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Dorsal cystotomies were performed in 60 healthy dogs. Twenty bladders were closed with a single-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern, 20 with a two-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern, and 20 with a two-layer continuous inverting suture pattern. Four dogs from each group were euthanatized at hours 0, 3, 12, 18, and 24. Mechanical strength of the cystotomy closures was evaluated by calculating the circular bursting wall tension. The single-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern was as strong as both two-layer suture patterns at hours 3, 12, 18, and 24. The two-layer interrupted appositional suture pattern was as strong as the two-layer continuous inverting suture pattern during the first 24 hours.  相似文献   
The ability of the roots of rape (Brassica napus) to promote the transformation and dissolution of a phlogopite mica was studied in the rhizosphere. Rape was cropped for 1 to 32 d on 2–105 μm phlogopite as sole source of both K and Mg. The chemical balance of K and Mg revealed that rape was able to induce a significant release of interlayer-K after 4 d, and even a significant release of octahedral-Mg after 8 d of cropping. After 32 d, the root-induced release amounted to 80 and 21 g kg?1 of total-K and -Mg, respectively. The weathering products sampled in the close proximity of the roots were analysed by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), and by energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalysis of resin-embedded samples prepared for transmission electron microscopy. The XRD analysis of K-saturated, oriented plates showed that part of the vermiculite formed by root activity behaved as a typical hydroxy-aluminous interlayered vermiculite (HIV). The EDX microanalysis revealed that the release of interlayer-K which occurred during the vermiculitization was compensated mostly by A1 and Mg originating from the octahedral sheet of the phlogopite. Such crystallographic and crystallochemical changes necessarily involved an acid dissolution of the mica structure, which may be related to the root-induced pH decrease encountered simultaneously in the rhizosphere. Proton excretion by rape roots was thus the probable mechanism involved in the root-induced irreversible transformation of the phlogopite.  相似文献   
Résumé— Une dermite s'est développé subitement dans un chenil de 30 chiens courants chez 12 d'entre eux. A la fois des males et des femelles étaient atteints et les lésions étaient limitées aux régions non pigmentées, principalement la face, les membres et la région inguinale. Initiallement les lésions étaient un érythème, un ?déme et une exsudation. Des croutes brunes se sont ensuite formées, et chez la plupart des animaux trés atteints, la peau a laissé la place à un escarre brun agglutiné dans les poils. Un pus malodorant était accumulé sous l'escarre. Les chiens moyennement atteints ont guerie sans traitement et les plus atteints ont guerie après exérèse des escarres et antibiothérapie. Aucun des chiens n'est mort et la plupart ont retrouvé une peau normale au bout de 3 mois. Cliniquement et histologiquement, ces lésions étaient compatibles avec une photosensibilisation, mais il a été impossible de retrouver l'agent causal. [Fairley, R. A., MacKenzie, I. S. Photosensitivity in a kennel of harrier hounds (Photosensibilisation dans un chenil de chiens courants). Resumen— Una condición de la piel se desarrolló de repente en 12 de 30 perros harrier. Afectó a machos y hembras y las lesiones se limitaban a areas de piel sin pigmento, principalmente la cara, patas e ingle. Inicialmente, la piel afectada estaba eritematosa, edematosa y húmeda. Entonces se formaban costras marrones y, en los perros más gravemente afectados, la piel se desprendia dejando una costra marrón seca enredada en el pelo. Debajo de la costra se acumulaba un exudado purulento maloliente. Los perros levemente afectados mejoraron sin tratamiento y los más gravemente afectados lo hicieron despues de tratamiento antibiotico y extirpación de la costra y el pus acumulado. Ninguno de los perros murió y la piel de la mayoria de ellos era normal en 3 meses. Clinica e histologicamente, las lesiones eran compatibles con una condición de fotosensibilidad de la piel, pero las investigaciones no lograron encontrar ningún agenté fotodinámico responsable. [Fairley, R. A., Mackenzie, I. S. Photosensitivity in a kennel of harrier hounds (Fotosensibilidad en una perrera de perros harrier). Abstract— A skin condition developed suddenly in 12 out of 30 harrier hounds. Both males and females were affected and lesions were confined to areas of unpigmented skin, mainly on the face, legs and groin. Initially the affected skin was erythematous, edematous and moist. Brown crusts then formed, and in the most severely affected dogs the skin sloughed leaving a dry brown eschar matted in the hair. A foul-smelling purulent exudate accumulated under the eschar. The mildly affected dogs improved without treatment and the most severely affected dogs improved following antibiotic treatment and the removal of the eschar and the accumulated pus. None of the dogs died and the skin of most dogs was normal within 3 months. Clinically and histologically, the lesions were compatible with a photosensitive skin condition, but investigations failed to find any responsible photodynamic agent.  相似文献   
Abstract— The effects of an inhibitor-producing strain of Staphylococcus chromogenes on the colonisation and disease produced by virulent and avirulent strains of Staphylococcus hyicus were examined. In the presence of S. chromogenes the colonisation of the virulent strain was reduced one thousand fold and the onset of lesions was delayed by 7 days. The ability of the avirulent strain of S. hyicus to colonise skin was greatly reduced and populations became almost undetectable within 6 days of inoculation. Résumeé— Les effets d'une souche de Staphylococcus chromogenes, productrice d'un facteur d'inhibition, ont été examinés sur la colonisation et la maladie produites par des souches non virulentes et virulentes de Staphylococcus hyicus. En présence de S. chromogenes, la colonisation de la souche virulente a été réduite de 1000 fois, et l'apparition des lésions a été retardée de 7 jours. La faculté pour la souche non virulente de S. hyicus de coloniser la peau a été considérablement réduite et les populations sont devenues à peu près introuvables 6 jours après l'inoculation. Zusammenfassung— Die Wirkungen Inhibitor-produzierenden Art von Staphylococcus chromogenes auf die Kolonisierung und Erkrankung der Haut durch virulente und avirulente Arten von Staphylococcus hyicus wurden untersucht. In Gegenwart von S. chromogenes wurde die Kolonisierung der virulenten Art um den Faktor 1000 verringert und des Auftreten der Hautveränderungen um 7 Tage verzögert. Die Fähigkeit zur Kolonisierung der Haut durch die avirulente 5. hyicus-Art wurde sehr stark verringert, ihre Population konnte innerhalb von 6 Tagen nach Inokulation nicht mehr nachgewiesen werden. Resumen Se estudian los efectos de una cepa de Staphylococcus chromogenes productora de un inhibidor sobre la colonización y la enfermedad producida por cepas virulentas y avirulentas de Staphylococcus hyicus. En presencia de S. chromogenes la colonización de cepas virulentas se redujo a una milésima parte y la aparición de lesiones se retrasó 7 días. La capacidad de cepas avirulentas de S. hyicus para colonizar la piel se vió fuertemente reducida y las poblaciones bacterianas eran prácticamente no detectables a los 6 días de la inoculación.  相似文献   
Abstract— Idiopathic sterile granulomatous or pyogranulomatous dermatitis was diagnosed in four cats. Two distinct clinicopathological syndromes were recognized. Two cats had a pruritic papulonodular dermatitis of the head and pinnae with skin histopathology characterised by perifollicular pyogranulomatous dermatitis. The other two cats had pruritic bilateral preauricular plaques characterised histopathologically by diffuse granulomatous dermatitis with numerous multinucleated histiocytic giant cells and purpura. Haematological, biochemical and urinary abnormalities were not detected and the cats were otherwise healthy. Lesions were not responsive to systemic antibiotics or systemic glucocorticoids at anti-inflammatory doses. Three cats underwent apparently spontaneous, sustained remission after a course of 3 to 9 months. Résumé— Une dermatite granulomateuse idiopathique stérile, ou pyogranulomateuse fut diagnostiquée chez 4 chats. Deux syndromes distincts ont été identifiés. Deux chats avaient une dermatite papulonodulaire prurigineuse de la tête et des oreilles, avec des biopsies cutanées caractérisées par une dermatite pyogranulomateuse périfolliculaire. Les 2 autres chats avaient des plaques prurigineuses préauriculaires bilatérales, caractérisées histologiquement par une dermatite granulomateuse diffuse avec de nombreuses cellules géantes multinucléées et du purpura. Les examens hématologique, biochimique et urinaire étaient par ailleurs normaux et les chats en bon état général. Les antibiotiques et les corticoides à dose antiinflammatoire, tous deux par voie générale, sont restés sans effet. Trois chats ont présenté une rémission spontanée après une évolution de 3 à 9 mois. Zausammenfassung— Bei vier Katzan wurde eine idiopathische sterile granulomatöse oder pyogranulomatöse Dermatitis diagnostiziert. Dabei konnten zwei klinisch-pathologisch abgrenzbare Syndrome erkannt werden. Zwei Katzen wiesen eine pruriginöse, papulo-noduläre Dermatitis am Kopf und an den Ohren auf, wobei histologisch eine perifollikuläre pyogranulomatöse Dermatitis festgestellt wurde. Die beiden anderen Katzen zeigten pruriginöse, bilaterale präaurikuläre Plaques, deron histologisches Bild durch eine diffuse granulomatöse Dermatitis mit zahlreichen vielkernigen histiozytären Riesenzellen und Purpure gekennzeichnet war. Abnormalitäten bezüglich hämatologischer, biochemischer und harnspezifischer Parameter wurden nicht festgestellt, auch waren die Katzen sonst gesund. Die Veränderungen sprachen nicht auf die systemische Behandlung mit Antibiotika oder Glukokortikoiden in einer antiinflammatorischen Dosis an. Bei drei Katzen kam es zu einer spontanen, dauerhaften Remission der Befunde nach einem Krankheitsverlauf von 3 bis 9 Monaten. Resumen En cuatro gatos se diagnosticó una dermatitis piogranulomatosa o granulomatosa esteril idiopática. Se distinguieron dos síndromes clínicopatológicos. Dos gatos presentaban una dermatitis papulonodular prurítica situada en la cabeza y en los pabellones auriculares, con unas biopsias cutáneas caracterizadas por una dermatitis piogranulomatosa perifolicular. Los otros dos animales presentaban placas preauriculares y laterales pruríticas con un cuadro histopatológico caracterizado por una dermatitis granulomatosa difusa con numerosas células gigantes istiocíticas multinucleadas y hemorragias. No se detectaron alteraciones hematológicas, bioquímicas ni en la orina, y los animales se encontraban en buen estado de salud. Las lesiones no respondieron ni al tratamiento con antibióticos sistémicos ni al tratamiento con glucocorticoides a dosis antiinflamatorias. Tres de los animales sufrieron una remisión espontánea después de 3 a 9 meses.  相似文献   
A 1-year-old male miniature donkey ( Equus asinus ) from a herd of eight was presented with a 9-month history of pruritic dermatitis, lethargy and anorexia. Physical examination revealed diffuse lichenification and scales involving the skin of the face, head and dorsum from the neck to the pelvis. The main histological alteration within the superficial and deep dermis was the presence of multiple large, spherical, thick walled, protozoal Besnoitia cysts. In addition, the inflammatory response consisted of a moderate, superficial and deep perivascular, mixed mononuclear cell infiltrate, with epidermal hyperplasia and compact orthokeratosis. Based upon the large size of the protozoal cysts and the ultrastructural features of the bradyzoites contained therein (conoid, polar ring, rhoptries, micronemes and microtubules), a diagnosis of cutaneous besnoitiosis was established. Treatment with trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole resulted in significant clinical improvement. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of besnoitiosis in a miniature donkey in North America.  相似文献   
Muscle contractures causing varying degrees of lameness commonly occur from skeletal muscle fibrosis, the result of injury such as that caused by circulatory insufficiency, infection, autoimmune reaction, or trauma. Quadriceps contracture, whether congenital or acquired, is treated by sectioning the cordlike fibrotic muscle group by "Z" plasty, resulting in lengthening it enough to allow the knee to assume a normal standing angle. Adhesion of the muscle group to a large femoral callus (muscle tie down) may occur and require additional surgical correction. Infraspinatus contracture results in a typical foreleg deformity and change in gait. Surgical repair by tenotomy is usually followed by rapid return to normal. Gracilis contracture, though common in racing greyhounds, is not commonly reported in pet dogs. Surgical excision of the entire affected muscle mass is curative.  相似文献   
When ex vivo magnetic resonance (MR) imaging studies are undertaken, specimen conservation should be taken into account when interpreting MR imaging results. The purpose of this study was to assess MR changes during time in the anatomic structures of the equine digit on eight cadaver limbs stored at 4°C. The digits were imaged within 12 h after death and then after 1, 2, 7, and 14 days of refrigeration. After the last examination, four feet were warmed at room temperature for 24 h and reimaged. Sequences used were turbo spin echo (TSE) T1, TSE T2, short tau inversion recovery (STIR), and double-echo steady state (DESS). Images obtained were compared subjectively side by side for image quality and signal changes. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was measured and compared between examinations. There were no subjective changes in image quality. A mild size reduction of the synovial recesses was detected subjectively. No signal change was seen subjectively except for bone marrow that appeared slightly hyperintense in STIR and slightly hypointense in TSE T2 sequence after refrigeration compared with day 0. Using quantitative analysis, significant SNR changes in bone marrow of refrigerated limbs compared with day 0 were detected in STIR and TSE T2 sequences. Warming at room temperature for 24 h produced a reverse effect on SNR compared with refrigeration with a significant increase in SNR in TSE T2 images. After 14 days of refrigeration a statistically significant decrease of SNR was found in bone marrow in TSE T2 and DESS sequences. The SNR in the deep digital flexor tendon was not characterized by significant change in SNR.  相似文献   
A 7‐year‐old neutered female Boerboel cross was examined for progressive left pelvic limb lameness. There was no left patellar reflex but the remaining pelvic limb reflexes were hyperreflexic. Radiographically, there was a poorly mineralized opacity occupying the intervertebral foramen at L4–L5. On computed tomography images there was a hyperattenuating intramedullary lesion at L4–L5 that continued caudally, lateralized to the left and became extramedullary, terminating at L5–L6. In addition, well marginated, hyperattenuating lesions were noted at two muscular sites. The dog underwent euthanasia and a caudal esophageal mass was found at post mortem examination. The tumors in the spinal cord, the esophagus, and the skeletal muscles were diagnosed histologically as low‐grade chondrosarcoma undergoing endochondral ossification. Spirocerca lupi‐induced esophageal chondrosarcoma was believed to be the primary site from which the other, presumably metastatic, lesions originated.  相似文献   
Osteosarcoma has not been previously reported to have metastasized to the urinary bladder in the dog. Here such a case is reported; the diagnosis was based on clinical, radiological, scintigraphic and histological verification of the primary and metastatic tumours.  相似文献   
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