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随着城镇化的进程加快,农村大量青壮年劳动力涌入城市,导致农村的劳动力产生空心化。采用调查问卷法对黑龙江省部分农村及垦区进行实地调查。通过将农户的收入情况、劳动力的外出务工情况、耕地的耕种情况、对居住条件与工作环境的满意度以及子女后代从事农业的意愿情况进行对比分析,深入地揭示黑龙江省农村空心化的现状及成因,为治理和预防黑龙江省农村空心化提供对策建议。  相似文献   
为了提高灭火效率、缩短灭火距离、解决灭火人员负载过重及灭火安全等问题,本文通过对履带式遥控风力灭火机工作原理的分析及总体方案的确定,设计了履带式遥控风力灭火机行走机构.设计的履带式遥控风力灭火机可以实现远程遥控且具有良好的爬坡能力和通过能力.  相似文献   
对大兴安岭兴安落叶松用材林进行不同强度的采伐改造,采用集对分析法,对不同强度采伐后的土壤养分进行综合评价,对比采伐改造后土壤养分.结果表明:大兴安岭地区,兴安落叶松用材林中,采伐强度为19%时,土壤养分最优,低强度和高强度的采伐对土壤养分有负面影响,且采伐强度越高,土壤综合养分越差.  相似文献   
梁山慈竹是我国西南地区优良的笋材两用竹种。文中从生长特性、发笋成竹规律、生物量结构、生态因子、竹林水文效应、育苗技术、竹林抚育和土壤管理等几个方面,对梁山慈竹生物生态学特性与培育技术的研究现状进行了分析和总结,提出了未来研究的重点和方向。  相似文献   
保护地黄瓜新品种甘丰12号选育报告   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
甘丰12号是以自交系J3011为母本、自交系CW0387为父本选育而成的黄瓜一代杂种。在2008—2009年的区域试验中,甘丰12号平均折合前期产量为12221.2kg/hm2,较对照品种津优2号减产0.9%;平均折合总产量为102031.0kg/hm0,较对照品种津优2号增产17.2%。瓜条长棒状,平均瓜长31em,平均瓜条直径3.4cm。果形指数9.3,平均瓜把长4.0 cm,平均单瓜重210g。瓜条顺直,中瘤密刺中棱,皮色深绿无黄条纹,食用风味中上。水分含量9513%,可溶性固形物含量33.0g/ks,可溶性糖含量21.1g/kg,Vc含量99.8mg/kg。中抗霜霉病、白粉病,高抗枯萎病。适宜甘肃省皋兰县、白银市、天水市、武威市等地及气候类型相似地区日光温室和塑料大棚栽培。  相似文献   
新麦系列新品种(系)灰色关联度分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对8个小麦新品种(系)的产量和其7个主要性状进行灰色关联度分析,以明确新麦系列新品种(系)产量和产量构成因素及其它性状之间的关系,为优势新品系的评价提供依据。结果表明:影响产量的7个因素,2012年的排序为穗粒数千粒重单位面积穗数、成穗率株高春季最大分蘖数基本苗数,2013年的排序为成穗率单位面积穗数千粒重株高穗粒数基本苗数春季最大分蘖数;两年关联度均靠前的小麦新品种(系)有新科麦169、新麦212。  相似文献   
山东省是我国重要的农产品生产、加工、出口基地,其产量和质量均名列全国前茅。但随着山东农业的快速发展,农产品质量安全事故时有发生。本文分析了发生在山东的典型农产品质量安全案列,查找原因并提出应对措施。  相似文献   
Five kinds of agricultural castoffs, such as sawdust and powder of coconut coir, were used as growing media to substitute the peat moss for potted Cyclamen percicum. It showed that most of the substitute media could fit for the growth of the root system without disturbing the spatial development of the root. The root activities of the plants in substitute media were all higher or not significantly lower than that in the contrast peat moss (PM). The substitute media might not make adverse effects on the biosynthesis of chlorophyll of C. percicum leaves, and the nutrient components contained in the substitute media itself was none of the content of mineral elements in the leaves. The morphological indexes of C. percicum plants growing in the substitute media except in the powder of coconut coir (PCC) were all better than those in the contrast PM. The synthetically evaluation index of the plant showed that the sawdust, the powder of maize core, the powder of soybean stalk, the powder of peanut hull could take place the peat moss totally in C. percicum industrialization cultivation.  相似文献   
Methionine(Met)and lysine(Lys)have been reported as the first two limiting amino acids(AA)for maximum milk yield and milk protein production.Supplying these AA may improve microbial protein synthesis and therefore improve milk production without adding excess N to the environment.This observation utilized fermented soybean meal(SBM),cottonseed meal(CSM),rapeseed meal(RSM)and corn by Bacillus subtilis 168 and Leuconostoc mesenteroides as core feedstuffs to produce special biological protein feed for dairy cow.The results showed that the milk production,milk protein percentage,milk fat percentage and milk DM percentage of test groups in trial period were significantly more than those of the control group(P<0.01),the results showed that adding fermenting protein feed in dairy cow diets could significantly improve milk yield,milk protein and milk fat content.The economic benefits of actual application were analyzed,the group of 0.5%was the best compared with the other groups.  相似文献   
概述了赣南脐橙机械化生产现状,分析了制约赣南脐橙机械化生产的因素,提出了加快推进赣南脐橙产业机械化可持续发展的对策.  相似文献   
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