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Summary Seven of the wheat crosses which were performed in 1954 and 1955 produced a uniform semi-lethal F1. Among these were four combinations with the spring wheat Koga and two with the Turkish winter wheat Eskischir. The degree of withering in the F1 appeared to be dependent on the variety with which Koga or Eskischir were combined. In the F2 of the Koga crosses carried out in 1954 a 9 : 7 ratio of semi-lethals and normal plants was found. The almost continuous gradation in semi-lethality within the group of semi-lethal plants of every F2 was conspicuous.The facts are explained as follows: Two complementary genes determine the semi-lethality as such, while modifying genes are responsible for the different degrees of semi-lethality of the different F1's and for the variation in degree of semi-lethality within every F2. In the discussion this explanation is given in detail.It is pointed out that it is perhaps possible, with the aid of the phenomenon of semi-lethality, to discover or confirm relationships between species and/or varieties.Finally it is suggested that the rejection of F1's with withering symptoms is premature.  相似文献   
Genetic variances due to imprinted genes in cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of paternally expressed, i.e. maternally imprinted, genes on slaughter records from 2744 German Gelbvieh finishing bulls were estimated. Significant effects of paternal gametes were found for two fatness traits and an estimate of meat content. Paternally expressed genes explained 14 and 16% of the phenotypic variances for pelvic fat and kidney fat, respectively. Ignoring paternal gametic effects resulted in inflated estimates of the additive genetic variances. The heritabilities of pelvic and kidney fat dropped from 0.31 to 0.16 and from 0.59 to 0.28, respectively, when paternal gametes were fitted. A 15% influence of paternally expressed genes and a reduction in heritability of 20% were also found for estimated meat content. Simulation studies demonstrated that the uncorrelated random effect of the sire is a useful indicator for the presence of paternal gametic effects in variance component estimations. The presented results correspond well with findings in swine, where a paternally expressed QTL at the Igf2 gene influences similar trait complexes. A viable speculation could therefore be that an imprinted bovine Igf2 gene caused the effects described here.  相似文献   
A trail field was managed for six years to test effects of short crop rotations, soil fumigation and granular nematicides on the population dynamics of the yellow beet cyst nematode (Heterodera trifolii f. sp.beta) and sugar-beet yields.In the two-year rotation, the cyst nematode population before planting varied from about the tolerance level (5 eggs per millilitre of soil) to 25 eggs per millitlitre of soil, leading to losses of sugar yield. Soil fumigation with metam-sodium effectively reduced the nematode density before planting, resulting in a 15 and 25% increase in sugar yield in the first two crops, respectively, but was insufficient to protect the third sugar-beet crop from yield-reducing nematode attack. This was attributed to the wet soil at the time of application and accelerated disappearence of the chemical in the soil through biological adaptation to repeated fumigation. Oxamyl or aldicarb granular nematicides applied as a side-dressing to the rows had insufficient effect to protect the sugar-beet from yield-reducing nematode attack. An overall treatment with aldicarb rotavated into the soil, alone and in addition to soil fumigation, increased sugar yield significantly. However in the two-year rotation, yield of the third sugar-beet crop treated with soil fumigation and granular nematicide was still lower than that of the untreated second crop in the three-year rotation.In the three-year rotation, thecyst nematode population before sugar-beet varied from hardly detectable to about the tolerance level. Here sugar-beet could be protected from yield-reducing nematode attack by soil fumigation or an overall treatment with granular nematicide. In the threeyear rotation with soil fumigation an increase ofRhizoctonia crown rot was observed in the second sugar-beet crop.Samenvatting Om de effecten na te gaan van korte rotaties, grondontsmetting en nematicide granulaten op het populatieverloop van de gele bietcystenematode (Heterodera trifolii f.sp.beta) en de opbrengsten van suikerbieten werd gedurende zes jaren een proef uitgevoerd op een natuurlijk besmet perceel van de proefboerderij Vredepeel.In de tweejarige rotatie variëerde de cystenematodepopulatie vóór het bietegewas boven de schadedrempel, wat resulteerde in verlaging van de suikeropbrengst. Grondontsmetting met metam-natrium veroorzaakte een effective vermindering van de dichtheid van de nematoden vóór de bieten en een verhoging van de suikeropbrengst van respectievelijk 15 en 25% bij de eerste twee gewassen, maar was onvoldeende om het derde bietegewas te beschermen tegen een opbrengst verminderende aantasting door nematoden. Dit was een gevolg van natte bodemomstandigheden bij het injecteren en het versneld verdwijenen van het middel door biologische adaptatie van de grond na herhaalde ontsmetting. Nematicide granulaten (oxamyl of aldicarb) naast de rij toegepast hadden onvoldoende effect om de bieten te beschermen tegen een opbrengstverminderende aantasting door nematoden. Een volvelds toepassing van in de grond gefreesde aldicarb alleen en toegevoegd na grondontsmetting verhoodge de suikeropbrengst beduidend. De opbrengst van het derde suikerbietegewas in de tweejarige rotatie was echter na toepassing van grondontsmetting en nematicide granulaten nog beduidend lager dan die van het onbehandelde tweede suikerbietegewas in de driejarige rotatie.In de driejarige rotatie variëerde de cystenematodepopulatie vóór het bietegewas van nauwelijks aantoonbaar tot nabij de tolerantiegrens. Hier kon het suikerbietegewas worden beschermd tegen een eventueel opbrengst verminderende nematodenaantasting door grondontsmetting of volveldstoepassing van nematicide granulaten.  相似文献   
Objectives— To describe a cranioplasty procedure used in conjunction with foramen magnum decompression (FMD) for the treatment of canine caudal occipital malformation syndrome (COMS), and to evaluate the clinical outcome. Study Design— Prospective clinical study. Animals— Dogs (n=21) with COMS diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods— After FMD, titanium screws were placed around the perimeter of the foramen magnum defect and a skull plate fashioned from titanium mesh and polymethylmethacrylate was attached to the back of the skull, using the titanium screws as anchor posts. Follow‐up was obtained by direct examination by the authors, telephone interviews with owners and referring veterinarians, and a questionnaire sent to owners of surviving dogs designed to assign objective measures of response to surgical intervention. Surgical success was defined as improvement in ≥1 aspects of clinical dysfunction (e.g. scratching, pain) postoperatively. Owner‐assigned pre‐ and postoperative quality‐of‐life (QOL) scores (1–5) for surviving dogs were compared using a Wilcoxon's signed rank test for paired data (P≤.05). Results— No intraoperative complications occurred and postoperative complications were limited to transient worsening of a pre‐existing head tilt and ataxia in 1 dog, and the need for oral pain medication for 1–4 weeks in 3 dogs. Seventeen dogs (81%) had clinical improvement after surgery. Although clinical signs resolved in 1 dog, it died after being hit by a car, 5 months after surgery. One dog had no change in clinical signs; this patient's clinical signs were not severe and the owners had opted for surgery primarily to prevent progression of disease. Two dogs were euthanatized; 1 because of no improvement of severe clinical signs, and 1 because of sustained recurrence of apparent head and neck pain 7 months later. One dog required a dorsal laminectomy at a second site (C1/C2 vertebral level), 2 months later. Four dogs has transient “flare‐ups” of apparent head/neck pain 2–13 months later; all resolved with transient re‐institution of oral analgesic therapy. Further surgery at the FMD was not needed. Based on the returned questionnaires, there was an overall significant improvement in QOL scores. Conclusions— FMD with cranioplasty was well tolerated, with no intraoperative complications, and minor postoperative complications. Most dogs improved clinically, and none required further surgery at the original FMD site. Clinical Relevance— FMD with cranioplasty may be an effective surgical method of treating dogs with COMS and is well tolerated. Based on prior reports of FMD for this disorder, it appears that cranioplasty may reduce the rate of surgical failure caused by formation of compressive scar tissue at the FMD site in the short term. Results of this preliminary study support further evaluation of the cranioplasty procedure in a larger group of dogs over a more extended follow‐up period.  相似文献   
Samenvatting Er wordt een apparaat beschreven om automatisch per uur bladluisvangsten te verrichten. De apparatuur bestaat uit 24 gele vangbakken, die ieder één uur per etmaal open staan. Onder de vangbak bevindt zich een Servo-motor, die op het gewenste tijdstip een deksel over de bak schuift of wegschuift (Fig. 1). De Servo-motor krijgt het commando daartoe van een programma-schakelaar (Fig. 2).  相似文献   
Although ordinary chondrite (OC) meteorites dominate observed falls, the identification of near-Earth and main-belt asteroid sources has remained elusive. Telescopic measurements of 35 near-Earth asteroids ( approximately3 kilometers in diameter) revealed six that have visible wavelength spectra similar to laboratory spectra of OC meteorites. Near-Earth asteroids were found to have spectral properties that span the range between the previously separated domains of OC meteorites and the most common (S class) asteroids, suggesting a link. This range of spectral properties could arise through a diversity of mineralogies and regolith particle sizes, as well as through a time-dependent surface weathering process.  相似文献   
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