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Objective To assess the effect of amoxycillin treatment on urinary excretion of leptospires from cattle infected with Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar hardjo .
Design A chemotherapy trial with controls.
Procedure Fourteen heifers serologically negative to L hardjo were inoculated with L hardjo via the conjunctival route and assessed for evidence of infection by serological, fluorescent antibody and microbiological tests. Two injections (48 h apart) of amoxycillin at a dose of 15 mg/kg were administered intramuscularly to seven heifers 6.5 weeks after infection; the remaining heifers acted as untreated controls. Later, these seven control group heifers were treated with a single dose of amoxycillin (15 mg/kg). Samples of urine were collected before and after amoxycillin treatments; kidneys were collected at slaughter, and examined by fluorescent antibody test and microbiological culture.
Results Leptospires were isolated from the urine of 11 of 14 heifers inoculated with L hardjo . After treatment of six of these with two injections of amoxycillin, leptospires were not isolated. Of the controls, four of the five initially leptospiruric heifers continued to shed leptospires; after a single injection of amoxycillin, no leptospires were detected in the kidneys of these four.
Conclusion Amoxycillin may be an acceptable alternative to dihydrostreptomycin sulphate for the treatment of cattle infected with L hardjo .  相似文献   
Two calves given a mean of 16.1 g and 16.4 g ripe Castanospermum australe seeds/kg body weight daily for 13 and 16 days respectively developed haemorrhagic gastroenteritis. The first calf died. The second calf had mild myocardial degeneration and necrosis and mild nephrosis at necropsy. Two calves given a mean of 16.8 g unripe C. australe seeds/kg body weight daily for 18 days remained clinically normal and had mild gastritis at necropsy. The activity of alpha-glucosidase was reduced in the mononuclear cells of peripheral blood and in skeletal muscle. This was attributed to the presence of the indolizidine alkaloid, castanospermine, in the seeds. The toxin causing the gastroenteritis and other lesions is unknown.  相似文献   
In spite of several quality control procedures used by Australia to ensure the wholesomeness of export meat, a number of pesticide residue violations were identified in the Australian product exported to the USA in May 1987. The pesticides involved were the organochlorines, dieldrin and heptachlor. The problems were caused by the persistence of organochlorines in soils and their illicit use or contamination of storage facilities. Animals grazing contaminated pasture, ingesting contaminated feed or held in contaminated yards over a period, bioaccumulated residues in their adipose tissues which eventually exceeded maximum residue limits (MRL) and caused violations. Though there was no immediate public health risk, the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) of the Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy (DPIE), acted expeditiously to determine and eliminate the factors causing these problems, which threatened Australia's beef export industry worth in excess of two billion dollars annually. An overall strategic plan, "The Integrated Action Plan", was formulated and implemented by AQIS with the assistance of the relevant Departments of the States and the Northern Territory (NT), meat processing and export industries and livestock producer bodies. As a result of this action, the likely sources of contamination were identified and controlled. The National Residue Survey (NRS) was enhanced, a National Residue Data Base (NRDB) was established and a centralised computer system interactive with abattoirs, laboratories and animal health authorities developed. The cattle farm identity tail tag system already in place, capable of tracing cattle to the farm of origin was refined and trace back systems for sheep and pigs were utilised.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Atmospheric general circulation models used for climate simulation and weather forecasting require the fluxes of radiation, heat, water vapor, and momentum across the land-atmosphere interface to be specified. These fluxes are calculated by submodels called land surface parameterizations. Over the last 20 years, these parameterizations have evolved from simple, unrealistic schemes into credible representations of the global soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer system as advances in plant physiological and hydrological research, advances in satellite data interpretation, and the results of large-scale field experiments have been exploited. Some modern schemes incorporate biogeochemical and ecological knowledge and, when coupled with advanced climate and ocean models, will be capable of modeling the biological and physical responses of the Earth system to global change, for example, increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide.  相似文献   
Neodymium (Nd) isotopic data show consistent patterns in the sources of sedimentary rocks in North America at a continental scale. Between 600 and 450 million years ago (Ma), ancient continental shield sources dominated. Around 450 Ma, detritus from the Caledonian-Appalachian mountains overwhelmed sediment from all older sources, and is documented over large areas of the southern, western, and northern margins of North America. This material continued to dominate the sediment supply until about 150 Ma, probably due to cannibalistic recycling of sedimentary rocks formed earlier. Around 150 Ma, the rising western Cordillera delivered new and different detritus to the sedimentary system.  相似文献   
Objective To determine the bioequivalence of a paste formulation of cephalexin with that of the tablet form.
Design A two-way cross-over study.
Animals Ten adult cats of mixed breed.
Procedure The cats, randomly allocated to two groups, received either the paste preparation or the tablet orally at 12-hour intervals for 48 h before a 12-hour blood collection period. Two weeks later the treatments were reversed and the blood sampling repeated. The serum concentrations of the antibiotic were determined. The pharmacokinetic factors were analysed using a computer.
Results There were no significant differences between the peak concentration of cephalexin, or the other pharmacokinetic factors obtained from the tablet and paste formulations. The serum profiles of cephalexin following four 12-hourly doses of each formulation were similar with the peak serum values occurring at approximately 2 h after administration.
Conclusion The paste formulation and the tablet form are bioequivalent.  相似文献   
The toxicity of pindone, a rabbit poison, to horses, cattle, goats, chickens, dogs and cats was investigated, using extension of prothrombin time (PT) as an index of poisoning. The daily dose of pindone, administered for 5 days, ranged from 0.3 mg/kg for dogs to 2.5 mg/kg for chickens. This range of dose rates was considered to be indicative of the worst possible case that could arise following a campaign of baiting for rabbits. Although significant elevations in PT (more than double baseline values) were noted in all species other than horses, clinical signs of anticoagulant poisoning were not observed in any of the species tested. From the observed PT, cattle and cats appeared to be the most susceptible, and horses the least susceptible, to pindone toxicity. The half-lives of the elevated PT were calculated as 3.1 days for cattle, 2.8 days for goats and chickens, 1.9 days for horses and dogs and less than one day for cats. It is proposed that these half-lives can be used as a guide for determining the duration of treatment of pindone-affected animals.  相似文献   
Five horses with Australian stringhalt were treated with 15 mg/kg phenytoin orally for 2 weeks. During the second week of the trial, 3 of the horses were given an additional dose of 10 mg/kg phenytoin. The response to treatment was clinically assessed by grading the severity of the gait abnormality at the walk, trot, turning and backing twice daily. There was a significant (P less than 0.05) improvement in the gait abnormality when pre-treatment values were compared with the mean of the last 3 assessments before treatment stopped. When reassessed 2 weeks after treatment ceased, there remained a significant (P less than 0.05) improvement compared with pre-treatment values at the trot and on backing, but not at the walk or turning. Surface electromyographic recordings were made weekly from the long digital extensor muscle, and there was a change to a near normal recording by the end of treatment. Plasma phenytoin concentrations were monitored during the trial, and the dose rates used achieved a steady state with a mean plasma level of 37 +/- 7 mumol/l. There was wide variability between plasma concentrations in different horses, although there was no difference in absorption between administration of the phenytoin as a paste, or when it was mixed in the feed. Although mild tranquilization was seen after treatment, there were no clinical, haematological or biochemical signs of toxicity from the phenytoin therapy.  相似文献   
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