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In 1967, 1968 and 1969 the efficacy of aerial low volume and ultra-low volume bait-spraying against Dacus oleae (Gmel.) was compared in Greece. Results were mainly assessed by periodical trapping and by post-treatment countings of the percentage of attack in sampled olives. No difference between the effect of the two methods became apparent. It is deemed necessary, however, to repeat the experiments under conditions of heavier infestation.  相似文献   
Bromoxynil octanoate labelled with 14C in the ring or in the cyano-group was applied to wheat seedlings at the two-leaf or fully-tillered stage and at rates equivalent to up to 16 oz a.i./acre. The plants were grown either in environmental chambers under controlled conditions for up to 28 days, or outdoors under field conditions for various periods up to harvest. Initially, elimination of radioactivity occurred more rapidly with bromoxynil-cyano-[14C]-octanoate than with bromoxynil-ring-[14C]-octanoate, indicating metabolic attack on the cyano group. Under outdoor conditions with ring-[14C]-herbicide applied at the two-leaf stage, only 12% of the radioactivity was retained after 28 days, principally in the treated leaves. When application was made at fully-tillered stage, about 33% of the 14C was retained after 56 days, almost entirely in the treated senescent leaves at the base of the plant. There was very little translocation of the herbicide or of any major metabolite. The level of radioactivity in harvested grain and in straw more than 7.5 cm above the ground was very low, even after very late application of ring-[14C]-labelled herbicide. The amount of bromoxynil octanoate, together with any metabolite retaining part of the aromatic ring, did not collectively exceed the equivalent of approx. 0.01 parts/million bromoxynil octanoate.  相似文献   
Experimental systems were produced from fragments of bracken rhizome and picloram-14C was applied to frond laminae, rhizome apices, frond buds and roots and translocation assessed 7 days after treatment. The isotope was readily taken up by all organs and freely translocated to associated fractions of the rhizome except in the case of laminae from which distribution was very poor. Accumulation of activity in the roots was considerable following treatment of the frond buds but was limited in the frond buds. Poor translocation of herbicide from treated frond laminae is considered a possible explanation of poor control in the field when bracken is sprayed in July. Lapplication du picioram e14C à la fougère Des systèmes expérimentaux ont étéétablis en utilisant des fragments de rhizome de fougére et du piciorame 14C a été appliqué sur les limbes des frondes, les apex des rhizomes, les bourgeons des frondes et les racines. La migration fut évaluée sept jours aprés le traitement. L'isotope a été facilement absorbé par tous les organes et librement transporté aux fractions correspondantes du rhizome, sauf dans le cas des limbes è partir desquels la distribution a été très faible. L'accumulation de ractivité dans les racines a été considérable è la suite du traitement des bourgeons de frondes mais a été Iimitée dans les bourgeons de frondes. Une faible migration de I'herbicide depuis les limbes des frondes est considérée comme une explication possible du désherbage mediocre auchamp, lorsque la fougère est traitée en juillet. Die Anwendung von PicIoram-14C zu Adlerfarn Aus Rhizomstücken von Adlerfarn wurden Versuchsp-flanzen gezogen und auf die Wedelspreiten, Rhizomapices, Wedelknospen und Wurzein- Picloram-14C appliziert. Die Transiokation des Herbizids wurde eine Woche nach der Behandlung gemessen. Das lsotop wurde von alien Pflan-zenorganen schnell aufgenommen und in die dem Rhizom benachbarten Pflanzenteile transloziert; bei Behandlung der Wedelspreiten war jedoch nur eine geringe Verteilung fest-zustellen. Nach Behandlung der Wedelknospen war in den Wurzein eine beträchtliche, aber in den Wedelknospen nur eine geringe Aktivitätsanreicherung feststellbar. Für den schwachen Bekämpfungserfolg des Adierfarns im Freiland bei Spritzungen im Juli, wird die geringe Transiokation des Herbizids aus den Wedelspreiten als mögliche Erklärung angesehen.  相似文献   
M.K. MARKS 《Weed Research》1983,23(6):325-332
The periodicities of seedling emergence of seventeen dicotyledonous weeds were determined and fourteen of these examined in detail. In addition, the periodicity of vegetative growth and reproductive development was recorded for all dicotyledonous species in the study area. Field emergence at monthly intervals during one year was compared with the emergence of seedlings from soil transferred to a shade house and kept moist. This comparison suggested that lack of water during the dry season was the dominant factor controlling germination, although several species failed to germinate when given adequate water under shade-house conditions indicating that innate or induced dormancy also occurred. Species were separated into two groups based on the liming and duration of their main phenological stages. The first group contained species which had individuals present throughout the year while plants in the second group died during the dry season and reappeared at the start of the wet season. Most species in the former had some individuals flowering or shedding seed all year round while the latter had a short period of vegetative growth followed by prolonged reproduction. The possibility of using emergence and phenological data for improving tropical weed control is discussed.  相似文献   
A new rot caused by a binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. affecting the tuberous root cortex of the domesticated yacon ( Smallanthus sonchifolius ) has been observed in Brazil. Isolates of a binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. were collected from roots with rot symptoms and characterized by the number of nuclei per cell, hyphal anastomosis, RAPD molecular markers, ITS-5·8S rDNA sequence and pathogenicity tests. All isolates had a mean of 1·9–2·2 nuclei per cell and anastomosed with the binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. AG G-tester strain. RAPD analysis was carried out between 11 isolates recovered from yacon and 11 AG (A, Ba, Bb, Bo, C, D, F, G, O, P, Q) standard testers of binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. Genetic similarities of 94·8–100% were observed among isolates of the binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. from yacon and all isolates were genetically more closely related to the AG G tester than other strains according to upgma analysis using RAPD markers. Homologies of complete ITS nucleotide sequences were 100% between binucleate isolates of Rhizoctonia sp. from yacon and the AG G tester. According to pathogenicity tests, the isolates caused typical rot symptoms of yacon tubers 90 days after inoculation  相似文献   
Investigations on the efficacy of various methods of managing root-knot nematodes in microplots and under field conditions revealed that soil solarization, Furadan 5G and Tagetes erecta applied separately or in combination with other control methods, were the most effective in reducing the numbers of three root-knot nematodes, and root gall and egg mass indices. These management methods also resulted in significant increases (P0.05) in number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 100-seed weight, and increased seed yield by up to 96.7 percent. Farmyard manure and Crotalaria ochroleuca were the least effective treatments. The use of T. erecta was the most economical root-knot nematode control method.  相似文献   
Under young ash trees infected withVerticillium dahliae, over 10% of the petioles of fallen leaves were colonized by the pathogen. Counts of microsclerotia in six petioles yielded an average number of 1500 per cm of petiole. Windblown leaves from infected trees very probably contribute to dissemination of the pathogen in forest stands and nurseries.  相似文献   
Interleukin-8, a member of the chemokine family of cytokines, is a potent neutrophil chemoattractant in many non-rodent species. In this study, recombinant bovine interleukin-8 (rbIL-8) was expressed in bacteria as a glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein. The fusion protein was purified by glutathione-Sepharose affinity chromatography and recombinant rbIL-8 was eluted by cleaving with thrombin. The purified rbIL-8 molecule was approximately 8 kDa and was confirmed as authentic IL-8 by Western analysis. Recombinant bovine IL-8 induced specific dose-dependent in vitro chemotaxis of neutrophils at doses as low as 1.0 ng/ml, and this activity was inhibited by pre-treatment of rbIL-8 with a monoclonal antibody to ovine IL-8. Neutrophils exposed to rbIL-8 developed pseudopodia and became elongated as determined by microscopic analysis and flow cytometry. Injection of 3.3 ng to 3.3 microg of rbIL-8 into the skin of a normal calf induced dose-dependent recruitment of neutrophils but not eosinophils. Intravascular margination of neutrophils was obvious at the injection sites from 15 to 60 min after administration of rbIL-8, and extravascular neutrophil numbers increased steadily from 1 to 18 h after injection. Neutrophils with morphologic features of apoptosis were detected in these lesions at 18 and 30 h after injection, and this correlated with reduction in the number of dermal neutrophils. These results confirm unequivocally that bovine IL-8 functions as a neutrophil, but not an eosinophil, chemoattractant in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
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