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Longitudinal division of the corpus callosum was performed in six normal beagles to determine surgical morbidity. The corpus callosum was divided sagittally on the midline and the effect on neurological function was determined. Five of six dogs were clinically normal within 14 days or less after surgery. One dog had persistent but improving clinical signs consistent with a forebrain disturbance at 30 days after surgery. Overall, minimal morbidity and no mortality was associated with this surgical procedure. Further study is indicated to determine the efficacy of this surgical treatment for seizure control in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy.  相似文献   
Current Techniques for Evaluation of Spinal Cord Injury   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spinal cord injuries have been evaluated in the past chiefly on the basis of subjective tests. New electronic techniques are now coming into clinical use which allow objective testing of afferent and efferent conduction through long spinal cord tracts. With continued research, it is probable that diagnosis and prognosis of spinal cord injuries can be made with a high degree of confidence.  相似文献   
A Retrospective Study of Inguinal Hernia in 35 Dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inguinal hernia was associated with trauma in five dogs and was considered nontraumatic in 30 dogs. There were 11 males, 13 intact females, and six spayed females with nontraumatic inguinal hernia. Six dogs had bilateral hernias. Five dogs were younger than 4 months at the time of diagnosis. In 11 older dogs with nontraumatic inguinal hernia, the hernias were identified less than 7 days before surgical repair; in 14 older dogs, the hernias had been recognized for 1 to 60 months. Clinical signs in dogs without small intestinal incarceration were usually limited to a visible or palpable mass without pain or systemic illness. Hemiorrhaphy approaches included inguinal, midline with contralateral ring evaluation, and celiotomy with or without inguinal exposure. Fat and omentum were the most common hernial contents. Small intestine was within the hernias of 12 dogs. Six dogs had nonviable small intestine. Postoperative complications included two incisional infections, one incisional dehiscence, two cases of peritonitis and sepsis associated with bowel leakage after intestinal resection and anastomosis, and one hernia recurrence. The overall prevalence of postoperative complications was 17%, and the mortality rate was 3%. Vomiting for 2 to 6 days was predictive of nonviable small intestine. Dogs younger than 2 years were at 11 times greater risk for nonviable small intestine than dogs older than 2 years. Four of five dogs with nontraumatic inguinal hernia and nonviable small intestine were intact males, whereas none of 13 intact females were affected. Only one of 14 dogs with longstanding hernias had nonviable small intestine.  相似文献   
Abstract— Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa was diagnosed in an 8-month-old male domestic shorthaired cat. Lesions noted were paronychia, ulcers on the palate, oropharynx, gums and tongue, as well as ulceration and crusts on the metacarpal, metatarsal and digital pads. Histology of lesions showed dermal-epidermaj separation and ulceration. Immunohistochemistry showed collagen IV (characteristic of the lamina densa) located at the roof of the cleft at both the dermal-epidermal and follicular-dermal interfaces. Electron microscopy showed the dermal-epidermal cleft to be sublamina densa. Résumé— Une épidermolyse bulleuse dystrophíque a été diagnostiquée chez un chat européen à poils courts de huit mois. Les lésions étaient une paronychie, des ulcères du palai, de l'oropharynx, des gencives et de la langue ains que des ulcères et des croutes au niveau des métacarpes, métatarses et coussinets plantaires. L'examen histologique des lésions faiasait apparaitre des ulcérations et des disjonctions derme/épiderme. L'étude immunohistochimique a montré la présence de fibres de collagène IV (caractéristiques de la lamina densa) sur lew toit des bulles tant au niveau des interfaces derme/épiderme que derme/follicule. La microscopie électronique a montré que les séparations derme/épiderme se faisaient au niveau de la sublamina densa. Zusammenfassung— Eine dystrophe Epidermolysis bullosa wurde bei einer achtjährigen kurzhaarigen männlichen hauskatze diagnostiziert. Die beschriebenen Veränderungen bestanden in Paronychie, Ulzera an Gaumen, Oropharynx, Gingiva und Zunge sowie Ulzerationen und Krusten an den metacarpalen, metatarsalen und digitalen Ballen. Die Histologie der Veränderungen zeigte dermal-epidermale Trennungen und Ulzerationen. Mit der Immunhistochemie wurde Kollagen IV nachgewiesen (ein Kennzeichen der Lamina densa), das am Gewölbe der Spaltbildung sowohl an den derma-epidermalen als auch an den follikulär-dermalen Schnittstellen lokalisiert war. Die Elektronenmikroskopie zeigte, daß die dermal-epidermale Spaltbildung die Sublamina densa darstellte. Resumen En un gato macho de ocho meses doméstico de pelo corto se diagnóstico epidermolisis distrófica bullosa. Las lesiones presentes fueron paroniquia, úlceras del paladar, orofaringe, encías y lengua, así como ulceraciones y costras en las regiones del metacarpo, metatarso, y almohadillas plantares. Las lesiones histologicas consistieron de separación y ulceración a nivel de la dermis y epidermis. Exámenes inmunohistoquímicos demostraron la presencia de colágeno IV (característico de la lámina densa), localizado en el techo de las indentactiones en ambas interfases, epidermo-dérmica y foliculo-dérmica. Por medio de microscopía electrónica se comprobo que las indentaciones de la dermis y epidermis consistían de sublámina densa.  相似文献   
The medical records of 12 horses with septic arthritis of a distal interphalangeal joint were reviewed to determine clinical features and response to treatment. Sepsis was caused by trauma or an injection that resulted in an open or contaminated distal interphalangeal joint. All horses were severely lame. Treatment included broad-spectrum parenterally administered antimicrobial drugs (ten horses), percutaneous through-and-through joint lavage (eight horses), indwelling drains (three horses), immobilization of the limb in a cast (three horses), intraarticular injection of sodium hyaluronate (one horse), intraarticular injection of antimicrobial drugs (five horses), curettage of the distal phalanx (one horse), and cancellous bone grafting to promote fusion (one horse). Five horses were euthanatized. Ankylosis of the affected joint developed in five horses, four of which are pasture sound. Two horses treated medically are sound although one underwent subsequent palmar digital neurectomy for treatment of navicular syndrome.  相似文献   
Subtotal dorsal cervical laminectomy was performed on nine normal horses to evaluate positioning, refine the surgical technique, and assess the immediate and long-term effects of this procedure in the horse. Funkquist type B laminectomies were performed at various levels from C3-C4 to C6-C7. Absorbable gelatin sponge or autogenous nuchal fat was placed over the exposed dura mater. Surgery times varied from 2 to 3 hours, and all horses recovered without complication. Rapid primary intention wound healing occurred, with two horses showing neck pain. All remained neurologically normal. The horses were euthanized 6 weeks, 3 months, or 6 months postoperatively. Myelograms performed just prior to euthanasia demonstrated normal or expanded dye column widths. Necropsy revealed that all surgical sites had healed well. The laminectomy membrane was soft and pliable and could be easily separated from the underlying dura mater when fat was used as interpositional material. When gelatin sponge was used, the laminectomy membrane was firmly bonded to the dura. Spinal cords at the level of laminectomy appeared normal and moved freely within the vertebral canal. Histological evaluation of the laminectomy sites and associated spinal cord revealed no abnormalities attributable to the surgery. It was concluded that dorsal cervical laminectomy can be performed in horses without untoward sequelae. The procedure may be useful for the treatment of equine cervical compressive myelopathies.  相似文献   
Paraffin blocks and mineral oil were used as a model to determine the effect of dependency versus nondependency on radiographic visualization of lung lesions in lateral thoracic radiographs. It was concluded that the increased opacity of the material surrounding the lesion, not contact between the heart and the lesion, was responsible for the inability to detect lung disease in the dependent lung. The results were tested in dogs with pneumonia in the right middle lung lobe. When the dog was in right lateral recumbency, the dependent right lung was increased in opacity and decreased in volume and the pulmonary lesion was difficult to detect. When the dog was in left lateral recumbency, the nondependent right lung was increased in volume and decreased in opacity and the pulmonary disease was clearly visible. A single recumbent lateral radiograph must not be used to assess a dog with suspected lung disease because lesions in the dependent lung lobes may not be detected.  相似文献   
Fibrosis of the semitendinosus muscle resulted in a characteristic gait abnormality in four male German shepherd dogs. Blood chemistry, electrophoresis, and electromyographic studies were performed. Surgery was undertaken in each case to relieve the restricting fibrous tissue. The lameness returned with reappearance of the fibrous band within six months. The etiology of fibrotic myopathy is unknown, but electromyographic studies and electrophoresis results suggest a myopathy due to chronic inflammation. Histopathologic exam reveals replacement of degenerating muscle fibers with connective tissue.  相似文献   
A Y-U pyloroplasty was performed on five healthy adult dogs. Gastric emptying half times (t1/2 GE) of a canned food meal were measured by scintigraphy three times before surgery and three times from 6 to 8 weeks after surgery. Fluoroscopic studies of gastric and duodenal motility were made before surgery and 3, 7, and 35 days after surgery. Clinical observations were made daily throughout the study. Gross and histologic evaluations of the gastroesophageal and pyloric regions were performed at the termination of the study. The t1/2 GE was significantly decreased after surgery. By positive contrast fluoroscopy, the vigor of antral contractions was seen to be decreased in three of the five dogs. On days 7 and 35, fluoroscopic findings were comparable to preoperative studies. Duodenogastric reflux was recognized fluoroscopically in three dogs on four different occasions. This may reflect normal reflux patterns in the dog. No gastrointestinal problems were evident after surgery in four dogs. Reflux esophagitis developed in one dog after surgery, which resolved with therapy. Studies of the Y-U pyloroplasty after 2 months indicated that it decreased gastric emptying time of solid food. Results of postmortem examination showed no abnormal gross or histopathologic changes of esophageal, gastric, or proximal duodenal tissues.  相似文献   
Disseminated megakaryocytic neoplasia was diagnosed in a 3-year-old cat. Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and abnormal platelets in the peripheral blood characterized the condition. Neoplastic megakaryocytes were present in numerous organs. No evidence of feline leukemia virus was found.  相似文献   
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