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CASE HISTORIES: Four adult kunekune pigs developed facial swelling at the base of the right ear that ruptured and discharged food material. A further six pigs that had similar clinical signs were reported by members of the New Zealand Kunekune Association who responded to an email survey, one of which was confirmed by post-mortem examination.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Inside the mouth of each pig there was an opening at the junction of the body and ramus of the mandible just lateral to the most caudal visible molar that was impacted with masticated feed. The food packed into the mandible resulted in infection and progressive erosion of the medullary cavity of the bone until it reached the ramus where it eroded through the lateral cortex. The feed material then tracked through the soft tissues to form a subcutaneous abscess, which eventually ruptured resulting in a draining lesion. In Case 2, which had had the lesion for 2 years, the cavity in the mandible was lined with mucosa that had healed to the skin to produce a fistula. In all four pigs there was also a lesion in the left side of the mandible that was not as developed as that on the right side.

DIAGNOSIS: The facial swellings were produced by feed material that had impacted into the mandible through an opening immediately caudal to the cheek teeth and then emerged through one or more lesions in the lateral aspect of the ramus of the mandible.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although it has not been previously reported, anecdotal reports and our survey suggest that this condition may occur relatively frequently in kunekune pigs. It should be considered as a differential diagnosis for facial swellings and discharging lesions in these animals.  相似文献   

Lytic lesions with microscopic features similar to those of vaccine-site sarcomas were diagnosed in the distal femur of two young neutered male cats, one a 20-month-old Birman and the other an 18-month-old domestic short-hair (DSH). Radiographically, there was extensive destruction of trabecular and cortical bone in the metaphysis and/or epiphysis of the distal femur. The DSH cat also had angular deformity of the distal femur due to asymmetrical involvement of the physis. Histologically, the lesions in both cats consisted of dense, interwoven bundles of fibrous connective tissue, amongst which there were variable numbers of plump malignant mesenchymal cells, often with very large, hyperchromatic nuclei and irregularly shaped nucleoli. Several focal aggregates of small lymphocytes were present in both tumours. Although neither cat had apparently been vaccinated in the hindlimb it is possible that the tumours had been triggered by injection of some other irritant material.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the amount of ergovaline and lysergic acid retained or excreted by geldings fed endophyte-infected seed containing known concentrations of these alkaloids, and the effects of exposure time on clinical expression of toxicosis.

METHODS: Mature geldings (n=10) received diets containing either endophyte-free (E-) or endophyte-infected (E+) tall fescue seed during three experimental phases. The first phase (Days ?14 to ?1) was an adaptation phase, to allow all horses to adapt to a diet containing E- tall fescue seed. The second (Days 0 to 3) was the initial exposure phase to E+ tall fescue seed, used for the delivery of ergovaline and lysergic acid at 0.5 and 0.3 mg/kg of diet, respectively, to test the initial effects of exposure on routes and amounts of elimination of alkaloid. During this phase, half the geldings were exposed to an E+ diet while the rest served as controls by remaining on the E- diet. Once assigned to treatments, geldings remained on the same diet through the third phase (Days 4 to 21), which served as the extended exposure phase. Total outputs of faeces and urine were collected within each phase, to determine retention of ergovaline and lysergic acid and nutrient digestibility. Serum was collected weekly and analysed for activities of enzymes and concentrations of prolactin. Bodyweights (BW) and rectal temperatures were recorded weekly.

RESULTS: BW, rectal temperature, enzyme activities and concentrations of prolactin in serum, and nutrient digestibility were not affected by treatment. Total intake of ergovaline by geldings on the E+ diet was 3.5 and 3.6 (SE 0.20) mg/day, and 2.1 and 2.3 (SE 0.11) mg/day were not accounted for in initial and extended phases, respectively. Lysergic acid was excreted in the urine (4.0 and 4.9 (SE 0.97) mg/day) and faeces (2.5 and 2.7 (SE 0.35) mg/day) at greater amounts than that consumed (2.0 and 1.9 (SE 0.09) mg/day) during the initial and extended exposure phases, respectively. Animals exposed to E+ seed for a period of 20 days appeared to excrete more (1.5 vs 1.2 mg/day; SE 0.08; p=0.03) ergovaline in the faeces than those exposed for only 4 days.

CONCLUSIONS: Exposure time to the ergot alkaloids had a limited effect on the route of elimination or the amounts of ergovaline or lysergic acid excreted by horses. The primary alkaloid excreted was lysergic acid, and urine was the major route of elimination. These data will aid future research to improve animals′ tolerance to toxic endophyte-infected tall fescue.  相似文献   
Fungi isolated from the oak (Quercus robur) rhizosphere were tested for their effects on rhizomorph formation and growth of 16 isolates of Armillaria ostoyae sampled in three localities in western Poland. The number of rhizomorphs, number of rhizomorph apices, and rhizomorph length and weight increased most in the presence of Penicillium lanosum, Penicillium notatum, Cylindrocarpon destructans, Penicillium spinulosum and Mycelium radicis atrovirens α and, to a lesser extent, in the presence of Nectria grammicospora. Inhibition of rhizomorph formation was caused by Trichoderma hamatum and Trichoderma viride in two A. ostoyae isolates and by M. radicis atrovirens α and P. spinulosum in one A. ostoyae isolate. It is suggested that variation in sensitivity to microbial stimulation within A. ostoyae is associated with the environmental and nutritional conditions of its original habitat. Isolates from nutrition‐rich localities, with 20% of the land area covered by deciduous trees, were particularly susceptible to stimulation by rhizosphere fungi.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: Three Thoroughbred horses, a 6-week-old filly (Case 1), a 15-year-old broodmare (Case 2) and a yearling filly (Case 3), sustained synovial sepsis secondary to trauma.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Case 1 presented with a heel bulb laceration communicating with the distal interphalangeal joint. Arthroscopic lavage was performed and treatment commenced using systemic and local broad spectrum antimicrobial drugs. A pure growth of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) Enterococcus gallinarum was cultured from samples of synovium and joint fluid. Antimicrobial treatment was changed according to the susceptibility results. Response to treatment was poor and despite repeat arthroscopic lavage and intra-osseous regional perfusion of antimicrobials the filly was subject to euthanasia 24 days after the initial injury. Post-mortem examination confirmed septic synovitis, cartilage degeneration and osteomyelitis.

Case 2 sustained a full thickness wound to the carpus which was sharply debrided and closed. The wound dehisced with effusion within the tendon sheath. Drainage was established and treatment included systemic broad spectrum antimicrobials, topical lavage with povodine-iodine and manuka honey infusion. A mixed infection including MDR Enterococcus faecalis was cultured from the synovial fluid. Antebrachiocarpal joint effusion developed 21 days after initial injury and joint sepsis was confirmed. Arthroscopic lavage and tendon sheath debridement were performed, followed by treatment with systemic and local antimicrobials. The mare improved and was discharged. Three months later lameness recurred and corticosteroids were administered intra-articularly. The mare became non-weight bearing lame and was subject to euthanasia. Post-mortem examination confirmed joint sepsis of the antebrachiocarpal and intercarpal joint.

Case 3 presented with a complete articular open fracture of the tibial crest. Under general anaesthesia the fracture was stabilised and the wounds debrided and closed. Systemic broad-spectrum antimicrobials were administered. Six days later the wound dehisced and a bone fragment was removed. Three weeks post-surgery the wound deteriorated with a purulent discharge. Culture of the discharge revealed a mixed bacterial infection, including a MDR Enterococcus faecalis. Femoropatellar joint involvement was confirmed, and treatment included joint lavage, local and systemic antibiosis, and manuka honey instilled into the wound. The filly initially improved, and then deteriorated such that euthanasia was performed.

DIAGNOSIS: All three cases had synovial sepsis with MDR Enterococcus spp.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Increased awareness of MDR pathogens in equine wound infections is essential. Prompt diagnostic testing, appropriate therapy, infection control strategies and on-going monitoring and management are vital to limit the clinical impact of these organisms.  相似文献   
Successful vaccination of sheep against footrot and attempts to eradicate the disease depend on there being a limit to the antigenic diversity of the causative bacterium, Bacteroides nodosus. Fimbrial antigenic variation was therefore investigated in vivo, both under conditions of chronic infection and under the pressure of a vaccine-induced immune response, to ascertain whether this represented an obstacle to such goals. Material was available from 5 experiments and although B. nodosus appeared to have undergone changes in its fimbrial antigens in one of these, the possibility that superinfection was responsible for the variation detected could not be ruled out because all sheep in this case were maintained at pasture. Overall, the results provided no evidence of fimbrial antigenic shift in B. nodosus in vivo and in conclusion, the survival of the organism in the sheep's foot, both in long-term natural infection and following vaccination, must therefore be related to factors other than the ability to undergo antigenic variation in order to evade the host's immune response.  相似文献   
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