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Polyunsaturated fatty acids, including arachidonic acid (AA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), are converted to hundreds of lipid mediators by cyclooxygenases (COX), lipoxygenases (LOX), and cytochrome P450 (CYP), or through non-enzymatic processes, and they reflect inflammatory states of the body. We comprehensively analyzed lipid metabolites in dog urine using a liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to describe their metabolic characteristics. We detected 31 AA-derived metabolites, four EPA-derived metabolites, and a DHA-derived metabolite in all urine samples. Among AA-derived metabolites, 15, 5, 3, and 8 were generated by COX, LOX, CYP, and non-enzymatic oxidation respectively. This study will be the first step to use profiles of urinary lipid metabolites for better understanding and diagnosis of canine diseases.  相似文献   
Immunostimulatory sequences of oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), such as CpG ODNs, are potent stimulators of innate immunity. Here, we identified a strong immunostimulatory CpG ODN, which we named MsST, from the lac Z gene of Streptococcus (S.) thermophilus ATCC19258, and we evaluated its immune functions. In in vitro studies, MsST had a similar ability as the murine prototype CpG ODN 1555 to induce inflammatory cytokine production and cell proliferation. In mouse splenocytes, MsST increased the number of CD80+CD11c+and CD86+CD11c+ dendritic cells and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells. We also analyzed the effects of MsST on the expression of regulatory cytokines by real-time quantitative PCR. MsST was more potent at inducing interleukin-10 expression than the ODN control 1612, indicating that MsST can augment the regulatory T cell response via Toll-like receptor 9, which plays an important role in suppressing T helper type 2 responses. These results suggest that S. thermophilus , whose genes include a strong Immunostimulatory sequence-ODN, is a good candidate for a starter culture to develop new physiologically functional foods and feeds.  相似文献   
The total amount of collagen, the relative distributions of types I and III collagens in perimysium and endomysium, and the collagen fiber architecture were compared among the pectoralis (PT), iliotibialis lateralis (ITL) and puboischiofemoralis (PIF) muscles in Silky cocks. All of the myofibers in the PT muscle were type IIB, the myofibers in the ITL muscle were divided into type IIA, 41.7% and IIB, 58.3%, and the PIF muscle was composed of type I, 24.6%; IIA, 64.6%; and transitional, 10.8%. The total amount of collagen differed significantly among the PT (2.92 mg/g), PIF (4.20 mg/g) and ITL (8.06 mg/g) material, where only the PIF was a whole muscle with epimysium. On the image analysis of the immunohistochemical preparations, the percentage area of perimysial collagen to the total area in each type differed significantly among the PIF, PT and ITL muscles, where it was 26.8, 50.0 and 74.4% for the type I collagen and 27.4, 32.9 and 61.7% for the type III collagen, respectively. In the scanning electron micrography of the perimysium in macerated preparations, thick bundles of collagen fibers were observed in the ITL muscle, thinner but broad platelets in the PT muscle, and a coarse tissue of thinner collagen fibers in the PIF muscle. However, the endomysial fabric of collagen fibrils was similar among the muscles. Small, transverse collagen fibers, which branched off from the thicker perimysia, occupied narrow interendomysial spaces and separated the primary myofiber fasciculi. The results indicate that the ITL muscle, localized in the distorted and overextended part of the leg and subject to strong external forces, had highly developed perimysial collagen fiber bundles, but the ITL endomysial collagen architecture was similar to that of the PT and PIF muscles.  相似文献   
Myofibrillar proteins of vertebrate skeletal muscles are insoluble in solutions of ionic strength that approximate physiological conditions. We established a method to solubilize more than 80% of chicken breast muscle myofibrillar proteins in water for the use of meat as a source of food protein. SDS‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns of water‐soluble myofibrillar proteins demonstrated that all identified myofibrillar proteins except connectin/titin were soluble in water. A part of α‐actinin was released from myofibrils by repeated washing with 2.5 mmol/L NaCl and 5 mmol/L L‐histidine solution, and subsequent destruction of connectin/titin in washed myofibrils by ultrasonication resulted in solubilization of a large fraction of chicken breast muscle myofibrillar proteins in water. Myofibrillar proteins of chicken leg, pork loin, beef shoulder loin, and lamb were also solubilized in water using this procedure.  相似文献   
Zinc protoporphyrin IX (ZPP) is a characteristic red pigment in meat products that are manufactured without the addition of a curing agent such as nitrate or nitrite. To examine the effects of impurities such as mineral components in sea salt on the formation of ZPP, we manufactured Parmatype dry-cured hams that were salted with refined salt or sea salt and examined the involvement of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) in the formation of ZPP. The content of ZPP was increased drastically after 40 weeks. Microscopic observation showed strong fluorescence caused by ZPP muscle fiber after 40 weeks. Conversely, heme content varied considerably during processing. ORP increased during processing. However, there was no obvious difference between ham salted with refined salt and that salted with sea salt. Therefore, it was concluded that impurities in sea salt were not involved in the formation of ZPP.  相似文献   
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound using Sonazoid, a novel contrast medium with a liver-specific Kupffer phase, was evaluated in canine focal liver lesions Twenty-five dogs with a liver mass were given intravenous Sonazoid, and the enhancement pattern in the arterial, portal, and parenchymal phase was characterized. An enhancement defect in the lesion in the parenchymal phase was observed in all malignant lesions, whereas only one of nine benign lesions had a filling defect. The diagnostic value of the presence of a filling defect for malignancy was statistically significant (100% sensitivity, 88.9% specificity, 94.1% positive predictive value, 100% negative predictive value), and was equal to that of hypoenhancement in the portal or delayed phase. The defect pattern (clear or irregular defect) was dependent ( P <0.05) on the types of malignancy (i.e., hepatocellular carcinoma and other types of malignancies). In the arterial phase, five of the six hepatocellular carcinomas had hypervascularity, whereas no other lesion was characterized by hypervascularity. In some dogs, additional lesions that could not be observed with conventional B-mode ultrasonography were detected in the parenchymal phase. The enhancement pattern of Sonazoid, especially in the parenchymal phase, has potential as a diagnostic tool for canine focal liver lesions.  相似文献   
Myostatin, a member of the TGF-β superfamily, is a negative regulator of skeletal muscle mass. We have recently demonstrated that decorin binds to myostatin in vitro , and that immobilized decorin within the collagen matrix prevents myostatin-mediated inhibition of myoblast proliferation. However, little is known about other ECM molecules that bind to myostatin and modulate its activity. Thus, in the present study, we investigated the interaction of several other ECM molecules with myostatin. We here show that fibromodulin, fibronectin and laminin bind to myostatin in the presence of Zn2+ with a dissociation constant ( KD ) of 10−10∼10−8 mol/L. Fibromodulin shows the highest affinity for myostatin among them. These results suggest that these ECM molecules may modulate myostatin activity like decorin does.  相似文献   
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays are widely used for genetic and genomic analyses in cattle breeding; thus, data derived from SNP arrays have accumulated on a large scale nationwide. Commercial SNP arrays contain a considerable number of unassigned SNPs on the chromosome/position on the genome; these SNPs are excluded in subsequent analyses. Notably, the position‐unassigned SNPs, or “buried SNPs” include some of the markers associated with genetic disease. In this study, we identified the position of buried SNPs using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool against the surrounding sequences and characterized the relationship between SNPs and genetic diseases in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals based on the genomic position. We determined the position of 285 buried SNPs on the genome and surveyed the genotype and allele frequencies of these SNPs in 5,955 individual Japanese Black cattle. Eleven SNPs associated with genetic disease, which contained five buried SNPs, were found in the population with the risk allele frequency ranging from 0.00008396 to 0.46. These results indicate that buried SNPs in the bovine SNP array can be utilized to identify associations with genetic disorders from large scale accumulated SNP genotype data in Japanese Black cattle.  相似文献   
An endophytic actinomycete, Streptomyces sp. R-5, which had been isolated from a field-grown rhododendron plant, was used to protect rhododendron seedlings in tissue culture from Pestalotia disease caused by Pestalotiopsis sydowiana. R-5 had intense antagonistic activity against P. sydowiana without adversely affecting the seedlings in glass flasks. A suspension of R-5 was spread on the surface of the multiplication medium in glass flasks in which seedlings were growing. Ten days later, the 4th upper leaf of seedlings was inoculated with P. sydowiana and incubated for 14 days. In controls untreated with R-5, substrate mycelia of P. sydowiana grew on all leaves and stems above and below the 4th leaf within 2–3 days of inoculation. Such growth resulted in the wilting death of 54% of seedlings by 14 days. In contrast, only the inoculated leaves turned brown in ca. 90% of seedlings growing on medium treated with R-5. None of these seedlings died. Thus, treatment of the medium surface with R-5 efficiently protects the seedlings from infection by P. sydowiana. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that substrate mycelia of R-5 grew on and beneath the cuticle of leaves of the treated seedlings. Fluorescent microscopy showed that R-5 was also inside the leaves. Received 8 June 2001/ Accepted in revised form 4 July 2001  相似文献   
The content of collagen and the distribution of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) were studied to elucidate the occurrence of sex‐dependent variations in the liver of developing embryos and growing chickens. Chick embryos from embryonic days (e) 12 to e20 and chicks at 1, 4 and 8 weeks were analyzed. Liver tissue was processed using NaOH maceration and freeze‐dried to obtain the collagen fiber specimens. HSCs were identified by double fluorescent immunohistochemistry for desmin and vimentin. There were no sex‐dependent variations in the percentage of collagen fiber per liver weight and HSC area during embryonic stages. However, the content of collagen fiber increased during embryonic development in both sexes. On the other hand, the area of HSCs significantly increased in growing males but did not show any change in females. Importantly, sex differences were observed in both collagen fiber content and HSC area in the liver at 8 weeks. These results indicate that the occurrence of collagen content variations takes place at 8 weeks in chicken liver, suggesting that a sex‐dependent hormone may play an important role on the collagen production of HSCs in the growing chicken liver.  相似文献   
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