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In the 1970s unexpected forest damages, called “new type of forest damage” or “forest decline”, were observed in Germany and other European countries. The Federal Republic of Germany and the German Federal States implemented a forest monitoring system in the early 1980s, in order to monitor and assess the forest condition. Due to the growing public awareness of possible adverse effects of air pollution on forests, in 1985 the ICP Forests was launched under the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution (CLRTAP) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE). The German experience in forest monitoring was a base for the implementation of the European monitoring system. In 2001 the interdisciplinary case study “concept and feasibility study for the integrated evaluation of environmental monitoring data in forests”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, concentrated on in-depths evaluations of the German data of forest monitoring. The objectives of the study were: (a) a reliable assessment of the vitality and functioning of forest ecosystems, (b) the identification and quantification of factors influencing forest vitality, and (c) the clarification of cause-effect-relationships leading to leaf/needle loss. For these purposes additional data from external sources were acquired: climate and deposition, for selected level I plots tree growth data, as well as data on groundwater quality. The results show that in particular time series analysis (crown condition, tree growth, and tree ring analysis), in combination with climate and deposition are valuable and informative, as well as integrated evaluation of soil, tree nutrition and crown condition data. Methods to combine information from the extensive and the intensive monitoring, and to transfer process information to the large scale should be elaborated in future.
Sabine AugustinEmail:
Tineola bisselliella is a common pest on natural fabrics of economic importance. Two commercially available repellents for use against adult webbing clothes moths were tested for their efficacy in dual- and no-choice bioassays. Oil of cloves and citral in combination, as well as citronellol scented with oil of lavender showed promising repellent effects for 4 weeks when applied in small compartments of a wardrobe. Although the repellent efficacy was not 100% under the conditions tested, the usage of essential oils in combination with other infestation prevention techniques is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die KleidermotteTineola bisselliella Hum. ist einer der wirtschaftlich bedeutenden tierischen Wollzerstörer. Auch Pelze, Felle, Polsterhaare und Federn werden von dem weit verbreiteten Kleinschmetterling aus der Familie der Tineidae befallen. In der Praxis gilt es vor allem Kleidungsstücke, die z. B. saisonbedingt für längere Zeit ungenutzt in einem Kleiderschrank aufbewahrt werden, vor dem Befall durch die Kleidermotte zu schützen. Hierfür stehen dem Verbraucher neben den konventionellen Bekämpfungsmitteln mit den Wirkstoffen Kampfer, Naphthalin und Paradichlorbenzol sowie pyrethrum- und pyrethroidhaltige Mittel auch Präparate zur Verfügung, die auf die repellierende Wirkung von ätherischen Ölen zurückgreifen. Die abstoßende Wirkung von Nelkenöl in Kombination mit Citral und von Citronellol parfümiert mit Lavendelöl auf die Falter der Kleidermotte wurde auf vergleichbare Eigenschaften untersucht. In Wahlversuchen wurden deutliche Repellent-Wirkungen der Mottenschutz-Präparate sichtbar. Die Präparate zeigten gute Wirkungen, wenn sie zum Schutz gegen den Zuflug von Kleidermotten an wollhaltigen Stoffen in kleinen Kompartimenten eines Kleiderschrankes ausgelegt waren. Auch in Zwangsversuchen hatte dieser Befund zum Teil Bestand. Bei längeren Versuchszeiten wurden allerdings verstärkt Fraßschäden durch Larven an den Wollstoffen festgestellt. Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, daß Mottenweibchen nicht mehr in dem Maße repelliert wurden und ihre Eier an den Stoffen ablegten.

This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product or pesticide does not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation for its use by the Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry or by the USDA-ARS.  相似文献   
Contact-free digital image analysis was performed of the radial shrinkage of fresh, fully saturated small spruce wood beams. An experimental test set-up was developed to ensure constant distance from the charge-coupled device camera to the sample surface as well as constant climate and light conditions during the whole experiment. Dimensional changes were observed immediately after the drying process began. An unexpected distinct effect could be observed which could not be explained by drying surface layers only. After a fast initial radial shrinkage a slowing down of the dimensional changes occurred at high mean moisture contents. A complete interruption of any dimensional changes followed. Finally, a recovery from shrinkage was even observed. It is assumed that strong negative pressure occurred in the fully saturated capillaries owing to dehydration which led to additional dimensional changes. As a consequence, the break of the water column and aeration in these capillaries finally resulted in a recovery period in the shrinkage rate due to the pressure release. After this effect, the dehydration was characterized by a phase of fast and almost linear shrinkage due to drying surface layers. Finally, the shrinkage slowed down to zero when reaching equilibrium moisture content.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Populationsveränderungen beiBemisia argentifolii wurden durch Zählungen von Larvenstadien an Blättern und durch Zählung von Adulten, die mit Gelbfallen gefangen wurden, erfaßt. Es wurden drei Typen von Gelbfallen getestet: a) horizontale, etwa 30 cm über dem Boden auf Tischchen ausgebrachte, b) vertikale frei hängende, rechteckige und c) vertikal, frei hängende Zylinder. Die besten Fangergebnisse brachte die Version b), die gleichzeitig den am leichtesten auszubringenden Fallentyp darstellt. Die meisten Nebenfänge wurden mit der horizontalen Falle gemacht.Populationsveränderungen waren abhängig von der Temperatur, Regenfällen, Art und Stärke der Bewässerung, Art, Alter und eventuell Pflanzdichte der Wirtspflanze, Düngung und Insektizidbehandlung. Antagonisten spielten nur eine untergeordnete Rolle. Bemisia argentifolii war erstaunlich ortstreu. Nach einer ersten Besiedlung wurde die Populationsdynamik sehr kleinräumig fast ausschließlich von der Vermehrungs- und Sterblichkeitsrate bedingt; Wanderungsbewegungen spielten eine untergeordnete Rolle.Durch den Bewässerungsfeldbau wurden klimabedingte Anbaupausen ausgeschaltet. Vergleiche zweier klimatisch ähnlicher Regionen, von denen in einer seit 1991 per Gesetz eine sommerliche Anbaupause für Wirtspflanzen der Weißen Fliege galt, führen zu dem Schluß, daß eine solche Anbaupause trotz Vorkommen von Wildkräutern hilft, den Befall deutlich zu reduzieren. Noch erarbeitet werden muß ein Konzept, wie auch Kleinbauern diese Anbaupausen ohne große finanzielle Verluste überstehen können.
Population dynamics ofBemisia argentifolii in the south west of the Dominican Republic
For monitoring whitefly populations, yellow sticky traps were placed in 1993/1994 on 11 sites in two valleys in the south west of the Dominican Republic. Additional countings of immature whiteflyes in untreated parts of field rials were evaluated. Trying different forms of traps showed that flat vertical traps gave better results than flat horizontal or cylindrical ones. The highest catching rates were obtained in eggplant fields as this culture remains long without any pesticide treatment on the field. The dependence of whitefly outbreaks (and yeald losses) on watersupply for the plants could be proofed. The movement in the field seems to be very low. Population dynamics in the field depend mainly on proliferation and nortality. Migration seems to have almost no influence.B. argentifolii was always permanently present on noncultivated lands, but even spots host weeds never reached the population density of cultivated lands. Also parasitoids were always present on noncultivated lands. After the establishment of irrigation, host plants were available and whiteflies could multiply the whole year. Since 1990 planting of host plants is prohibited from March till september in one of the two investigated valleys. This measure seems to be successfull.

Mit 4 Tabellen  相似文献   
This study aimed to determine the response of native plant species to changed growing conditions, especially increased shade, following establishment of exotic Pinus radiata plantation on cleared native eucalypt forest. In the Northern Hemisphere, species tolerant to shading are typically herbaceous perennials, with large seeds, no obvious mechanism of seed dispersal, and spread by clonal means. We investigated whether life form, mode of seed dispersal, leaf area, specific leaf area (SLA), nutrient uptake strategy, seed mass, fire response, plant height, and clonal spread differed between understorey species of pine plantation and native forest. Further, we asked whether plant functional traits that confer tolerance to stress through shading differ from those in other floras. The study was conducted on the Delatite Peninsula in north-eastern Victoria, Australia. Vegetation of adjacent native forest and pine plantation were surveyed using eight 7 m × 7 m plots per site, randomly located within five paired sites. Differences in plant traits between land-use types were tested by Non-metric Multi-dimensional Scaling (NMDS), analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) and paired t-tests. Cluster analysis of the nine plant traits was used to define emergent groups, with differences between land-use types examined by ANOSIM and indicator species analysis. There was a significant change in the composition of understorey vegetation following conversion to pine plantation that included a decline in the richness of native species. NMDS of plant attributes showed a clear separation of native forest from pine plantation with land use strongly correlated in ordination space (r2 = 0.611). Cluster analysis produced seven emergent groups of plant functional traits for 78 identified plant species. Phanerophytes split into two groups (myrmecochorous trees and shrubs; myrmecochorous shrubs), perennial herbs into four groups (upright herbs, myrmecochorous herbs, barochorous herbs, flat rosette herbs) with one group representing therophytes and anemochorous perennials. Perennial herbs with intermediate SLA and clonal spread were tolerant of the shaded conditions in pine plantation while the two groups of phanerophytes and the myrmecochorous herbs were largely excluded. Shared traits of excluded emergent groups included those that provided an over-riding adaptation to mineral nutrient stress, including myrmecochory, low SLA, ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal associations and N2-fixation. These plant traits could not provide tolerance to stress through shading, which is better explained by the open canopied nature of the native forest.  相似文献   
Agroforestry systems in Sub-Saharan African drylands are complex and heterogeneous in nature even under similar biophysical conditions. This can be attributed to household needs and socioeconomic status which influence the species and utility of the adopted trees. This has an impact on the trees establishment and management system through planting or Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). This study evaluates how trees for different utilities are managed and which socioeconomic factors influence these decisions. The study used primary data collected in Mutomo District, Kenya through a household survey based on a structured questionnaire. A paired sample t-test was done to assess the preferred mode of adopting trees for different utilities while factor analysis was used to characterize the households as either planting trees or practicing FMNR. Multiple linear regression using household regression factor scores as independent variables and socioeconomic indicators as dependent variables was done to ascertain which socioeconomic factors affect tree adoption. The results show that trees planted were mostly exotic species valued for their nutrition and commercial value, while FMNR was used for subsistence products and environmental services. Household size, livestock levels and mobility had a positive correlation with tree planting, while income, access to markets and roads had an inverse correlation. Access to natural woodland, distance to the nearest motorable road and land size had a positive correlation with tree protection. It is hoped that this knowledge will act as a reference point when designing agroforestry projects in similar areas to ensure they are more aligned to specific site and household conditions.  相似文献   
The influence of genetic determination and environment on the variability of secondary resin canal traits was investigated on 15–19-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) clones grown in Lower Austria (Pressbaum and Ulmerfeld) and southern Sweden (Knutstorp and Hermanstorp). Eleven and 20 clones were present on the two Austrian and the two Swedish sites, respectively. The sites differed in their water availability, as indicated by different annual precipitation and soil type. Resin canal traits measured were the number of epithelial cells per canal, the number of resin canals per unit tangential wood surface area, the mean resin canal area and the total resin canal area per unit tangential wood surface area. The latter three traits are known to be related to the constitutive resin flow of Norway spruce.

Environment had an influence on the variability of resin canal traits but the most important factor for the variability was the tree’s genetic disposition. Within countries, clones from the drier sites (Pressbaum and Hermanstorp) showed significantly smaller resin canals. Trees from Pressbaum also had smaller total resin canal areas than trees from Ulmerfeld. The number of epithelial cells and the number of canals did not differ between sites.

Resin canal traits had wide genetic variation and high broad sense heritabilities (H2), with values between 0.28 and 0.82. Highest heritability values were reached for the number of epithelial cells and the number of canals (H2 > 0.8). Genotypic correlations across trials were high for the resin canal traits and approached 1 in both the Austrian and the Swedish trials, indicating that there was little genotype by environment interaction for these traits and thus the ranking of clones was very similar in the different environments.

The number of epithelial cells, the mean area and the total resin canal area showed either moderately significant positive genotypic correlations with tree growth traits or none at all.

In a breeding context, our results are encouraging and indicate that high constitutive defence potential against bark beetles, such as Ips typographus, is not aligned with low volume growth. But it should be taken into consideration that environment and forestry practices can also have an impact on the resin reservoir provided by the radial resin canals.  相似文献   

A new coupling system of GC-GC, connected via a Multi Column Switching Device MCS2 for measuring isotope ratios, is introduced. By means of several standard substances the precise and accurate measurement of isotopic values is proved. First applications concerning the authentication of raspberry aroma compounds are established. Consequently, the combination of constant flow multidimensional gas chromatography-combustion/pyrolysis-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (MDGC-C/P-IRMS) is applied to the authenticity assessment of (E)-alpha(beta)-ionone from six different raspberry cultivars. Furthermore, 12 commercially available raspberry products and samples of (E)-alpha(beta)-ionone, some declared to be natural, are investigated. delta(2)Eta(V)(-)(SMOW) and delta(13)C(V)(-)(PDB) values of (E)-alpha(beta)-ionone are determined, and characteristic authenticity ranges were concluded from raspberries by correlation of both delta(2)Eta(V)(-)(SMOW) and delta(13)C( V)(-)(PDB) values. The results are correlated with the determination of enantiomeric purities of (E)-alpha-ionone, using stir bar sorptive extraction enantio-multidimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry (SBSE-enantio-MDGC-MS).  相似文献   
Lime and phosphorus (P) applications are common agricultural management practices. Our aim was to quantify the effects of long-term application practices on root growth and abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) under field conditions. We assessed the effects of lime and P fertilizer applications on barley yield, root growth and AMF abundance in 2016. Treatments were no, low, medium and high liming rate corresponding to application of 0, 4, 8 and 12 Mg lime ha−1 every 5–9 years since 1942 combined with no or yearly application of 15.6 kg P ha−1 since 1944. At harvest, grain yield, root intensity (core-break) and AMF abundance at different soil depths were estimated. Root development was monitored during early growth with minirhizotrons in treatments receiving low, medium and high liming rates and P fertilization. A quadratic model relating grain yield to liming rate estimated yields to peak at 6.4 Mg lime ha−1 with yields of 4.2 and 3.2 Mg grain ha−1 with and without P fertilization, respectively. Low and medium liming rates resulted in greater AMF abundance, especially in the no P treatments. During early growth in P-fertilized treatments, 77% and 65% more roots developed in the soil profile when treated with medium and high liming rate, respectively, compared to low liming rate. We conclude that long-term application of lime in soils receiving yearly P fertilization improved conditions for root growth in soil layers below 30 cm, but at the high liming rate, this did not translate into higher yield.  相似文献   
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