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The characteristic decline in height growth that occurs over a tree's lifespan is often called "age-related decline." But is the reduction in height growth in aging trees a function of age or of size? We grafted shoot tips across different ages and sizes of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) trees to determine whether the decline in height growth is mediated by tree size or by the age of the apical meristem. We also evaluated whether reduced carbon assimilation plays an important role in height growth decline. In one experiment we cut shoot tips from old-growth, young-mature and seedling trees and grafted them onto 2-year-old graft-compatible rootstock in a seed orchard in Lebanon, Oregon. In another experiment we performed reciprocal grafts between lateral branches of old-growth trees accessible from the canopy crane at Wind River, Washington and young-mature trees in a nearby plantation. We measured growth (diameter and elongation of the dominant new stem) and mortality annually for three years in the Seed Orchard experiment and for two years in the Reciprocal Graft experiment. In the Seed Orchard experiment we also measured photosynthetic capacity (determined from the response of net carbon assimilation to the intercellular CO(2) concentration of the leaf, or A/C(i) curves), leaf mass per area (LMA) and carbon isotope composition (delta(13)C) of cellulose in 1-year-old foliage. Grafting caused changes in both growth and physiology of the grafted stems. Within two years after grafting, growth and physiology of all combinations of scions and rootstock exhibited characteristics of the rootstock. In some cases, the change in growth was dramatic-cuttings from old-growth trees showed a 10-fold increase in stem elongation rate within 2 years of grafting onto seedling rootstock. Similarly, carbon isotope discrimination of new foliage on shoots from old-growth trees increased by nearly 3 per thousand and 2 per thousand after grafting onto young-mature and seedling rootstock, respectively, whereas discrimination decreased by a similar magnitude in scions from young-mature trees after grafting on old- growth trees. Furthermore, differences in carbon assimilation estimated from carbon isotope discrimination and A/C(i )relationships were small relative to growth differences. Our results confirm that size, not age, drives developmental changes in height growth in Douglas-fir. Reduced carbon assimilation does not play an important role in height growth decline.  相似文献   
The use of invertebrate soil fauna in monitoring pollutant effects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A critical review of biological parameters used to indicate pollutant impact on soil quality was conducted. These parameters mention some soil invertebrates. The value of an indicative organism depends on its life expectancy, life style and specific importance. Nematodes, mites, collembolans, enchytraeids, earthworms, isopods and molluscs are good potential biological indicators. Biological indicators of bioaccumulation and biological indicators of effects (toxicological and ecological) can be distinguished. Bioaccumulation studies are difficult to interpret, as wide variations could be found, depending on taxonomic group, habitat, organ studied, soil type or even pollutant type. Some groups, such as Collembola, require in depth bioaccumulation studies. It is suggested to use a pool of macro-concentrators, including at least some earthworm, isopod and gastropod species. Toxicological indicators have been well studied and their lethal and sublethal pollutant effects are well known. However, studies have focused on only a few species, such as the earthworm Eisenia foetida or the collembolan Folsomia candida. These studies should be extended to other zoological groups, as well as to several species from the same group, to generate a representative test battery. Exposure biomarkers and physiological change studies should be emphasised, as they act as very early warning systems of contamination. Data are currently lacking on how soil biological processes malfunction due to pollution. We need to explore the links between pollutant effects on soil fauna and pollutant effects on soil functioning. Concerning ecological indicators, studies should develop sampling techniques and parameters, which are specific to ecotoxicological goals. Before-after impact control procedures should be carried out, to eliminate the background noise of the study site and only evaluate the influence of pollutants. On the other hand, ecological indices, such as taxonomic diversity or richness, should be used carefully especially concerning chronic pollution. Effects of pollutants on biological cycle studies seem very promising, but need further information on the life history strategies of many species. Furthermore, the pollutant tolerance of rare species should be considered. The different types of biological indicators yield complementary information on pollutant effects. They all need standard procedures. In this context, studies should be extended and diversified, and associate bioaccumulation, toxicological and ecological indicators to provide better information on soil quality.


Une liste critique des paramètres biologiques utilisés dans certains travaux pour indiquer l'impact des polluants sur la qualité des sols a été établie. Ces paramètres font référence à un ou plusieurs invertébrés du sol. Le rôle d'organisme indicateur dépend de leurs caractéristiques biodémographiques, de leur mode de vie, de leur taille spécifique. Les nématodes, acariens, collemboles, enchytréides, vers de terre, isopodes et gastéropodes sont potentiellement des indicateurs biologiques. Indicateurs biologiques de bioaccumulation et indicateurs biologiques d'effets (toxicologiques et écologiques) peuvent être distingués. Les études de bioaccumulation sont difficiles à interpréter, car de fortes variations sont observées. Ces variations dépendent du groupe taxonomique étudié, de l'habitat, de l'organe étudié, du type de sol ou bien encore du type de pollution. Certains groupes, comme les collemboles demandent des études plus poussées à ce sujet. Il est suggéré d'utiliser un pool de macro-concentrateurs, avec au moins des espèces de vers de terres, isopodes et gastéropodes. Concernant les indicateurs toxicologiques d'effets, les études les plus nombreuses concernent les effets létaux et sublétaux. Toutefois ces études concernent peu de groupes taxonomiques (essentiellement le vers Eisenia foetida et le collembole Folsomia candida), et devraient être étendues à d'autres groupes zoologiques, ainsi qu'à différentes espèces du même groupe, afin de créer une batterie de tests représentatifs. Les travaux concernant les biomarqueurs et les changements physiologiques devraient être amplifiés, car ils permettent d'obtenir des systèmes d'alarme très précoces concernant l'impact des contaminants. Un manque persistant de données concerne les conséquences de pollutions sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmcs. Il est en effet important désormais d'explorer les liens entre les effets des polluants sur la faune du sol et les effets réels de ces mêmes polluants sur le fonctionnement des sols. Concernant les indicateurs écologiques, les travaux entrepris devraient développer des méthodes d'échantillonnage et des paramètres spécifiques au domaine écotoxicologique. Ainsi, il est préconisé d'entreprendre des études combinant les approches synchroniques et diachroniques. afin d'éliminer le bruit de fond induit par le site d'étude et évaluer uniquement l'influence du polluant. En outre, les indices écologiques, comme la diversité ou la richesse taxonomique, doivent être utilisés avec précautions, particulièrement lors des études de pollution chronique. Par ailleurs, les études concernant les effets de polluants sur les cycles biologiques semblent prometteuses, mais demandent de meilleures connaissances concernant les stratégies de vies des différentes espèces étudiées. De plus, la tolérance aux pollutions des espèces rares devrait être fortement prise en considération. Les différents types d'indicateurs biologiques fournissent des informations complémentaires. Ils demandent tous une standardisation des protocoles. Dans ce contexte, les études devraient être développées et diversifiées et associer les indicateurs de bioaccumulation avec les indicateurs biologiques d'effets pour améliorer l'information sur la qualité des sols.  相似文献   
We evaluated the contents of organic carbon (Corg) of Ap horizons from 11 North German study areas along a Southeast to Northwest precipitation gradient with respect to their general levels and as related to C : N ratio, soil texture (clay content), bulk soil density, climate, and historical land‐use since 1780. The focus was on sandy soils, with the largest group of samples originating from 308 km2 of the Fuhrberg catchment north of Hannover/Lower Saxony. Data from loess areas were used for comparisons. Major aims were (1) to quantify current Corg stocks, (2) to provide data on site‐specific, steady‐state Corg levels in old arable soils, and (3) to identify the main controls of Corg levels in the studied sands. The mean Corg content in sandy, well‐drained, old Ap horizons (uplands, > 200 years under cultivation, near steady‐state) increased with precipitation from < 8 g kg—1 in the dry eastern parts of the study area (530 mm year—1, 8.3°C) to 25 g kg—1 in the moist Northwest (825 mm year—1, 8.4°C). The Corg levels in lowlands which have been drained for more than 40 years were approximately 3 g kg—1 higher than those of uplands under a similar climate. The factor clay content had no predictive value because low contents were associated with high Corg levels. Large proportions of refractory organic matter in sands resulting from specific features of historical land‐use and soil development (calluna heathland, heath plaggen fertilization, podzolization) appeared to be the most probable reason for such high Corg levels. However, the high Corg levels of these old arable sites were still exceeded by those of younger arable areas formerly under continuos grassland. A chrono‐sequence suggested that a period of about 100 years is necessary until a new steady‐state Corg level is established after conversion of grassland into arable land. Elevated Corg levels in current Ap horizons were also found for former woodland and heathland soils. The main conclusion is that sands can contain a lot of stable organic matter, sometimes more than finer textured soils.  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Root-lesion nematodes of the genus Pratylenchus are among the most important nematode pests that limit production of small-grain cereals. Four...  相似文献   
Objective – The purposes of this study were to evaluate the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin (Hb) in healthy retired racing Greyhounds via cooximetry, and to establish reference intervals for blood gases and cooximetry in this breed. Design – Prospective clinical study. Setting – University Teaching Hospital. Animals – Fifty‐seven Greyhounds and 30 non‐Greyhound dogs. Interventions – Venous blood samples were collected from the jugular vein and placed into heparinized tubes. The samples were analyzed within 30 minutes of collection using a blood gas analyzer equipped with a cooximeter. Measurements and Main Results – Greyhounds had significantly higher pH, PO2, oxygen saturation, oxyhemoglobin, total Hb, oxygen content, and oxygen capacity and significantly lower deoxyhemoglobin and P50 when compared with non‐Greyhound dogs. Conclusion – These findings support the fact that this breed is able to carry a higher concentration of total oxygen in the blood. As reported previously, this breed also has lower P50 and, therefore, high oxygen affinity. In light of recent findings suggesting that in certain tissues a high affinity for oxygen is beneficial, this adaptation may be of benefit during strenuous exercise.  相似文献   
The clinical efficiacy of furazolidon for treatment of E. coli-induced gastro-intestinal infections in racing pigeons was investigated. 36 adult pigeons were treated with 2 different oral modes of application (capsule/drinking water) with a daily therapeutic dosage of 12.5 mg furazolidon/pigeon. The pigeons used for this study (Columba livia f. domestica) originated from conventional breeders and were housed in 3 different groups (control-, capsule- and powder-group) in different stables. After infection with an E. coli-strain (O150:H8) that proved to be pathogenic for pigeons, the animals developed clinical signs of disease within 2 days. After onset of disease the treatment with furazolidon for 5 days started. This phase was followed by an adspectory phase for 6 days. The negative identification of the E. coli O150:H8 was determined as main parameter for the clinical efficiacy of the treatment with furazolidon. This parameter showed a highly significant (p = 0.0001) difference between both groups treated with furazolidon and the control group. In both groups treated with furazolidon the E. coli strain could not be isolated after the end of the treatment. An improvement of clinical signs was seen 24 hours after treatment via capsule and 48 hours after treatment via drinking water formulation. The time difference might be caused by the high concentration of furazolidon in the capsules due to the single daily application. Considering the inaccurate dosing via drinking water that results from the varying drinking water intake in pigeons, the application by capsule should be prefered. Both furazolidon preparations proved to be effective in treating gastro-intestinal E. coli-infections in racing pigeons in a dosage of 12.5 mg/pigeon for 5 days, however, best results were obtained by application via capsule.  相似文献   
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