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Cultivated peanut, the second most economically important legume crop throughout the United States and the third most important oilseed in the world, is consistently threatened by various diseases and pests. Sclerotinia minor Jagger (S. minor), the causal agent of Sclerotinia blight, is a major threat to peanut production in the Southwestern U.S., Virginia, and North Carolina and can reduce yield by up to 50% in severely infested fields. Although host plant resistance would provide the most effective solution to managing Sclerotinia blight, limited sources of resistance to the disease are available for use in breeding programs. Peanut germplasm collections are available for exploration and identification of new sources of resistance, but traditionally the process is lengthy, requiring years of field testing before those potential sources can be identified. Molecular markers associated with phenotypic traits can speed up the screening of germplasm accessions, but until recently none were available for Sclerotinia blight resistance in peanut. This study objective of this study was to characterize the US peanut mini-core collection with regards to a recently discovered molecular marker associated with Sclerotinia blight resistance. Ninety-six accessions from the collection were available and genotyped using the SSR marker and 39 total accessions from spanish, valencia, runner market types were identified as new potential sources of resistance and targeted for further evaluation in field tests for Sclerotinia blight resistance.  相似文献   
Background: Omeprazole and famotidine both reduce severity of exercise‐induced gastritis, but administering famotidine is easier than administering omeprazole during racing competition. Hypothesis: Famotidine is more efficacious than no treatment in reducing severity of exercise‐induced gastritis; and high‐dose famotidine is more efficacious than omeprazole in reducing severity of exercise‐induced gastritis. Animals: Experiment 1: Randomized placebo‐controlled study, 36 sled dogs (3–8 years); Experiment 2: Randomized positive‐control study, 52 sled dogs (2–8 years). Methods: Experiment 1: Equal numbers of dogs randomly assigned to famotidine (20 mg q24h) or no treatment groups. Gastroscopy was performed 24 hours after the dogs ran 330 miles. Mucosal appearance was blindly scored by previously described scoring system. Experiment 2: Equal numbers of dogs randomly assigned to omeprazole (20 mg q24h) or high‐dose famotidine (40 mg q12h) groups. Gastroscopy was performed 48 hours before and 24 hours after the dogs ran 300 miles. Mucosal appearance was blindly scored by previously described scoring system. Results: Famotidine reduced the prevalence of clinically relevant, exercise‐induced gastric lesions compared with no treatment (7/16 versus 11/16, P= .031). Compared with high‐dose famotidine, omeprazole significantly decreased the severity (0.4 versus 1.2, P= .0002) and prevalence (2/23 versus 7/21, P= .049) of gastric lesions. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Although famotidine provides some benefit in the prevention of exercise‐induced gastric lesions, omeprazole is superior to famotidine in preventing gastritis in dogs running 300 miles. Routine administration of omeprazole is recommended to prevent stress‐associated gastric disease in exercising and racing Alaskan sled dogs.  相似文献   
Taylorella equigenitalis is a gram-negative coccobacillus and the causative agent of a transmissible venereal disease in horses known as contagious equine metritis. Outbreaks of contagious equine metritis have been documented in various countries since 1977, with the most recent discovery in the United States in December 2008. During disease occurrences, culturing semen samples for T equigenitalis before breeding may help to prevent transmission of this disease; however, little is known about the antimicrobial activity of equine semen extenders against the organism. The purpose of this study was to investigate the infectivity levels of T equigenitalis in three equine semen extenders inoculated with known concentrations of the organism. The semen extenders used for this study included INRA 96, E-Z Mixin BF, and VMDZ. In addition, Timentin was added to INRA 96 at three different concentrations (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mg/mL) to investigate possible synergistic effects of antibiotic supplementation of extenders. Results were based on the visual counting of the colonies on chocolate Eugon agar plates. Both INRA 96 (with added Timentin) and VMDZ (as supplied by the manufacturer) significantly reduced the numbers of T equigenitalis isolated from semen extenders as compared with INRA 96 (as supplied by the manufacturer) or the antibiotic free E-Z Mixin BF. Our findings indicate that INRA 96 (with added Timentin) or VMDZ may significantly decrease the growth of T equigenitalis in extended semen; however, it is also important to consider the possible effects of antibiotic supplemented extenders on sperm longevity and fertility in addition to eliminating specific pathogens in semen.  相似文献   
 【目的】研究成都平原不同耕作模式对土壤质量性状的影响,探索建立适合当地生产条件的土壤质量评价体系,筛选出适宜该地的耕作模式,为提高当地土壤生产力水平、改善土壤质量提供借鉴。【方法】通过长期定位试验获取不同耕作模式对土壤性状及作物生产指标的影响效应,采用主成分分析的方法筛选评价指标,运用因子分析法对土壤质量进行综合评价。【结果】筛选出的评价土壤综合质量的指标在不同土壤层次存在明显差别:0—10 cm土层的主要影响因子为毛管孔隙度、土壤比重、土壤饱和渗水速率、土壤紧实度、土壤有机质;10—20 cm土层的主要影响因子为总孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、饱和渗水速率、土壤吸湿水、土壤紧实度;0—20 cm土层的主要影响因子为非毛管孔隙度、土壤比重、土壤饱和渗水速率、土壤紧实度。其中,不同土层的共同影响因子——土壤饱和渗水速率和土壤紧实度是目前当地土壤质量的限制因子。土壤质量综合评价结果表明0—10 cm土层以麦稻双免耕作模式最好,10—20 cm土层麦免+稻旋最好,0—20 cm土层麦免+稻旋最好。【结论】在本研究的试验条件和当地实际情况下,对成都平原土壤质量具有良好效益的耕作模式为麦免+稻旋模式。  相似文献   
With the commercial release in Australia in 2004 of a vaccine against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV; Fel‐O‐Vax FIV®), the landscape for FIV diagnostics shifted substantially. Point‐of‐care (PoC) antibody detection kits, which had been the mainstay for diagnosing FIV infection since the early 1990s, were no longer considered accurate to use in FIV‐vaccinated cats, because of the production of vaccine‐induced antibodies that were considered indistinguishable from those produced in natural FIV infections. Consequently, attention shifted to alternative diagnostic methods such as nucleic acid detection. However, over the past 5 years we have published a series of studies emphasising that FIV PoC test kits vary in their methodology, resulting in differing accuracy in FIV‐vaccinated cats. Importantly, we demonstrated that two commercially available FIV antibody test kits (Witness? and Anigen Rapid?) were able to accurately distinguish between FIV‐vaccinated and FIV‐infected cats, concluding that testing with either kit offers an alternative to PCR testing. This review summarises pertinent findings from our work published in a variety of peer‐reviewed research journals to inform veterinarians (particularly veterinarians in Australia, New Zealand and Japan, where the FIV vaccine is currently commercially available) about how the approach to the diagnosis of FIV infection has shifted. Included in this review is our work investigating the performance of three commercially available FIV PoC test kits in FIV‐vaccinated cats and our recommendations for the diagnosis of FIV infection; the effect of primary FIV vaccination (three FIV vaccines, 4 weeks apart) on PoC test kit performance; our recommendations regarding annual testing of FIV‐vaccinated cats to detect ‘vaccine breakthroughs’; and the potential off‐label use of saliva for the diagnosis of FIV infection using some FIV PoC test kits. We also investigated the accuracy of the same three brands of test kits for feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) diagnosis, using both blood and saliva as diagnostic specimens. Based on these results, we discuss our recommendations for confirmatory testing when veterinarians are presented with a positive FeLV PoC test kit result. Finally, we conclude with our results from the largest and most recent FIV and FeLV seroprevalence study conducted in Australia to date.  相似文献   
Freshly harvested mature Bromus rubens L. seeds are dormant. This dormancy corresponds to the inability of seeds to germinate in the dark at temperatures above 15°C, but is practically not apparent at temperatures between 5 and 15°C. Continuous white light markedly inhibits germination of dormant seeds, even at low irradiances, and reinforces their sensitivity to oxygen deprivation. However, prolonged illumination with white light does not alter subsequent germination in the dark. Breaking of dormancy during dry storage at 20°C results in a widening of the temperature range within which a high rate of germination occurs, and in almost complete disappearance of sensitivity of seeds to light. The structures surrounding the embryo (glumellae, caryopsis envelopes and possibly endosperm) are mainly responsible for dormancy and photosensitivity of whole seeds, probably because they limit the oxygen supply to the embryo. However, the embryo itself appears to play a role in dormancy. The results obtained are discussed in relation to dormancy of cereal seeds, and in relation to field establishment of B. rubens as a weed. La dormance des semences de Bromus rubens L. en relation avec les effets de la température, de la lumière et de l'oxygène Les semences mûres de Bromus rubens L. fraîchement récoltées sont dormantes. Leur dormance correspond à une inaptitude à germer à l'obscuritéà des températures supérieures à 15°C, mais elle ne se manifeste pratiquement pas entre 5 et 15°C. La lumière blanche continue inhibe nettement la germination des semences dormantes, même à de faibles énergies, et renforce leur sensibilitéà la privation d'oxygène. Cependant, un éclairement prolongé n'a aucune conséquence sur la germination ultérieure à l'obscurité. L'élimination de la dormance pendant la conservation au sec, à 20°C, se traduit par un élargissement de la gamme thermique qui assure une bonne germination et par la disparition presque complète de la sensibilité des semences à la lumière. Les structures qui entourent l'embryon (glumelles, enveloppes du caryopse et peut-être albumen) sont, en grande partie, responsables de la dormance et de la photosensibilité des semences entières, sans doute parce qu'elles limitent l'apport d'oxygène à l'embryon. Toutefois, l'embryon lui-même semble participer à la dormance. Les résultats obtenus sont discutés par comparaison avec la dormance des semences des céréales et en relation avec l'implantation, dans les cultures, de B. rubens en tant que mauvaise herbe. Dormanz der Samen von Bromus rubens L. in Bezug auf Temperatur, Licht und Sauerstoffversorgung Frisch geerntete Samen von Bromus rubens L. sind im Dunkeln bei Temperaturen über 15°C dormant, während diese Dormanz bei Temperaturen zwischen 5 und 15°C praktisch nicht vorliegt. Ständiges weißes Licht hemmt die Keimung dormanter Samen deutlich, sogar bei niedriger Intensität, und verstärkt ihre Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Sauerstoffmangel. Ständige Beleuchtung mit weißem Licht verändert jedoch nicht die folgende Dunkelkeimung. Das Brechen der Dormanz während der trockenen Lagerung bei 20 °C führt zu einem vergrößerten Temperaturbereich, in dem die Samen gut keimen, und läßt ihre Lichtempfindlichkeit fast vollständig verschwinden. Die Strukturen um den Embryo (Spelzen, Schale der Caryopse und möglicherweise Endosperm) sind hauptsächlich für die Dormanz und die Lichtempfindlichkeit des ganzen Samens verantwortlich, vermutlich deshalb, weil sie die Sauerstoffversorgung des Embryos einschränken. Aber auch der Embryo selbst scheint bei der Dormanz eine Rolle zu spielen. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse werden im Vergleich zur Dormanz von Getreidesamen und hinsichtlich des Vorkommens von Bromus rubens als Unkraut diskutiert.  相似文献   
Laboratory records of serology results from captive macropodidae sampled between 1997 and 2005 were reviewed to assess the seroprevalence of retrovirus exposure. Serum samples from 269 individuals (136 males, 133 females) representing 10 species of macropods housed in 31 North American captive collections were analyzed for retrovirus antibody using an indirect immunofluorescent assay. The prevalence of positive antibody titers comparing male versus female, between species, between age groups, and among animals with identified parentage was examined by nonparametric statistical analyses. Median age of animals at time of sample collection was 36 mo (range 2-201 mo). Total percentage seropositive was 20.4%. Serum antibody was detected in 31 of 47 (66.0%) tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii), nine of 24 (37.5%) yellow-footed rock wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus), four of 11 (36.4%) swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor), 10 of 80 (12.5%) red-necked wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus), and one of 54 (1.9%) parma wallaby (Macropus parma). No individuals of western gray kangaroo (n=3) (Macropus fuliginosus), eastern gray kangaroo (n=19) (Macropus giganteus), common wallaroo (n=6) (Macropus robustus), red kangaroo (n=11) (Macropus rufus), or Matschie's tree kangaroo (n=14) (Dendrolagus matschiei) were positive for retrovirus antibody. These results demonstrate that five species of captive macropods have a history of exposure to retrovirus, with the highest percentage seropositive and highest statistical correlation in M. eugenii (pair-wise Fisher's exact test, alpha = 0.05). Additionally, one wild-caught M. eugenii was confirmed seropositive during quarantine period, indicating that retrovirus exposure may exist in wild populations.  相似文献   
To determine breed differences in ovarian function and endocrine secretion, daily rectal ultrasonography was conducted on multiparous lactating Angus (temperate Bos taurus; n = 12), Brahman (tropical Bos indicus; n = 12), and Senepol (tropical Bos taurus; n = 12) cows during an estrous cycle in summer. Blood was collected daily to quantify plasma concentrations of FSH, LH, progesterone, estradiol, GH, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, IGF-II, IGF binding proteins (IGFBP), insulin, glucose, and plasma urea nitrogen (PUN). Numbers of small (2 to 5 mm), medium (6 to 8 mm), and large follicles (> or = 9 mm) were greater (P < .05) in Brahman than in Angus and(or) Senepol cows. Length of the estrous cycle (SEM = .6 d) was similar (P > .10) among Senepol (20.4 d), Angus (19.5 d), and Brahman (19.7 d) cows. Senepol cows had greater (P < .05) diameters of the corpus luteum (CL) and a delayed regression of the CL as compared with Angus cows. The secondary surge of FSH (between d 1 and 2; d 0 = estrus) was greater in Angus than Brahman or Senepol cows (breed x day, P < .05). Between d 2 and 14 of the estrous cycle, concentrations of progesterone, LH, IGF-II, and binding activities of IGFBP-3, IGFBP-2, and the 27- to 29-kDa IGFBP in plasma did not differ (P > .10) among breeds. Concentrations of GH, IGF-I, insulin, and PUN were greater (P < .001) and binding activities of the 22-kDa and 20-kDa IGFBP tended (P < .10) to be greater in plasma of Brahman than in Angus or Senepol cows. Plasma glucose concentrations were greater (P < .05) in Senepol than in Brahman or Angus cows. In conclusion, Brahman (Bos indicus) and Senepol cows (tropical Bos taurus) had greater numbers of follicles in all size categories and greater diameter of CL than Angus (temperate Bos taurus) cows. These ovarian differences may be due to changes in the pattern of secretion of FSH, insulin, IGF-I, and GH but not LH, IGF-II, or IGFBP-2 or -3.  相似文献   
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