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This report describes the use of cell mediated immunity to improve specificity of current diagnosis for Brucella suis. Diagnosis is problematic due to cross reactions that lead to false positive serological reactions (FPSR) in the standard diagnostic tests. A common cause of this cross reactivity is infection with the organism Yersinia enterocolitica O:9. Gottingen™ mini-pigs were experimentally infected with B. suis biovar I field strain or Y. enterocolitica serotype O:9 biotype 3. Infection was followed for 70 days. During this time whole blood stimulation assays were set up using Brucella specific antigen. IFNγ was measured in the supernatants (SN) from these assays by ELISA. Concurrent standard serological tests were carried out. The results indicate that the IFNγ assay is specifically able to distinguish Y. enterocolitica O:9 infection from a B. suis infection in experimentally infected mini-pigs. These results represent an improvement in diagnostic specificity compared to currently used serological tests. Thus suggesting that in a surveillance setting this test could be applied as a confirmatory test in the face of FPSR. The authors are British Civil Servants and as such their work is subject to British Crown Copyright. This means the exclusive copyright for the article cannot be transferred.  相似文献   


To test the efficacy of intraoperative intrafragmentary administration of bupivacaine (haematoma block) in controlling postoperative pain in dogs undergoing osteosynthesis of long-bone isolated diaphyseal fractures.

Study design

Randomized, ‘blinded’, placebo-controlled, prospective study.


A total of 23 client-owned dogs with isolated long-bone fractures.


Dogs were allocated randomly to two groups: bupivacaine group (B) or placebo group (P). Group B dogs (n = 11) were administered an intraoperative intrafragmentary injection of 0.5% bupivacaine (1.1 mg kg–1) just before fracture fixation, whereas group P dogs (n = 12) were administered normal saline. Postoperative pain evaluations using the University of Melbourne Pain Scale (UMPS) and algometer were performed upon arrival to the recovery room and 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 20 and 32 hours later. Algometer measurements were performed on: the incision site, a healthy region near the fracture line and the contralateral healthy limb. When the pain score exceeded 14 points in the UMPS, rescue analgesia was administered. The time-standardised area under the curve (AUCst) was used to compare UMPS scores and mechanical pain thresholds between the two groups.


None of the group B dogs required rescue analgesia, whereas eight of the 12 group P dogs did (p = 0.001). The pain threshold AUCst at the incision line was higher in group B [16.3 (2.9–41.6) N] than in group P [5.6 (2.5–17.4) N] (p = 0.029). The mean UMPS score AUCst was lower in group B (3.7 ± 1.8) than in group P (9.4 ± 4.6) (p = 0.016). In a small number of animals of both groups that were evaluated radiologically, adequate bone healing was noted.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

An intraoperative bupivacaine haematoma block is a simple, quick and effective method that can be used to aid in postoperative pain control in dogs submitted to long-bone osteosynthesis.  相似文献   
Detection of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) by avidin-biotin complex (ABC) method was studied in trigeminal ganglia (TRG) during the acute and post-acute or latent period in chickens inoculated with an A96 strain of the antigen. TRG tissue samples were collected from uninoculated (10 chickens) and inoculated (30 chickens) animals at various intervals post inoculation (PI), and stained by the ABC method. The results indicated that no ILTV antigen was detected in the TRG between PI days 3 and 11. However, the antigen was detected in most of the chickens between PI days 13 and 41. It is concluded that the ABC method can be used successfully for the detection of ILTV antigens in TRG during post-acute or latent period.  相似文献   
Background: A cat life insurance database can potentially be used to study feline mortality.
Hypothesis: The aim was to describe patterns of mortality in life-insured Swedish cats.
Cats: All cats (<13 years of age) with life insurance during the period 1999–2006 were included.
Methods: Age-standardized mortality rates (MR) were calculated with respect to sex (males and females), age, breed, and diagnosis. Survival to various ages is presented by time period and breed.
Results: The total number of cats insured was 49,450 and the number of cat-years at risk (CYAR) was 142,049. During the period, 6,491 cats died and of these 4,591 cats (71%) had a diagnosis, ie, were claimed for life insurance. The average annual MR was 462 deaths per 10,000 CYAR (95% confidence interval, 431–493). Sex-specific rates did not differ significantly. The overall mortality of the Persian and the Siamese groups was higher than that of several other breeds. Overall and breed-specific (for most breeds) survival increased with time when analyzed by 2-year periods. The 6 most common diagnostic categories (ignoring cats recorded as dead with no diagnosis) were urinary, traumatic, neoplastic, infectious, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal. The MR within diagnostic categories varied by age and breed.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: In this mainly purebred, insured cat population, the overall mortality varied with age and breed but not with sex. The increase in survival over time is likely a reflection of willingness to keep pet cats longer and increased access to and sophistication of veterinary care.  相似文献   
A planned process of concentration and specialisation in pig production has been introduced in the USSR, GDR, and other socialist countries in recent years and is likely to open up wider opportunities for the use of up-to-date technologies and latest findings of the biological sciences. Large-scale use of bio-engineering and methods of reproduction control is quite logical, in this context. This will provide a real chance for cyclogram control of all events important to management, planning, and follow-up of reproduction processes and for a planful implementation of industrialised production methods. Processes of cycle control are being increasingly applied to industrialised sow breeding units against the background of artificial insemination of pigs which is gaining widespread popularity after its emphasised introduction in the USSR. Research and field results regarding biological engineering in sow of oestrus, ovulation, pregnancy, and birth are reported in this paper and will, hopefully, help in determining mating and farrowing deadlines for breeding on the basis of artificial insemination and, consequently, contribute to widest possible programming of life cycles for the breeding animals concerned.  相似文献   
Eight maize complexes and varieties representing high and low yield levels were tested for their suitability as top cross testers by comparing the performance of the crosses in relation to the combining ability of the parents estimated by diallel analysis. The discriminating ability of the testers was compared by Schumann and Bradley test. In both cases the results clearly showed that the low performing testers were better and more reliable than the high performing complexes. The utility of per se performance as an indication of general combining ability of the complexes has been discussed.  相似文献   
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