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Spinal epidural empyema is defined an accumulation of purulent material in the epidural space of the vertebral canal. Spinal epidural empyema should be considered as a differential diagnosis in dogs with pyrexia, spinal pain, and rapidly progressing myelopathy. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is the imaging test of choice in humans. Here, we describe the MR imaging features of five dogs with confirmed spinal epidural empyema. The epidural lesions appeared as high or mixed signal masses in T2-weighted (T2W) images. Increased signal within the spinal cord gray matter at the site of the lesion was detected in T2W images in all dogs. Two patterns of enhancement were detected on postcontrast T1-weighted (T1W) images. Mild to moderate peripheral enhancement was seen in three dogs and a diffuse pattern of enhancement was seen in one. Discospondylitis was identified in three dogs on T1W postcontrast images. Decompressive spinal surgery was performed in all dogs. Bacteria isolated from the abnormal epidural tissue were Enterobacter cloacae, coagulase-positive Staphylococci, Pasteurella multocida, and Escherichia coli. In one dog bacteria were not isolated. These MR imaging features, along with appropriate clinical signs, can allow prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment planning.  相似文献   
During the last interglacial, Antarctic climate changed before that of the Northern Hemisphere. Large local changes in precession forcing could have produced this pattern if there were a rectified response in sea ice cover. Results from a coupled sea ice-ocean general circulation model supported this hypothesis when it was tested for three intervals around the last interglacial. Such a mechanism may play an important role in contributing to phase offsets between Northern and Southern Hemisphere climate change for other time intervals.  相似文献   
Anemia due to cobalamin deficiency is a rare genetic disorder that has been recognized in dogs only recently. This report concerns a 14-month-old border collie that presented for chronic, nonregenerative anemia. Cytological examination of a peripheral blood smear showed the presence of erythroblasts. Serum cobalamin levels were below reference ranges reported for clinically normal dogs. A methylmalonic aciduria was found on urinalysis. These signs are consistent with the anemia in Imerslund-Graesbeck syndrome reported in humans. Anemia due to cobalamin deficiency responds to parenteral vitamin B12 therapy, and affected animals have a good prognosis for recovery.  相似文献   
Niska is a white-skinned, white-fleshed potato cultivar with a maincrop maturity, stable yield and chipping quality and good storage characteristics. It has considerable resistance to Common scab, Early blight, PLRV, PVY and PVS. Evaluation conducted by chip processors in Alberta and Ontario, under commercial conditions, indicates that the cultivar has good storage characteristics.  相似文献   
Tydén, E., Bj?rnstr?m, H., Tjälve, H., Larsson, P. Expression and localization of BCRP, MRP1 and MRP2 in intestines, liver and kidney in horse. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. doi: 10.1111/j.1365‐2885.2009.01140.x. The gene and protein expression and the cellular localization of the ABC transport proteins breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), multidrug resistance‐associated protein 1 (MRP1) and multidrug resistance‐associated protein 2 (MRP2) have been examined in the intestines, liver and kidney in horse. High gene and protein expression of BCRP and MRP2 were found in the small intestines, with cellular localization in the apical membranes of the enterocytes. In the liver, MRP2 was present in the bile canalicular membranes of the hepatocytes, whereas BCRP was localized in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes in the peripheral parts of the liver lobuli. In the kidney both BCRP and MRP2 were predominantly present in the distal tubuli and in the loops of Henle. In most tissues, the gene and protein expression of MRP1 were much lower than for BCRP and MRP2. Immunostaining of MRP1 was detectable only in the intestines and with localization in the cytoplasm of enterocytes in the caecum and colon and in the cells of serous acini of Brunner’s glands in the duodenum and the upper jejunum. The latter cells were also stained for BCRP, but not for MRP2. Many drugs used in horse are substrates for one or more of the ABC transport proteins. These transporters may therefore have important functions for oral bioavailability, distribution and excretion of substrate compounds in horse.  相似文献   
In order to develop procedures to label the main bovine leucocyte populations in paraffin embedded sections, the immunoreactivity of 25 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to different leucocyte antigens was assessed with formal dichromate (FD5) and 10% formalin fixation, a battery of antigen retrieval (AR) methods, and the biotin-tyramide amplification system. All the leucocyte populations investigated (CD2+, CD4+, CD8+, WC1+ T lymphocytes, B cells and macrophages) were strongly and specifically detectable under an appropriate combination of mAb, AR method and signal amplification system. CD4 and CD8 required the most stringent conditions and could only be demonstrated in FD5 fixed sections. For detection of CD2, WC1+ T lymphocytes, B cells and macrophages, all the mAbs produced immunoreactivity in FD5 or formalin fixed tissues. The need to check a range of different AR methods is stressed, as the method of choice varied for each individual mAb. The incorporation of the signal amplification system was necessary to observe a strong signal and the complete distribution of CD4, CD8 and B cells. Fixation by FD5 proved to be better than formalin for the preservation of surface antigens but it was inferior for the detection of markers which were found to show cytoplasmic immunoreactivity, such as the macrophage marker MAC387 or the B cell markers BAQ155 or IL-A59.  相似文献   
The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of presumed cerebrovascular accident in 12 dogs are described. Fourteen lesions were seen, commonly (11 of 14) within the gray matter of the cerebellar hemispheres or vermis. Thirteen lesions were hyperintense on T2-weighted images (in 11 dogs) and one was hypointense. Eleven of 14 lesions were within the region supplied by the rostral cerebellar artery or one of its main branches and there was no, or minimal, mass effect. Contrast enhancement was only seen in six lesions and was mild in all. Gradient-echo images provided additional information in two dogs. The appearance of infarction in dogs with diffusion-weighted images (DWI) is similar to that in humans, and provided supportive evidence for the diagnosis of infarction in five dogs. The use of gradient-echo and DWI is recommended for the evaluation of suspected cerebrovascular accidents in dogs. Six of the 12 affected animals were spaniels or spaniel crosses, suggesting a possible breed predisposition.  相似文献   
Ischemia and infarction of the spinal cord is a known cause of acute spinal injury in dogs. Currently, the diagnosis of spinal cord infarction in small animals is based on history, clinical signs, and the exclusion of other differentials with radiography and myelography. It is a diagnosis only confirmed through necropsy examination of the spinal cord. The aim of this paper is to describe the Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of the spinal cord of dogs with suspected spinal cord infarcts to utilize this technology for antemortem support of this diagnosis. This retrospective study evaluated the spinal MR examinations of 11 dogs with acute onset of asymmetric nonpainful myelopathies. All patients except one (imaged at 2 months) were imaged within 1 week of clinical signs and managed conservatively with minimal medical and no surgical intervention. They were followed clinically for a minimum of 4 months after discharge. MR findings in all dogs were characterized by focal, intramedullary, hyperintense lesions on T2-weighted images with variable contrast enhancement similar to what is reported in humans. Though it could not be used to diagnose spinal cord infarction definitively, MRI was useful in excluding extramedullary spinal lesions and supporting intramedullary infarction as a cause of the acute neurologic signs. Together with the history and clinical examination findings, MRI is supportive of a diagnosis of spinal cord infarction.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the pattern of isolation of major mastitis-causing organisms isolated from milk samples submitted to five veterinary diagnostic laboratories in New Zealand.

METHODS: The culture results of 25,288 milk samples that were collected from dairy cows throughout New Zealand from August 2003 to December 2006 and submitted to a group of veterinary diagnostic laboratories were assembled, reviewed and summarised. Logistic regression was used to analyse the effect of year, region (i.e. North vs South Island), and season on the probability of isolating the two most common organisms.

RESULTS: The most commonly isolated mastitis causing organisms from all samples were: Streptococcus uberis (23.6%), Staphylococcus aureus (23.5%), coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS; 7.2%), Strep. dysgalactiae (6.2%), Bacillus spp. (4.0%), and coliforms (3.7%). The percentage of samples with isolates of Strep. uberis or Staph. aureus was affected by island, year and season (p<0.001). For most of the year, except in late winter and early spring when Strep. uberis was much more common, the percentage of isolates of Strep. uberis and Staph. aureus were not apparently different despite the former being an environmental pathogen and the other a contagious one.

CONCLUSION: The pattern of isolation of major mastitis-causing organisms, as determined from culture of milk samples submitted to diagnostic laboratories in New Zealand, has changed significantly over the last 40 years, with a substantial increase in the percentage of isolates that are Strep. uberis and a decrease in isolates of Strep. agalactiae. There is a clear seasonal pattern to the isolation of both Strep. uberis and Staph. aureus, particularly the former.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Knowledge of the aetiological agents causing bovine mastitis on a farm is of value in determining the choice of treatment. This dataset shows that, although there is seasonal pattern to the isolation of mastitis-causing organisms in New Zealand, both Strep. uberis and Staph. aureus are isolated throughout the year, so bacteriology is of value in determining aetiology even in late winter/early spring.  相似文献   
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