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Treatment of lactating and nonlactating parous cows (n = 379) with 12 mg of FSH-P to evaluate development of multiple bovine fetuses resulted in ovulation rates ranging from 1 to 27 corpora lutea (CL). Fertilization rate (i.e., ova fertilized at 6 to 8 d postmating, 80.0%) was not affected by ovulation rate. The percentage of fetuses developing normally at 51 to 53 d postmating decreased (P less than .01) as ovulation rate increased; 1 CL, 100.0%; 2 CL, 100.0%; 3 CL, 66.7%; 4 CL, 45.8%; 5 CL, 33.3%; 6 to 10 CL, 13.6%; and greater than 10 CL, 8.9%. Of the 86 cows permitted to calve, 47 produced singles, 22 twins, 9 triplets, 7 quadruplets, and 1 quintuplets. Calf birth weight and gestational length decreased (P less than .01) as the number of calves born increased from one to two to three. Smaller decreases (P less than .05) in birth weight occurred among triplets, quadruplets, and quintuplets, whereas gestational length did not differ (P greater than .1) among these groups. Systemic progesterone concentrations in the dam were proportional (P less than .01) to the number of fetuses in utero between d 126 and 266 for dams gestating one, two, or three or more fetuses; estrone sulfate was lower (P less than .01) in dams with one than in those with two or more fetuses. Placental weight (i.e., cotyledons plus intercotyledonary membranes) per fetus at 52 +/- 1 d of gestation and at term decreased as the number of fetuses increased. The chorioallantoic membranes were often fused among multiple fetuses and contained either all viable or all dead fetuses, but not both, within the same anastomosed placental unit. These results suggest that ovulation rate is the first limiting factor to increasing cow productivity for beef cattle because some bovine females had the capacity to gestate up to three fetuses per uterine horn, or a total of five fetuses, above which pregnancy was terminated.  相似文献   
通过0 Gy、15 Gy、30 Gy、45 Gy、60 Gy、75 Gy、90 Gy和105 Gy的12C6+重离子束进行辐照,探讨其对藏黄连发芽、幼苗生长情况等方面的影响。结果表明,12C6+重离子辐照能明显降低藏黄连种子的发芽势和发芽率,且剂量愈大,抑制作用愈明显,当辐照剂量低于30 Gy时,发芽势约为40%,高于75 Gy时,发芽率则低于25%;同时辐照处理组与对照组叶幅比差异不明显,呈现长形,均为箭状;辐照处理也对藏黄连植株高度产生了影响,未经辐射处理的藏黄连植株茎干的平均高度为10.87 cm,随着辐射剂量的加大,植株的茎干高度逐渐降低,辐照剂量达105 Gy时,植株高度为8.67 cm。  相似文献   
In model terrestrial ecosystems maintained for three plant generations at elevated concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide, increases in photosynthetically fixed carbon were allocated below ground, raising concentrations of dissolved organic carbon in soil. These effects were then transmitted up the decomposer food chain. Soil microbial biomass was unaffected, but the composition of soil fungal species changed, with increases in rates of cellulose decomposition. There were also changes in the abundance and species composition of Collembola, fungal-feeding arthropods. These results have implications for long-term feedback processes in soil ecosystems that are subject to rising global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.  相似文献   
Optically pumped nuclear magnetic resonance (OPNMR) measurements were performed in two different electron-doped multiple quantum well samples near the fractional quantum Hall effect ground state nu = 13. Below 0.5 kelvin, the spectra provide evidence that spin-reversed charged excitations of the nu = 13 ground state are localized over the NMR time scale of about 40 microseconds. Furthermore, by varying NMR pulse parameters, the electron spin temperature (as measured by the Knight shift) could be driven above the lattice temperature, which shows that the value of the electron spin-lattice relaxation time tau1s is between 100 microseconds and 500 milliseconds at nu = 13.  相似文献   
新疆南部夏季高温的公路交通响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对2008年夏季(6~8月)若羌模拟公路路面温度的实验数据及同期若羌气象观测资料的分析,得出:若羌模拟公路路面最高温度对交通运行有影响的概率高达73%,有很大影响和有严重影响的概率分别为40%,23%;在晴天12:00~18:00时,对交通运行有影响的概率达68%;日最高气温在37℃以上和35~37℃时,若羌模拟公路路面最高温度对交通运行有影响的概率分别达100%,87%.同时,利用塔克拉玛干沙漠周边公路沿线9个气象观测站(库尔勒、若羌、且末、民丰、和田、叶城、喀什、阿克苏、库车)近48年(1961-2008年)5~9月气温和地面温度资料,对其气候概况和气候变化特征进行分析,得出近48年夏季最高地面温度总体为上升趋势,尤其是20世纪80年代以后上升幅度较大.  相似文献   
Variation in the biochemical status of individual small (< or = 5 mm diameter) antral follicles within the ovaries of a cow at any given time likely influences the capacity for undergoing recruitment, selection, and establishing dominance. The objectives of this study were to provide insight into the magnitude of variation in follicular fluid concentrations of steroids and activities of IGFBP that exists among individual small antral follicles within and between cows, and to determine the relationships between follicular fluid IGFBP and steroid concentrations in these follicles. A total of 108 small antral follicles were collected from 6 cows at random stages of the estrous cycle, with 10 to 26 follicles/cow. Concentrations of steroids (ng/mL of follicular fluid) in the overall population of follicles ranged from 0.1 (lowest detectable limit) to 51 for estradiol (E2), 4 to 1,149 for progesterone (P4), and 5 to 504 for androstenedione (A4). Concentrations of E2 and A4 were associated positively (r = 0.2; P < 0.02), but E2 (r = -0.4) and A4 (r = -0.4) were associated negatively, with P4. The proportion of variation in steroid concentrations accounted for by differences among animals (P < 0.05) was small for E2 (12%), moderate for P4 (43%), and greatest for A4 (74%). Least differences between minimum and maximum concentrations of steroids observed in follicles from within a cow were 21-, 5.5-, and 3.5-fold for E2, P4, and A4, respectively, whereas the greatest differences between minimum and maximum concentrations were 505-, 108-, and 26-fold for E2, P4, and A4, respectively. Ranges of IGFBP concentrations (arbitrary densitometer units) detected in fluid from a sub-sample of 43 follicles were 1.18 to 4.50 for IGFBP-3, 0.54 to 4.68 for IGFBP-2, 0.07 to 2.56 for IGFBP-4, and 0.01 to 6.71 for IGFBP-5. Concentrations of E2 were correlated negatively with each IGFBP (r = -0.4 to -0.8; P < 0.05) except IGFBP-3. In contrast, concentrations of A4 were correlated positively with IGFBP-3 (r = 0.4; P < 0.05) but were not correlated with other IGFBP. Concentrations of P4 were correlated positively (r > 0.4; P < 0.05) with IGFBP-4 and -5. The results indicate that steroid concentrations and IGFBP activities vary substantially among small antral follicles collected from within and among individual animals and that increasing production of E2, the hallmark of a developing follicle, was associated with reduced activity of all IGFBP except IGFBP-3, thereby implicating these IGFBP in the regulation of follicular recruitment.  相似文献   
将岩青、轮叶棘豆等3种藏药材按一定比例配成复方,采用乙醇提取法进行提取,将浓缩药液用细胞维持液配制成1g/L的药液,并根据对兔肾细睁(PRK)安全浓度的测定结果,稀释成不同梯度浓度,分别与脓疱皮炎病毒(ORFV)加入到已培养24h的单层PRK中,通过M1TI’法测定OD值,分析其对ORFV病毒增殖的影响。经回归分析,复方药液在7.81—62·5mg/mL浓度范围内,药物浓度与活细胞存在线性关系,对病毒增势有显著的抑制作用(P〈0·05)。表明藏药材复方药液具有抗脓疱皮炎病毒感染的作用。  相似文献   
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