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Antioxidant activity of anthocyanins and their aglycons   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The antioxidant activity of the six common anthocyanidins, pelargonidin, cyanidin, delphinidin, peonidin, petunidin, and malvidin, and their glycosidic forms was evaluated in three lipid-containing models [human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and bulk and emulsified methyl linoleate]. In addition, the radical scavenging activity of the compounds against the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical was studied. Most anthocyanins and their aglycons acted as strong antioxidants in emulsion and LDL. Many compounds showed an activity comparable to the well-known antioxidants alpha-tocopherol, Trolox, catechin, and quercetin. In bulk methyl linoleate, anthocyanins and anthocyanidins possessed only a weak antioxidant activity or even oxidation-promoting activity. Depending on the anthocyanidin, different glycosylation patterns either enhanced or diminished the antioxidant power. For the most part, the activities of the glycosides and the aglycons did not differ remarkably in emulsion. In LDL the aglycons showed in general higher activities than the glycosides. In bulk oil, to the contrary, the glycosides were more effective than the aglycons.  相似文献   
The physical properties of a Luvisol derived from loess near Bonn, Germany, under different long‐term fertilization treatments were examined. For the investigation of the impact of farmyard manure (FYM) on soil strength at the mesoscale (100 to 300 cm3 soil cores), undisturbed samples were taken from two different depths (10 and 40 cm), either with no fertilization at all, with full mineral fertilization, with FYM only, and with both mineral and organic fertilization. We investigated hydraulic and mechanical parameters, namely precompression stress, pore‐size distribution, saturated hydraulic and air conductivity, and calculated pore connectivity. Long‐term organic fertilization resulted in significantly more and coarser pores which in addition were more conductant and mechanically stronger by trend. Mineral fertilization also increased pore volume by trend but not pore functionality. Mechanical strength generally increased with fertilization by trend, however, was reduced again when organic and mineral fertilization were combined. Nonetheless, FYM led to relatively higher soil strength as the FYM‐treated plots with lower bulk density attained similar soil strength as the unfertilized but denser plots and thus supported the soil‐improving impact of organic amendments. The subsoil physical properties were rather unaffected by fertilization, but were dominated by texture.  相似文献   
Link between diurnal stem radius changes and tree water relations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zweifel R  Item H  Häsler R 《Tree physiology》2001,21(12-13):869-877
Internal water reserves are depleted and replenished daily, not only in succulent plants, but also in trees. The significance of these changes in tissue water storage for tree water relations was investigated by monitoring diurnal fluctuations in stem radius. In 6-year-old potted Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees, whole-tree transpiration rate (T), sap flow at the stem base and fluctuations in stem radius were measured at 10-min intervals over eight successive weeks. The dynamics of diurnal water storage in relation to the daily course of water movement was simulated and the contribution of stored water to T quantified. The finding that, in P. abies, the course of bark water content is linearly coupled to stem radius fluctuations provided the basis for linking stem radius changes to a functional flow and storage model for tree water relations. This model, which consists of physical functions only and is driven by a single input variable (T), accurately simulates the diurnal course of changes in stem radius and water storage of the tree crown and stem. It was concluded that fluctuations were mainly determined by the course of transpiration. The availability of soil water and the degree to which storage tissues were saturated were also factors affecting the diurnal course of stem radius changes. Internally stored water contributed to daily transpiration even in well-watered trees, indicating that stored water plays an important role not only during periods of drought, but whenever water transport occurs within the tree. Needle and bark water reserves were most heavily depleted during transpiration. Together they supplied approximately 10% of daily T on sunny days, and up to 65% on cloudy days. On a daily basis, the crown (mainly needles) contributed approximately eight times more water to T than the stem (mainly bark). The depletion of the two storage pools and the water movements observed in the trees always occurred in the same sequence. In the morning, T first caused a depletion of the water stored in the crown. It then caused depletion of bark storage tissues at ever increasing distances from the needles. Up to 75% of the transpired water could be withdrawn from storage tissues when the increase in T reached a maximum.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction between yield levels of nonleguminous crops and soil organic matter (SOM) under the specific conditions of organic and conventional farming, respectively, and to identify implications for SOM management in arable farming considering the farming system (organic vs. conventional). For that purpose, correlations between yield levels of nonlegume crops and actual SOM level (Corg, Nt, Chwe, Nhwe) as well as SOM‐level development were examined including primary data from selected treatments of seven long‐term field experiments in Germany and Switzerland. Yield levels of nonlegume crops were positively correlated with SOM levels, but the correlation was significant only under conditions of organic farming, and not with conventional farming treatments. While absolute SOM levels had a positive impact on yield levels of nonlegumes, the yield levels of nonlegumes and SOM‐level development over time correlated negatively. Due to an increased demand of N from SOM mineralization, higher yield levels of nonlegumes obviously indicate an increased demand for OM supply to maintain SOM levels. Since this observation is highly significant for farming without mineral‐N fertilization but not for farming with such fertilization, we conclude that the demand of SOM‐level maintenance or enhancement and thus adequate SOM management is highly relevant for crop production in organic farming both from an agronomical and ecological point of view. Under conventional management, the agronomic relevance of SOM with regard to nutrient supply is much lower than under organic management. However, it has to be considered that we excluded other possible benefits of SOM in our survey that may be highly relevant for conventional farming as well.  相似文献   
Although reduced tillage is an agricultural practice reported to decrease soil erosion and external inputs while enhancing soil fertility, it has still rarely been adopted by European organic farmers. The objective of this study was to assess the long-term interactive effects of tillage (conventional (CT) vs. reduced (RT)) and fertilization (slurry (S) vs. composted manure/slurry (MCS)) on earthworms and microbial communities in a clay soil under spelt in an organic 6-year crop rotation. Earthworm populations (species, density and biomass, cocoons) were investigated by handsorting the soil nine years after initial implementation of the treatments. Soil microbial carbon (Cmic) and nitrogen (Nmic) were measured by chloroform-fumigation extraction and a simplified phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis was used to separate for populations of bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Significantly increased total earthworm density in RT plots was mainly attributed to increased numbers of juveniles. Moreover, we found five times more cocoons with RT. Species richness was not affected by the treatments, but tillage treatments had differentially affected populations at the species-level. In addition, cluster analysis at the community level revealed two distinct groups of plots in relation to tillage treatments. In RT plots Cmic increased in the 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm soil layers, while PLFA concentrations indicative of Gram-negative bacteria, fungi and protozoa only increased in the topsoil. Lower bacteria-to-fungi ratios in the upper soil layer of RT plots indicated a shift to fungal-based decomposition of organic matter whereas a higher Cmic-to-Corg ratio pointed towards enhanced substrate availability. Slurry application decreased microbial biomass and enhanced density of juvenile anecic earthworms but overall fertilization effect was weak and no interactions with tillage were found. In conclusion, tillage is a major driver in altering communities of earthworms and microorganisms in arable soils. The use of reduced tillage provides an approach for eco-intensification by enhancing inherent soil biota functions under organic arable farming.  相似文献   
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Populationsparameter für Geburts- und Vlie?gewicht von Baluchi Schafen Das Datenmarterial stammt von zwei Herden einer Schafzuchtstation in NO Iran aus den Jahren 1966-1989. Die Tiere waren unselektiert und stammten aus zuf?llig verteilten Paarungen. Es wurden Geburtsgewicht und Vlie?gewicht bei verschiedenen Altersstufen erhoben und Varianzkomponenten mittels Restringierter Maximaler Likelihood mit einem bivariaten Tiermodell mit fixen Wirkungen von Jahr, Geschlecht, Geburtstyp und Parit?t sowie Zufallswirkungen für additiven Genotyp des Lammes (direkt) und des Mutterschafes (maternal), gemeinsamer Umwelt (ausgenommen Vlie?gewicht) und Resteinflu? gesch?tzt. Direkte und maternale genetische Korrelationen zwischen Leistungen verschiedener Parit?ten wurden berechnet. In Herde 1 scheinen Varianzen und Heritabilit?tswerte für Lammgewicht bis Parit?t 5 zuzunehmen, kaum aber in Herde 2. Die durchschnittlichen Heritabilit?tswerte, direkt, maternal und gesamt waren 0.12, 0.11 und 0.26, die genetische Korrelation zwischen direkten und maternalen Wirkungen 0.42. Bei Vlie?gewicht waren in Herde 1 keine Ver?nderungen der Varianzen und Heritabilit?tswerte mit Alter zu erkennen, aber bei Herde 2 nahmen ph?notypische und Umweltvarianz mit Alter leicht zu. Durchschnittliche direkte, maternale und Gesamtheritabilit?t waren 0.19, 0.04 und 0.22, die genetische Korrelation zwischen direkten und maternalen Wirkungen geringgradig positiv in Herde 1, aber mit Alter zunehmend negativ in Herde 2. Die genetischen Korrelationen für direkte Wirkungen auf Geburtsgewicht waren hoch zwischen Parit?ten 1 bis 5, aber niedriger bei Parit?t 6 und jene zwischen maternal bedingten Wirkungen zeigten ?hnliche Trends. In Herde 2 waren Werte mit Parit?t 6 ?hnlich wie die zwischen den übrigen Parit?ten. Die die Vlie?gewichte betreffenden direkt genetischen Korrelationen zwischen Parit?ten waren in beiden Herden ?hnlich (0.73-0.92), jene, die maternale Wirkungen betreffen, deutlich geringer, besonders soweit sie Parit?ten 5 und 6 betroffen haben und zeigten besonders bei Herde 2 starke Schwankungen (-0.54 bis 0.74). SUMMARY: Direct and maternal performance of ewes at different parities were examined in Baluchi sheep. The data set was collected during the period 1966-1989 from two flocks at a sheep breeding station in the north-east of Iran. The animals included in the data set were unselected and randomly mated. The traits analysed were birth weight of lamb and fleece weight at different parities of the ewe. Variance components were estimated using Restricted Maximum Likelihood with a bivariate animal model including fixed effects of year, sex, type of birth and parity, and random effects of additive genotype of lamb (direct genetic effect), additive genotype of ewe (maternal genetic effect) and common environment (excluded for ewe fleece weight), and random residual effect. Direct and maternal genetic correlations between different parities were estimated. There was evidence of increasing phenotypic and genetic variances and heritabilities from parity 5 for birth weight of lamb in flock 1, but only evidence of a slightly increasing age trend for the environmental and phenotypic variance in flock 2. The average heritabilities over flocks and parities were 0.12, 0.11 and 0.26 for the direct, maternal and total heritability, respectively, while the average genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects for this trait was 0.42. There were no indications of any age changes in variances or heritabilities for ewe fleece weight in flock 1, but indications of slightly increasing age trends for the environmental and phenotypic variance. The average heritabilities over flocks and parities were 0.19, 0.04 and 0.22 for the direct, maternal and total heritability, respectively, while the average genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects was slightly positive in flock 1 but increasingly negative with age of the ewe in flock 2. Direct genetic correlations between parities 1-5 were very high for birth weight of lambs (on average 0.96) in contrast to the markedly lower correlations of parities 1-5 with parity 6 (on average 0.67) in flock 1 with a similar pattern for the maternal genetic correlations. In flock 2, these correlations were also high but without the marked decrease between parities 1-5 with parity 6 that was found in flock 1. Direct genetic correlations between the various parities for ewe fleece weight were similar for the two flocks, ranging from 0.73 to 0.92 and without any obvious differences between the various combinations of parities. However, the maternal were markedly lower than the direct genetic correlations, especially for the combinations of parity 5 and 6 with the earlier parities, and most pronounced in flock 2 fluctuating from -0.54 to 0.79. To obtain reliable estimates of breeding values for birth weight of lamb, it is recommended that the prediction should include not only earlier but also later parities (ages) of the ewe.  相似文献   
For ruminants, there is a narrow span betweennutritional deficiency of Molybdenum and its potential toxicity. Molybdenosis occurs among cattlefeeding on forage with Mo concentrations above10 μg g-1 or a Cu:Mo ratio <2. In the areaunder investigation forage Mo contents in the valleyare as high as 180 μg g-1 due to industrialpollution, while the alpine pastures, where cattlegraze during summer, are nutrient (e.g. Cu) deficient.When driven to the valley pastures in fall, animalsoften fell ill with molybdenosis, and several died.The aim of the study was to remediate this 300 ha area. Two approaches were attempted: (1) to reduce theMo contents of the forage by immobilizing soil Mo, and(2) to increase plant Mo contents by mobilizing soilMo to increase plant Mo which may then be removed fromthe system (phytoremediation).In a soil extraction experiment we demonstrated thatphosphate fertilization, ammonium sulfate amendment,vermiculite, humic acid and sewage sludge increased Moleaching by 30 to 110%. Fe-humate and Mn-humateapplication decreased Mo in the leachate from96 μg L-1 to 55 and 7 μg L-1,respectively. Plant Mo contents were increased up to170% by P-fertilizer and up to 150% by vermiculite.Conversely, sewage sludge, Fe- and Mn-humate decreasedplant Mo contents by 60, 40 and 75% in thegreenhouse. In the field study, the effects weresmaller, but Mo export through plant harvest increasedby 88% after P-fertilization and 84% aftervermiculite amendment. Mn-humate and sewage sludgedecreased plant Mo content by 25 and 40%,respectively, rendering the forage suitable forfeeding of ruminants. P-fertilization and vermiculitemay thus be recommended for the severely contaminatedsites to enhance phytoremediation through Mo export,and Mn-humate and sewage sludge application appearsuited to remediate the less severely contaminated sites.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo compare racemic ketamine and S-ketamine as induction agents prior to isoflurane anaesthesia.Study designProspective, blinded, randomized experimental study.AnimalsThirty-one healthy adult goats weighing 39-86 kg.MethodsGoats were premedicated with xylazine (0.1 mg kg?1) intravenously (IV) given over 5 minutes. Each goat was assigned randomly to one of two treatments for IV anaesthetic induction: group RK (15 goats) racemic ketamine (3 mg kg?1) and group SK (16 goats) S-ketamine (1.5 mg kg?1). Time from end-injection to recumbency was measured and quality of anaesthetic induction and condition for endotracheal intubation were scored. Anaesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen for 90 minutes. Heart rate, invasive arterial blood pressure, oxygen saturation, temperature, end-tidal carbon dioxide and isoflurane were recorded every 5 minutes. Arterial blood samples were taken for analysis every 30 minutes. Recovery time to recurrence of swallowing reflex, to first head movement and to standing were recorded and recovery quality was scored. Two-way repeated measures anova, Mann-Whitney and a Mantel-Cox tests were used for statistical analysis as relevant with a significance level set at p < 0.05.ResultsInduction of anaesthesia was smooth and uneventful in all goats. There was no statistical difference between groups in any measured parameter. Side effects following anaesthetic induction included slight head or limb twitching, moving forward and backward, salivation and nystagmus but were minimal. Endotracheal intubation was achieved in all goats at first or second attempt. Recovery was uneventful on all occasions. All goats were quiet and needed only one or two attempts to stand.Conclusions and clinical relevanceS-ketamine at half the dose rate of racemic ketamine in goats sedated with xylazine and thereafter anaesthetised with isoflurane induces the same clinically measurable effects.  相似文献   
Trees have been increasingly considered as modular organisms, with individual shoots forming autonomous units that respond semi-independently to their surrounding environment. However, there is evidence for fairly strict hormonal control of tree crown development. Studies on the hydraulic architecture of trees suggest a closer functional connection between shoots and crown development than is postulated by the theory of branch autonomy. We studied how shoot growth pattern influences growth and crown architecture in young Scots pine trees simulated by the LIGNUM model assuming that (a) the growth of a shoot mainly depends on its light climate and (b) the growth of a shoot is influenced by its position within the crown. We determined shoot position within the crown based on a recently developed vigor index. The vigor index compares the relative axis cross-sectional area from the base of the tree to each shoot and gives a value of 1 to the pathway of the greatest cross-sectional area. All other shoots attain values between 0 and 1 depending on their cross-sectional areas and the cross-sectional areas of the branches leading there from the main axis. The shoot light climate is characterized by annually intercepted photosynthetically active radiation. We compared the results from simulations (a) and (b) against an independent data set. The addition of a within-shoot position index (the vigor index) to our simulation (simulation b) resulted in a more realistic tree form than that obtained with simulation (a) alone. We discuss the functional significance of the results as well as the possibilities of using an index of shoot position in simulations of crown architecture.  相似文献   
The impact of technical feed treatment and diet on stomach lesions and traits of the local and systemic immune system were investigated in fattening pigs. Feeding groups differed in technical feed treatment (standard ground meal vs. finely ground and pelleted feed) and diet (soya bean meal vs. rapeseed meal/DDGS/soya beans). Pigs were fattened approximately 10 weeks by ad libitum feeding and slaughtered subsequently. Gastric alterations were assessed by a macroscopic scoring system [macroscopic stomach score (MSC) 0 =  normal to 4 =  severe lesions]. For immunological investigations, lymphocytes from blood and jejunal tissues were isolated. T‐cell phenotyping was carried out by staining intestinal lymphocytes with monoclonal antibodies for CD4 and CD8 and flow cytometric measurements. MSC was higher in animals fed finely ground and pelleted feed compared with their counterparts. Significant interactions between diet and feed treatment considering the MSC were observed (p = 0.027). There was no effect of diet or technical feed treatment on T cells of blood, Lymphonodi gastrici or lamina propria (LP) and intraepithelial cells. However, technical feed treatment significantly affected subsets of CD4+, CD8+, CD8low, CD4/CD8 double‐positive T cells, the mean fluorescence intensity of CD4+ T cells and the ratio of CD8low/CD8high T cells in Peyer's patches (PP). All named parameters were reduced in PP of animals fed finely ground and pelleted feed compared with animals fed standard ground meal. Furthermore, significant differences between T cells of lymph nodes and LP were observed between animals with middle MSC (MSC = 1–2.5) and animals with high MSC (MSC = 3–4). Significant alterations in T cells of PP were observed between animals of low (MSC = 0–0.5) and high MSC. The observed effects provide the evidence that the impact of technical feed treatment is not limited on the stomach lesions. Possible stimuli and consequences of the immune system should be studied in more detail.  相似文献   
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