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Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) are the northernmost distributed freshwater fish and can grow at water temperatures as low as 0.2 °C. Other teleost species have impaired immune function at temperatures that Arctic charr thrive in, and thus, charr may maintain immune function at these temperatures. In this study, a fibroblastic cell line, named ACBA, derived from the bulbus arteriosus (BA) of Arctic charr was developed for use in immune studies at various temperatures. ACBA has undergone more than forty passages at 18 °C over 3 years, while showing no signs of senescence‐associated β‐galactosidase activity and producing nitric oxide. Remarkably, ACBA cells survived and maintained some mitotic activity even at 1 °C for over 3 months. At these low temperatures, ACBA also continued to produce MH class I proteins. After challenge with poly I:C, only antiviral Mx proteins were induced while MH proteins remained constant. When exposed to live viruses, ACBA was shown to permit viral infection and replication of IPNV, VHSV IVa and CSV at 14 °C. Yet at the preferred temperature of 4 °C, only VHSV IVa was shown to replicate within ACBA. This study provides evidence that Arctic charr cells can maintain immune function while also resisting infection with intracellular pathogens at low temperatures.  相似文献   
Vietnamese pangasius farming needs to produce efficiently to compete in world markets. This study investigates the input- and output-specific technical inefficiency of Vietnamese pangasius farmers. First, we used a Russell-type (input–output) directional distance function to estimate the input- and output-specific technical inefficiency. Second, we applied a bootstrap truncated regression to analyze the factors influencing these technical inefficiencies. Results show that the main challenges for enhancing the performance of Vietnamese pangasius production are inadequate use of capital assets (inefficiency of 42%) and improper methods to achieve higher fish yield (inefficiency of 30%). Input-specific technical inefficiency (pond area and feed) is negatively associated with the experience and education level of pangasius farmers. Location of the farm in a saltwater intrusion area is positively associated with the inefficiency of producing fish. Outcomes of this study are useful to identify successful strategies to minimize the use of inputs while simultaneously maximizing fish production.  相似文献   
Since the mid eighties, agricultural development and increased population growth in Vietnam’s northern highlands have modified land use patterns and thus, increased the runoff process and soil degradation induced by water erosion. In the last decade, Vietnamese literature has focused on the computation of soil losses over large areas. Most of these spatial and quantitative soil erosion studies do not consider the impact of agricultural land use diversity (spatial heterogeneity), particularly at the watershed scale, and the annual variability of seasonal landscape factors on soil erosion vulnerability and hence, landscape dynamics. We present an integrated approach combining field measurements and observations, GIS and modeling to determine the spatial and temporal dynamics of soil erosion vulnerability according to watershed units and hence, the impact of physical environment components and agricultural land use patterns on landscape evolution. Tables and graphics showing the cropping systems, the periods within a year, and the watershed units that are most vulnerable are presented. The double cultivation cycles for paddy rice fields not only imply two periods of land preparation and establishment that expose the soil surface to raindrop impacts, but also increased soil management practices that decrease the soil’s resistance to detachment. Despite the low levels of soil management practices for the shifting cultivation system, the near absence of soil conservation practices clearly increases their vulnerability. Hence, rainfed cropping systems, mainly soya and cassava, cultivated on sloping lands (hills and mountains) where soil erosion vulnerability is the highest represent the watershed units which are the most prone to soil loss.  相似文献   
Rabies is an invariably fatal, but preventable zoonotic disease. Despite a national programme for its prevention and control, the number of rabies associated deaths in Vietnam has increased in recent years. A cross‐sectional survey was undertaken in 2012 to assess and compare the knowledge, awareness and practices of 189 public health workers (PHW) and animal health workers (AHW) attending a joint training course for professionals from provinces in northern Vietnam with the highest number of deaths from rabies. Questionnaires facilitating self‐evaluation were provided, and total knowledge scores were calculated (maximum 38 points) and categorized into: ‘high’ (>30 points), ‘moderate’ (21–30) and ‘low’ (<21). The response rate was 100%, and among the 189 participants, 56% were PHW compared to 44% who were AHW. Although most respondents knew rabies could be transmitted through the bite of an animal, most commonly a dog, and that rabies is a preventable disease, significant differences between groups were identified. Major areas included poor knowledge of common rabies reservoirs, wound management and guidance on post‐exposure prophylaxis. Overall, the total mean knowledge scores for PHW was significantly higher (P = 0.011) compared to those for AHW, but both scores fell within the ‘moderate’ knowledge range. However, proportionately more PHW than AHW achieved ‘high’ knowledge scores (P = 0.0098). To our knowledge this is the first published study to simultaneously assess the knowledge and awareness of animal health and public health professionals attending joint training activities aimed at strengthening rabies prevention and control. To ensure effective prevention and control of rabies requires that AHW and PHW not only coordinate and collaborate, but have a common knowledge and understanding of rabies prevention and control measures. This study provides important baseline data in a relatively unexplored area of research that can focus future interventions and research.  相似文献   
The local isolates of Trichoderrma spp. and Fusariun solani were colected from citrus orchards in the Mekong delta of Vietnam and isolated on PDA, PDB and TSM medium for antagonism and Koch's postulate testing. The results showed that the high chitinolytic enzymes content of Trichoderma isolates can antagonise with Fusarium solani isolates by preventing the germination of Fusarium macroconidia in in-vitro condition. There are five promising isolates of Trichoderna spp. having high antagonism with Fusarium solani. These Trichoderma isolates also grew well in rice straws, maize stems, weeds and water hyacinth biowaste materials. These results supply the promising trend for biological control of root rot disease on citrus orchards of the Mekong delta.  相似文献   
Summary White clover genotypes were selected for high and low values of leaf size, taproot diamater, number of taproots, proportion of total root and taproot dry weight. Crosses within selected groups of genotypes resulted in 14 seed lines, which were compared with parent genotypes in field tiles. Selections for taproot diameter and proportion taproot were more successful than those for taproot number and proportion root.Narrow sense heritability of characters calculated by regression of progeny on mid-parent values were well correlated with broad sense heritabilities derived from replicated clonal comparisons (r=0.73*), indicating that the genetic variation is controlled predominantly by additive gene effects.  相似文献   
Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in cultivated rice has become of utmost importance due to ecological and economical consequences of nitrogen (N) losses. However, detailed information on the components of NUE—physiological, absorption and agronomical NUEs—is lacking. The present study aimed to determine the components of NUE for three cultivars of Asian and African rices [IR64 (Oryza sativa indica), Azucena (O. sativa japonica) and TOG7105 (O. glaberrima)] exposed to a wide range of N supply, from excess to deficiency—from 4× to 1/8× of the standard Yoshida solution (1×). Increasing the N supply to 2× or 4× did not induce much change for most parameters, including tissue N concentrations and pNUE. However, aNUE and agNUE decreased gradually as the N supply increased from 1/2× to 4×. In contrast, lowering the N supply, particularly to 1/4× or 1/8×, induced a significant decrease in most measured parameters, except NUEs. The pNUE increased gradually when lowering the N supply from 1× to 1/8×, while aNUE and agNUE were maximal at 1/2 and/or 1/4× according to the cultivar. In contrast, the Fv/Fm and PSII values remained unchanged. Differences between cultivars were low. However, the O. glaberrima cultivar showed a significantly lower aNUE and agNUE than both O. sativa cultivars under low N supply (1/4 and 1/8×). These results demonstrate that all NUE components were sharply and differentially affected by low N supply, while the PSII remained unaffected. These results are important for determining the cultivar and N supply with the best balance between intensive and sustainable rice cultivation.  相似文献   
Samples of treated wastewater drawn from the effluent of the Montreal Urban Community (MUC), Canada, and surface water samples from the St. Lawrence River were collected in 1993 and 1994 and analysed for PCBs and PAHs. The average concentrations of Σ13 PCBs and Σ14 PAHs in the effluent were 1.34 ± 0.71 ng L-1 and 326 ± 229 ng L-1, respectively. PCB concentrations in the effluent did not show any clear seasonal pattern in the effluent but PAH concentrations increased during the winter period. In the effluent plume, both PCB and PAH concentrations increased significantly between the upstream control site and the effluent outfall, and subsequently decreased. The profiles of PCB congeners were similar within the effluent plume and also among water masses of the St. Lawrence River. PAH profiles were also similar within the effluent plume, but were different across the two water masses of the St. Lawrence River. Based on the composition of PCB congeners, atmospheric inputs appear to represent the major source of PCBs in the St. Lawrence River. The sources of PAHs in the MUC effluent and in the St. Lawrence River water would appear to be, respectively, petroleum products and combustion-derived products.  相似文献   
Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae is one of the most threatening diseases of olive worldwide. For pre‐planting and post‐planting control of verticillium wilt in olive trees, availability of a rapid, reliable and non‐destructive method for detection of V. dahliae is essential. For such a method, suitable and easily performed sampling and efficient processing of samples for extraction of DNA are necessary. In this study, the suitability of young twig and leaf samples of olive trees, which are easy to collect and extract DNA from, were assessed for the detection of V. dahliae in routine procedures. The lower (about 50 cm from the tip) and top parts (about 5 cm from the tip) of twigs, as well as leaves from infected olive trees were screened for V. dahliae infection and distribution using real‐time PCR. The biomass of V. dahliae detected in individual twigs was highly variable, but there was no significant difference between mean quantities of V. dahliae DNA detected in top and lower parts of twigs. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that analysis of combined samples containing DNA extracted from five twigs of an infected tree accurately detected the presence of the pathogen. Similarly, testing combined samples of 5–10 leaves enabled reliable detection of the pathogen in an infected tree. The development of this assay enables reliable detection of V. dahliae in infected olive trees that can aid in management decisions for the implementation of integrated disease management.  相似文献   
This study aimed to assess the diversity and antimicrobial activity of cultivable bacteria associated with Vietnamese sponges. In total, 460 bacterial isolates were obtained from 18 marine sponges. Of these, 58.3% belonged to Proteobacteria, 16.5% to Actinobacteria, 18.0% to Firmicutes, and 7.2% to Bacteroidetes. At the genus level, isolated strains belonged to 55 genera, of which several genera, such as Bacillus, Pseudovibrio, Ruegeria, Vibrio, and Streptomyces, were the most predominant. Culture media influenced the cultivable bacterial composition, whereas, from different sponge species, similar cultivable bacteria were recovered. Interestingly, there was little overlap of bacterial composition associated with sponges when the taxa isolated were compared to cultivation-independent data. Subsequent antimicrobial assays showed that 90 isolated strains exhibited antimicrobial activity against at least one of seven indicator microorganisms. From the culture broth of the isolated strain with the strongest activity (Bacillus sp. M1_CRV_171), four secondary metabolites were isolated and identified, including cyclo(L-Pro-L-Tyr) (1), macrolactin A (2), macrolactin H (3), and 15,17-epoxy-16-hydroxy macrolactin A (4). Of these, compounds 2-4 exhibited antimicrobial activity against a broad spectrum of reference microorganisms.  相似文献   
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