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Fresh milk samples and potassium dichromate preserved milk samples were stored at both ambient, approximately 21 degree C, and refrigerator temperatures, 3-5 degree C, for varying lengths of time before somatic cell counts were performed on an electronic particle counter. Fresh milk samples stored at ambient temperatures became unacceptable for somatic cell counting by 16 hours while those stored in the refrigerator were acceptable for up to three days. Once dichromate had been added to the milk no difference in cell counts attributable to temperature of storage were detected and there was very little change with time up to 14 days. On the average the addition of the dichromate elevated the cell counts/mL. As well a method of rapid fixation of milk involving the addition of glutaraldehyde prior to counting was evaluated. In fresh milk samples the use of glutaraldehyde as a fixative required adjustment of the threshold setting on the cell counter in order to produce results comparable to those obtained from formalin fixed samples. With dichromate preserved milk samples, glutaraldehyde fixation generally elevated the cell counts but the results were variable.  相似文献   
Data from an epidemiological study in Ontario, involving 304 dairy herds, were used to identify associations between selected production indices and lipoarabinomannan antigen serological test results for paratuberculosis (LAM-ELISA). Analyses were conducted at both the herd and individual cow levels of organization. After analytically controlling for management and cow factors in the respective regression models, positive serological paratuberculosis status (as defined by the LAM-ELISA test), was associated with higher milk somatic cell counts at both the herd average (p less than 0.01), and individual cow levels of organization (p less than 0.0001). In contrast, LAM-ELISA test results were consistently not associated with calving intervals in either the herd average or individual cow level analyses. Associations between LAM-ELISA results and milk production were inconsistent. No associations were found at the herd level of organization, and LAM-ELISA results were not associated with a change in breed class average (BCA) for milk, between the previous and the most recent lactations of individual cattle. However, at the individual cow level, LAM-ELISA results were positively associated with higher milk production as measured by the current BCA (p less than 0.05), and individual cow average kg of milk produced per year of life since two years of age (p less than 0.0001).  相似文献   
Effects of management practices on rates of disease in Holstein—Friesian cows in 32 commercial dairy herds located within a 50-mile radius of Guelph, Ontario were investigated in a 212year study.A personal survey questionnaire was used to collect information on management factors related to housing, nutrition and disease control procedures. The logit transform was applied to the herd disease rates and multiple linear regression used to identify management factors related to disease rates. Large values of the variable “frequency of ration balancing” identified larger more progressive farms which may have had superior disease recording systems. In a second regression analysis, “frequency of ration balancing” was entered into the regression equation prior to step-wise selection of the other variables.The ability of the selected variables to predict herd rates of disease was only moderate (r2 = 0.24 to 0.57). However, of the variables available for selection, those potentially reflecting the farmers attitude toward the dairy herd (e.g., amount of attention paid to individual cows) appeared to be important.  相似文献   
Susceptibility to clinical scrapie is associated with polymorphisms in the PrP gene. The 'ARR' allele of this gene reduces susceptibility to clinical disease caused by all known strains of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agent. The British government proposes to use a ram-genotyping scheme to breed genetic resistance to clinical scrapie into the national sheep population. We considered how best to target limited genotyping resources to achieve the maximum rate of genotype evolution. We created a metapopulation model of the British sheep industry, which includes the major pure-breeds of sheep and the cross-breeds produced by crossing these pure-bred animals. The main criterion for assessing the efficacy of different strategies was the time taken to increase the prevalence of the ARR allele in the slaughter-lamb population. Our model predicted that the most-effective strategy would be to target genotyping to those rams used for pure-breeding (i.e. mated with the same breed of ewe). This strategy was compared to two further strategies, in which the proportion of rams genotyped in each breed depended on the prevalence of the ARR/ARR genotype in that breed. A policy in which the proportion of animals genotyped is reduced as the ARR prevalence in that breed increases is efficient. The most-effective policy was targeting the hill sector in the early years and gradually switching to genotyping more terminal-sire and longwool rams as the resistance of the hill sector increases.  相似文献   
The attitudes and expectations of producers toward the use of a microcomputer-based herd management information system were assessed. The study was conducted over a two-year period, beginning in January 1986, and was operated as a bureau service. The implementation and use of the program are described elsewhere. Pre- and posttrial questionnaires were administered to assess producer attitudes. We found that the monthly analysis reports were used in the management of the dairy farms and were found to be a useful management tool. The majority of producers indicated a willingness to pay, on average, $6.86/cow/year for such a service.  相似文献   
Three years of data on factors associated with death losses and health costs in Ontario feedlot calves were analyzed. The results support the previously reported findings; however, significant differences in the third year (1980-81) of the study were noted. Calf groups that were "mixed" after arrival in the feedlot or had a larger than average number of calves (means = 142) had increased death losses and health costs. Calf groups whose ration was changed from dry hay to hay silage or corn silage as the major component of the ration during the first month after arrival had higher death losses and health costs. Feeding grain (barley/oats/corn) prior to, or concurrent with, the change to silage appeared to decrease the harmful effects. Cattle groups vaccinated against respiratory disease within two weeks of arrival experienced increased death losses and health costs. These effects were ameliorated by delaying vaccination in groups switched to silage; however, no benefits from delaying vaccination were noted in dry hay fed groups. Prophylactic antimicrobials in the water supply during the first week after arrival appeared particularly deleterious to the health of calf groups. The effects of prophylactic antimicrobials in the starter ration were unclear. During 1980-81, there was a marked decrease in the relative importance of fibrinous pneumonia as a cause of death and the feeding of silage was not significantly associated with mortality. Both these events may have arisen from the drastic decrease in the percentage of groups fed silage by two weeks postarrival (from 32% in previous years to 7% in 1980-81).  相似文献   
Invasion by undesirable plants, such as Cirsium arvense, can constrain attempts to conserve and restore biodiversity in extensively managed temperate grasslands, but control with herbicides can cause environmental harm. We contrasted herbicides with more environmentally sustainable weed control strategies. Six‐year, large‐scale randomized block experiments were established to determine optimum combinations of grazing management and mechanical or herbicide treatments to control thistles within lowland and upland grazing systems. Factorial combinations of tight vs. lenient grazing in spring and autumn with additional treatments of winter grazing were compared. Thistle control methods were applied in sub‐treatments for the first 2 years: cutting twice yearly, herbicide wiping, and cutting followed by herbicide application. Thistle abundance decreased under lenient grazing in spring, autumn and winter at the lowland site, under lenient spring and winter grazing in the uplands and under cattle compared with sheep grazing. Herbicide wiping was the most effective control measure and cutting the least, but effects of all weed control sub‐treatments were lost rapidly, so lenient grazing was sufficient to give long‐term thistle control. Lenient grazing and herbicide wiping also caused small declines in non‐target forb diversity. Control of creeping thistle can therefore be achieved without herbicides because lenient grazing in spring and autumn can decrease thistle populations to sufficiently low levels. Severe infestations can be more rapidly controlled using herbicides, but are better avoided at botanically diverse sites. Ecologically‐based weed control strategies have great potential, but require well designed field experiments, which run for sufficiently long periods to allow community‐level impacts to develop.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to describe the depletion pattern of antibiotic residues (microbial inhibitory substances) from the milk of cows treated under field conditions of clinical disease and antibiotic administration, including both label and extra-label use, and to determine if the type of extra-label use, the route of administration, and the drug used were factors associated with prolonged shedding of residues in milk.

Milk samples from 138 cows, treated with a variety of antibiotic products on farms in southwestern Ontario in 1989 and 1990, were collected before treatment and for six days after cessation of treatment. Samples were tested for antibiotic residues with the Brilliant Black reduction test (BR-test) and the Bacillus stearothermophilus var calidolactis disc assay. In 13/138 (9.4%) of cow treatments, at least one milk sample was positive on both antibiotic residue tests after the label milk withholding time for the drug(s) used. In ten of these instances, the antibiotics were administered in extra-label fashion and in three the drugs were reportedly used according to label instructions. Extra-label use of antibiotics was significantly associated with increased risk of antibiotic residues in milk beyond the label withholding time. No significant differences in risk were observed among the various antibiotic products used in the study.

The farms involved in this study were selected on the basis of their proximity to our laboratory; therefore, the frequency of antibiotic residue detection after withholding times may not be indicative of the provincial or national situation. If farmers and veterinarians find themselves in a situation where extra-label use of an antibiotic is necessary, use of an alternative antibiotic that can be used at label dose and with a known withdrawal time may avoid a problem with residues.

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