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Objective— To evaluate potential iatrogenic medial meniscal (MM) damage during tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) and to establish a safe zone (SZ) for hypodermic needle (HN) identification of the medial aspect of the stifle joint.
Study Design— Prospective cohort.
Animals— Cadaveric canine stifles (n=40).
Methods— HN (20 or 25 G) were inserted through the medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the femorotibial joint and through the SZ insertion points. The medial meniscus was inspected for iatrogenic damage. Statistical comparison of MM damage caused by different needle sizes and insertion sites was performed using Fisher's exact test with significance at P <.05.
Results— Twenty-gauge group: 65% of stifles had minor MM damage with MCL insertion compared with 35% of stifles with SZ insertion ( P =.0049). Severe MM damage occurred in 25% of stifles with MCL insertion compared with 0% of stifles with SZ insertion ( P =.0014). Twenty-five-gauge group: 85% of stifles had minor MM damage with MCL insertion compared with 30% after SZ insertion ( P =.0011); however, no severe MM injury was noted.
Conclusions— HN insertion though the MCL can produce iatrogenic damage to the MM. Use of a 25 G HN and SZ site for insertion reduced the frequency and severity of MM damage.
Clinical Relevance— HN insertion into the medial aspect of the femorotibial joint during TPLO can cause gross iatrogenic MM damage, which may contribute to the incidence and misdiagnosis of latent MM injuries after TPLO.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo assess whether recovery from general anesthesia, in an illuminated or a darkened stall, has an effect on time to first movement, time to standing, and recovery score.Study designProspective randomized clinical study.AnimalsTwenty-nine healthy, 2- to 5-year-old horses undergoing surgical correction of dorsal displacement of the soft palate.MethodsEach horse was assigned randomly to recover in either an illuminated (n = 15) or a darkened stall (n = 14). For pre-anesthetic medication, all horses received intravenous (IV) xylazine (0.4 mg kg−1) and butorphanol (0.02 mg kg−1). Anesthesia was induced with midazolam (0.1 mg kg−1) and ketamine (2.2 mg kg−1) IV and maintained on isoflurane in oxygen. Vital parameters, end-tidal CO2 and isoflurane were recorded at 5-minute intervals. At the conclusion of anesthesia, horses were placed in either an illuminated or a darkened stall and xylazine (0.2 mg kg−1) IV was administered at extubation. Video cameras were used to record the horses while they were allowed to recover undisturbed. Video recordings were later viewed and recoveries were evaluated on a 100-point scale by three graders.ResultsHorses in illuminated and darkened recovery stalls were evaluated on total anesthesia time, minimum alveolar concentration hours of isoflurane, time to first movement, time to standing, and total recovery score. There were no significant differences between the two groups in any of the measured parameters.ConclusionRecovering horses in a darkened versus an illuminated recovery stall may provide no benefit.Clinical relevanceDarkening the recovery stalls for horses recovering from general anesthesia may be unnecessary.  相似文献   
Objective— To describe an extra-articular joint distractor for meniscal examination and treatment during canine stifle arthroscopy.
Study Design— Case series.
Animals— Dogs ≥20 kg with suspected cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) deficiency.
Methods— A custom designed linear side bar was constructed to allow invasive pin distraction of the stifle joint. Its design efficacy for distraction of the medial joint compartment, observation and probing of the medial meniscus, and value during meniscal surgery was evaluated by clinical use.
Results— Application of the stifle distractor medial to the stifle joint using 2 negative threaded pins was easily performed percutaneously without the need of power equipment; however, unintended intra-articular placement of 1 threaded pin occurred in 2 stifles, without appreciable consequence to joint function. Observation as well as thorough probing of the caudal horn of the medial meniscus, even in the presence of a prominent remnant of the CrCL or severe periarticular fibrosis, was possible. Partial meniscectomy was effectively performed as needed without apparent damage to the associated articular surfaces.
Conclusions— Distraction and translation of the medial compartment of the stifle joint using invasive pin distraction allowed observation and palpation of the caudal horn of the medial meniscus so that assessment and treatment were readily accomplished without apparent morbidity.
Clinical Relevance— With careful attention to accurate pin placement, invasive pin distraction of the medial compartment of the canine stifle joint may improve arthroscopic evaluation and treatment of meniscal pathology.  相似文献   
Objective – To determine the accuracy and precision of an oscillometric noninvasive blood pressure device as a predictor of invasive direct blood pressure in healthy anesthetized hypotensive and normotensive dogs. Design – Prospective observational study. Setting – University teaching hospital. Animals – Eight crossbred adult dogs. Interventions – Anesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with isoflurane. A catheter was placed in the dorsal pedal artery to record systolic, mean, and diastolic arterial blood pressures (aSAP, aMAP, and aDAP, respectively). The noninvasive blood pressure device cuff was placed around the contralateral front limb to record noninvasive systolic, mean, and diastolic blood pressure (nSAP, nMAP, and nDAP). Two states of blood pressure (BP) were studied: baseline state was established by keeping end‐tidal isoflurane concentration at 1.2±0.1%. The hypotensive state was achieved by maintaining the same isoflurane concentration while withdrawing approximately 40% of the animal's blood volume until aMAP was stable at approximately 40 mm Hg. At the end of the study, blood was returned to the animal and it was allowed to recover from anesthesia. Measurements and Main Results – Agreement between the direct and indirect BP measurements was determined by the Bland‐Altman method. The SAP and MAP but not DAP bias varied significantly between each BP state. Normotensive absolute biases (mean [SD]) for SAP, MAP, and DAP were ?14.7 mm Hg (15.5 mm Hg), ?16.4 mm Hg (12.1 mm Hg), and ?14.1 mm Hg (15.8 mm Hg), respectively. Absolute biases during the hypotensive state for SAP, MAP, and DAP were ?32 mm Hg (22.6 mm Hg), ?24.2 mm Hg (19.5 mm Hg), and ?16.8 mm Hg (17.2 mm Hg), respectively. Conclusion – The oscillometric device was not reliably predictive of intra‐arterial BP during hypotension associated with acute hemorrhage.  相似文献   
Objective – To test whether an initial plasma lactate≥6.0 mmol/L is associated with the presence of macroscopic gastric wall necrosis and overall survival in dogs presenting with gastric dilatation‐volvulus (GDV). Additionally, if no association was identified we sought to identify a different predictive initial plasma lactate concentration and to examine whether serial plasma lactate concentrations provide better prediction of survival. Design – Retrospective study over a 5‐year period (2003–2007). Setting – Urban private referral small animal teaching hospital. Animals – Eighty‐four client‐owned dogs with a diagnosis of GDV and plasma lactate measurements. Interventions – None. Measurements and Main Results – There was no statistically significant relationship found between survival and the presence of macroscopic gastric wall necrosis with the initial plasma lactate≥6 mmol/L. There was a significant relationship between the initial plasma lactate >2.9 mmol/L for predicting necrosis and <4.1 mmol/L for predicting survival to discharge. Forty dogs that had an increased initial plasma lactate (>2.5 mmol/L) also had a subsequent plasma lactate measured within 12 hours of presentation, with 37/40 dogs surviving and 70% of these surviving dogs having the subsequent lactate decrease by≥50% within 12 hours. The 3/40 that died failed to decrease their plasma lactate by≥50% from the initial blood lactate. Conclusion – The results of this study indicate that an initial presenting plasma lactate concentration≥6.0 mmol/L is not predictive of macroscopic gastric wall necrosis or survival in dogs presenting with GDV. A decrease in plasma lactate concentrations≥50% within 12 hours may be a good indicator for survival. Limitations to the study include its retrospective nature, the small number of patients, and the number of dogs that were euthanized rather than allowed to progress to a natural outcome.  相似文献   
动物肥厚性心肌病的临床所见、心脏超声波图、肉眼组织病理、冠状小动脉变化、胶原纤维组织变化等 ,与人类肥厚性心肌病非常相似 ;遗传学分析 ,人类及猫肥厚性心肌病均为家族性常染色体显性遗传类型。动物肥厚性心肌病可为理想模型来研究人类疾病 ,而且动物肥厚性心肌病小冠状动脉病变与人类冠状动脉粥样化血管切除或皮下血管内腔扩张术后小冠状动脉再阻塞相同 ,可为人类疾病之模型。尤其猪心脏血行、生理及形态均与人类心脏相似 ,故猪肥厚性心肌病实为人类肥厚性心肌病研究之理想动物模型。  相似文献   
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