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There is a growing interest to develop environmentally friendly surfactants for utilization with supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2), which is a "green" solvent with many industrial applications. The goal of the present work was to separate the commonly used soybean lecithin into a phospholipid-rich fraction, acetylate this fraction, and then test its solubility in scCO2 to gauge its suitability as a surfactant for potential scCO2-based applications. Soybean lecithin was first purified by fractionation using acetone and ethanol and then acetylated with acetic anhydride. The acetylated lecithin was further purified by fractionation with acetone to separate the acetylated fraction from the nonacetylated fraction. High-performance liquid chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry were utilized to characterize these fractions. The various acetylated phospholipid fractions were then tested for solubility in scCO2 under various pressures and temperatures using both a cloud-point and a Fourier transform infrared apparatus. Acetylation was found to increase the solubility of the phospholipids in scCO2, and N-acetylated phosphatidylethanolamine (NAc-PE) was found to be the most soluble component of the acetylated phospholipids.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to determine optimum dietary energy level during the last trimester of pregnancy for Sahiwal heifers in subtropical Pakistan. Sixteen Sahiwal heifers, 5–6 months pregnant, were assigned to four dietary treatments with four heifers on each treatment. Isonitrogenous (CP = 14.1%) diets having varying energy, namely, ME 88%, ME 100% (Control), ME 112% and ME 124% of NRC recommended level for pregnant heifers, were fed until calving. All were fed a similar diet after calving. Precalving weight gain was highest (P < 0.05) in heifers fed ME 112 and 124% (486 ± 13 and 497 ± 5 g/day, respectively) followed by ME 100% (444 ± 7 g/day), and the lowest weight gain was recorded for ME 88% (397 ± 8 g/day). A similar trend was observed for feed efficiency. Body condition score at calving in groups ME 124% and ME 112% was higher than ME 88% and ME 100%. Nutrient digestibility, birth weight of calves and milk composition except fat content were not influenced by energy levels. The highest daily milk yield was observed in heifers fed ME 100% followed by ME 112, 124, and 88%. We conclude that the NRC recommendation is applicable to the subtropical region.  相似文献   
Neospora caninum, an apicomplexan protozoan parasite, is recognized as a major cause of abortion in cattle. Surface antigen 1 of N. caninum (NcSAG1) is an important immunodominant candidate for the development of a diagnostic reagent for neosporosis. The present study describes the development and evaluation of a latex agglutination test (LAT) with recombinant NcSAG1 (rNcSAG1) for the detection of antibodies to N. caninum in cattle. The rNcSAG1 gene was cloned in pET-28a and protein was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). Carboxylated latex particles were coated with rNcSAG1 and the degree of agreement between LAT and a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iscomELISA) was evaluated by using of 164 serum samples. Twenty-two (13.4%) and 23 (14.0%) of samples were positive for antibodies to N. caninum by LAT and ELISA respectively. Eighteen of 23 ELISA-positive samples were positive according to the LAT and a substantial agreement (κ=0.77) was found between the results of LAT and ELISA. The results indicated that the LAT with rNcSAG1 would be a rapid, simple, relatively inexpensive and suitable diagnostic test for detection of specific antibodies in N. caninum infection under field conditions. Improvement in purification of rNcSAG1 can reduce probable false positive reactions and so increase the degree of agreement between the LAT and ELISA.  相似文献   
为了探讨新疆野杏种质资源的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,利用ISSR分子标记技术,对新疆伊犁地区3个居群、135份野杏种质资源进行了PCR扩增。研究表明,22条引物共扩增出465条多态性条带,多态性位点百分率为99.49%;从物种水平分析,新疆野杏种质资源的多态性位点百分率、观测等位基因数、有效等位基因数、Nei’s基因多样性和Shannon信息指数分别为99.57%,1.9957,1.3879,0.2449,0.3874;从居群水平分析,各居群的多态性位点百分率、观测等位基因数、有效等位基因数、Nei’s基因多样性和Shannon信息指数各指标的平均值分别为76.80%,1.7680,1.3463,0.2120和0.3287;3个居群的各项指标均为霍城居群最高,新源居群最低,巩留居群居中;新疆野杏种质资源的遗传变异主要来自于居群内(86.43%),少部分来自于居群间(13.57%);各居群中霍城居群和新源居群亲缘关系最近,遗传分化程度小;新源居群和巩留居群间亲缘关系最远,遗传分化程度大。  相似文献   
Excessive rainfall provides a favorable condition for field mold infection of plants, which triggers field mold(FM) stress. If FM stress occurs during the late maturation stage of soybean seed, it negatively affects seed yield and quality. To investigate the responses of soybean seed against FM stress and identify the underlying biochemical pathways involved, a greenhouse was equipped with an artificial rain producing system to allow the induction of mold growth on soybean seed. The induced qual...  相似文献   
【目的】研究新疆库尔勒地区5个梨品种的花期生物学、新梢生长及果实品质特征,为该地区库尔勒香梨栽培过程中辅栽品种选择、授粉树配置及果实品质评价提供科学参考。【方法】以库尔勒香梨为对照,库尔勒香梨同胞家族中的雪香、新梨7号、玉露香和红香酥4个梨品种为供试品种,采用人工调查及测定果实外在、内在品质的相关指标及主成分分析方法,研究不同梨品种的花期生物学、新梢生长及果实品质特征。【结果】雪香花粉量及花粉活性分别为4 000粒和48.52 %,且显著高于其它品种,自然授粉坐果率高,达54.40 %。5个梨品种新梢生长均从4月30日开始进入快速生长。新梨7号糖酸比为6.71,VC含量为25.84,显著低于试验对照,但其属于早熟品种;雪香糖酸比为11.31,与试验对照相差不大;玉露香糖酸比高于库尔勒香梨,VC、可溶性固形物含量与对照相近。新梨7号和雪香两个品种果实品质较为相似。【结论】选择雪香、新梨7号和玉露香作为库尔勒香梨的辅栽品种。  相似文献   
Papillomaviral has been identified in peripheral blood cells of both cattle and humans with and without associated disease and it has been suggested that such cells may act as sites of viral latency. In order to investigate the possibility of latent papillomaviral infection in the aetiopathogenesis of the equine sarcoid, peripheral blood derived DNA samples from 20 healthy and 34 sarcoid-affected donkeys were subject to polymerase chain reaction ( ) using papillomaviral specific primers. Analysis of blood derived samples failed to demonstrate the presence of papillomaviral in any animal. Screening of 37 matched sarcoid derived samples confirmed the presence of BPV in 34 diseased donkeys. This study supports the hypothesis of as an aetiological agent in the equine sarcoid and suggests that latent virus in circulating peripheral blood cells does not play a role in the pathogenesis and epidemiology of the equine sarcoid.  相似文献   
Summary Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars grown in the southern Great Plains of the U.S.A. are exposed to a wide range of moisture conditions due to large fluctuations in the amount and frequency of rainfall. Yield stability under those conditions is therefore a desirable trait for wheat breeders. Our primary objective was to quantify various genetic parameters for grain production in drought-stressed and irrigated environments. We also attempted to predict and measure yield responses when selection is practiced in either drought-stressed or irrigated environments, or both. Seventy F2-derived lines from the cross, TAM W-101/Sturdy, were evaluated at Goodwell, OK, under irrigated and naturally drought-stressed conditions in 1987 and 1988. Genetic variance and heritability estimates were higher in the irrigated environment than in the drought-stressed environment. The genetic correlation coefficient for yields in the two environments was 0.20±0.16, indicating that selection of widely adapted genotypes requires testing in both environments. Based on the genetic variance/covariance structure of this particular population, the linear index which maximized the combined expected gain in both environments was 0.66Y1 + 0.34Y2, in which Y1 and Y2 are yields in the irrigated and drought-stressed environments. This index is not expected to apply across all populations; rather, it further supports the hypothesis that testing in either environment alone (drought stressed or irrigated) may not be most effective for increasing either mean productivity or yield under drought stress.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of rotation speed and vibration response of a circular saw on the sawing process of Douglas-fir wood. An idling test was conducted on a guided circular saw to determine its stable operation speeds and vibration behavior. Short-time Fourier transform analysis was performed on saw idling test data, and variation of excited frequencies of the blade as a function of rotation speed was obtained. The saw blade critical speeds and the rotation speeds that correspond to saw flutter instability were identified. Then experimental cutting tests were conducted at different cutting conditions and the effect of rotation speed and saw vibration response on cutting power consumption and sawing accuracy was investigated. The results showed that conducting a saw idling test and vibration response analysis can identify the saw critical and flutter speeds, which is essential for identifying the optimum rotation speed of circular saw. There was a significant increase in power consumption when cutting at super-critical and super-flutter speed. The effect of rotation speed on sawing accuracy is complex and nonlinear. This effect interacts with feed speed, which makes it difficult to generalize sawing accuracy versus rotation speed in the circular sawing process.  相似文献   
Four dominating species of fruit-fliesDacus zonatus, D. cucurbitae, D. dorsalis andD. ciliatus are widely distributed throughout Pakistan. They cause heavy damage to ripe and semi-ripe fruits and vegetables annually in our country. A natural attractant of plant origin, i.e., from Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum L.) was isolated and extracted in PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi, with a view to applying for the control of fruit-flies. Different extracts of roots, stems, flowers, seeds, bark, and leaves were prepared in chloroform, acetone, ethylene chloride, ethanol, and ethyl acetate; and were tested for trapping fruit-flies in specially designed traps under different field conditions. A cotton pad (0.3 mg) treated with 0.25 ml of leaves extract in ethyl acetate is found to be a potent attractant for luring and trapping the fruit-flies (Dacus spp.) from a distance of 0.8 km. Methyl eugenol used as a standard attractant also gave the same results.  相似文献   
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