得较高精确和稳定的检测结果。  相似文献   
通过棉花氮、磷、钾"3414"田间试验测得的数据,分别建立获嘉位庄高产田、延津东屯中高产田、卫辉虎头庄中低产田以籽棉产量为目标函数的氮、磷、钾三元二次回归模型,通过模拟仿真因素取值的频率分析,分别求得3个试点高产的N、P2O5、K2O最优施肥配比为:位庄高产点施N 380.3~394.94 kg/hm2、P2O5192.81~200.23 kg/hm2、K2O 297.80~311.4 kg/hm2,籽棉产量可达4 456.07~4 483.42 kg/hm2;延津东屯中高产点,施N 94.08~112.54 kg/hm2、P2O5 48.85~59.0 kg/hm2、K2O 263.34~277.96 kg/hm2,期望产量为3 906.63~3 962.18 kg/hm2;卫辉虎头庄中低产点,施N 243.76~271.59 kg/hm2、P2O5 210.48~214.00 kg/hm2、K2O 286.73~301.02 kg/hm2,期望产量为3 317.41~3 352.80 kg/hm2。并对各类模型的两因素互作效应及单因素效应作了剖析。  相似文献   
太行山区涉县柴胡害虫的类群构成及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太行山区涉县柴胡的害虫类群构成以及螟蛾幼虫、赤条蝽、蛾类幼虫、蚜虫等优势种害虫的为害特点进行了调查研究,初步明确该区柴胡害虫有15科20种,天敌昆虫8科11种。在国内首次发现柴胡种子寄生蜂为长尾小蜂科大痣小蜂属的小蜂,并首次发现一种啮小蜂为该寄生蜂的重寄生蜂。针对优势种害虫提出了防治方法,为今后柴胡害虫的综合治理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Climate change is recognized to increase the frequency and severity of extreme temperature events. At flowering and grain filling stages, risk of high temperature stress (HTS) on rice might increase, and lead to declining grain yields. A regulated cabinet experiment was carried out to investigate effects of high temperature stress on rice growth at flowering and grain-filling stages. Results showed that no obvious decrease pattern in net photosynthesis appeared along with the temperature rising, but the dry matter allocation in leaf, leaf sheath, culm, and panicle all changed. Dry weight of panicle decreased, and ratio of straw to total above ground crop dry weight increased 6–34% from CK, which might have great effects on carbon cycling and green house gas emission. Grain yield decreased significantly across all treatments on average from 15 to 73%. Occurrence of HTS at flowering stage showed more serious influence on grain yield than at grain filling stage. High temperature stress showed negative effects on harvest index. It might be helpful to provide valuable information for crop simulation models to capture the effects of high temperature stress on rice, and evaluate the high temperature risk.  相似文献   
刘润刚  宋华 《油气储运》2006,25(5):36-39
阐述了气液联动阀的基本结构和工作原理、操作程序、过滤器的清洗与更换、气源管和检测管的检查与吹扫、气液罐液压油及油位的检查、电池电压的检查等日常维护与保养工作要点以及冬季运行应注意的问题.给出了GOV阀在压力正常情况下异常关断、Lineguard通信功能失灵、气源管及检测管接口处漏气、液联动阀关阀不到位、现场与远传信号不同步等一些常见故障排除方法.  相似文献   
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