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Isolates of Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei and tritici with decreased sensitivity to triadimefon showed cross-resistance to other inhibitors of sterol C-14-demethylation, such as triadimenol, propiconazol, diclobutrazol, prochloraz and nuarimol. The isolates exhibited a moderate degree of resistance to these compounds. No cross-resistance was detected to tridemorph, fenpropimorph and pyrazophos. The resistant hordei isolates were more sensitive to ethirimol than the sensitive isolate. The competitive abilities of resistant hordei and tritici isolates were inferior to that of the sensitive isolates. In the presence of the fungicides no differences in germination, appressorium formation and penetration between the sensitive and resistant isolates were observed; 48 h after inoculation the sensitive isolate showed several morphological alterations and further fungal development was arrested. At four to five times higher doses of triadimefon, similar morphological alterations were detected in the resistant isolate. Low concentrations of triazole fungicides which slightly affected mycelium growth of both the sensitive and the resistant isolate of f.sp. hordei severely inhibited development of conidiophores of the sensitive isolate whereas that of the resistant isolate was hardly affected.  相似文献   
Roots of seedlings of wheat and barley affected by bare patch disease at a field site in Western Australia were assessed for root damage and plated to isolate fungi. The patches were variable in shape and size and had the most severely affected plants in the centre. Of the 165 isolates ofRhizoctonia spp. obtained, 90% were multinucleate and 10% binucleate, the former being predominant in the plants at the centre of the patch. The relative frequency of binucleate isolates increased with proximity to the periphery. The increase in activity of avirulent binucleate isolates towards the periphery of the patch may be related to the sharp and abrupt edging of the patch. A variety of other species of fungi such asFusarium spp.,Mortierella spp.,Bipolaris sorokiniana, Pythium sp. andTrichoderma sp. were encountered within the patches. The multinucleate isolates belonging to anastomosis groups (Ag) 2–1, 2–2 and 8 (Thanatephorus cucumeris) were most pathogenic to wheat. The binucleate isolates of Ag C, D, E, and K (Ceratobasidium sp.) were less pathogenic. It is suggested that the bare patch disease is caused by a complex of root rot fungi composed of one or more anastomosis groups ofRhizoctonia spp. and other associated fungi.Samenvatting Van kiemplanten van tarwe en gerst, afkomstig van een met kale-plekkenziekte besmet perceel in West Australië werd de mate van wortelbeschadiging bepaald en werden schimmels uit de wortels geïsoleerd. De plekken waren verschillend van vorm en afmeting; de zwaarst aangetaste planten werden in het centrum ervan aangetroffen. Van de 165 verkregen isolaten vanRhizoctonia spp. was 90% meerkernig en 10% tweekernig. De meerkernige overheersten in de centra van de plekken. Relatief gezien nam het aantal tweekernige isolaten toe naarmate de herkomst dichter bij de periferie van de plekken was. De scherpe begrenzing van de ziekte aan de randen van de plekken zou in verband kunnen staan met het toenemen van de activiteit van de avirulente tweekernige isolaten in de nabijheid van de periferie van de plekken. Een aantal andere schimmels, zoalsFusarium spp.,Mortierella spp.,Bipolaris sorokiniana, Pythium sp. enTrichoderma sp. werd eveneens in de plekken aangetroffen. De meerkernige isolaten die tot de anastomosegroepen Ag 2–1, 2–2 en 8 (Thanatephorus cucumeris) behoren, waren voor tarwe het meest pathogeen. De tweekernige isolaten van de anastomosegroepen Ag C, D, E en K (Ceratobasidium sp.) waren minder pathogeen. Gesuggereerd wordt, dat de kale-plekkenziekte veroorzaakt wordt door een complex van verschillende wortelschimmels, die behoren tot een of meer anastomosegroepen vanR. solani en andere daarmee geassocieerde schimmels.  相似文献   
Amounts of DDT and its breakdown products were determined in soil in an apple orchard in Herefordshire. Samples were taken for a number of years (1972–79) after use of the insecticide in the orchard had ceased in 1969. The results were compared with those obtained in an investigation of the same orchard in 1968. From 1968 to 1979, soil residues of pp′-DDT, p′--DDT and pp′--TDE decreased gradually whereas those of pp′--DDE increased, and there were linear relationships between log (concentration) and time. The calculated time for 50% decrease in concentration (Dt50) was 11.7 years for pp′--DDT, 3.3 years for pp′--TDE and 7.1 years for op′--DDT; the time for doubling the concentration for pp′--DDE was 9.1 years. Regression analysis on the two major components (pp′--DDT+pp′--DDE) indicated that the total amount (2.7 mg kg?1) was not decreasing with time. It was concluded that during a post-spray era, the breakdown of pp′--DDT to pp′--DDE was a significant feature of the persistence of DDT, and that, in contrast to the findings of other workers who sampled when DDT was being used, there were no losses by volatilisation. There was an exponential decrease in the amount of DDT residues with increasing soil depth and approximately 90% was found in the top 10 cm of the undisturbed soil profile.  相似文献   
AIM: To characterise the prevalence and distribution of radiographic changes in the hocks and stifles of Thoroughbred yearling colts and fillies in New Zealand and compare them with other populations of young horses. METHODS: Repository radiographs taken in New Zealand for the 2003-2006 Thoroughbred national yearling sales were evaluated by two individual readers. The distribution of radiographic changes was classified as left side only, right side only, or bilateral. Lesions were categorised by type, location, and sex of the yearling. Complete sets of hock and stifle radiographs of 1,505 yearlings were evaluated. RESULTS: Osteophytes or enthesophytes were seen radiographically in the distal tarsal joints of 460/1,505 (31%) horses. Osteochondrosis was seen in the tibiotarsal joint of 66/1,505 (4%) horses, and in the femoropatellar joint of 40/1,505 (3%) horses. Radiographic lucency in the distal or axial aspect of the medial femoral condyle was seen in 247/1,505 (16%) horses, and lucencies consistent with subchondral cyst-like lesions were seen in 26/1,505 (2%) horses. No significant difference was seen in the proportion of colts and fillies with radiographic changes in the hock or stifle. The prevalence of osteochondrosis and subchondral cyst-like lesions in the stifles of the yearlings examined were similar to those reported in Thoroughbred yearling sale horses in the United States of America (USA). The prevalence of changes in the distal tarsal joints was similar to those reported in Standardbred and Thoroughbred yearlings from Scandinavia and the USA. CONCLUSIONS: There was no significant difference in the prevalence of osteochondrosis in the hock and stifle, lucencies in the distal medial femoral condyle, or radiographic changes in the distal tarsal joints between colts and fillies. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Establishment of the normal prevalence and distribution of radiographic changes in the hocks and stifles of Thoroughbred yearlings in New Zealand will allow comparison with populations of young horses in other countries. Knowledge of the normal prevalence will assist veterinarians to identify abnormally high or low prevalences on individual farms, to further investigate the pathogenesis of the lesions.  相似文献   
The autumn transition is characterized by a number of anomalies affecting the luteal phase of the estrous cycle, such as declining progesterone secretion from the corpus luteum and increased rate of failure of luteolysis. Prolactin also decreases. We theorized that these events may be linked, possibly through dopamine. We administered domperidone, a specific dopamine D2 receptor antagonist from September 12 to anestrus or January 15, either daily (n = 8), or once per day for the first 7 days of each month (n = 7). Controls (n = 7) received no treatment. Mean progesterone and prolactin concentrations were compared with summer cycles. Time to entry into anestrus and incidence of spontaneously prolonged luteal activity was compared between groups during the autumn transition. Prolactin declined from June through October equally in all groups. There was no difference between groups in time to anestrus. Progesterone decline was prevented (daily treatment) or delayed for a prolonged period (weekly group) in autumn. The incidence of spontaneously prolonged corpus luteum activity was reduced to summer levels in both domperidone groups compared with the control. We concluded that autumn prolactin decline was not driven through dopaminergic D2 receptor inhibition of pituitary lactotrophs. Sustained progesterone synthesis through the autumn may be the result of action of the D2 receptor antagonist with dopamine receptors on the corpus luteum. Autumnal luteolytic function appears to have a dopamine-influenced component. There does not appear to be a causative relationship between autumnal progesterone and prolactin secretion.  相似文献   
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of feeding Borrena hirticulata (BH), Ficus hirta (FH), rice straw (RS) and concentrate-based total mixed ration (TMR) on nutrient utilization, rumen fermentation and growth in mithun. Growing male mithun calves were randomly allotted to 2 feeding groups (6 in each), TMR1 and TMR2. The TMRs consisted of RS 300 g kg− 1, concentrate 400 g kg− 1 and BH 300 g kg− 1 (TMR1) or FH 300 g kg− 1 (TMR2) on a dry matter (DM) basis. Both TMRs were fed ad libitum to the animals for 121 d and a digestibility study was conducted during the last 7 d of the experiment. To assess rumen fermentation, rumen fluid was collected at 2 h interval for 24 h. Apparent digestibility of DM, crude protein (CP) and crude fibre (CF) did not differ significantly between the TMRs. Nevertheless, apparent digestibility of ether extract was found to be significantly (< 0.01) greater in TMR2 (0.59) compared to TMR1 (0.54). Body weight gain (BWG; g d− 1), DM intake (kg d− 1), CP intake (g d− 1) and feed efficiency (kg feed kg− 1 gain) were found to be significantly (P < 0.05) greater in TMR1 (548, 5.14, 713 and 9.28) compared to TMR2 (496, 4.91, 703 and 10.03). An insignificant positive association (r = 0.35) between DM intake and BWG, but a significant (P < 0.01) positive association (r = 0.74) between CP intake and BWG were evident. Rumen pH (5.71 to 7.18) and ammonia-nitrogen (8.0 to 25.0 mg/dl) did not differ significantly between the TMRs, but differed significantly (P < 0.01) at different h post-feeding. In contrast, rumen total volatile fatty acid (42 to 105 mM) and total nitrogen (40.4 to 90.3 mg/dl) differed significantly (P < 0.05) between the TMRs and at different h post-feeding. The study revealed that BH, FH, RS and concentrate-based TMRs may be fed to mithun for satisfactory growth.  相似文献   
Objective: To describe a protocol for the examination of free‐living raptors and report the ophthalmic examination findings of seven raptor species native to central Illinois, namely the barred owl, Cooper’s hawk, eastern screech owl, great horned owl, American kestrel, red‐tailed hawk, and turkey vulture and to determine if the findings relative to visual prognosis affected eligibility for future release. Animals studied: Seventy‐nine free‐living raptors. Procedures: Under manual restraint, complete ophthalmic examination including slit‐lamp biomicroscopy and indirect funduscopy, applanation tonometry, rebound tonometry, ocular morphometrics, B‐mode ultrasound, and electroretinography (ERG) were performed on each bird. Histopathology of enucleated globes was performed after euthanasia or death in selected cases. Results: The examination protocol was easily performed using manual restraint alone on all birds. Ocular lesions were detected in 48.1% of birds, with 47.3% affected unilaterally and 52.6% affected bilaterally. Ocular lesions were considered to be vision threatening in 29.0% of the unilaterally affected birds and 29.0% of the bilaterally affected birds. The most common case outcomes were discharge from hospital to rehabilitation facility (45.6%) followed by euthanasia (43.0%). The presence of an ocular lesion or a vision‐threatening ocular lesion was not significantly associated with outcome. Reference ranges are reported for B‐mode ultrasound, ocular morphometrics, and horizontal corneal diameter in all species. Conclusion: Complete ophthalmic examination can be supplemented by the use of ocular morphometrics, ultrasound, and ERG in the manually restrained raptor. These advanced diagnostic techniques may be useful in developing more objective criteria for evaluating eligibility for release following rehabilitation of free‐living birds of prey.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo determine constant rate infusion (CRI) protocols for romifidine (R) and romifidine combined with butorphanol (RB) resulting in constant sedation and romifidine plasma concentrations.Study designBlinded randomized crossover study.AnimalsTen adult research horses.MethodsPart I: After determining normal height of head above ground (HHAG = 100%), loading doses of romifidine (80 μg kg?1) with butorphanol (RB: 18 μg kg?1) or saline (R) were given intravenously (IV). Immediately afterwards, a butorphanol (RB: 25 μg kg?1 hour?1) or saline (R) CRI was administered for 2 hours. The HHAG was used as marker of sedation depth. Sedation was maintained for 2 hours by additional romifidine (20 μg kg?1) whenever HHAG > 50%. The dose rate of romifidine (μg kg?1 hour?1) required to maintain sedation was calculated for both treatments. Part II: After loading doses, the romifidine CRIs derived from part I were administered in parallel to butorphanol (RB) or saline (R). Sedation and ataxia were evaluated periodically. Romifidine plasma concentrations were measured by HPLC-MS-MS at 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 105, and 120 minutes. Data were analyzed using paired t-test, Fisher's exact test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, and two-way anova for repeated measures (p < 0.05).ResultsThere was no significant difference in romifidine requirements (R: 30; RB: 29 μg kg?1 hour?1). CRI protocols leading to constant sedation were developed. Time to first additional romifidine bolus was significantly longer in RB (mean ± SD, R: 38.5 ± 13.6; RB: 50.5 ± 11.7 minutes). Constant plasma concentrations of romifidine were achieved during the second hour of CRI. Ataxia was greater when butorphanol was added.ConclusionRomifidine bolus, followed by CRI, provided constant sedation assessed by HHAG. Butorphanol was ineffective in reducing romifidine requirements in unstimulated horses, but prolonged the sedation caused by the initial romifidine bolus.Clinical relevanceBoth protocols need to be tested under clinical conditions.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of nutrient supply, plasma metabolites, and nutritional status of sows during the transition from gestation to lactation on performance of piglets during the colostral period and throughout lactation. Forty second-parity sows were fed 1 of 4 gestation diets containing a different quantity of dietary fiber (171 to 404 g/kg of DM) from mating until d 108 of gestation. From d 108 of gestation until weaning (d 28 of lactation), sows were fed 1 of 5 lactation diets with a different quantity of dietary fat [3 or 8% with different proportions of medium- (MCFA) and long-chain fatty acids (LCFA)]. Blood was obtained by jugular venipuncture on d 108 and 112 of gestation and on d 1 of lactation, and concentrations of plasma glucose, NEFA, lactate, acetate, propionate, butyrate, and fatty acids were analyzed. Piglet growth and mortality were noted throughout lactation. Piglet mortality during the colostral period (0 to 24 h) was affected by the lactation diets and was positively related to sow backfat (d 108) and plasma lactate (d 112) and negatively related to mean piglet birth weight (P < 0.05). Mean piglet live BW gain (LWG) was recorded in the periods 0 to 24 h, 7 to 10 d, 14 to 17 d, and 17 to 28 d relative to parturition as indirect measures of colostrum yield (0 to 24 h), milk yield in early lactation (d 7 to 10), and at peak lactation (d 14 to 17 and d 17 to 28). Effects of gestation and lactation diets on studied sow traits were tested on selected days during the transition period and the next lactation, and tested statistically on separate days. The LWG in the colostral period was positively correlated with mean piglet birth weight (P < 0.001), plasma concentrations of propionate and MCFA (P < 0.05), and plasma acetate and butyrate (P < 0.1) on d 1 of lactation. The LWG in early lactation was inversely correlated with plasma lactate on d 108 (P < 0.05), plasma glucose on d 112, and backfat thickness on d 108 (P < 0.10). The LWG at peak lactation was positively correlated with MCFA intake of the sow on d 113 to 115 and backfat thickness on d 108 during the transition, and negatively correlated with intake of LCFA and ME intake on d 108 to 112 (P < 0.05). In conclusion, feeding and body condition of sows during the transition from gestation to lactation is important for neonatal piglet survival, lactation performance of sows, and piglet growth during the next lactation.  相似文献   
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