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Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) is the most troublesome invasive weed in transplanted rice ecosystems worldwide. A two-year field study was conducted to estimate economic threshold levels and the season long competitive effect of six alligator weed densities (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 plants m?2) on yield and quality traits of transplanted rice. A gradual linear incline in dry weight of alligator weed was observed with an increase in its density from 2 to 32 plants m?2. Maximum N (15.93–18.26 kg ha?1), P (15.10–16.46 kg ha?1) and K (16.34–17.81 kg ha?1) uptake by alligator weed was recorded at its density of 32 plants m?2. More micronutrient loss to the tune of 6.53, 47.92, 19.99, and 38.42 mg kg?1 for Cu, Fe, Zn, and Mn, respectively was observed at the same density. Increasing density of alligator weed caused more losses in paddy yield (up to 21.37–23.78%), amylose and rice grain protein contents. According to a nonlinear hyperbolic regression model, maximum paddy yield loss of rice at asymptotic value of alligator weed density was 38.8% during 2011 and 42.4% during 2012. Economic threshold value of alligator weed was estimated 1.5 and 1.3 plants per m2 during 2011 and 2012, respectively.  相似文献   
A field survey was conducted for the sampling of Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitor resistance littleseed canarygrass, a major weed of wheat, from Punjab, Pakistan in 2014 for confirmation of resistance. The surveyed regions encompassed four different cropping systems including rice–wheat, maize–wheat, cotton–wheat and mixed cropping. Dose–response assay was conducted for confirmation of resistance. Efficacy of herbicide mixtures including clodinafop–propargyl, metribuzin, pinoxaden and sulfosulfuron at a range of doses was investigated to manage littleseed canarygrass. Results revealed that all populations were resistant to fenoxaprop except PM-BWL-2. The higher level resistance (6.5) was found in populations collected from rice–wheat cropping system. The tested herbicide mixtures at 75% and 100% of the recommended dose of each mixture component provided the effective control of resistant littleseed canarygrass. Mixtures at 50% provided more than 80% control and reduced growth and seed production potential of surviving plants. The confirmation of ACCase inhibitor resistance as the first case of herbicide resistance in Pakistan, leads us to discourage use of ACCase inhibitor herbicides alone. However, herbicide mixtures at 75% and 100% of the recommended dose are suggested to manage this weed for sustainable wheat production in the surveyed cropping systems.  相似文献   
Conventionally flooded rice (CFR) requires enormous water and labor inputs. Water scarcity aspires for cultivation of water-saving rice. Growth response and physiology of basmati rice genotypes under the water-saving production systems has not been reported yet. Studies were conducted for 2 years to compare the growth and physiology of three rice cultivars (Super Basmati, Basmati-2000 and Shaheen Basmati), under high (CFR), medium (alternate wetting and drying [AWD]) and low water input (aerobic rice [AR]) systems. Leaf area index, crop growth rate, leaf area duration and dry matter accumulation were higher for AR followed by AWD and CFR, respectively. Shaheen Basmati had a lower growth and relative water contents than Super Basmati and Basmati-2000, probably due to its shorter stature and shorter life cycle. Photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of rice cultivars in the different production were affected only at reproductive stage. Basmati-2000 grown as AR had the highest photosynthetic rate followed by the same cultivar under AWD. The results of this study provide us an idea that basmati cultivars can attain a high growth and development with low water input. This would be helpful to grow rice successfully under water-short rice-growing environments.  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) is the least mobile nutrient in the soil as compared to other macronutrients and therefore frequently limits crop growth. During germination and early growth, seed‐phytate hydrolysis and seed‐P remobilization is the major P source for developing seedlings. The objective of this paper was to investigate whether seed‐P hydrolysis and remobilization of nonphytate P are sufficient for seedling P nutrition during early growth stages of maize. A large part of initial maize endogenous seed P reserves are mainly in the form of phytate. Till 70 cumulated degree days after sowing, nearly all the phytate (98%) was hydrolyzed and caused an increase in nonphytate P in seeds. Phytate hydrolysis and remobilization of nonphytate P was the main source of P supply for the newly growing seedlings and was not a limiting step for seedling P nutrition during the first four weeks of early growth.  相似文献   
Liming of acidic agricultural soils has been proposed as a strategy to mitigate nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, as increased soil pH reduces the N2O/N2 product ratio of denitrification. The capacity of different calcareous (calcite and dolomite) and siliceous minerals to increase soil pH and reduce N2O emissions was assessed in a 2-year grassland field experiment. An associated pot experiment was conducted using homogenized field soils for controlling spatial soil variability. Nitrous oxide emissions were highly episodic with emission peaks in response to freezing–thawing and application of NPK fertilizer. Liming with dolomite caused a pH increase from 5.1 to 6.2 and reduced N2O emissions by 30% and 60% after application of NPK fertilizer and freezing–thawing events, respectively. Over the course of the 2-year field trial, N2O emissions were significantly lower in dolomite-limed than non-limed soil (p < .05), although this effect was variable over time. Unexpectedly, no significant reduction of N2O emission was found in the calcite treatment, despite the largest pH increase in all tested minerals. We tentatively attribute this to increased N2O production by overall increase in nitrogen turnover rates (both nitrification and denitrification) following rapid pH increase in the first year after liming. Siliceous materials showed little pH effect and had no significant effect on N2O emissions probably because of their lower buffering capacity and lower cation content. In the pot experiment using soils taken from the field plots 3 years after liming and exposing them to natural freezing–thawing, both calcite (p < .01) and dolomite (p < .05) significantly reduced cumulative N2O emission by 50% and 30%, respectively, relative to the non-limed control. These results demonstrate that the overall effect of liming is to reduce N2O emission, although high lime doses may lead to a transiently enhanced emission.  相似文献   
The allelopathic water extracts (AWEs) may help improve the tolerance of crop plants against abiotic stresses owing to the presence of the secondary metabolites (i.e., allelochemicals). We conducted four independent experiments to evaluate the influence of exogenous application of AWEs (applied through seed priming or foliage spray) in improving the terminal heat and drought tolerance in bread wheat. In all the experiments, two wheat cultivars, viz. Mairaj‐2008 (drought and heat tolerant) and Faisalabad‐2008 (drought and heat sensitive), were raised in pots. Both wheat cultivars were raised under ambient conditions in the wire house till leaf boot stage (booting) by maintaining the pots at 75% water‐holding capacity (WHC). Then, managed drought and heat stresses were imposed by maintaining the pots at 35% WHC, or shifting the pots inside the glass canopies (at 75% WHC), at booting, anthesis and the grain filling stages. Drought stress reduced the grain yield of wheat by 39%–49%. Foliar application of AWEs improved the grain yield of wheat by 26%–31%, while seed priming with AWEs improved the grain yield by 18%–26%, respectively, than drought stress. Terminal heat stress reduced the grain yield of wheat by 38%. Seed priming with AWEs improved the grain yield by 21%–27%; while foliar application of AWEs improved the grain yield by 25%–29% than the heat stress treatment. In conclusion, the exogenous application of AWEs improved the stay green, accumulation of proline, soluble phenolics and glycine betaine, which helped to stabilize the biological membranes and improved the tolerance against terminal drought and heat stresses.  相似文献   
Automated synoptic weather typing and robust orthogonal stepwise regression analysis (via principal components analysis) were applied together to develop within-weather-type air pollution prediction models for a variety of pollutants (specifically, carbon monoxide – CO, nitrogen dioxide – NO2, ozone – O3, sulphur dioxide – SO2, and suspended particles – SP) for the period 1974–2000 in south-central Canada. The SAS robust regression procedure was used to limit the influence of outliers on air pollution prediction algorithms. Six-hourly Environment Canada surface observed meteorological data and 6-hourly US National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data of various weather elements were used in the analysis. The models were developed using two-thirds of the total years for meteorological and air pollution data; the remaining one-third (randomly selected) was used for model validation. Robust stepwise regression analysis was performed to analytically determine the meteorological variables that might be used to predict air pollution concentrations. There was a significant correlation between observed daily mean air pollution concentrations and model predictions. About 20, 50, and 80% of the 80 prediction models across the study area possessed R 2 values ≥ 0.7, 0.6, and 0.5, respectively. The results of model validation were similar to those of model development, with slightly smaller model R 2 values.  相似文献   
Osteopontin gene is regarded as a plausible candidate in mammary gland differentiation and development, expressed by variety of cells, tissues, and biological fluids including milk. The current study was performed in two phases. In the first phase, Osteopontin gene polymorphisms were identified and associated with milk composition such as ash, milk fat, SNF, lactose, and protein. In the second phase, milk samples from five healthy mastitis-free Nili Ravi buffaloes were analyzed for expression of Osteopontin gene at transition (day 15), mid (day 90), and end (day 250) stage of their second lactation. Briefly, blood samples were collected from Nili Ravi buffalo to isolate the genomic DNA, specific primers were designed for PCR amplification. The amplified PCR products were sequenced bi-directionally. Six polymorphisms were identified in the coding region and four in the intronic region of the gene. The results showed that SNP g.38329758 T > C causing substitution of valine to alanine (V127A) was associated with high milk protein. For mRNA expression analysis, somatic cells were separated from milk samples for RNA isolation. Analysis of differential gene expression data has permitted us to illustrate the expression pattern of osteopontin gene in lactating buffalo. The Osteopontin gene was found to be transcribed among all three lactation stages, but expression was observed with the highest value (fold change) in peak lactation and remained elevated till the end of lactation. Identified gene marker may be helpful for the prediction of superior animal for selection. The presented study also gave an insight into the genetic screening and lactation biology of riverine buffalo, offering direction for future research in lactating buffalo.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate influence of zinc (Zn) application on productivity, grain biofortification and grain quality of wheat planted under plough tillage (PT) and zero tillage (ZT) systems. Zn was delivered as soil application (10 kg ha?1), foliage spray (0.025 M) and seed priming (0.5 M) in wheat planted under PT and ZT systems. ZT had higher total soil porosity, total soil organic matter, soil organic carbon and soil microbial biomass carbon than PT. Zn application, by either method, improved grain yield, grain Zn and grain quality in both tillage systems. The grain Zn concentration was 72% and 59% higher with soil-applied Zn in ZT wheat during 2016–2017 and 2017–2018, respectively, compared with no Zn. However, Zn seed priming was the most effective in improving wheat grain yield in both tillage systems. Foliage and Zn soil application were better in improving the indices of Zn use efficiency of Zn. In conclusion, Zn seed priming was the most effective method in improving the wheat grain yield, whereas soil Zn application in ZT and foliar applications in PT were the most effective for grain Zn biofortification. However, Zn soil application was the most cost-effective method of Zn application.  相似文献   
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) remains subclinical and self-limiting in small ruminants, but risk of spread of infection to susceptible cohorts is of great epidemiological significance; therefore, small ruminants must be included in vaccination campaigns in FMD endemic regions. Three groups of goats already immunized against peste des petits ruminants (PPR) were vaccinated with FMD and PPR vaccines alone or concurrently. The specific antibody response against three FMD virus strains and PPR virus were evaluated by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA). Goats concurrently vaccinated with PPR + FMD vaccines had significantly (p < 0.05) higher antibody titers to two serotypes of FMD virus at 28, 45, and 60 days post-immunization compared to goats vaccinated with FMD vaccine alone, while goats vaccinated with PPR vaccines alone or PPR + FMD vaccines concurrently showed similar antibody kinetics against PPR virus up till 60 days post-vaccination. Overall, antibody kinetic curves for all three tested strains of FMD virus and PPR virus were similar in vaccinated groups during the course of experiment.  相似文献   
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