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P.K. Ghosh D.S. Jayas E.A. Smith M.L.H. Gruwel N.D.G. White P.A. Zhilkin 《Biosystems Engineering》2008,100(3):389-400
Christian B. Sekomo Egide Nkuranga Diederik P. L. Rousseau Piet N. L. Lens 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2011,214(1-4):321-333
The Nyabugogo natural wetland (Kigali City, Rwanda) receives all kinds of untreated wastewaters, including those from industrial areas. This study monitored heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in all environmental compartments of the swamp: water and sediment, the dominant plant species Cyperus papyrus, and fish (Clarias sp. and Oreochromis sp.) and Oligochaetes. Cr, Cu, and Zn concentrations in the water were generally below the WHO (2008) drinking water standards, whereas Cd and Pb were consistently above these limits. Except Cd, all metal concentrations were below the threshold levels for irrigation. The highest metal accumulation occurred in the sediment with up to 4.2 mg/kg for Cd, 68 mg/kg for Cu, 58.3 mg/kg for Pb, and 188.0 mg/kg for Zn, followed by accumulation in the roots of C. papyrus with up to 4.2 mg/kg for Cd, 45.8 mg/kg for Cr, 29.7 mg/kg for Cu, and 56.1 mg/kg for Pb. Except Cu and Zn, other heavy metal (Cd, Cr, and Pb) concentrations were high in Clarias sp., Oreochromis sp., and Oligochaetes. Therefore, there is a human health concern for people using water and products from the swamp. 相似文献
Testing the Rothamsted Carbon Model against data from long-term experiments on upland soils in Thailand 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Y. Shirato K. Paisancharoen P. Sangtong C. Nakviro M. Yokozawa & N. Matsumoto 《European Journal of Soil Science》2005,56(2):179-188
We tested the Rothamsted Carbon Model (RothC) against three long‐term (27–28 years) experimental sites on Thai upland soils in order to see how this widely used ‘temperate’ soil carbon turnover model performed in a typical farming region in the tropics. We were able to verify – over a much longer period than had been examined in previous studies – that RothC performs well in a tropical region in plots used for continuous cropping experiments of maize and cassava without organic matter application. However, the model overestimated soil organic carbon (SOC) in some plots to which large amounts of organic matter (rice straw or cassava stalks) were applied. This overestimate could not be attributed to errors in estimating either the amount of C input to the soil or the ratio of decomposable plant materials to resistant plant materials entering the soil. Among many factors affecting SOC dynamics (e.g. weather conditions, soil characteristics, etc.), which are different in tropical regions from temperate regions, we conclude that the activity of soil fauna might be a major factor which makes the performance of RothC worse where much organic matter was applied. We suggest that care should be taken when applying RothC to tropical soils with large amounts of added organic matter. 相似文献
Lintschinger J Fuchs N Moser J Kuehnelt D Goessler W 《Journal of agricultural and food chemistry》2000,48(11):5362-5368
The selenium supply in almost all European countries, including Austria and Germany, is below the recommended daily intake. In these countries, selenium fortification of foods and the use of selenium supplements are quite popular to compensate for low Se intake from diets. In general, wheat (Triticum aestivum) is known to be a good source for bioavailable selenium, and many studies have been performed to enrich selenium in wheat by selenium fertilization of the soil. In the present work, the process of sprouting was investigated as an alternative to enrich selenium in wheat. Sprouting was chosen because it additionally improves the nutritional value of seeds, for example, by a higher vitamin content, a better quality of protein, and some other parameters. Wheat, alfalfa (Medicago sativa), and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seeds were germinated for 5 and 7 days in solutions containing selenate. The selenium sensitivity of the sprouts was tested by measuring visible germination levels and seedling development. Uptake rates were studied by determination of total selenium using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Metabolism of the absorbed selenium was analyzed by determination of selenium species in extracts of the sprouts using anion exchange HPLC coupled to ICP-MS. It was shown that sunflower sprouts were the most resistant and had the highest uptake rates (up to 900 mg/kg), but almost 100% of the selenium was extracted with water and found to be nonmetabolized selenate. Wheat and alfalfa were less resistant and enriched selenium up to concentrations of 100 and 150 mg of Se/kg of dry mass, respectively. The metabolism of the selenate was inversely related to the total uptake rates. At low Se enrichment (approximately 1-2 mg of Se/kg), <20% of the total selenium content within the sprouts remained as inorganic selenium, indicating a high metabolism rate. With increasing uptake the amount of selenate increased to approximately 40-50%. However, with the method used it is possible to produce sprouts containing certain amounts of selenium, which might provide substantial proportions of bioavailable selenium. In combination with the generally high nutritional value of sprouts, they might serve for production of improved cereal-based diets. 相似文献
Influence of nitrogen rates and row spacing on corn yield,protein content,and other plant parameters
New maize hybrids has been intensively used as the first and second crop at the Cukurova region of Turkey in recent years. Therefore, nutritional problems of corn needs to be solved for the optimum yield, and protection from the potential insect and disease damages. Influence of nitrogen (N) and row spacing (RS) on corn yield, grain protein content, and selected plant parameters have been studied under field conditions in 1994 and 1995. Nitrogen was applied in the rates of 200, 250, 300, and 350 kg N ha‐1 to main plots where row spacings were 10, 15, 20, and 25 cm in each subplots. Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) were applied to each plot as basal rates. The experiment was arranged in a split‐plot design in three replications. During course of the experiment and after harvest, selected plant parameters, leaf nutrient contents, root length, grain yield, and crude protein content were measured, and the data were statistically analyzed for determination of treatment effects. The selected plant parameters either influenced by N, RS, or both in 1994 and 1995. The leaf N content was affected by N and RS in 1995, and a RS effect was only observed in 1994. Grain yield was influenced by RS and N and RS in the first and second years, respectively. Grain yield ranged between 7.3 to 12.8 Mg ha"1 for both years. Treat ment effects on crude protein content was significant in 1994 but no response was obtained in 1995. 相似文献
Performance of rainy season greengram as influenced by land configuration and phosphorus application
B. G. Shivakumar B. N. Mishra H. M. Thippeswamy S. S. Balloli 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2013,59(3-4):371-379
A field experiment was carried out for 2 crop years (July‐October) at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to study the effect of land configuration and phosphorus levels on the growth and yield of rainy season greengram under limited irrigation facility. The crop sown on 2 meter wide broad bed and furrow (BBF) showed higher growth attributes, nodulation, yield attributes and yield compared to flat bed (FB) sowing. Application of 30 and 60 kg P2O5ha‐1 showed significant increase in growth attributes, nodulation, yield attributes and yield as compared to no phosphorus application. The moisture status in the soil determined the optimum dose of phosphorus needed for greengram. The combination of BBF sowing and application of 60 kg P2O5 ha?1 recorded the highest grain yield among all the combinations of land configuration and phosphorus levels. 相似文献
In an attempt to increase the acidity of wine by biological means, malate-producing yeasts were selected from a collection of 282 strains isolated in different parts of Spain. Only 4% of these strains (all of which belonged to Saccharomyces cerevisiae) produced l-(-)-malic acid in the range of 0.5-1 g/L. This was formed between days 2 and 6 of alcoholic fermentation, reaching a maximum on days 3 and 4; the concentration remained stable from day 7. Malic acid production was favored by temperatures in the 18-25 degrees C range and by musts with a high pH and low concentrations of sugar, initial malic acid, and yeast-assimilable nitrogen. Oxaloacetic acid, a precursor of malic acid, had no influence on malate production. The precursors pyruvic and fumaric acid did, however, have a significant effect on the production of this acid in some strains. No direct relation between pyruvate and malate metabolism was observed. 相似文献
Charles N. Merfield Jacquelyn R. Bennett Nadine A. Berry Arthur Bluon Dean M. O’Connell Simon Hodge 《Weed Research》2020,60(5):353-362
Weed management using synthetic herbicides is undergoing a global decline, necessitating a re-evaluation of existing control measures and the development of novel weed management tools. ‘Mini-ridging’ is a non-discriminatory, physical weeding method that functions by burying weeds in the intrarow with a laterally shifted ridge of soil. In glasshouse trials using potted plants, we found that plant recovery after soil application was influenced by plant size, which in turn was influenced by plant species, developmental stage and/or age. The likelihood of plant recovery after soil application was negatively related to the depth of soil applied: very few plants survived total coverage by soil but, conversely, survival could be substantial if some parts of the plants were not covered. The results suggest that burial under a depth of 6 cm of soil would eliminate most plants regardless of species or growth stage. Larger plants would require the application of a greater total depth of soil to achieve this 6 cm of soil cover, and weed management would, therefore, tend to be more successful and more practical if weeds were targeted when still small. This research demonstrates the potential of plant burial as a simple and reliable means of non-chemical weed management, and re-emphasises that, for weed control to be effective, the applied soil layer must cover the whole plant. 相似文献
Brian N. Hogg Keith Stokes Min B. Rayamajhi John Geiger Paul D. Pratt 《Weed Research》2020,60(3):212-220
Schinus terebinthifolia is a dioecious tree native to South America that has become an invasive weed in Florida, southern California, southern Arizona, Texas and Hawaii and has been naturalised in over 20 countries. Biological control is considered a viable long-term control option for S. terebinthifolia because release from natural enemies appears to be at least partly responsible for its success in Florida. We examined leaf phenology of S. terebinthifolia over a period of 15 months at five sites in central and southern Florida to provide information that may help in predicting the impacts of potential biocontrol agents for this weed. We documented leaf lifespan, the seasonality of leaf development and abscission and the survivorship of leaves that emerged during either spring, summer or autumn. Average leaf lifespan was >4.5 months at all sites, and leaf phenology followed the seasons closely. Although S. terebinthifolia possesses leaves throughout the year, leaf production was greatest from April to September, and most leaves were abscised in February and March. Spring- and summer-emerging leaves were also longer-lived than leaves produced during autumn. These results suggest that leaves of S. terebinthifolia would be most vulnerable to herbivory during the spring and summer months when newly growing leaf tissue is most plentiful. Biocontrol agents capable of damaging these tissues during spring/summer might be an effective means of controlling this invasive weed. 相似文献