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The oppositely directed magnetic field in the jovian magnetic tail is expected eventually to reconnect across the current sheet, allowing plasma produced deep inside the magnetosphere near Io's orbit to escape in the antisolar direction down the tail. The Galileo spacecraft found localized regions of strong northward and southward field components beyond about 50 jovian radii in the postmidnight, predawn sector of the jovian magnetosphere. These pockets of vertical magnetic fields can be stronger than the surrounding magnetotail and magnetodisk fields. They may result from episodic reconnection of patches of the near jovian magnetotail.  相似文献   
Classical swine fever (CSF) is a globally significant disease of swine caused by classical swine fever virus. The virus affects the wild boars and pigs of all age groups, leading to acute, chronic, late-onset or in-apparent course of the disease. The disease causes great economic loss to the piggery industry due to mortality, stunted growth, poor reproductive performance, and by impeding the international trade of pig and pig products. In India, CSF outbreaks are reported from most of the states wherever pig rearing is practiced and more frequently from northeast states. In spite of the highly devastating nature and frequent outbreaks, CSF remained underestimated and neglected for decades in India. The country requires rapid and sensitive diagnostic tests for an early detection of infection to limit the spread of the disease. Also, effective prophylactics are required to help in control and eradication of the disease for the development of the piggery industry. This review looks into the economic impact; epidemiology of CSF highlighting the temporal and spatial occurrence of outbreaks in the last two decades, circulation, and emergence of the virus genotypes in and around the country; and the constraints in the disease control, with the aim to update the knowledge of current status of the disease in India. The article also emphasizes the importance of the disease and the need to develop rapid specific diagnostics and effective measures to eradicate the disease.  相似文献   
Rangeland degradation is a serious problem throughout sub-Saharan Africa and its restoration is a challenge for the management of arid and semi-arid areas. In Lake Baringo Basin of Kenya, communities and individual farmers are restoring indigenous vegetation inside enclosures in an effort to combat severe land degradation and address their livelihood problems. This study evaluated the impact of enclosure management on soil properties and microbial biomass, being key indicators of soil ecosystem health. Six reseeded communal enclosures using soil embankments as water-harvesting structures and strictly regulated access were selected, varying in age from 13 to 23 years. In six private enclosures, ranging from 3 to 17 years in age, individual farmers emulated the communal enclosure strategy and restored areas for their exclusive use. Significant decreases in bulk density, and increases in the soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and microbial biomass contents and stocks were found in the enclosures as compared with the degraded open rangeland. In the private enclosures, the impact of rehabilitation on the soil quality was variable, and soil quality was in general lower than that obtained under communal management. The significant increase of absolute stocks of carbon, nitrogen and microbial biomass compared to the degraded open rangeland indicates the potential for the restoration of soil quality through range rehabilitation. Over-sowing with indigenous legume fodder species could improve total nitrogen content in the soil and nutritional value of the pastures as well.  相似文献   
Micromorphological examination of the paleosols (50–10 ka) developed in alluvial fan deposits of the NW Himalayas and the bordering polygenetic soils (mainly Holocene) of the Gangetic Plains has been used to differentiate the pedosedimentary features indicating climatic changes during late Quaternary time. The paleosols within rapidly aggrading sediments of the alluvial fans of the Dehradun valley resulted in response to the reduced rate of sedimentation and climatic changes and correspond to the MIS3 and MIS2 stages. Distinctive micromorphic features of these paleosols provided the details of the prevalent pedogenesis in response to the paleoclimatic changes during 50 ka. Microfabrics of these paleosols show reorganization of the pedality from massive and/or subangular blocky to platy and prismatic structures, strong to very strong mobilization of the plasma, different types of textural pedofeatures along with faunal activities. These pedofeatures are indicative of cold-humid climate with subsequent change to even colder but drier conditions during the last Glaciation. Comparison of the micromorphological characters of the paleosols of the NW Himalayas and the polygenetic soils of the Gangetic Plains show the same degree of soil development indicating 5–10 ka pedogenic intervals in alluvial fans of the Dehradun Valley. However, the difference in their pedofeatures is attributed to different pedogenic environments. The paleosols of the Dehradun Valley show predominance of the illuvial features with superposed impure silty clay on earlier clay pedofeatures and banded clay fabric features without any pedogenic calcium carbonate. The bordering Gangetic Plains are covered with polygenetic soils developed on stable surfaces and are < 13.5 ka. These surficial soils developed during the period marked by deglaciation and correspond to MIS1 stage. These are defined by the juxtaposition of different illuvial pedofeatures along with pedogenic calcium carbonate. This study suggests that formation of the paleosols in NW Himalayas was mainly controlled by warmer intervals during the last glaciation and the movement along the adjacent thrusts. While fluctuating climate punctuated with humid–semiarid–humid conditions played a major role during the formation of soils on the Gangetic Plains in Holocene that favoured illuviation, calcification and dissolution of pedogenic carbonates in the polygenetic soils.  相似文献   
A Magnetic Signature at Io: Initial Report from the Galileo Magnetometer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the inbound pass of the Galileo spacecraft, the magnetometer acquired 1 minute averaged measurements of the magnetic field along the trajectory as the spacecraft flew by Io. A field decrease, of nearly 40 percent of the background jovian field at closest approach to Io, was recorded. Plasma sources alone appear incapable of generating perturbations as large as those observed and an induced source for the observed moment implies an amount of free iron in the mantle much greater than expected. On the other hand, an intrinsic magnetic field of amplitude consistent with dynamo action at Io would explain the observations. It seems plausible that Io, like Earth and Mercury, is a magnetized solid planet.  相似文献   
Effect of virulent and attenuated peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus on the immune response to nonspecific antigen (ovalbumin) was investigated. Clinical and serological responses were monitored in goats administered with ovalbumin concurrently with either PPR vaccine or virulent virus. Study showed that PPR virulent virus causes marked immunosuppression as evidenced by leukopenia, lymphopenia, and reduced early antibody response to both specific and nonspecific antigen. These observations were predominant particularly during acute phase of disease (4-10 days post-infection). On the other hand, the vaccine virus induced only a transient lymphopenia without significantly affecting the immune response to nonspecific antigen or to itself during this period. Further, the antibody levels to ovalbumin in the group administered with virulent PPRV increased significantly between days 28 and 35 post-infection in comparison to the titers in other two groups given with either ovalbumin alone or in combination with vaccine.  相似文献   
In this study, we developed an in vitro model for studying sperm–oviduct binding in the buffalo. Oviduct explants were prepared by overnight culture of epithelial cells in TCM‐199 medium under 5% CO2 at 38.5 °C. Cryopreserved spermatozoa from buffalo bulls (= 4) were incubated with the oviduct explants, and the sperm–oviduct explants complex was stained with JC‐1. The effect of sperm concentration (2, 3 and 4 million), size of the oviduct explants (<0.2, 0.2–0.3, 0.3–0.4 and >0.4 mm2) and time of incubation (1 hr and 4 hr) on binding index (BI—number of sperm bound to unit area of explants) was studied. No significant difference was observed in the BI among <0.2, 0.2–0.3 and 0.3–0.4 mm2 size of explants; however, the BI decreased significantly (< .05) when the size of explants exceeded 0.4 mm2. The BI decreased significantly (< .05) when the sperm concentration was increased to 4 million, while the duration of incubation did not have any significant effect on the BI. The interaction of bulls with explants size, sperm concentration and incubation time was not significant. The developed assay has the potential to be used as an in vitro model for studying sperm–oviduct binding in the buffalo.  相似文献   
This study was designed to investigate the relationship of temperament with oestrus, resumption of ovarian cyclicity and milk yield in post‐partum buffaloes. For this study, 102 post‐partum Murrah buffaloes were observed for temperament in open paddock and during milking. Based on the temperament score (1–5 score), they were classified into docile, slightly restless, restless, aggressive and nervous. Oestrous behaviour was monitored twice daily in all the buffaloes along with milk yield (weekly), body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) at day 0, 30, 60 and 90 post‐partum. Based on the temperament score, the number of buffaloes classified as docile, slightly restless, restless and aggressive was 37 (36.27%), 28 (27.45%), 30 (29.41%) and 7 (6.86%), respectively, but none under nervous category. Number of buffaloes resuming cyclicity in various temperaments groups were as follows: docile (n = 35; 94.59%), slightly restless (n = 22; 78.57%), restless (n = 20; 66.67%) and aggressive (n = 7; 85.71%). Temperament was not correlated (p = .128; r=?.152) with oestrous behaviour. But, temperament was correlated (p < .0001; r = .384) with the resumption of cyclicity as docile and slightly restless buffaloes resumed cyclicity (p < .0016) earlier. Temperament of buffaloes was weakly correlated (p = .0017; r=?.306) with milk production with higher (p < .0358) total milk yield in docile (1022 ± 23.75 kg) and slightly restless buffaloes (948 ± 35.86 kg) as compared to other temperament groups. In summary, temperament of post‐partum buffaloes was related with resumption of ovarian cyclicity and milk yield, but not oestrous behaviour.  相似文献   
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