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Summary The activities of lipolytic acyl-hydrolases (LAH) and lipoxygenases (LOX) were compared in stored tubers of potato cultivars resistant (Acresta, Eba, Pentland Envoy) and susceptible (Kastor, Pana, Tasso) to post-wounding autolysis. In most cultivars, LAH activities had reached a maximum by the end of December but in cv. Kastor activity continued to increase throughout the storage period. LOX activities increased during most of the storage period except in cv. Tasso. The level of the fatty acid hydroperoxides, assumed from determinations of the malonaldehyde level, also increased during storage. This work was supported by Project CPBP financed by the Polish Academy of Science.  相似文献   
Resistance tests were made on seedlings of transformed lines of Nicotiana benthamiana which contain a transgene encoding the coat protein (CP) gene of a Scottish isolate of potato mop-top virus (PMTV). This transgene has been reported to confer strong resistance to the PMTV isolate from which the transgene sequence was derived and also to a second Scottish isolate. Plants of lines of the transgenic N. benthamiana were as resistant to two Swedish and two Danish PMTV isolates as to a Scottish isolate, and of five lines tested, greater than 93.5% of transgenic plants were immune. The coat protein gene sequences of these four Scandinavian isolates were very similar to those of the two Scottish isolates. The greatest divergence between the isolates was three amino acid changes and there was less than 2% change in CP gene nucleotide sequence. It is concluded that the PMTV CP transgene used in these experiments could confer resistance against isolates from different geographical areas because it is becoming apparent that the CP genes of PMTV isolates are highly conserved.  相似文献   
Portugal has a diverse common bean germplasm, which is still grown in farmers' fields. In this work, we searched for resistance to rust (Uromyces appendiculatus) and powdery mildew (Erysiphe diffusa) in a representative collection of the Portuguese common bean germplasm. Despite many accessions depicting intermediate levels of resistance when compared to the susceptible check, 24 and 13 accessions showed low levels of infection, in spite of a compatible interaction (disease severity (DS) values lower than 5% and infection type (IT) of 4), to rust and powdery mildew, respectively, indicative of partial resistance. Moreover, a resistant reaction was observed in 11 accessions when inoculated with powdery mildew (IT = 0–1) and in additional 11 accessions (one in common) when inoculated with rust (IT = 0–2). The levels of resistance found in this report anticipate great potential of the Portuguese national germplasm, recently reported as genetically closer to the Andean common bean gene pool, for disease resistance breeding of this important crop.  相似文献   
A method to determine imazalil (allyl 1 -(2, 4-dichlorophenyl)-2-imidazol- 1-ylethyl ether) on apples using high performance liquid chromatography is described. After harvest, fruits were immersed in an aqueous suspension (1 g litre-1) and cold stored (0-2°C) at 85-90% r.h. Samples were taken monthly and imazalil was determined in the peel, outer pulp, inner pulp and on whole fruit. Residues were 3.8-4.9 mg imazalil kg-1 and decreased during storage. Most imazalil was found on the peel and amounts in the pulp decreased toward the core.  相似文献   
Heavy logging leads to regrowth of dense forest, which may adversely affect the flight and foraging activities of bats. We compared insectivorous bat activity and insect abundance at three heights (understorey, subcanopy and canopy), two locations (forest and track) and three time periods (evening, night and dawn), in old and young regrowth sites in south-eastern Australia (456 detector-hours). We measured activity levels of all bats and four echolocation guilds—one open-space and three edge-space aerial-foraging guilds. Mean bat activity in the subcanopy and canopy was up to 11 times that in the understorey of forests, a pattern opposite to that of insect abundance. However, bat activity in the two upper strata was lower in young regrowth than in old regrowth. Vegetation was more cluttered in young regrowth at these upper heights (closer stems and less vertical space in the subcanopy). Mean activity on the track was 2–5 times higher than in the forest, particularly at understorey level (17 times higher for all bats), where vegetation was less cluttered (more distant understorey trees and shrubs, and less cover of ground vegetation). Time of night had little effect on bat activity. The negative response of bat guilds to increased clutter was strongest in the open-space guild and weakest in the edge-space guild with the highest frequency calls. There was an interaction between insect abundance and an index of vegetation openness, with high values of both variables producing high bat activity levels for all bats and the two highest frequency call guilds. Our results highlight the need for management practices in logged forests that increase or preserve the amount of flight and foraging space available to bats.  相似文献   
Young spruce trees [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] artificially inoculated with Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii B. and Lophodermium piceae (F.) v. H. were exposed to fumigations with O3 and SO2 and drought. These treatments showed no influence on the infection-rates of the fungi. R. kalkhoffii proved to be a saprophyte living for a long period as an epiphyte on the needle surfaces.  相似文献   
Plants require access to free water for nutrient uptake, but excess water surrounding the roots can be injurious or even lethal because it blocks the transfer of free oxygen between the soil and the atmosphere. Genetic improvement efforts in this study were focused on the increased tolerance in roots to waterlogging. Among a pool of clones generated in vitro from leaf explants of rootstock Mr.S.2/5 of Prunus cerasifera L., the S.4 clone was flood tolerant whereas the S.1 clone was sensitive. The S.4 clone formed adventitious roots on exposure to flooding. Moreover, the chlorophyll content and mitochondrial activity in the leaf and root, soluble sugar content, alcohol dehydrogenase activity and ethylene content were different between the clones. The sorbitol transporter gene (SOT1) was up-regulated during hypoxia, the alcohol dehydrogenase genes (ADH1 and ADH3) were up-regulated in the leaves and down-regulated in the roots of the S.4 clone during hypoxia, and the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-oxidase gene (ACO1) was up-regulated in the leaves and roots of the S.4 clone during hypoxia and down-regulated in the wild-type roots. In addition, in the S.4 root, hypoxia induced significant down-regulation of a glycosyltransferase-like gene (GTL), which has a yet-undefined role. Although the relevant variation in the S.4 genome has yet to be determined, genetic alteration clearly conferred a flooding-tolerant phenotype. The isolation of novel somaclonals with the same genomic background but with divergent tolerance to flooding may offer new insights in the elucidation of the genetic machinery of resistance to flooding and aid in the selection of new Prunus rootstocks to be used in various adverse environments.  相似文献   
In this paper, we report molecular investigation of an ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) community of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) seedlings grown in a bare-root nursery. In total, we surveyed 32 nurseries that were each active in supplying planting stocks to restock forests and for afforestation of post-agricultural land. Sequence-based approach was used to identify EMF taxa, quantify EMF richness, and document differences in the relative abundance of individual taxa. We identified seven fungal species that might contribute to the mycorrhizal community structure of 1 to 3-year-old L. decidua seedlings. The species richness in the examined larches varied between one and four fungal taxa, depending on both the nursery stock samples (NSS) and age class of the seedlings. The average was 1.4 for 1-year-old seedlings and 2.3 for 2- and 3-year-old plants. The dominance of Ascomycota over Basidiomycota and the prevalence of two species, Wilcoxina mikolae and Suillus grevillei, as EMF partners were characteristic features of nursery-grown L. decidua seedlings. S. grevillei was the only one basidiomycetes colonized roots of tested seedlings. The rest of the mycorrhizal pool from forest nurseries was typically dominated by pioneer fungal ascomycetes. W. mikolae was the most common mycorrhizal ascomycete present at a high frequency on NSS from both age classes and with very high abundance (average 90%) on 1-year-old seedlings. Some other ascomycetes (Pezizales 1, Pezizales 2 and Pezizales 3) appeared on tested larches at a low frequency, but sometimes in high abundance. Tuber spp. appeared at a low frequency and low abundance. The relative abundance of S. grevillei was positively correlated with the age of seedlings, while W. mikolae was negatively correlated with age. Tuber sp. 1 and 2, Pezizales 2, and W. mikolae were positively associated with the basic soil pH values. However, forward selection of the environmental variables showed that only the age of the larch seedlings contributed significantly (F = 11.45, P = 0.02) to the variance in the ECF community.  相似文献   
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