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2,4-D has been used since the 1950’s to enhance color in red-skinned potatoes, but there is little research on the potential use of other plant growth regulators to improve tuber skin color in the wide range of specialty potatoes now available on the market. Field trials conducted at Parma, ID in 2009 and 2010 evaluated the effect of foliar applications of 2,4-D, NAA, and LPE on plant height, foliar injury, tuber yield, size distribution, and skin color of six specialty potato cultivars. Skin color was rated visually and via HunterLab colorimeter at harvest, and again after storage (132 days in 2009 and 93 days in 2010) at 4 °C and 95 % R.H. 2,4-D caused slight foliar injury and reduced tuber size in all cultivars. It also increased visual skin color rating in the red-skinned cultivars ‘Red LaSoda’ and ‘TerraRosa’ at harvest and after storage, and influenced incidence of pink coloration around the eyes of ‘Yukon Gem’ tubers, but did not affect color of blue/purple-skinned cultivars. NAA and LPE did not consistently influence plant growth, yield, tuber size or visual skin color in any cultivar. Colorimetric evaluations mostly agreed with the visual ratings, and indicated that storage significantly altered skin color in all cultivars, regardless of growth regulator treatment.  相似文献   

AIMS: To measure the magnitude and variability in production responses to anthelmintic treatments administered to adult ewes around lambing.

METHODS: Ewes carrying twin lambs, from sheep and beef farms (eight in Year 1 and six in Year 2) in the Wairarapa region of New Zealand, were enrolled in 14 trials (part of an experiment carried out on one farm in one year). Experiment 1 compared ewes treated 2–4?weeks pre-lambing with a controlled release capsule (CRC) containing abamectin, albendazole, Se and Co, to ewes injected pre-lambing with a long-acting Se plus vitamin B12 product, and to untreated ewes. Experiment 2 included these treatments, plus a CRC administered at pregnancy scanning. Experiment 3 included the same treatments as Experiment 1, plus administration of a CRC containing albendazole, Se and Co, injectable moxidectin or oral derquantel plus abamectin, all administered pre-lambing, or oral derquantel plus abamectin administered 4–6?weeks after lambing. Variables compared were ewe liveweight at weaning and pre-mating, lamb liveweight at weaning, total weight of lamb weaned per ewe and ewe dag score at weaning.

RESULTS: Ewes treated with a CRC pre-lambing were heavier than untreated ewes (mean 3.2?kg) at weaning in 12/14 trials, and pre-mating (mean 2.8?kg) in 9/14 trials (p<0.001). Compared with mineral-treated ewes the mean difference was 2.8?kg pre-lambing (9/14 trials) and 1.7?kg pre-weaning (6/14 trials). Lambs reared by treated ewes were heavier (mean 1.55?kg) at weaning in 6/14 trials (p<0.001), but there was no effect of CRC treatment on total weight of lambs weaned per ewe (p=0.507). Variation in weight of lamb weaned per ewe was largely explained by differences in lamb survival from birth to weaning (p<0.001), with no effect of CRC treatment (p>0.65).

Treatment of ewes with a CRC at pregnancy scanning was neither better nor worse than a pre-lambing treatment (p=0.065).

There was no difference in the response from treatment with either of the two CRC or moxidectin. Treatment with short-acting oral anthelmintics resulted in no consistent benefit.

CONCLUSIONS: Anthelmintic treatments administered to ewes around lambing resulted in variable responses between farms and years, which in some trials were negative for some variables, and some of the variability was due to the mineral component of the CRC. The widespread perception amongst farmers and veterinarians that anthelmintic treatment of ewes around lambing will always result in positive benefits is not supported.  相似文献   
Secondary metabolites in potato tubers include both phytonutrients and plant defense compounds. The extent these small molecules vary among different potato genotypes is not well characterized. LC-MS analysis of tuber extracts from seven potato genotypes showed that one large source of small molecule variation is the glycoalkaloids. Glycoalkaloids are involved in the resistance of potatoes to pathogens and pests, but they also have implications for human health and nutrition. This study focused on glycoalkaloids with solanidane or solanidane-like aglycones, of which over 50 were tentatively identified, many of which appeared to be novel glycoalkaloids. Results suggested the variety of glycoalkaloids in potatoes is considerably greater than previously thought. Dissecting the role of these many glycoalkaloids in human health or pest and pathogen resistance will be a formidable undertaking.  相似文献   
AIM: To determine the frequency and type of skin wounds encountered by New Zealand veterinarians in their equine patients, the duration and estimated costs of treatment as well as the expected outcomes for these wounds.

METHODS: An online survey was sent to all veterinarians registered with the New Zealand Equine Veterinary Association. The survey comprised questions on the location and experience of respondents, the number of wound-related cases in relation to the total equine caseload, the type and anatomical location of wounds treated, the frequency, duration and costs of treatments, the outcome of wound treatment and an estimate of the most common causes of death or euthanasia in their equine patients.

RESULTS: The survey response rate was 110/262 (41.9%). The median number of equine cases seen by respondents was 20 (interquartile range (IQR) 6–60) per month; of these, five (IQR 2–10) were wound related. Wounds ranked third after lameness and respiratory disease for the relative frequency with which respondents encountered them. Of 102 respondents 59 (58%) reported that their clients frequently treated wounds incurred by their horse without consulting a veterinarian. Wounds on the distal limb, whether involving only the skin or also deeper structures, were reported by 86/101 (85%) respondents as the most frequently encountered. Wounds in this location also incurred the longest treatment period and were the most prone to develop complications. Finally, wounds ranked second, after colic, as the most common cause of death/euthanasia in the veterinary respondents’ equine patients.

CONCLUSIONS: The data obtained via the survey indicate that skin wounds, particularly on the distal limb, are a common occurrence in horses in New Zealand and, when they involve structures underlying the skin, are costly and time-consuming to manage and may lead to decreased performance, retirement or euthanasia. Consequently, we recommend that more effort be devoted to the education of equine veterinarians and owners, and that appropriate research funds be allocated to help improve patient outcomes.  相似文献   

Adverse reactions to intramuscular injections of procaine penicillin G are reported in 11 horses, five of which died. The clinical findings are presented and suggest central nervous involvement in most cases. Post mortem findings in one horse were consistent with anaphylaxis whereas in other cases the clinical findings, duration of treatment, speed of onset and subsequent completion of treatment supports diagnosis of an acute procaine toxicity syndrome.  相似文献   
A fusion defect of the proximal and middle phalanges of both hindlimbs, osteochondrosis dissecans of the distal interphalangeal joints of the forelimbs, and subluxation of all 4 distal interphalangeal joints occurred in a Standardbred filly. Lameness was the first abnormality noted and was observed at one week of age in the left forelimb and progressed until all 4 limbs were affected by 5 weeks of age. On radiographs of both forelimbs, the distal interphalangeal joints were subluxated with irregularity and lucency of subchondral bone. On radiographs of the distal hindlimbs, there was a subluxation of both distal interphalangeal joints and loss of the proximal interphalangeal joint spaces with fusion of the proximal and middle phalanges. The foal was euthanised. On necropsy, there were focal areas of erosion of articular cartilage in the distal interphalangeal joint of both forelimbs. The proximal and middle phalanges of both hindlimbs were fused. Histopathological examination of the distal interphalangeal joint of the right foreleg showed loss of articular cartilage and degenerative changes in the exposed subchondral bone.  相似文献   
Pharmacokinetic studies of antibiotics in South American camelids are uncommon, therefore drugs are often administered to llamas and alpacas based on dosages established in other domestic species. The disposition of ceftiofur sodium was studied in llamas following intramuscular administration and in alpacas following intravenous and intramuscular administration. Eleven adult llamas were given ceftiofur sodium by intramuscular injection. Each animal received either a standard dose of 2.2 mg/kg or an allometrically scaled dose ranging from 2.62 to 2.99 mg/kg in a crossover design. Ten adult alpacas were given ceftiofur sodium by intravenous and intramuscular injections. Each animal received a standard dosage of 1 mg/kg or an allometrically scaled dose ranging from 1.27 to 1.44 mg/kg i.v., and 1.31-1.51 mg/kg i.m. Blood samples were collected at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 72 h after administration of the ceftiofur. Pharmacokinetic parameters of ceftiofur in llamas and alpacas were similar following i.m. dosing at both dose levels. The only differences noted were in the total AUC between dose levels, but the AUC/dose values were not different. A sequence effect was noted in the alpaca data, which resulted in lower AUCs for the second dose when the i.v. dose was given first, and with higher AUCs for the second dose when the i.m. dose was given first. Overall, ceftiofur pharmacokinetics in llamas and alpacas are similar, and also very similar to reported parameters for sheep and goats.  相似文献   
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