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The pre‐medicant chosen may influence the ease with which gastroduodenoscopy (GD) is performed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative ease of GD in cats under ketamine and isoflurane anesthesia after IM injection of hydromorphone (H, 0.1 mg kg?1), hydromorphone plus glycopyrrolate (HG, 0.1 mg kg?1 (H), 0.01 mg kg?1 (G)), medetomidine (M, 0.03 mg kg?1), or butorphanol (B, 0.4 mg kg?1). Eight cats were assigned randomly to receive each treatment in a cross‐over design with at least 7 days between treatments. Twenty minutes after pre‐medication, medetomidine produced greater (p = 0.001) sedation than the other treatments when assessed, using a subjective ordinal scale. The cats were injected with ketamine (10 mg kg?1 IM), orotracheally intubated, connected to a pediatric circle breathing system, and allowed to spontaneously breathe isoflurane in oxygen. Once end‐tidal isoflurane concentration was stable at 1.4% for 15 minutes, endoscopy was started. A single endoscopist (REG), who was unaware of the treatment used, performed all endoscopies. The endoscopist scored the difficulty of endoscopy subjectively (0–3). The significance of differences between treatments was evaluated using Friedman's test. Time for entering the stomach was 9.4 (4.7–15.9) (median (minimum–maximum)), 6.6 (5.2–11.7), 8.4 (6.3–16.5), and 7.7 (5.1–14.7) seconds and for entering the duodenum from the stomach was 20.5 (13.8–40.9), 18.2 (10.3–39.8), 20.2 (16.2–119.5), and 22.2 (11.8–83.8) seconds for H, HG, M, and B treatments, respectively. There were no significant differences in the time for, or difficulty of, endoscopy. We conclude that any of these drugs can be used satisfactorily at the doses and combinations tested to pre‐medicate cats prior to general anesthesia for GD.  相似文献   
In this review, the terminology that is used to describe the bioavailability and ileal digestibility of AA in pig feed ingredients is defined. Aspects of the methodology to establish bioavailability and ileal digestibility values also are discussed, and recommendations about the use of these values are provided. Two main factors can contribute to differences between bioavailability and ileal digestibility of AA. First, some AA, such as Lys, may be absorbed in chemical complexes that preclude their use for metabolism. Second, fermentation in the upper gut may result in a net loss or gain of AA to the animal. In addition, dietary effects on the efficiency of using bioavailable AA intake for tissue growth or milk production should be considered and may be attributed to endogenous AA losses in the hindgut and the metabolic costs associated with endogenous gut protein synthesis and losses. Ileal digestibility values may be expressed as apparent ileal digestibility (AID), standardized ileal digestibility (SID), or true ileal digestibility (TID). These terms are used to specify how ileal endogenous AA losses are reflected in digestibility values. Ileal endogenous AA losses may be separated into basal losses, which are not influenced by feed ingredient composition, and specific losses, which are induced by feed ingredient characteristics such as levels and types of fiber and antinutritional factors. Values for AID are established when total ileal outflow of AA (i.e., the sum of endogenous losses and nondigested dietary AA) is related to dietary AA intake. A concern with the use of AID values is that these are not additive in mixtures of feed ingredients. This concern may be overcome by correcting AID values for defined basal endogenous losses of AA, which yields SID values. Furthermore, if the AID values are corrected for basal and specific endogenous losses, then values for TID are calculated. However, reliable procedures to routinely measure specific endogenous losses are not yet available. It is recommended that basal ileal endogenous losses of AA should be measured in digestibility experiments using a defined protein-free diet and that these losses are reported with observed AID and SID values. It is suggested that SID values should be used for feed formulation, at least until more information on TID values becomes available.  相似文献   
The vascular changes associated with endometrial maturation in preparation for embryo implantation depend on numerous growth factors, known to regulate key angiogenic events. Primarily, the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family promotes vascular growth, whilst the angiopoietins maintain blood vessel integrity. The aim was to analyse protein levels of VEGFA ligand and receptors, Angiopoietin‐1 and 2 (ANG1/2) and endothelial cell receptor tyrosine kinase (TIE‐2) in the ovine endometrium in the follicular and luteal phases of the oestrus cycle and in response to ovarian steroids. VEGFA and its receptors were localized in both vascular cells and non‐vascular epithelium (glandular and luminal epithelium) and stroma cells. VEGFA and VEGFR2 proteins were elevated in vascular cells in follicular phase endometrium, compared to luteal phase, most significantly in response to oestradiol. VEGFR1 was expressed by epithelial cells and endothelial cells and was stimulated in response to oestradiol. In contrast, Ang‐1 and Ang‐2 proteins were elevated in luteal phase endometrium compared to follicular phase, and in response to progesterone, evident in vascular smooth muscle cells and glands which surround TIE‐2‐expressing blood vessels. Our findings indicate that VEGFA is stimulated by oestradiol, most predominantly in follicular phase endometrium, and Ang‐1 and 2 are stimulated by progesterone and were increased during the luteal phase of the oestrus cycle, during the time of vascular maturation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of four levels of molasses on chemical composition, in vitro digestibility, methane production and fatty acid profile of canola silages. A canola (Brassica napus var. Monty) crop was established in a small-scale agricultural farm and harvested 148 days after sowing. Four levels of molasses were tested with respect to the fresh weight (1.5 kg); these were 1% (CS-1), 2% (CS-2), 3% (CS-3) and 4% (CS-4) molasses, and 0% molasses (CS-0) was included as a control. A total of 45 microsilages were prepared using PVC pipes (4 in. of diameter × 20 cm of length), and the forage was compressed using a manual press. The effects of control and treatments were tested using the general linear model Y?=?μ?+?Ti?+?Eij. The linolenic acid (C18:3n3), palmitic acid (C16:0) and linoleic acid methyl ester (C18:2n6c) accounted for 30%, 21% and 10.5% of total fatty acids, respectively; the fermentation parameters and in vitro methane production were not affected (P?>?0.05) by treatments; in vitro digestibility decreased significantly (P?<?0.05) as the level of molasses increased. It was concluded that CS-4 improved the DM content by 9% and showed high content of linolenic acid methyl ester. The gross energy of canola silages could favour the oleic acid methyl ester.

ObjectiveTo evaluate the cardiopulmonary changes induced by intravenous butorphanol administration in guineafowl anesthetized with sevoflurane.Study designProspective experimental trial.AnimalsEight adult guineafowl (Numida meleagris) weighing 1.61 ± 0.49 kg were used for the study.MethodsBirds were anesthetized with sevoflurane and allowed to breathe spontaneously. After endotracheal intubation, end-tidal sevoflurane was adjusted to 1.0 individual sevoflurane MAC that was previously determined in triplicate using a standard bracketing technique. The brachial artery was catheterized for direct pressure measurement and blood sampling. Heart rate and rhythm were monitored by electrocardiography and respiratory rate was recorded. Baseline data were recorded 30 minutes after induction. Then, end-tidal sevoflurane was adjusted to 0.8 individual MAC and after 15 minutes physiologic variables were measured again. Subsequently, butorphanol (4 mg kg?1) was administered intravenously over 10 seconds and physiologic responses were recorded at 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 45 minutes after administration.ResultsButorphanol administration was associated with arrhythmias in all birds, including second-degree atrioventricular block, sinus arrest, ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular premature complexes. Heart rate and arterial blood pressures decreased significantly 1 minute after butorphanol administration. Two birds developed severe hypotension, apnea and ventricular fibrillation 5 minutes after administration, and one died.Conclusions and clinical relevanceThe butorphanol dose (4 mg kg?1) that produces clinically relevant sevoflurane MAC reduction in guineafowl caused severe adverse cardiopulmonary effects in two birds and was considered unsafe under the conditions used in this study.  相似文献   
In emergent economies and developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, the major cause for carcass rejection from the international market is bruising; nevertheless, many of these carcases are destined to local markets and meat processing industries for human consumption. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the effect of bruised meat on pH, microbiologic count and biogenic amine (BA) profiles along 21 days of ageing (sampling 1st, 7th, 14th and 21st day) with two packaging method (plastic bag vs vacuum) at 4 °C. A total of 50 bruised carcasses were sampled from 1000 young bulls (Brown Swiss X Zebu) of 18–24 months old and an average live weight of 450?±?66 kg. The results showed significant differences between packaging systems and bruised vs non-bruised meat. The bruised meat caused higher biogenic amine concentrations than did non-bruised meat. We conclude that bruised meat favoured increments of biogenic amine concentrations, even more than did non-bruised meat. The plastic bag?+?vacuum system limited the increments of BA concentration during storage time therefore it improved shelf life of meat. These results emphasized the importance of implementing best management practices during pre-slaughter operations of cattle in order to reduce a possible risk factor for bruised meat.  相似文献   
The copper and zinc concentrations in the blood of stabled thoroughbred horses and in Australian Stock Horses mares at pasture, either late pregnant or lactating were determined by an atomic absorption spectroscopic method. The plasma concentration of the trace elements in these apparently normal horses were generally below the "normal" range. The plasma copper, caeruloplasmin copper, whole blood copper and plasma zinc concentrations in the stabled thoroughbreds were 0.76 +/- 0.19 micrograms/ml (n = 82), 0.56 +/- 0.14 micrograms/ml (n = 83), 0.75 +/- 0.18 micrograms/ml (n = 82) and 0.47 +/- 0.09 micrograms/ml (n = 83) respectively. The plasma copper and zinc concentrations of all the brood mares at pasture (pregnant and lactating) were 0.56 +/- 0.20 micrograms/ml and 0.47 +/- 0.11 micrograms/ml (n = 30). The plasma copper concentration of the pregnant group of mares (0.64 +/- 0.18 micrograms/ml; (n = 14) was greater than that of the lactating mares (0.49 +/- 0.21; (n = 16). Variation in the plasma copper concentration was also identified between stabled and farm horses, between horses of different stables and between horses of different ages. The proportion of plasma copper bound to caeruloplasmin was 73 +/- 11.8%. These low concentrations of copper and zinc in the plasma of apparently normal horses are of clinical significance since recent evidence has indicated that copper deficiency appears to promote the development of skeletal abnormalities in foals. An alternative to the use of a single plasma sample to identify the copper or zinc deficient horse was discussed.  相似文献   
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