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More precise and comprehensive analytical results for lunar material in Sinus Medii have been derived from the alpha-scattering experiment on Surveyor VI. The amounts of the principal constituents at this mare are approximately the same as those of constituents at Mare Tranquillitatis. The sodium contents of both maria are lower than those of terrestrial basalts. The titanium content at Sinus Medii is lower than that at Mare Tranquillitatis; this suggests important differences in detailed chemical composition at different mare areas on the moon.  相似文献   
More precise and comprehensive analytical results for lunar surface material in a terra region have been derived from the data of the alpha-scattering experiment on Surveyor 7. The silicon content and the low sodium abundance are close to that of mare material. The abundances of titanium and iron are at least a factor of 2 lower, whereas the abundances of aluminum and calcium are significantly higher. The analytical results provide direct evidence for chemical differentiation in the moon and indicate a lunar crust of appreciably lower density than the whole moon and with lower density and higher albedo than lunar mare material.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT During 2001 to 2003, the transmission biology of Phytophthora ramorum, the causal agent of sudden oak death, was studied in mixedevergreen forest, a common forest type in northern, coastal California. Investigation of the sources of spore production focused on coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) and bay laurel (Umbellularia californica), dominant hosts that comprised 39.7 and 46.2% of the individuals at the study site, respectively. All tests for inoculum production from the surface of infected coast live oak bark or exudates from cankers were negative. In contrast, sporangia and chlamydospores were produced on the surface of infected bay laurel leaves. Mean number of zoospores produced from infected bay laurel leaves under natural field conditions during rainstorms was 1,173.0 +/- SE 301.48, and ranged as high as 5,200 spores/leaf. P. ramorum was recovered from rainwater, soil, litter, and streamwater during the mid- to late rainy season in all 3 years of the study. P. ramorum was not recovered from sporadic summer rains or soil and litter during the hot, dry summer months. Concentrations of inoculum in rainwater varied significantly from year to year and increased as the rainy season progressed for the two complete seasons that were studied. Potential dispersal distances were investigated for rainwater, soil, and streamwater. In rainwater, inoculum moved 5 and 10 m from the inoculum source. For soil, transmission of inoculum was demonstrated from infested soil to bay laurel green leaf litter, and from bay laurel green leaf litter to aerial leaves of bay laurel seedlings. One-third to one-half of the hikers tested at the study site during the rainy season also were carrying infested soil on their shoes. In streamwater, P. ramorum was recovered from an unforested site in pasture 1 km downstream of forest with inoculum sources. In total, these studies provide details on the production and spread of P. ramorum inoculum in mixed-evergreen forest to aid forecasting and managing disease transmission of this environmentally destructive pathogen.  相似文献   
A multimycotoxin thin layer chromatographic screening method is described which is applicable to most animal feedstuffs. Interference from nonspecific lipid, pigment, and other components of simple and mixed feeds is reduced to a minimum by using a membrane cleanup step. Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, and G2, citrinin, diacetoxyscirpenol, ochratoxin A, patulin, penitrem A, sterigmatocystin, T-2 toxin, and zearalenone may be reliably detected. The sensitivity of the method is generally low for mixed feeds but even so aflatoxin B1 can be detected at a level of 3 ppb and ochratoxin A at 80 ppb. While the basic method is less sensitive for sterigmatocystin (330 ppb), patulin (600 ppb), zearalenone (1000 ppb), and the trichothecenes (1000-4000 ppb), it may be adapted so as to reduce the above detection limits when the presence of these toxins is suspected. Lower levels may be detected in extracts of simple feeds.  相似文献   
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