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The effects of passive immunoneutralization of endogenous inhibin on ovulation rate in immature rats were investigated. Efficiency of superovulation on production of fertilized oocytes was compared between the inhibin antiserum (inhibin-AS) and equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) protocols. Immature female Wistar strain rats were superovulated with a single injection of 100-200 microl inhibin-AS, with and without an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). A total of 77.8% of the 26-30-day-old rats treated with a single injection of 100-200 microl inhibin-AS ovulated 72 h after treatment, while rats given normal goat serum (NGS; 200 microl) did not ovulate. At 28 days of age, all of the inhibin-AS treated rats ovulated when additional hCG treatment was given, whereas the number of ovulated oocytes was not affected. The number of ovulated oocytes in the inhibin-AS-hCG treated groups was significantly higher than that of the NGS-hCG treated group. In addition, plasma concentrations of FSH in the inhibin-AS-hCG treated group significantly increased compared with the NGS treated group. While the percentage of mated rats in the 200 microl inhibin-AS-hCG treated group was significantly lower than that of the 15 IU eCG-hCG treated group, the fertilization rate was comparable between the two groups. The number of fertilized oocytes in the 200 microl inhibin-AS-hCG treated group was significantly higher in comparison with the 15 IU eCG-hCG treated group. These results suggest that immunoneutralization of endogenous inhibin could be a reliable method for induction of superovulation to collect a large number of normally fertilized oocytes in immature rats.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the toxicoses and antitumor activity of metronomic chlorambucil at a dosage of 4 mg m(-2) daily in dogs with naturally occurring cancer. Thirty-six dogs were enrolled in the study. The protocol was well tolerated with no grade 3 or 4 toxicoses noted. Complete remission was achieved, and lasted over 35 weeks in three dogs (mast cell tumour, soft tissue sarcoma and thyroid carcinoma). Partial remission was noted in 1 dog with histiocytic sarcoma (39 weeks duration) for an overall remission rate of 11% (4 of 36). Stable disease was noted in 17 dogs (47%) with various other cancers. The median progression-free interval was 61 days, and the median survival time was 153 days. Chlorambucil given in a metronomic protocol showed antitumor activity in dogs with a variety of naturally occurring cancers.  相似文献   
A study was undertaken to investigate the variations in the content of zinc and copper in the plasma of Sudanese camels (Camelus dromedarius). A total of 993 Arabi camels, aged 0.5-8 years, were used to assess the effect of season, age, sex and physiological status on the plasma concentrations of copper and zinc. There was an increase in the concentration of Cu and a decrease in the concentration of Zn in the plasma with age. The concentrations of both Cu and Zn in the plasma were higher in the rainy season than in the dry season. The plasma copper concentrations in pregnant, low-lactating and high-lactating camels were 81.3 +/- 4.7, 59.7 +/- 6.1 and 61.3 +/- 5.5 microg/100 ml, respectively. The corresponding values for zinc were 51.0 +/- 8.9, 53.4 +/- 6.4 and 67.1 +/- 5.5 microg/100 ml, respectively. However, there was no effect of sex on the content of these minerals in the plasma.  相似文献   
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Panting syndrome and respiratory infection have been recorded in complicated cases of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in cattle. However, investigations on the...  相似文献   
Highly pathogenic influenza A virus subtype H5N1 causes significant poultry mortality in the six countries where it is endemic and can also infect humans. Egypt has reported the third highest number of poultry outbreaks (n = 1084) globally. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to identify putative risk factors for H5N1 infections in backyard poultry in 16 villages in Damietta, El Gharbia, Fayoum, and Menofia governorates from 2010–2012. Cloacal and tracheal swabs and serum samples from domestic (n = 1242) and wild birds (n = 807) were tested for H5N1 via RT-PCR and hemagglutination inhibition, respectively. We measured poultry rearing practices with questionnaires (n = 306 households) and contact rates among domestic and wild bird species with scan sampling. Domestic birds (chickens, ducks, and geese, n = 51) in three governorates tested positive for H5N1 by PCR or serology. A regression model identified a significant correlation between H5N1 in poultry and the practice of disposing of dead poultry and poultry feces in the garbage (F = 15.7, p < 0.0001). In addition, contact between domestic and wild birds was more frequent in villages where we detected H5N1 in backyard flocks (F = 29.5, p < 0.0001).  相似文献   
Summary Genetics of resistance to Ascochyta fabae Speg. in Vicia faba L. was studied with a final objective to develop resistant faba bean varieties to Ascochyta blight. The study was conducted separately on 3 single spore isolates (AF10-2 and AF13-2 from Tunisia and AF4-3 from France) and belonging to different groups of virulence (GV1 and GV2). Important general combining ability (GCA) effects were found especially with isolates AF10-2 and AF4-3. Specific combining ability (SCA), although significant for the 3 isolates, was important only with AF13 -2, but less important than GCA. Additive gene effects were predominant to non-additive effects. Lines 29H and A8817 transmitted to their progenies resistance to the 3 isolates, whereas 14–12 and 19TB conferred resistance to their progenies only with isolates AF13-2 and AF4-3, respectively. In the material studied, resistance was generally controlled by dominant genes but also could be attributed to recessive genes although less frequent. Analysis of segregation in the F2 of 2 crosses between the resistant lines (A8817 and 29H) and the susceptible line (14–12) with isolate AF4-3 revealed dominant monogenic control at the level of leaves in the 2 resistant lines and, in addition, a recessive gene controlling resistance of stems. Non-allelic interactions were occasionally manifested and their origin appeared to be due to line 19TB. A recurrent selection scheme was proposed with the objective to develop improved open-pollination populations and synthetic varieties responding to the objective of the national Tunisian research programme on faba bean.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of pea: ‘PS210713’ (‘PS’), sensitive to iron deficiency, and ‘Marveille de Kelvedon’ (‘MK’), tolerant, were cultivated in controlled climatic conditions during one month, on a nutrient solution containing either nitrate (NO3 ?, 4 mM) or ammonium (NH4 +, 4 mM) and in the presence of bicarbonate (10 mM). The effects of these nitrogen forms on the growth and the mineral nutrition, and especially iron nutrition are analyzed.

The reduction of growth by bicarbonate was approximately 30% in case of NO3 ? nutrition in the two cultivars, whereas in ammoniacal treatment the reduction is only 6% and 18% respectively in ‘PS’ and ‘MK’ cultivars.

In presence of bicarbonate, the plant growth is not stimulated by NO3 ?relatively to its growth on ammoniacal medium, as often noticed when plants are cultivated on medium without bicarbonate: In presence of this compound, the biomass production of plant pea, was not influenced by the nitrogen forms. The nitric source led to a ferric chlorosis in the sensitive cultivar plants whereas any chlorosis was noted when ammoniacal source was applied. On the other hand, nitric nitrogen form decreased the nitrogen feeding of plants and increased the potassium one, while the effect of the ammoniacal nitrogen form on these nutrients was quite the inverse. In addition, the later increased the allocation of iron towards shoots. Besides, with this nitrogen source there was not accumulation of nitrate in the plant tissues. In nitric feeding case, the nitrate is mainly accumulated in the roots of the two cultivars. It is noticeable that the sensitive cultivar (‘PS’) accumulates three times more nitrate than the tolerant one (‘MK’).

On the level of the whole plant, the iron and phosphorus nutrition seems unaltered by the nitrogen form.  相似文献   
Yemen is one of the world's least developed countries and experiences problems of scarcity of natural agricultural resources as well as soil erosion and degradation. Agroforestry systems (AFS) are being promoted as a more appropriate land use system than monocropping systems (MCS) worldwide. Unfortunately, long-term studies on agroforestry and other land use systems (LUS) do not exist in Yemen. Agroforestry in the Rima'a region has started to deteriorate and many farmers turned to (MCS). This study was conducted in the Rima'a Valley, near Alsharq town, Dhamar, Yemen. The study evaluates the soil nutrients, organic matter (OM), and other soil properties such as pH, bulk density, and porosity under AFS and compares it with soil under MCS. Standard procedures for soil sampling and analyzing were used to collect and analyze 36 composite samples from Site 1 and 36 composite samples from Site 2 from six cropping systems (treatments). The results showed that there were significant variations in relation to LUS. Agroforestry practices—mixed trees with coffee (S1), and Cordia africana L. with coffee (S2) have higher nitrogen concentration (0.17–0.26%) as compared to the Ziziphus spina-christi L. with maize (S3) and the monocropping maize (S5), (<0.16% in both Sites 1 and 2). Similar results were seen on the effect of the different LUS on the soil P, K, and OM contents at the two sites (p < .01). While soil N, P, and soil K were higher under agroforestry systems S1, and S2 in both sites, it was the lowest in S5 in both sites. It can be concluded that agroforestry has more favorable effects on soil fertility and other soil properties. The government should establish programs and campaigns to disseminate AFS technology and promote the importance of agroforestry in soil conservation.  相似文献   
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