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Research has shown that total bacterial count (TBC), which is the bacterial growth per ml of milk over a fixed period of time, can be decreased by good hygiene and farm management practices. The objective of the current study was to quantify the associations between herd management factors and bulk tank TBC in Irish spring calving, grass-based dairy herds. The relationship between bulk tank TBC and farm management and infrastructure was examined using data from 400 randomly selected Irish dairy farms where the basal diet was grazed grass. Herd management factors associated with bulk tank TBC were identified using linear models with herd annual total bacterial score (i.e., arithmetic mean of the natural logarithm of bulk tank TBC) included as the dependent variable. All herd management factors were individually analysed in a separate regression model, that included an adjustment for geographical location of the farm. A multiple stepwise regression model was subsequently developed. Median bulk tank TBC for the sample herds was 18,483 cells/ml ranging from 10,441 to 130,458 cells/ml. Results from the multivariate analysis indicated that the following management practices were associated with low TBC; use of heated water in the milking parlour; participation in a milk recording scheme; and tail clipping of cows at a frequency greater than once per year. Increased level of hygiene of the parlour and cubicles were also associated with lower TBC. Herd management factors associated with bulk tank TBC in Irish grazing herds were generally in agreement with most previous studies from confinement systems of milk production.  相似文献   
JH Choy  SJ Kwon  GS Park 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1998,280(5369):1589-1592
The free modulation of interlayer distance in a layered high-transition temperature (high-Tc) superconductor is of crucial importance not only for the study of the superconducting mechanism but also for the practical application of high-Tc superconducting materials. Two-dimensional (2D) superconductors were achieved by intercalating a long-chain organic compound into bismuth-based high-Tc cuprates. Although the intercalation of the organic chain increased the interlayer distance remarkably, to tens of angstroms, the superconducting transition temperature of the intercalate was nearly the same as that of the pristine material, suggesting the 2D nature of the high-Tc superconductivity.  相似文献   
The magnetometer and electron reflectometer investigation (MAG/ER) on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft has obtained magnetic field and plasma observations throughout the near-Mars environment, from beyond the influence of Mars to just above the surface (at an altitude of approximately 100 kilometers). The solar wind interaction with Mars is in many ways similar to that at Venus and at an active comet, that is, primarily an ionospheric-atmospheric interaction. No significant planetary magnetic field of global scale has been detected to date (<2 x 10(21) Gauss-cubic centimeter), but here the discovery of multiple magnetic anomalies of small spatial scale in the crust of Mars is reported.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: To develop a profile of the racing careers of Thoroughbred horses in south-eastern Queensland, and to examine factors that affect racing during the first years of racing. DESIGN AND PROCEDURE: A longitudinal study using the racing records of a defined cohort of Thoroughbred horses that were born on or within 12 months following 1 August 1991. Data collection commenced in 1996 and will continue until all horses cease racing. In this paper two measures of performance were examined: race earnings during the first year of racing and cumulative proportion of horses still racing up to 2 years after their first start. Univariable and multivariable methods were used to describe and identify factors associated with the performance of these horses. RESULTS: By 31 July 1997, 1804 horses were enrolled in the study including 916, 701, 152 and 35 horses that first raced at 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of age, respectively. During their first year of racing, half the horses earned no more than A$450 from race earnings, and 710 (39.4%) horses earned no money at all. In comparison to poorly performing horses, well-performing horses were more likely to be male, to have started as 2-year-olds and to have had more starts during this year. Of the horses that first started as 2 and 3-year-olds, only 71 and 46% continued racing for at least 1 and 2 years after their first start, respectively. Length of racing life was associated with performance during the first year of racing (number of starts and average earnings per race), and with sex, date of birth and age at first start. CONCLUSIONS: The study confirmed a high wastage among racing Thoroughbreds. As expected, premature retirement from racing was linked to poor performance. During the first year of racing, the race earnings of an estimated 1567 (86.9%) horses were insufficient to cover training costs. The 2-year-old racing cohort outperformed the older racing cohorts in each of the performance measures under investigation. Interpretation of this result, and the long-term effects of 2-year-old racing, was limited by the problem of confounding.  相似文献   
We conducted a longitudinal study to obtain baseline information about the health and growth of growing pigs raised by smallholder pig raisers in the Philippines, and to test constraints and opportunities to smallholder growing pig production that had been identified in a cross-sectional study [More, S.J., Lee, J.-A.L.M., La?ada, E.B., Taveros, A.A., Cotiw-an, B.S., 1999. Weight-for-age of growing pigs raised by smallholder farmers in the Philippines. Prev. Vet. Med. 41, 151-169]. Using monthly on-farm visits over 12-18 months at two sites, we collected data about 824 growing pigs raised in 115 separate herds. Weight-for-age (median value of 4.8 kg/month) was clustered strongly at the herd level, and the daily ration to growing pigs was substantially deficient (particularly in protein). Using repeated-measures and time-to-event analyses, we identified a range of animal- and herd-level variables associated with increased growth and health. These results confirm results from our earlier study, and suggest that improved nutrition and targeted extension on a range of management issues could be useful.  相似文献   
Summary The sweating and respiratory rates in rams of Rambouillet (R), Chokla (C), Malpura (M), R × C and R × M breed/breed crosses were recorded when housed in sheds or exposed to 20, 25, 30, 35 and 42°C ambient temperatures in a climatic chamber. The sweating (cutaneous moisture) was higher (P<0.05) in Rambouillet and its crosses than the natives, the Malpura sheep producing the least sweat at all temperatures. There was no breed difference in the response of increase in sweating up to 35°C but at 42°C the Chokla showed a considerable increase. Sweating was more pronounced on the shoulder than on the mid-side region. Sweating and respiratory rates increased (P<0.05) with the increase in ambient temperature. The Rambouillet exhibited the highest increase in respiration rate at 25°C and the trend continued up to 42°C. The relationship between fleece characteristics, evaporative heat loss and heat tolerance of sheep is discussed.
Perdida Cutanea De Agua Y Frecuencia Respiratoria De Varias Razas De Ovejas Sometidas A Temperaturas Ambientales Altas
Resumen Se registraron las frecuencias sudorípara y respiratoria en carneros de las razas Rambouillet (R), Chokla (C), Malpura (M), R × C y R × M, alojados en cobertizos o expuestos a temperaturas ambientales de 20, 25, 30, 35 y 42°C en una cámara climática. El sudor (humedad cutánea) fue mayor (P<0.05) en carneros Rambouillet y sus cruces que en animales nativos, siendo la raza Malpura la que menos sudor produjo bajo todas las temperaturas. No se presentaron diferencias significativas entre las diferentes razas respecto a la humedad cutánea hasta los 35°C, pero a los 42°C la raza Chokla presentó un aumento considerable. El sudor fue más notorio en la espalda que en la región média. Las frecuencias respiratoria y sudorípara aumentaron (P<0.05) directa y paralelamente a la temperatura ambiental. La raza Rambouillet tuvo la frecuencia respiratoria más alta a los 25°C, incrementandose esta paulatinamente hasta los 42°C. Se discute la relación entre las caracteristicas del vellon, la pérdida de calor por evaporación y tolerancia al calor de las ovejas.

Niveau Des Pertes D'eau Par Transpiration, Et Rhythme Respiratoire De Differentes Races De Moutons Soumis A Des Temperatures Ambiantes Elevees
Résumé Les pertes par transpiration et le rythme respiratoire de béliers de Rambouillet (R), Chokla (C), Malpura (M) et de croisements R × C et R × M ont été relevés lorsque les animaux étaient en bergerie ou exposés à des températures ambiantes, dans une chambre climatique, à 20, 25, 30 et 42°C. Les pertes d'eau par transpiration ont été plus importantes (P<0.05) chez les mérinos de Rambouillet et les métis par rapport aux animaux de race locale, les Malpura manifestant les déperditions d'eau moindre à toutes les températures.Il n'y a pas eu de différences raciales dans la réponse à l'accroissement de la transpiration jusqu'à 35°C mais à 42°C les Chokla ont manifesté une augmentation considérable.La déperdition d'eau par transpiration cutanée a été plus prononcée au niveau des épaules que sur le côté du milieu du corps. La transpiration et le rythme respiratoire ont augmenté (P<0.05) avec l'accroissement de la température ambiante. Les mérinos de Rambouillet ont montré la plus importante augmentation du rythme respiratoire à 25°C, température qui a continué de s'accroître jusqu'à 42°C, limite supérieure de l'expérimentation.Les relations entre l'influence de la température sur les pertes d'eau par évaporation et al tolérance des moutons à la chaleur sont discutées.
Pre-movement testing for bovine tuberculosis (BTB) was compulsory in Ireland until 1996. We determined the proportion of herd restrictions (losing BTB-free status) attributable to the recent introduction of an infected bovid; described events between restoration of BTB-free status (de-restriction) and the next herd-level test for BTB; estimated the proportion of undetected infected cattle present at de-restriction; identified high-risk movements between herds (movements most likely to involve infected cattle); and determined the potential yield of infected cattle discovered (or herds that would not lose their BTB-free status) by pre-movement testing, relative to the numbers of cattle and herds tested. We used national data for all 6252 herds with a new BTB restriction in the 12 months from 1 April 2003 and 3947 herds declared BTB-free in the 12 months from 1 October 2001. We identified higher-risk animals from our logistic generalized estimating-equation models. We attributed 6-7% of current herd restrictions to the recent introduction of an infected animal. There were considerable changes to herd structure between de-restriction and the next full-herd test, and infection was detected in 10% of herds at the first assessment (full-herd test or abattoir surveillance) following de-restriction. Following movement from a de-restricted herd, the odds of an animal being positive at the next test increased with increasing time in the source herd prior to movement, increasing time between de-restriction and the next full-herd test and increasing severity of the source herd restriction. The odds decreased with increasing size of the source herd. We estimated that 15.9 destination-herd restrictions per year could be prevented for every 10,000 cattle tested pre-movement and that 3.3 destination-herd restrictions per year could be prevented for every 100 source herds tested pre-movement. The yield per pre-movement test can be increased by focusing on high-risk movements; however, this would result in a substantial decrease in the total number of potential restrictions identified.  相似文献   
The equine industries in Ireland are vibrant and growing. They are broadly classified into two sectors: Thoroughbred racing, and sports and leisure. This paper describes these sectors in terms of governance, education and training in equine welfare, and available data concerning horse numbers, identification, traceability and disposal. Animal welfare, and specifically equine welfare, has received increasing attention internationally. There is general acceptance of concepts such as animal needs and persons' responsibilities toward animals in their care, as expressed in the 'Five Freedoms'. As yet, little has been published on standards of equine welfare pertaining to Ireland, or on measures to address welfare issues here. This paper highlights the central role of horse identification and legal registration of ownership to safeguard the health and welfare of horses.  相似文献   
Tuberculosis (TB), due to infection with Mycobacterium bovis was diagnosed in a flock of alpaca in Ireland in 2004. An epidemiological investigation was conducted to identify the risk of TB for farmed alpaca where TB is endemic, the origin of the infection, the potential for alpaca-to-alpaca transmission and appropriate control measures. The investigation focused on the alpaca flock (including the farm, animal movements and breeding, feeding and flock health practice), the disease episode (including animal disease events and subsequent control measures) and TB infection risk in the locality. The TB risk to alpaca is high in areas where infection is endemic in cattle and badgers and where biosecurity is inadequate. It is most likely that the source of infection for the alpaca was a local strain of M. bovis, present in cattle in this area since at least 2001. Genotyping of isolates identified a single variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) profile in both cattle and alpaca in this region. Although a tuberculous badger was also removed from the vicinity, bacterial isolation was not attempted. On this farm, infection in alpaca was probably derived from a common source. Alpaca-to-alpaca transmission seems unlikely. Two broad control strategies were implemented, aimed at the rapid removal of infected (and potentially infectious) animals and the implementation of measures to limit transmission. Tests that proved useful in detecting potentially-infected animals included measurement of the albumin-to-globulin ratio and regular body condition scoring. Skin testing was time consuming and unproductive, and early detection of infected animals remains a challenge. The flock was managed as a series of separate groupings, based on perceived infection risk. No further TB cases have been detected.  相似文献   
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