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Ultrasonography of the liver was performed in 200 Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle using a 3.5 MHz transducer with a linear array electronic scanner. Liver samples were taken, processed and examined microscopically and the fat occupying rate was calculated. The hepatic ultrasonograms were evaluated according to the presence of bright pattern, dark pattern, deep attenuation, vascular blurring and blurring of edges. Of the 200 animals, 96 had a normal liver, 63 had hydropic degeneration of the liver, 37 had fatty infiltration of the liver, 3 had liver dystrophy and I had hepatic amyloidosis, diagnosed through histopathological examination. Amyloidosis was characterized by bright pattern and blurring of edges. Liver dystrophy had higher percentages of bright pattern and blurring of edges than normal liver. Hydropic degeneration had higher percentages of dark pattern and blurring of edges than normal liver. Fatty infiltration had higher percentages of bright pattern, deep attenuation, vascular blurring and blurring of edges than normal liver. The present results suggest that different ultrasonographic patterns can be observed in various diffuse hepatocellular disorders in dairy cattle  相似文献   
Thyroid scintigraphy using sodium 99mTechnetium pertechnetate (99TcO4-) was performed in normal and radiothyroidectomized cockatiels ( Nymphicus hollandicus ). 131I scintigraphy was performed in the course of ablating the thyroid glands. The thyroid glands in normal birds were clearly visualized, but were not individually resolvable. Thyroid glands were not visualized in thyroid-ablated birds. With 99mTcO4 scans, thyroid (or other region of interest)/body count density ratios were used for comparisons of normal and thyroid-ablated birds. Normal 99mTcO4- thyroid/body ratios (mean +/− SD) for the dorsal and lateral views were 1.83 +/− 0.31 and 1.70 +/− 0.34 respectively. Pertechnetate thyroid/body count density ratios decreased (to 0.93 -/−0.14 and 0.88 +/− 0.12 for dorsal and lateral views respectively) after thyroid ablation, while crop/body ratios increased. 99mTcO4- thyroid scintigraphy, therefore, was capable of detecting hypofunctional thyroid abnormalities in 131I radiothyroidectomized cockatiels.  相似文献   
High-resolution ultrasonography was evaluated as an alternative to 99mTcO-4 scintigraphy for examining size and appearance of thyroid glands in hyperthyroid cats. Thyroid ultrasound examinations were performed on 6 normal cats and 14 cats with hyperthyroidism. Thyroid lobe volume was estimated from ultrasound images using the equation for a prolate ellipsoid, π/6 (length * height * width). Total thyroid volume was estimated by adding the volume estimations of the left and right lobes. Thyroid lobes of hyperthyroid cats were considered abnormal if estimated volume exceeded the 99% confidence interval for normal thyroid volume determined from the control group. Scintigraphic examinations performed on hyperthyroid cats were evaluated for unilateral versus bilateral disease and for the presence of ectopic activity. Mean thyroid lobe volume and total thyroid volume for normal cats was 85 and 169 mm3, respectively. Mean thyroid lobe volume and total thyroid volume for hyperthyroid cats was 578 and 889 mm3. There was a significant difference in mean estimated total thyroid volume of normal and hyperthyroid cats. Thyroid lobes with greater than normal TcO-4 uptake on scintigraphy were larger and had variable homogeneity, echogenicity, and margination on ultrasound examination. There also was an 85.7% agreement of scintigraphy and ultrasonography in differentiating normal from abnormal thyroid lobes. A fair correlation between estimated total thyroid volume of hyperthyroid cats and most recent pretherapy serum thyroxine values were also found. This preliminary study indicates that thyroid ultrasound examination may provide information that is useful for diagnosis and treatment of feline hyperthyroidism. Although ultrasound provides accurate evaluation of the thyroid glands, it cannot replace 99mTcO-4 scintigraphy for screening of metastatic lesions and ectopic glands.  相似文献   
This report describes the diagnosis of a fracture of the greater tubercle of the humerus and successful repair with 2 cancellous bone screws in a 420 kg adolescent horse.  相似文献   
Charles R.  Pugh  DVM  MS  Phillip J.  Johnson  BVSc  MS  Gregory  Crawley  DVM  MS  Susan T.  Finn  DVM  MS 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1994,35(3):183-188
The equine shoulder region is difficult to investigate by conventional imaging modalities. Diagnostic ultrasound has proven valuable for investigation of soft tissue injuries of the human shoulder. In a horse with shoulder lameness, the authors employed diagnostic ultrasound to augment the use of conventional radiography. A defect in the subchondral bone layer of the medial humeral tuberosity, with adjacent bony fragments were clearly identified with ultrasound. Ultrasound was used for initial evaluation of the bicipital tendon and bursa. The technique was subsequently used to follow and evaluate the post-operative condition of the proximal cranial humerus, bicipital tendon and bursa in this patient. The bicipital regions of 2 immature and 3 adult normal horses were also examined with to illustrate the normal ultrasonographic anatomy of the cranial shoulder region.  相似文献   
The arrhythmogenic effects of anesthetic drugs are assessed using the arrhythmogenic dose of epinephrine (ADE) model. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of cholinergic blockade (CB) produced by glycopyrrolate (G) on ADE in 1.5 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) halothane (H)- and isoflurane (I)-anesthetized dogs. Eight dogs (weighing between 12.5 and 21.5 kg) were randomly assigned to four treatment groups (H, HG, I, and IG) and each treatment was replicated three times. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with H (1.31%, end-tidal [ET]) or I (1.95%, ET) in oxygen. Ventilation was controlled (carbon dioxide [PCO2] 35 to 40 mmHg, ET). G was administered 10 minutes before ADE determination at a dose of 22 μg/kg (11 μg/kg, intravenous [IV] and 11 μg/kg, intramuscular [IM]). The ADE was determined by IV infusion of epinephrine at sequentially increasing rates of 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0 μg/kg/min; and defined as the total dose of epinephrine producing at least four ectopic ventricular contractions (EVCs) within 15 seconds during a 3-minute infusion and up to 1 minute after the end of the infusion. Total dose was calculated as the product of infusion rate and time to arrhythmia. Data were analyzed using a randomized complete block analysis of variance. When significant (P < .05) F values were found a least significant difference test was used to compare group means. Values are reported as means ± standard error. The ADE (μg/kg) for H, HG, I, and IG were 1.53 ± 0.08, 3.37 ± 0.46, 1.61 ± 0.21, and > 15.00, respectively. Heart rates (HRs) (beats/min) and systolic pressures (mmHg) at the time of arrhythmia formation for H, HG, I, and IG were (60.3 ±4.0 and 142.0 ± 7.6), (213.0 ± 13.1 and 239.2 ± 7.1), (62.9 ± 4.5 and 151.9 ± 6.3), and (226.3 ± 6.1 and 323.5 ± 3.4), respectively. The H and I ADE were not different. The HG ADE was significantly less than the IG ADE. The H and I ADE were significantly less than the HG and IG ADE. We conclude the following from the results of this study of epinephrine infusion in halothane- and isoflurane-anesthetized dogs: (1) two distinct mechanisms are responsible for the development of arrhythmias, (2) CB produced by G significantly increases ADE but is associated with higher rate pressure products (RPP) and myocardial work, and (3) ADE methodology could be improved by determining ADE with and without CB.  相似文献   
Eighty-five dogs were diagnosed as having rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament. They were managed by restriction of activity to leash walks for 3 to 6 weeks, weight loss if indicated, and analgesic medication as needed. Twenty-four of 28 dogs that had a body weight of 15 kg or less (85.7%) were considered to be clinically normal (no lameness and normal range of motion in stifle, 21 dogs) or improved (3 dogs) after an average follow-up period of 36.6 months. Lameness in the remaining four dogs persisted or worsened over an average period of 8.2 months (minimum 6 months), and surgical replacement of the cruciate ligament was performed. Eleven of 57 dogs that had a body weight of 15 kg or greater (19.3%) were classified as normal (4 dogs) or improved (7 dogs) after an average follow-up period of 49.1 months. Lameness in the remaining 46 dogs persisted or worsened over an average period of 10.2 months (minimum 6 months), and surgical replacement of the cruciate ligament was performed.  相似文献   
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