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Myostatin, a member of the TGF-β superfamily, is a negative regulator of skeletal muscle mass. We have recently demonstrated that decorin binds to myostatin in vitro , and that immobilized decorin within the collagen matrix prevents myostatin-mediated inhibition of myoblast proliferation. However, little is known about other ECM molecules that bind to myostatin and modulate its activity. Thus, in the present study, we investigated the interaction of several other ECM molecules with myostatin. We here show that fibromodulin, fibronectin and laminin bind to myostatin in the presence of Zn2+ with a dissociation constant ( KD ) of 10−10∼10−8 mol/L. Fibromodulin shows the highest affinity for myostatin among them. These results suggest that these ECM molecules may modulate myostatin activity like decorin does.  相似文献   
Our previous study detected a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), g.1471620G > T , in the 5' flanking region of the endothelial differentiation sphingolipid G-protein-coupled receptor 1 ( EDG1 ) gene, which has been considered as a positional functional candidate for the gene responsible for marbling, and showed association of the g.1471620G > T SNP with marbling in Japanese Black beef cattle. In the present study, we investigated the allele frequency distribution of the g.1471620G > T SNP among the 5 cattle breeds, Japanese Black, Japanese Brown, Japanese Short Horn, Holstein, and Brown Swiss breeds. The T allele at the g.1471620G > T SNP associated with high marbling was found at high frequency in Japanese Black breed that has been subjected to a strong selection for high marbling, while the allele was absent or at very low frequencies in the other breeds that have not been strongly selected for high marbling. Based on this finding, we hypothesized that the pressure of the strong selection for high marbling in Japanese Black breed has increased the frequency of the T allele at the g.1471620G > T SNP in the EDG1 .  相似文献   
Soil solarization is a nonchemical method of soil disinfection achieved by covering the soil surface with sheets of vinyl plastic to generate elevated soil temperature, generally over 45°C. Such elevated temperatures may be detrimental to some nitrifying microorganisms and favorable to others. However, little information exists to indicate how nitrification activity in soil is affected after solarization. We performed several experiments to investigate the effects of soil solarization on nitrification activity. We found that: (1) if a soil was subjected to pretreatment of 45 or 50°C for as little as 1 d, nitrification activity in a subsequent incubation at 30°C was less than that of a soil that did not receive any high-temperature pretreatment. However, if a soil received pretreatments of 45 or 50°C for more than 7 d, nitrification activity in a subsequent incubation at 45 or 50°C was greater than that of soil that did not receive high temperature pretreatment. (2) Nitrification activity in three kinds of soil taken from 0–5 cm depth after solarization treatment was greater at 45°C than 30°C. (3) Nitrification activity at 45°C in soil that had received solarization in the preceding year was greater than that in soil that had not been subjected to solarization. This was consistent with the fact that the population densities of ammonia oxidizers were greater in soils that had been subjected to solarization. These results suggest that soil solarization induces nitrifying microorganisms that are more active at 45–50°C than they are at 30°C, and that the effect of solarization on nitrification persists until the next crop season.  相似文献   
The silicic acid adsorption by a soil (Eutric Gleysols) where slag fertilizers were applied was measured by the addition of a silicic acid solution labelled with 30Si after soil incubation, in order to study the effect of slag application on the specific Si adsorption by the soil and to estimate the amount of Si in the soil solid phase which can easily enter the soil solution. It was evident that the application of slags increased the ability of soil to adsorb Si. It was also shown that the 30Si added was diluted with not only the Si present in the soil solution but also the Si dissolved from the soil solid phase. We proposed the use of the term “active” for Si in soil which can take part in the isotopic dilution within 1 h. The amount of active Si in the soil solid and liquid phases (D 60 - value) was calculated from the 30Si content in the soil solution and compared with the amount of Si taken up by rice plant (Oryza sativa L.), which was determined in our previous study. The buffering capacity of the soil for Si, which can reflect the ability of soil to maintain the Si concentration in the soil solution constant when Si is added to or removed from the soil, was also determined. The D 60 - value and the Si buffering capacity of the soil increased by slag application. These increases were large when the alkalinity of the applied slags was high. The correlation study revealed that the D 60 - value was a better index of Si availability of the soil than the amount of Si dissolved from the soil solid phase during the incubation when the slags were previously applied.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to examine the relationship between plasma leptin levels and fat distribution in crossbred steers. Twenty-four crossbred steers (Japanese Black × Holstein) were used in this study. Six steers belonged to the growing phase (11 months of age), and 18 steers to the finishing phase (from 21 to 28 months of age). Plasma leptin levels correlated positively with body fat weight ( r  = 0.807, P  < 0.01), body fat percentage ( r  = 0.802, P  < 0.01), visceral fat weight ( r  = 0.807, P  < 0.01), visceral fat percentage ( r  = 0.780, P  < 0.01), subcutaneous fat weight ( r  = 0.745, P  < 0.01), subcutaneous fat percentage ( r  = 0.734, P  < 0.01), intermuscular fat weight ( r  = 0.793, P  < 0.01), intermuscular fat percentage (0.775, P  < 0.01), renal fat weight ( r  = 0.694, P  < 0.01), renal fat percentage ( r  = 0.642, P  < 0.01), subcutaneous fat thickness ( r  = 0.755, P  < 0.01), intermuscular fat thickness ( r  = 0.721, P  < 0.01), beef marbling score ( r  = 0.706, P  < 0.01) and the crude fat content of Musculus longissimus thoracis ( r  = 0.592, P  < 0.01). The location of fat deposits did not affect the correlation values. However, when steers were divided into growing ( n  = 6) and finishing ( n  = 18) groups, there was no significant correlation between plasma leptin levels and the carcass characteristics related to fat deposition (fat weight, fat percentage, carcass traits) in either group. These results suggest that plasma leptin levels in crossbred steers positively correlate with body fat content and carcass traits when these parameters vary widely.  相似文献   
An endophytic actinomycete, Streptomyces sp. R-5, which had been isolated from a field-grown rhododendron plant, was used to protect rhododendron seedlings in tissue culture from Pestalotia disease caused by Pestalotiopsis sydowiana. R-5 had intense antagonistic activity against P. sydowiana without adversely affecting the seedlings in glass flasks. A suspension of R-5 was spread on the surface of the multiplication medium in glass flasks in which seedlings were growing. Ten days later, the 4th upper leaf of seedlings was inoculated with P. sydowiana and incubated for 14 days. In controls untreated with R-5, substrate mycelia of P. sydowiana grew on all leaves and stems above and below the 4th leaf within 2–3 days of inoculation. Such growth resulted in the wilting death of 54% of seedlings by 14 days. In contrast, only the inoculated leaves turned brown in ca. 90% of seedlings growing on medium treated with R-5. None of these seedlings died. Thus, treatment of the medium surface with R-5 efficiently protects the seedlings from infection by P. sydowiana. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that substrate mycelia of R-5 grew on and beneath the cuticle of leaves of the treated seedlings. Fluorescent microscopy showed that R-5 was also inside the leaves. Received 8 June 2001/ Accepted in revised form 4 July 2001  相似文献   
A virus-like dsRNA of about 23 kbp was detected in gentian plants showing Kobu-sho syndrome including stunting, shortened internodes, and tumors on stems, nodes and roots. Nucleotide sequence analysis has suggested that this dsRNA is related to Pestivirus species but not to any other plant viruses. It was protected from externally added RNase, suggesting that the dsRNA is encapsidated. The dsRNA was co-extracted in a crude homogenate of glutaraldehyde-fixed tissue with the virus-like particles that have been associated previously with Kobu-sho syndrome in gentian (Usugi et al. Jpn J Phytopathol 76:21–24, 2010). The RNA sequence was detected in more than 99 % of Kobu-sho gentian individuals but in less than 20 % of apparently healthy gentian individuals from fields affected with Kobu-sho. Thus, we propose naming the virus Gentian Kobu-sho-associated virus.  相似文献   
RNA-seq data analysis of cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne) strains having different sensitivities to pyrethroids identified sodium channel mutations in strains showing pyrethroid resistance: the T929I and F1534S mutations. These results suggest that reduced sensitivity of the sodium channel confers the pyrethroid resistance of L. serricorne. Results also showed that the F1534S mutation mostly occurred concurrently with the T929I mutation. The functional relation between both mutations for pyrethroid resistance is discussed.  相似文献   
Two taurine breeds, Japanese Black and Holstein, established from geographically distant origins and selected for different uses, beef and dairy, were extensively genotyped using a genome‐wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chip with more than 1000 animals of each breed. The genetic structure was examined by principal component analysis, in which the first principal component clearly separated the two breeds and explained more than 15% of the variance. Highly differentiated SNPs were detected throughout the genome, some of which were clustered within small regions on BTA4 (79.2–79.7 Mb, Btau4.0) and BTA26 (22.2–23.6 Mb). A breed assignment test was developed using 18 highly differentiated SNPs to distinguish Japanese Black from F1 (Japanese Black × Holstein) and Holstein. The error rate that an F1 or Holstein animal is misjudged as Japanese Black was expected to be < 0.8%, while the error rate that a Japanese Black animal is misjudged as F1 or Holstein was expected to be < 0.001%. This test provides a reliable and powerful method to detect breed label falsification in retail beef.  相似文献   
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