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The sirtuins are members of the histone deacetylase family of proteins that participate in a variety of cellular functions and play a role in aging. We identified a potent inhibitor of sirtuin 2 (SIRT2) and found that inhibition of SIRT2 rescued alpha-synuclein toxicity and modified inclusion morphology in a cellular model of Parkinson's disease. Genetic inhibition of SIRT2 via small interfering RNA similarly rescued alpha-synuclein toxicity. Furthermore, the inhibitors protected against dopaminergic cell death both in vitro and in a Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease. The results suggest a link between neurodegeneration and aging.  相似文献   
Stability and reliability of yield and quality for 15 durum wheat genotypes (old and modern) were evaluated in a 5‐year experiment (southern Italy) in organic farming. Genotypes were grown at two N levels (0 and 80 kg/ha), with the aim of evaluating ‘genotype × environment’ (GE) interactions and their role on genotype selection in N‐limited environments. Several approaches to stability were used, within the frame of mixed models and additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis, and their validity in stressful conditions and organic farming was discussed. Especially for protein and gluten content, results indicate high environmental variability and the presence of crossover ‘N × environment’ interactions, which supports the need for specific breeding programmes in N‐deficient environments. The average response was strongly affected by N availability (on average, yield was 2.95 and 3.42 t/ha, protein content was 11.6% and 12.85%, gluten content was 8.55% and 9.92%, respectively, at 0 and 80 kg N/ha), and few genotypes gave high yield and quality at both fertilization levels. Only ‘Gargano’ and ‘Fortore’ showed a good inter‐year stability at both N levels. The old cultivars gave minimal responsiveness to increased N input, but gave good results in limiting conditions, indicating that they may play a role in organic farming.  相似文献   
Abstract: The border studies literature makes a strong case against claims for unfettered transnationalism and ‘borderlessness’ in our ‘globalising world’. However, its focus on movement across borders means that it fails to address bordering practices that occur within the nation‐state as a result of transnational activity. In this paper, we extend Cunningham and Heyman’s concepts ‘enclosure’ and ‘mobility’ to confront the different layers of bordering (both physical and non‐physical) that have occurred in Indonesia’s Riau Islands since they became part of the Indonesia–Malaysia–Singapore Growth Triangle.  相似文献   
The conversion of montane cloud forests into pastures for grazing cattle is the main cause of important impacts on rivers and streams in most of the Andes. In order to evaluate the effects of vegetation changes we need to understand water fluxes, particularly canopy interception. We measured net precipitation responses by the canopies of Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov. and Melinis minutiflora Beauv. under simulated rainfall. The samples were taken from grazed pastures during 1 year, digging out round mats of grass, placing them on wire-mesh devices after eliminating soil and underground biomass, and irrigating with different water amounts. The resulting data allow us to present a validated model for each species that predicts percentage of interception at different precipitation intensities taking into account previous canopy wetness within determined biomass ranges. We use these models to estimate 2 years of interception values for pastures of both species in the upper watershed of El Cañadón, Capaz River, Venezuelan Andes. Mean annual precipitation of El Cañadón is 1244 mm and the estimate of pasture interception was 36.5% and 31.8% for P. clandestinum and M. minutiflora, respectively. Interception models, such as the ones derived in this study, provide a basis for quantifying interception rates as a function of previous wetness of canopies and grass species.  相似文献   
This study investigated the storage of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in the biomass, bed sediments and water column of representative reaches of a sub-tropical river, the upper Brisbane River (UBR), Queensland, Australia, and contrasted instream storage with total wet season exports. In reaches which contained accumulated fine sediments, more than 87% of total P and between 50% and 92% of total N were stored in the surface sediments. The lower proportion of N in sediment at some sites was attributed to substantial differences in the N/P ratios of sediments and macrophytes. At one site, the riverbed was dominated by cobbles and boulders and total nutrient stocks were comparatively low and dominated by the biomass. In reaches with a narrow channel and intact riparian cover, biomass N and P were stored predominately in leaf litter, while in wider unshaded reaches, macrophytes dominated. Total instream storage in the mid to lower reaches of the UBR was ??50.9 T for N and ??18.1 T for P. This was considerably higher than total wet season N (??15.6 T) and P (??2.7 T) exports from the UBR. The first flow event in the river after a prolonged period of no flow resulted in the export of free-floating, emergent species Azolla. The estimated biomass of Azolla in the mid to lower reaches of the river was equivalent to approximately 24% and 9% of the total N and P flux, indicating that this may be a significant, previously unaccounted for, source at peak flow.  相似文献   
The Sicilian grape cultivar ‘Nero d’Avola’ is among the oldest and most cultivated in the island, taking part in the production of several red wines exported worldwide, including DOC wines (Etna Rosso and Cerasuolo di Vittoria). Due to the ancient origin and repeated clonally propagation of the cultivar, phenotypic variability has been observed. Clone identification in this important cultivar has so far relied on phenotypic and chemical traits analyses, often affected by environmental conditions. Genetic markers, such as microsatellites, are particularly useful for cultivar identification, parentage testing, pedigree reconstruction and population structure studies. In the present paper, microsatellites were used to analyze the intra-varietal genetic diversity among 118 plants of ‘Nero d’Avola’, collected in 30 vineyards displaced in different areas of Sicily. Out of 22 microsatellites, 11 showed polymorphism among samples and 15 different phylogenetic groups were identified. Results show that ‘Nero d’Avola’ actually comprises different genetic profiles, although most of clones share a common origin.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare two approaches to analysing energy- and nutrient-converted data from dietary validation (and relative validation) studies - conventional analyses, in which the accuracy of reported items is not ascertained, and reporting-error-sensitive analyses, in which reported items are classified as matches (items actually eaten) or intrusions (items not actually eaten), and reported amounts are classified as corresponding or overreported. DESIGN: Subjects were observed eating school breakfast and lunch, and interviewed that evening about that day's intake. For conventional analyses, reference and reported information were converted to energy and macronutrients; then t-tests, correlation coefficients and report rates (reported/reference) were calculated. For reporting error-sensitive analyses, reported items were classified as matches or intrusions, reported amounts were classified as corresponding or overreported, and correspondence rates (corresponding amount/reference amount) and inflation ratios (overreported amount/reference amount) were calculated. SUBJECTS: Sixty-nine fourth-grade children (35 girls) from 10 elementary schools in Georgia (USA). RESULTS: For energy and each macronutrient, conventional analyses found that reported amounts were significantly less than reference amounts (every P < 0.021; paired t-tests); correlations between reported and reference amounts exceeded 0.52 (every P < 0.001); and median report rates ranged from 76% to 95%. Analyses sensitive to reporting errors found median correspondence rates between 67% and 79%, and that median inflation ratios, which ranged from 7% to 17%, differed significantly from 0 (every P < 0.0001; sign tests). CONCLUSIONS: Conventional analyses of energy and nutrient data from dietary reporting validation (and relative validation) studies may overestimate accuracy and mask the complexity of dietary reporting error.  相似文献   
The influence of thickening agents (modified starch/pectin mixture 0 and 7 g/L) and mechanical treatment (low, medium, and high) on the retention of esters (pentyl acetate and ethyl pentanoate), aldehydes (hexanal and (E)-2-hexenal), and a lactone (gamma-octalactone) in low-fat flavored stirred yogurts were investigated under equilibrium conditions. In the range studied, the thickening agent and mechanical treatment had little influence on aroma compound retention compared to the decreasing effect of increasing dairy protein concentration on aldehyde retention and the "salting out" effect of carbohydrates on esters. Moreover, experiments in dynamic mode (study of the release of hexanal when yogurts were heated) showed, in the conditions studied, that heat and mass transfer coefficients were not influenced by any of the studied factors (thickening agents and mechanical treatment). These results under static and dynamic conditions are not related to the significant decreasing effect of thickening agents on apple sensory scores associated with hexanal, observed in a previous sensory study. Thus, this sensory effect of thickening agents may be due to sensory interactions between perceptions rather than physicochemical interactions.  相似文献   
A wild strain of Agrobacterium rhizogenes was used to regenerate twelve in vitro plant lines from different hairy roots of H. perforatum (St. John's Wort). The production of the main bioactive constituents was observed even though their yields varied in the different plant lines. Two lines were selected for the hyperoside production (4.9-4.6 mg/gdw) while nine were characterized by significant yields of chlorogenic acid (ranged from 0.47 to 1.09 mg/gdw). Furthermore, one out of twelve lines showed a 10-fold higher hypericin content (0.25 mg/gdw) than that reported for the in vitro shoots in the literature. Morphological and phytochemical features were determined in order to select H. perforatum genotypes enriched in valuable bioactive compounds.  相似文献   
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