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Grasslands of the Edwards Plateau of central Texas have been extensively altered through woody species encroachment, particularly as a result of increasing abundance of the invasive native shrub, Ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei). Over the last several decades there has been widespread mechanical removal of the species. The wood is often left in place to decompose, either mulched or not. Where the wood is left to decompose might have some bearing on its rate of decomposition. This study was conducted to determine the rates of Ashe juniper wood decomposition as a function of open vs. shaded habitat and the potential effect of wood decomposition on nutrient inputs into this system. Wood decomposition in this arid ecosystem might be expected to occur more rapidly in shaded habitat where the moisture and temperature regimes would be more favorable for wood-decomposing fungi. On the other hand, during times of low rainfall we might expect wood to decompose more rapidly when exposed to high levels of ultraviolet radiation. In our experiment, we found no difference between open and shaded treatments. Wood biomass loss occurred rapidly over the first 3–4 mo of the study and slowed for the remaining 2 yr. Wood carbon (C) increased only slightly (7.3%), but nitrogen (N) increased significantly (176%). As a consequence of changes in wood nitrogen, C∶N decreased through time. Results of this study suggest that the wood decomposition process in open and shaded habitats in this arid ecosystem during a time of low rainfall do not differ. Our findings also suggest that land managers aiming to establish native species following felling of Ashe juniper should do so in the first year when nutrient release from decomposing wood is the highest.  相似文献   
Polymyxa graminis is the vector of several important viruses, including Soilborne cereal mosaic virus, Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus, Barley yellow mosaic virus and Barley mild mosaic virus, of winter cereals worldwide. Surveys were carried out to detect these viruses and their vector P. graminis in 300 soil samples from the main wheat and barley production areas of the Anatolian part of Turkey collected in May 2002, June 2004 and May 2005. For these surveys, various susceptible wheat and barley cultivars were pot grown in the collected soil samples in a greenhouse and then analysed using ELISA and RT-PCR to detect the presence of different virus species. In addition, a combination of light microscopy following roots staining with acid fuchsin and PCR was used for detection of P. graminis. All soil samples analysed were found to be free of these soilborne viruses and their vector.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Water-soluble polymers are increasingly added to herbicide and pesticide formulations at very low concentrations (100-1000 mg L(-1)) in order to control the spray characteristics, notably to reduce spray drift and influence droplet bounce. The incorporation of polymeric adjuvants improves the efficacy of the spray solutions, thus enabling crop growers to maximise the performance of agrochemical sprays at lower dose rates of active ingredient. It is important to establish a fundamental understanding of how polymers influence the processes involved in droplet deposition.RESULTS: The shear and extensional viscosities of a series of high molecular mass (M(w)) poly(acrylamides) (M(w) approximately 10(6)-10(7)) have been determined at very low concentrations (100-1000 mg L(-1)). The polymer solutions demonstrated typical shear thinning characteristics under shear, and strain hardening behaviour under extension above a critical strain rate. The presence of the polymers was shown to increase the size of droplets produced in atomisation using an agricultural spray nozzle, as measured by laser diffraction. This was attributed to the increase in the extensional viscosity at the strain rates generated under pressure in the spray nozzle and was a function of both polymer concentration and M(w). In addition, the presence of polymer was found to have a significant influence on droplet bounce.CONCLUSIONS: The presence of very low concentrations of high molecular mass poly(acrylamides) significantly influences the size of droplets formed on atomisation and subsequent bounce characteristics. Large extensional viscosities generated above a critical strain rate are responsible for both processes.  相似文献   
Lymphoma (lymphosarcoma or malignant lymphoma) is the most common neoplasm of the hematopoietic system of cats and reportedly the cat has the highest incidence for lymphoma of any species. A 21-year retrospective survey of feline lymphoma covering the period 1983-2003 was conducted with the patient database at the Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital (VMTH) at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine. This period comprises the post-feline leukemia virus (FeLV) era. Feline lymphoma historically has been highly associated with retrovirus infection. Mass testing and elimination and quarantine programs beginning in the 1970s and vaccination programs in the 1980s dramatically reduced the subsequent FeLV infection rate among pet cats. The results of this survey confirm a significant decrease in the importance of FeLV-associated types of lymphoma in cats. In spite of this decrease in FeLV infection, the incidence of lymphoma in cats treated at the VMTH actually increased from 1982 to 2003. This increase was due largely to a rise in the incidence of intestinal lymphoma, and to a lesser degree, of atypical lymphoma. A high incidence of mediastinal lymphomas in young Siamese or Oriental breeds also was observed, supporting previous studies. Associations of intestinal lymphoma and inflammatory bowel disease and diet should be further considered.  相似文献   
Angus bulls and heifers from lines divergently selected for serum IGF-I concentration were used to evaluate the effects of IGF-I selection line on growth performance and feed efficiency in 2 studies. In study 1, bulls (low line, n = 9; high line, n = 8; initial BW = 367.1 +/- 22.9 kg) and heifers (low line, n = 9; high line, n = 13; initial BW = 286.4 +/- 28.6 kg) were adapted to a roughage-based diet (ME = 1.95 Mcal/kg of DM) for 24 d and fed individually for 77 d by using Calan gate feeders. In study 2, bulls (low line, n = 15; high line, n = 12; initial BW = 297.5 +/- 34.4 kg) and heifers (low line, n = 9; high line, n = 20; initial BW = 256.0 +/- 25.1 kg) were adapted to a grain-based diet (ME = 2.85 Mcal/kg of DM) for 32 d and fed individually for 70 d by using Calan gate feeders. Blood samples were collected at weaning and at the start and end of each study, and serum IGF-I concentration was determined. Residual feed intake (RFI) was calculated, within study, as the residual from the linear regression of DMI on midtest BW(0.75), ADG, sex, sex by midtest BW(0.75) and sex by ADG. In study 1, calves from the low IGF-I selection line had similar initial and final BW and ADG, compared with calves from the high IGF-I selection line. In addition, DMI and feed conversion ratio were similar between IGF-I selection lines; however, calves from the low IGF-I selection line tended (P < 0.10) to have lesser RFI than calves from the high IGF-I selection line (-0.26 vs. 0.24 +/- 0.31 kg/d). In study 2, IGF-I selection line had no influence on performance or feed efficiency traits. However, there was a tendency (P = 0.15) for an IGF-I selection line x sex interaction for RFI. Bulls from the low IGF-I selection line had numerically lesser RFI than those from the high IGF-I selection line, whereas in heifers, the IGF-I selection line had no effect on RFI. In studies 1 and 2, weaning and initial IGF-I concentrations were not correlated with either feed conversion ratio or RFI. However, regression analysis revealed a sex x IGF-I concentration interaction for initial IGF-I concentration in study 1 and weaning IGF-I concentration in study 2 such that the regression coefficient was positive for bulls and negative for heifers. These data suggest that genetic selection for postweaning serum IGF-I concentration had a minimal effect on RFI in beef cattle.  相似文献   
A 13-week-old Thoroughbred colt from central Kentucky was euthanized after an acute onset of ataxia, blindness, head tremors, leaning to the right, recumbency, and seizures. Microscopically, there was a verminous meningoencephalitis characterized by an eosinophilic and granulomatous inflammatory reaction primarily affecting the cerebellum. Dispersed within regions of inflammation were numerous cross and longitudinal sections of intact and degenerative small nematodes. The nematodes had dorsoflexed ovaries and ventroflexed vulvas, which are distinguishing features of Halicephalobus gingivalis. Intact nematodes, compatible with H. gingivalis, also were recovered and identified from portions of the brain that had been frozen for 5-week post-necropsy examination via tissue maceration and additional laboratory techniques.  相似文献   
Activity of the feed premix formulation (M-1839) of crufomate against helminths of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs of cattle was determined in a controlled test. Eight calves were treated and 7 were nontreated. The dosage rate of crufomate was 17 mg of active drug/kg of body weight daily for 3 consecutive days. Removal activity was high against mature Cooperia oncophora (99%) and C punctata (96%) and immature Cooperia spp (87%). Removal of mature Ostertagia ostertagi was 68%. The removal of strongyloides papillosus and Bunostomum phlebotomum was 72% and 67%, respectively, but only a few specimens were present in the nontreated calves. Efficacies against the other mature and immature species of nematodes ranged from 0% to 34%. Lungworms (Dictyocaulus viviparus) were not effectively removed.  相似文献   
Three series of critical tests were completed on a combined total of 46 horses to determine the efficacy of single doses of trichlorfon against bots, ascarids, pinworms, and large strongyles. Different formulations of trichlorfon were administered by tubing intragastrically, mixing with the daily grain ration, injecting intramuscularly, or pouring on the back at dose rates between 20 and 100 mg/kg. Administration by feeding tended to be more efficacious for removal of bots and less toxic to the horese than administration by stomach tube. In many of the tests, trichlorfon was given in the grain ration at the dose rate of 40 mg/kg of body weight, and the aggregate average removals of 2nd and 3rd instars of Gastrophilus intestinalis and Gasterophilus nasalis in the 3 series of tests were between 97 and 100%. Removal of Parascaris equorum was equally efficacious with both the intubation and the grain feeding methods of dosing, and at the dose rate of 40 mg/kg, the aggregate averages were 99 and 100% in the 3 series. Removal of Oxyuris equi was variable--aggregate averages were between 11 (1 infected horse in the initial series) and 96 (5 infected horses in the 3rd series) to 100% (7 infected horses in the 2nd series). Large strongyles, Strongylus vulgaris and Strongylus edentatus were almost completely refractory to the 40-mg/kg dose rate of trichlorfon. Dose rates of 40 mg/kg and less were generally well tolerated by the critical test horses. Higher dose rates (60 and 80 mg/kg) administered by stomach tube induced moderately severe to severe colic and diarrhea, whereas a dose of 80 mg/kg given in the feed resulted in only a transient softening of the feces. Likewise, 5 consecutive doses, 1 week between doses, of a bolus formulation given at the rate of 80 mg/kg to 4 horses were well tolerated. Clinical trials involving a total of 2,294 treatments of trichlorfon at dose rate of 35 to 40 mg/kg in pregnant and nonpregnant mares, stallions, suckling and weanling foals, yearlings, and horses in training on 38 farms in central Kentucky did not cause notable adverse clinical effects.  相似文献   
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